47 research outputs found

    Rapid membrane protein topology prediction

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    Summary: State-of-the-art methods for topology of α-helical membrane proteins are based on the use of time-consuming multiple sequence alignments obtained from PSI-BLAST or other sources. Here, we examine if it is possible to use the consensus of topology prediction methods that are based on single sequences to obtain a similar accuracy as the more accurate multiple sequence-based methods. Here, we show that TOPCONS-single performs better than any of the other topology prediction methods tested here, but ∼6% worse than the best method that is utilizing multiple sequence alignments

    TOPCONS: consensus prediction of membrane protein topology

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    TOPCONS (http://topcons.net/) is a web server for consensus prediction of membrane protein topology. The underlying algorithm combines an arbitrary number of topology predictions into one consensus prediction and quantifies the reliability of the prediction based on the level of agreement between the underlying methods, both on the protein level and on the level of individual TM regions. Benchmarking the method shows that overall performance levels match the best available topology prediction methods, and for sequences with high reliability scores, performance is increased by ∼10 percentage points. The web interface allows for constraining parts of the sequence to a known inside/outside location, and detailed results are displayed both graphically and in text format

    BitterDB: a database of bitter compounds

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    Basic taste qualities like sour, salty, sweet, bitter and umami serve specific functions in identifying food components found in the diet of humans and animals, and are recognized by proteins in the oral cavity. Recognition of bitter taste and aversion to it are thought to protect the organism against the ingestion of poisonous food compounds, which are often bitter. Interestingly, bitter taste receptors are expressed not only in the mouth but also in extraoral tissues, such as the gastrointestinal tract, indicating that they may play a role in digestive and metabolic processes. BitterDB database, available at http://bitterdb.agri.huji.ac.il/bitterdb/, includes over 550 compounds that were reported to taste bitter to humans. The compounds can be searched by name, chemical structure, similarity to other bitter compounds, association with a particular human bitter taste receptor, and so on. The database also contains information on mutations in bitter taste receptors that were shown to influence receptor activation by bitter compounds. The aim of BitterDB is to facilitate studying the chemical features associated with bitterness. These studies may contribute to predicting bitterness of unknown compounds, predicting ligands for bitter receptors from different species and rational design of bitterness modulators

    Charge Pair Interactions in Transmembrane Helices and Turn Propensity of the Connecting Sequence Promote Helical Hairpin Insertion

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    α-Helical hairpins, consisting of a pair of closely spaced transmembrane (TM) helices that are connected by a short interfacial turn, are the simplest structural motifs found in multi-spanning membrane proteins. In naturally occurring hairpins, the presence of polar residues is common and predicted to complicate membrane insertion. We postulate that the pre-packing process offsets any energetic cost of allocating polar and charged residues within the hydrophobic environment of biological membranes. Consistent with this idea, we provide here experimental evidence demonstrating that helical hairpin insertion into biological membranes can be driven by electrostatic interactions between closely separated, poorly hydrophobic sequences. Additionally, we observe that the integral hairpin can be stabilized by a short loop heavily populated by turn-promoting residues. We conclude that the combined effect of TM¿TM electrostatic interactions and tight turns plays an important role in generating the functional architecture of membrane proteins and propose that helical hairpin motifs can be acquired within the context of the Sec61 translocon at the early stages of membrane protein biosynthesis. Taken together, these data further underline the potential complexities involved in accurately predicting TM domains from primary structures

    Vad vet grundskoleeleven om kartan 2013?

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    In 1968, Sonja Peterson conducted a study that included all students from grade 1 to grade 9 in Arvika, Sweden. That study was named: Vad vet grundskoleeleven om kartan? [What does the primary school student know about the map?] and was published in 1971 in the report series: Rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen i Göteborg [Reports from the Department of Education in Gothenburg]. As a part of the doctoral studies Pontus Hennerdal conducted at Stockholm University, he recreated parts of the test Peterson used in her study. Together with some new questions, Hennerdals study was also carried out with students in Arvika during 2013. This time with students from grade 2 to year 9. This archive consists of answers from the 1206 completed questionnaires that were filled in during the spring term 2013 during Hennerdals Arvika study. Also the archive include some comparisons with the data Peterson collected 45 years earlier. During the spring term of 2013, tests(see attached files) were distributed to all classes (grade 2 to 9) in Arvika, Sweden. All grades did not have all test sheets. The teachers conducted the test with each class based on the instruction: The intention is that the questions should be self-instructing, that the only thing the students need in addition to the questions is a pen and an eraser, and that the answers to the questions should be received during an hour. But the study is not ruined by helping students to understand question they find unclear (explain the question, not the concept), let them use draft paper and their own ruler, or let someone draw a little over the time if the teacher finds it possible.Under 1968 genomförde Sonja Peterson en studie som omfattade alla elever från årskurs 1 till årskurs 9 i Arvika. Den studien fick namnet: Vad vet grundskoleeleven om kartan? och publicerades 1971 i rapportserien: Rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen i Göteborg. Som del av de doktorandstudier Pontus Hennerdal genomförde vid Stockholms universitet återskapades delar av det prov Peterson använt i sin studie. Tillsammans med några nya frågor genomfördes under 2013 även Hennerdals studie med elever i Arvika. Denna gång elever från årskurs 2 till årskurs 9. Detta arkiv består av de svar från de 1206 ifyllda enkäter som fylldes i under vårterminen 2013 under Hennerdals Arvikastudie med jämförelser med det material Peterson samlade in 45 år tidigare. Under vårterminen 2013 distribuerades prov (se bifogade filer) till samtliga klasser (årskurs 2 till 9) i Arvika. Alla årskurser hade inte alla provblad. Lärarna genomförde provet med respektive klass utifrån instruktionen: Avsikten är att frågorna ska vara självinstruerande, att det enda som eleverna behöver förutom frågorna är en penna och ett radergummi, samt att svarandet på frågorna skall hinnas med under en lektionstimme. Men studien förstörs inte av att man hjälper elever att förstå någon fråga de finner oklar (förklara frågan, inte konceptet frågan gäller), låt dem använda kladdpapper och egen linjal eller låter någon dra över lite på tiden om läraren finner det möjligt i relation till övrig undervisningstid

