166 research outputs found

    Energy Produced By Solar Battery And Perspectives Of It ā€™ S Usage In Latvia

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    Many alternative energy sources can be used instead of fossil fuels. The decision as to what type of energy source shoud be utilized in each case must be made based on economic, environmental, and safety considerations. Because of the desired environmental and safety aspects it is widely believed that solar energy should be utilized instead of other alternative energy forms it can be used sustainably without harming the environment. The paper deals with the solar photovoltaic module capacity recording device whose load characteristic is similar battery charging load characteristic. As a result, the device will record the amount of energy retrieved from the module battery. In 2009th with this device was recorded solar module PVM10/12PF power and charged batteries are retrieved energy levels in the months and year as a whole

    Research On Solar Energy Collector With Cell Polycarbonate Absorber

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    A flat plate solar collector with cell polycarbonate absorber and transparent cover has been made and its experimental investigation carried out. The collector consists of a wooden box, into which, a layer of heat insulation with a mirror film and 4 mm thick cell polycarbonate sheet, as the absorber, are placed. The coherence between collectorā€™s efficiency, heat carrier and ambient air temperature, as well as intensity of the solar radiation and heat power in the experimental investigation has been obtained. During the experimental examination the maximum temperature of the heat carrier reached 80ĖšC at the intensity of solar radiation about 0.8 kW/m2 and ambient air temperature around 32ĖšC. The efficiency of the collector reached 33-60%, depending on the intensity of solar radiation and surrounding air temperature


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    The optimum air temperature in a pigsty for sows is 16-18 Ā°C, but during the first days of new born piglets life the temperature in their lairs ought to be 32...34 Ā°C. Therefore the local warming for piglets is installed. The goal o f the investigation was to measure the intensity o f heat irradiation under different lands of infra-red heaters, more often used on Latvia farms. An autonomous infra-red piglet warming systems have been developed. The experiment has showed, that during the first days of piglets life the heater should be kept at the high, so that the irradiated area 0.3ā€” 0.4 m has been. Gradually heaters have to be lifted up 3-4 times while the warming area is 0.6-0.7 m2 in 40-45 days, when piglets are weaned. The temperature in a lair has to be regulated by change o f electric power o f the heater. Several constructions of voltage regidators are worked out, which are able to ensure the temperature on the warmed surface automatically or manually, depending on the temperature in a pigsty and live mass of piglets. The automatic power regulation o f the heaters decreases the consumption of electric energy more than 2 times


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    The optimum air temperature in a pigsty for sows is 16-18 Ā°C, but during the first days o f new born piglets life the temperature in their lairs ought to be 32...34 Ā°C. Therefore the local warming for piglets is installed. The goal of the investigation was to measure the intensity o f heat irradiation under different kinds o f infra-red heaters, more often used on Latvia farms. An autonomous infra-red piglet warming systems have been developed. The experiment has showed, that during the first days o f piglets life the heater should be kept at the high, so that the irradiated area 0.3- 0.4 m2 has been. Gradually heaters have to be lifted up 3-4 times while.the warming area is 0.6-0.7 m2 in 40-45 days, when piglets are weaned. The temperature in a lair has to be regulated by change o f electric power of the heater. Several constructions of voltage regulators are worked out, which are able to ensure the temperature on the warmed surface automatically or manually, depending on the temperature in a pigsty and live mass of piglets. The automatic power regulation of the heaters decreases the consumption of electric energy more than 2 times

    ŠŸŃƒŠ±Š»ŠøŠŗŠ°Ń†ŠøŠø ŠæрŠµŠæŠ¾Š“Š°Š²Š°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ¹ Š›Š°Ń‚Š²ŠøŠ¹ŃŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ Š³Š¾ŃŃƒŠ“Š°Ń€ŃŃ‚Š²ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ уŠ½ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ€ŃŠøтŠµŃ‚Š° ŠøŠ¼. ŠŸ. Š”тучŠŗŠø,1945-1965: Š±ŠøŠ±Š»ŠøŠ¾Š³Ń€Š°Ń„Šøя, 2

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    Bibliogrāfiskajā rādÄ«tājā sakopoti P Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes profesoru, docentu, pasniedzēju, aspirantu, laborantu un citu zinātnisko darbinieku darbi, kas publicēti no 1945. lÄ«dz 1965. gadam. RādÄ«tāja otrais laidiens aptver darbus trÄ«s zinātņu nozarēs: Ä·Ä«mijā, Ä£eogrāfijā un bioloÄ£ijā. RādÄ«tājā apkopoti Ŕādi izdevumu veidi: mācÄ«bu grāmatas, monogrāfijas, kandidāta un doktora disertāciju autoreferāti, raksti, kas ievietoti rakstu krājumos, enciklopēdijās, dažādās rokasgrāmatās un zinātniskajā periodikā, raksti, kas publicēti žurnālos un avÄ«zēs, kā arÄ« zinātniskās konferencēs nolasÄ«to referātu tēzes, kas publicētas. RādÄ«tājā ievietotais materiāls sistematizēts pēc zinātņu nozarēm. Katras zinātņu nozares ietvaros tas sakārtots autoru uzvārdu alfabēta kārtÄ«bā, bet katra autora darbi savukārt sakārtoti darbu nosaukumu alfabēta kārtÄ«bā

