102 research outputs found

    High productivity and upwelling in the California Current during Oxygen-Isotope Stage 3: diatom evidence

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    Evidence for vigorous coastal upwelling and enhanced diatom productivity during the latter part of Oxygen-Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3) is suggested by changes in diatom assemblages in laminated sediment from the northern California margin and in bioturbated and laminated sediment from Santa Barbara Basin. These conditions require strong along-shore or off-shore wind stress off California preceding the onset of global glacial conditions

    Restorative Youth Sports: An Applied Model for Resolving Conflicts and Building Positive Relationships

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    When handled effectively, conflict provides opportunities to strengthen relationships and assist youth in developing peaceful conflict resolution skills. Sport participation is one context in which youth develop skills and encounter conflict. The purpose of this study was to develop an applied model that addresses conflict resolution in sport-based youth development programs. Using qualitative interviewing, a community-engaged approach guided the selection of participants and data analysis. We used the models of restorative practice and Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) through sports to guide our study. Following interviews with a variety of community partners, we found that the values of sport are often in conflict with restorative practices. However, a relational approach such as TPSR aligns well with the values of restorative practices. Based on our findings, an applied model was developed to illustrate how restorative practice can be utilized in a sport context. The Restorative Youth Sports (RYS) model recognizes that conflicts and tension are natural and inherent to all relationships. When handled appropriately, conflict provides opportunities to strengthen relationships. Youth sport provides a unique context where youth are presented with problems and conflicts to solve and promote healthy relationships among youth

    20th to 21st Century Relative Sea and Land Level Changes in Northern California: Tectonic Land Level Changes and their Contribution to Sea-Level Rise, Humboldt Bay Region, Northern California

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    Sea-level changes are modulated in coastal northern California by land-level changes due to the earthquake cycle along the Cascadia subduction zone, the San Andreas plate boundary fault system, and crustal faults. Sea-level rise (SLR) subjects ecological and anthropogenic infrastructure to increased vulnerability to changes in habitat and increased risk for physical damage. The degree to which each of these forcing factors drives this modulation is poorly resolved. We use NOAA tide gage data and ‘campaign’ tide gage deployments, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, and National Geodetic Survey (NGS) first-order levelling data to calculate vertical land motion (VLM) rates in coastal northern California. Sea-level observations, highway level surveys, and GNSS data all confirm that land is subsiding in Humboldt Bay, in contrast to Crescent City where the land is rising. Subtracting absolute sea-level rate (~1.99 mm/year) from Crescent City (CC) and North Spit (NS) gage relative sea-level rates reveals that CC is uplifting at ~2.83 mm/year and NS is subsiding at ~3.21mm/year. GNSS vertical deformation reveals similar rates of ~2.60 mm/year of uplift at Crescent City. In coastal northern California, there is an E-W trending variation in vertical land motion that is primarily due to Cascadia megathrust fault seismogenic coupling. This interseismic subsidence also dominates the N-S variation in vertical land motion in most of the study region. There exists a second-order heterogeneous N-S trend in vertical land motion that we associate to crustal fault-related strain. There may be non-tectonic contributions to the observed VLM rates

    Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets

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    At Humboldt State University (HSU), location is everything. Students are as drawn to our spectacular natural setting as they are to the unique majors in the natural resource sciences that the university has to offer. However, the isolation that nurtures the pristine natural beauty of the area presents a difficult reality for students who are accustomed to more densely populated environments. With the large majority of our incoming students coming from distant cities, we set out to cultivate a “home away from home” by connecting first-year students majoring in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to the communities and local environment of Humboldt County. To achieve this, we designed first-year place-based learning communities (PBLCs) that integrate unique aspects and interdisciplinary themes of our location throughout multiple high impact practices, including a summer experience, blocked-enrolled courses, and a first-year experience course entitled Science 100: Becoming a STEM Professional in the 21st Century. Native American culture, traditional ways of knowing, and contemporary issues faced by tribal communities are central features of our place-based curriculum because HSU is located on the ancestral land of the Wiyot people and the university services nine federally recognized American Indian tribes. Our intention is that by providing a cross-cultural, validating environment, students will: feel and be better supported in their academic pursuits; cultivate values of personal, professional and social responsibility; and increase the likelihood that they will complete their HSU degree. As we complete the fourth year of implementation, we aim to harness our experience and reflection to improve our programming and enable promising early results to be sustained

    Prosocial personality traits differentially predict egalitarianism, generosity, and reciprocity in economic games

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    Recent research has highlighted the role of prosocial personality traits—agreeableness and honesty-humility—in egalitarian distributions of wealth in the dictator game. Expanding on these findings, we ran two studies to examine individual differences in two other forms of prosociality—generosity and reciprocity—with respect to two major models of personality, the Big Five and the HEXACO. Participants (combined N = 560) completed a series of economic games in which allocations in the dictator game were compared with those in the generosity game, a non-constant-sum wealth distribution task where proposers with fixed payoffs selected the size of their partner’s payoff (“generosity”). We further examined positive and negative reciprocity by manipulating a partner’s previous move (“reciprocity”). Results showed clear evidence of both generosity and positive reciprocity in social preferences, with allocations to a partner greater in the generosity game than in the dictator game, and greater still when a player had been previously assisted by their partner. There was also a consistent interaction with gender, whereby men were more generous when this was costless and women were more egalitarian overall. Furthermore, these distinct forms of prosociality were differentially predicted by personality traits, in line with the core features of these traits and the theoretical distinctions between them. HEXACO honesty-humility predicted dictator, but not generosity allocations, while traits capturing tendencies towards irritability and anger predicted lower generosity, but not dictator allocations. In contrast, the politeness—but not compassion—aspect of Big Five agreeableness was uniquely and broadly associated with prosociality across all games. These findings support the discriminant validity between related prosocial constructs, and have important implications for understanding the motives and mechanisms taking place within economic games