    Between the global and the local : The climate strategy of Örebro municipality from a policy mobility perspective

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    Local authorities increased interest in climate mitigation policy has in recent years attracted interest from researchers. Compared to local authorities in most other countries, Swedish municipalities enjoy a larger portion of autonomy. This makes them particularly interesting to study from a policy mobility perspective. The aim of this study is to explore how local authorities develop climate policy, the case chosen for this inquiry is Örebro municipality and its climate strategy approved in 2016. By applying the theoretical framework of policy transfer, to some extent, but especially policy mobility the thesis discovers how local authorities develop their climate policy. It also uncovers from where they gather knowledge and inspiration, faced with the global scope of climate issues. The result show that policy mobility provides great explanatory value in understanding the assemblage that is Örebro municipality’s climate strategy. The result, however, also challenges the notion forwarded within the field of policy mobility that the national scale is not very important for local policy development. The study also show that some policy areas are more easily influenced by the global scale, while other areas are more depended on similarities in context between the ‘sending’ and the ‘receiving’ actor, that is Örebro municipality. Lokala myndigheter har tagit allt större plats i klimatpolitken och även tilldragit sig allt mer uppmärksamhet från forskare. Tidigare har bekämpning av klimatförändringar endast funnits på den globala och nationella nivåns agendor. När fler aktörer kliver in öppnas nya områden upp för studier av olika slag. Inom policymobilitetsfältet har forskare intresserat sig för hur lokala myndigheter formar sin politik, hur policyer färdas från en kontext till en annan och vad den processen gör med policyerna. Jämfört med motsvarande myndighetsnivå i de flesta andra länder har svenska kommuner ett betydligt större mått av självbestämmande. Denna långtgående rådighet gör dem särskilt intress- anta att studera ur ett policymobilitetsperspektiv. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur lokala myndigheter utformar sin klimatpolitik, som fall används Örebro kommuns klimatarbete och då särskilt den klimatstrategi som kommunfullmäktige antog 2016. Genom användningen av teoribildningen kring dels policytransferering men främst policymobilitet studerar uppsatsen hur dessa lokala myndigheter agerar och var de hämtar kunskap och inspiration ifrån när de ställs inför den globalt omfattande frågan om klimat- förändringar. Policymobilitetslitteraturen visar sig bidra med viktiga förklaringsvärden för att förstå den assemblage som Örebro kommuns klimatstrategi utgör. I resultatet fram- går dock att den nationella skalnivån inte förlorat sin betydelse för lokala myndigheters policyutveckling till den grad som tidigare studier inom policymobilitetslitteraturen pekat ut. Den visar också på att policyer inom vissa områden lättare hämtas hem från en global kontext medan det i andra sammanhang ligger närmare till hands att inspireras av andra lokala myndigheter i samma situation och med en liknande kontext som den egna.

    Self-efficacy hos arbetslösa : Påverkas self-efficacy av långtidsarbetslöshet?

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    Sverige avsätter idag över en miljard kronor på att hjälpa arbetslösa att starta eget och därmed bli entreprenörer. Hög self-efficacy är en grundförutsättning för att lyckas som entreprenör och våra erfarenheter av att lyckas är den enskilt största källan till self-efficacy. Miljön som arbetslös är både fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande och ofta kantad av motgångar, något som i teorin skulle kunna leda till sänkt self-efficacy. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om arbetslösas self-efficacy förändras med tiden de förblir arbetslösa. En enkätundersökning med 107 arbetslösa från en arbetsförmedling i Mellansverige genomfördes. Resultatet visade inte på något samband mellan långtidsarbetslöshet och sänkt self-efficacy. Studien visade däremot på flera intressanta skillnader i hur starkt de olika informationskällorna bidrog till self-efficacy