    ŠŸŃƒŠ±Š»ŠøŠŗŠ°Ń†ŠøŠø ŠæрŠµŠæŠ¾Š“Š°Š²Š°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ¹ Š›Š°Ń‚Š²ŠøŠ¹ŃŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ Š³Š¾ŃŃƒŠ“Š°Ń€ŃŃ‚Š²ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ уŠ½ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ€ŃŠøтŠµŃ‚Š° ŠøŠ¼. ŠŸ. Š”тучŠŗŠø,1945-1965: Š±ŠøŠ±Š»ŠøŠ¾Š³Ń€Š°Ń„Šøя, 2

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    Bibliogrāfiskajā rādÄ«tājā sakopoti P Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes profesoru, docentu, pasniedzēju, aspirantu, laborantu un citu zinātnisko darbinieku darbi, kas publicēti no 1945. lÄ«dz 1965. gadam. RādÄ«tāja otrais laidiens aptver darbus trÄ«s zinātņu nozarēs: Ä·Ä«mijā, Ä£eogrāfijā un bioloÄ£ijā. RādÄ«tājā apkopoti Ŕādi izdevumu veidi: mācÄ«bu grāmatas, monogrāfijas, kandidāta un doktora disertāciju autoreferāti, raksti, kas ievietoti rakstu krājumos, enciklopēdijās, dažādās rokasgrāmatās un zinātniskajā periodikā, raksti, kas publicēti žurnālos un avÄ«zēs, kā arÄ« zinātniskās konferencēs nolasÄ«to referātu tēzes, kas publicētas. RādÄ«tājā ievietotais materiāls sistematizēts pēc zinātņu nozarēm. Katras zinātņu nozares ietvaros tas sakārtots autoru uzvārdu alfabēta kārtÄ«bā, bet katra autora darbi savukārt sakārtoti darbu nosaukumu alfabēta kārtÄ«bā

    Formaldehyde-releasers: relationship to formaldehyde contact allergy. Contact allergy to formaldehyde and inventory of formaldehyde-releasers

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    This is one of series of review articles on formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasers (others: formaldehyde in cosmetics, in clothes and in metalworking fluids and miscellaneous). Thirty-five chemicals were identified as being formaldehyde-releasers. Although a further seven are listed in the literature as formaldehyde-releasers, data are inadequate to consider them as such beyond doubt. Several (nomenclature) mistakes and outdated information are discussed. Formaldehyde and formaldehyde allergy are reviewed: applications, exposure scenarios, legislation, patch testing problems, frequency of sensitization, relevance of positive patch test reactions, clinical pattern of allergic contact dermatitis from formaldehyde, prognosis, threshold for elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis, analytical tests to determine formaldehyde in products and frequency of exposure to formaldehyde and releasers. The frequency of contact allergy to formaldehyde is consistently higher in the USA (8-9%) than in Europe (2-3%). Patch testing with formaldehyde is problematic; the currently used 1% solution may result in both false-positive and false-negative (up to 40%) reactions. Determining the relevance of patch test reactions is often challenging. What concentration of formaldehyde is safe for sensitive patients remains unknown. Levels of 200-300 p.p.m. free formaldehyde in cosmetic products have been shown to induce dermatitis from short-term use on normal skin

    Ihonsuojauksen ja turvallisten tyƶtapojen merkitys MDI-uretaanityƶssƤ

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    TƤmƤn tutkimuksen avulla saatiin uutta tietoa ihosuojauksen ja turvallisten tyƶtapojen merkityksestƤ MDI-uretaanityƶssƤ.1

    Epoksit rakennusalalla ā€“ ammatti-ihotautien ehkƤisy : Loppuraportti tutkimuksesta epoksiyhdisteiden aiheuttamat ammatti-ihotaudit ja niiden ehkƤisy rakennusalalla

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    Epoksit tehdƤƤn yleensƤ kahdesta komponentista: hartsiosasta ja kovetteesta. Molemmat komponentit aiheuttavat allergista kosketusihottumaa, joka voi olla vaikeaoireinen ja aktivoitua hyvin pienen altistumisen seurauksena. Epoksiallergia alentaa huomattavasti tyƶntekijƤn tyƶkykyƤ, johtaa yleensƤ sairauslomiin ja usein myƶs alan vaihtoon. TyypillisiƤ ammattiryhmiƤ, joissa on epoksi-ihottumien vaara, ovat rakennusmaalarit, lattianpƤƤllystƤjƤt, laatoittajat, viemƤriputkien pinnoittajat ja injektiotyƶntekijƤt. Epoksien aiheuttamat ihottumat sijaitsevat yleensƤ kƤsissƤ, kƤsivarsissa tai kasvoissa. KemikaalinsuojakƤsineiden kƤyttƶƤ ja kƤsivarsien suojausta tulee tehostaa. HyviƤ suojautumisohjeita lƶydƤt tƤmƤn kirjan lisƤksi Epoksikansiosta: http://www.ttl.fi/epoksikansio. TƤssƤ tutkimusraportissa esitetyllƤ epoksiyhdisteiden epikutaanitestisarjalla epoksiyhdisteiden aiheuttamat allergiset kosketusihottumat voidaan diagnosoida luotettavasti
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