49 research outputs found

    Адаптация гидравлической модели водостока к бассейнам рек Дунай и Днестр

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    Гидравлическая модель водостока адаптирована к бассейну рек Дунай и Днестр. По данным орографии, атмосферных осадках или поверхностном стоке она позволяет рассчитывать объемы, расходы и уровни воды с пространственным разрешением 1 км. В модели возможно использование данные об экосистемах на земной поверхности, типах почвы. По данным наблюдений стока оценены среднемесячные величины расходов рек, которые соответствуют наблюдениям, что позволяет применять модель в дальнейших оценках стока, наносов и т.д.Hydraulic model of water inflow is adapted to the Danube and the Dniester rivers basin. According to the orography, precipitation and surface inflow data it permits to calculate water volumes, discharges and levels with spatial resolution 1 km. It is possible to use the data on ecosystems on the ground surface, types of soil in the model. According to the observations data of the inflow the average monthly values of river discharges corresponding to the observations are estimated. It permits to apply the model in the further estimations of inflow, alluvia e t.c

    A review of energy systems models in the UK: Prevalent usage and categorisation

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    In this paper, a systematic review of academic literature and policy papers since 2008 is undertaken with an aim of identifying the prevalent energy systems models and tools in the UK. A list of all referenced models is presented and the literature is analysed with regards sectoral coverage and technological inclusion, as well as mathematical structure of models. The paper compares available models using an appropriate classification schema, the introduction of which is aimed at making the model landscape more accessible and perspicuous, thereby enhancing the diversity of models within use. The distinct classification presented in this paper comprises three sections, which specify the model purpose and structure, technological detail and mathematical approach. The schema is not designed to be comprehensive, but rather to be a broad classification with pertinent level of information required to differentiate between models. As an example, the UK model landscape is considered and 22 models are classified in three tables, as per the proposed schema

    Gas Bubble Forensics Team Surveils the New Zealand Ocean

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    International audienceAn international research group recorded the acoustic signatures of gas bubbles rising from a hydrothermal vent field to gather clues about greenhouse gases escaping into the atmosphere

    Critical role for peptide YY in protein-mediated satiation and body-weight regulation

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    Dietary protein enhances satiety and promotes weight loss, but the mechanisms by which appetite is affected remain unclear. We investigated the role of gut hormones, key regulators of ingestive behavior, in mediating the satiating effects of different macronutrients. In normal-weight and obese human subjects, high-protein intake induced the greatest release of the anorectic hormone peptide YY (PYY) and the most pronounced satiety. Long-term augmentation of dietary protein in mice increased plasma PYY levels, decreased food intake, and reduced adiposity. To directly determine the role of PYY in mediating the satiating effects of protein, we generated Pyy null mice, which were selectively resistant to the satiating and weight-reducing effects of protein and developed marked obesity that was reversed by exogenous PYY treatment. Our findings suggest that modulating the release of endogenous satiety factors, such as PYY, through alteration of specific diet constituents could provide a rational therapy for obesity