428 research outputs found

    Team performance in the operating theatre

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    Adaptive strategies used by surgical teams under pressure: an interview study among senior healthcare professionals in four major hospitals in the United Kingdom

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    Background Healthcare systems are operating under substantial pressures, and often simply cannot provide the standard of care they aspire to within the available resources. Organisations, managers, and individual clinicians make constant adaptations in response to these pressures, which are typically improvised, highly variable and not coordinated across clinical teams. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the types of everyday pressures experienced by surgical teams and the adaptive strategies they use to respond to these pressures. Methods We conducted interviews with 20 senior multidisciplinary healthcare professionals from surgical teams in four major hospitals in the United Kingdom. The interviews explored the types of everyday pressures staff were experiencing, the strategies they use to adapt, and how these strategies might be taught to others. Results The primary pressures described by senior clinicians in surgery were increased numbers and complexity of patients alongside shortages in staff, theatre space and post-surgical beds. These pressures led to more difficult working conditions (e.g. high workloads) and problems with system functioning such as patient flow and cancellation of lists. Strategies for responding to these pressures were categorised into increasing or flexing resources, controlling and prioritising patient demand and strategies for managing the workload (scheduling for efficiency, communication and coordination, leadership, and teamwork strategies). Conclusions Teams are deploying a range of strategies and making adaptations to the way care is delivered. These findings could be used as the basis for training programmes for surgical teams to develop coordinated strategies for adapting under pressure and to assess the impact of different combinations of strategies on patient safety and surgical outcomes

    Dielectric characterization and molecular interaction behaviour in binary mixtures of methyl acetate with 1-butanol and 1-pentanol

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    900-910The dielectric constant (ɛs) and relaxation time () of binary mixtures of methyl acetate with alcohols (1-butanol and 1-pentanol) have been investigated at fifteen molar concentrations over the entire mixing range at 288 K, 298 K, 308 K and 318 K using time domain reflectometery technique over the frequency range from 10 MHz to 10 GHz. The relaxation in these mixtures can be described by a single relaxation time using the Debye model. The concentration dependent plots of excess dielectric constant (ɛE), excess inverse relaxation time (1/)E, Kirkwood correlation factor (geff), thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy of activation (H) and Gibbs free energy (G) of activation and Bruggman factor (fB) have been used to explore the complexes formed between unlike molecules, dipolar ordering, hydrogen bond molecular connectivity’s and their strength in the binary mixtures. Results confirm that there are strong hydrogen-bond interactions between unlike molecules of ester-alcohol mixtures

    Dielectric characterization and molecular interaction behaviour in binary mixtures of methyl acetate with 1-butanol and 1-pentanol

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    The dielectric constant (ɛs) and relaxation time () of binary mixtures of methyl acetate with alcohols (1-butanol and 1-pentanol) have been investigated at fifteen molar concentrations over the entire mixing range at 288 K, 298 K, 308 K and 318 K using time domain reflectometery technique over the frequency range from 10 MHz to 10 GHz. The relaxation in these mixtures can be described by a single relaxation time using the Debye model. The concentration dependent plots of excess dielectric constant (ɛE), excess inverse relaxation time (1/)E, Kirkwood correlation factor (geff), thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy of activation (H) and Gibbs free energy (G) of activation and Bruggman factor (fB) have been used to explore the complexes formed between unlike molecules, dipolar ordering, hydrogen bond molecular connectivity’s and their strength in the binary mixtures. Results confirm that there are strong hydrogen-bond interactions between unlike molecules of ester-alcohol mixtures

    Adaptive strategies used by surgical teams under pressure:an interview study among senior healthcare professionals in four major hospitals in the United Kingdom

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    BackgroundHealthcare systems are operating under substantial pressures, and often simply cannot provide the standard of care they aspire to within the available resources. Organisations, managers, and individual clinicians make constant adaptations in response to these pressures, which are typically improvised, highly variable and not coordinated across clinical teams. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the types of everyday pressures experienced by surgical teams and the adaptive strategies they use to respond to these pressures.MethodsWe conducted interviews with 20 senior multidisciplinary healthcare professionals from surgical teams in four major hospitals in the United Kingdom. The interviews explored the types of everyday pressures staff were experiencing, the strategies they use to adapt, and how these strategies might be taught to others.ResultsThe primary pressures described by senior clinicians in surgery were increased numbers and complexity of patients alongside shortages in staff, theatre space and post-surgical beds. These pressures led to more difficult working conditions (e.g. high workloads) and problems with system functioning such as patient flow and cancellation of lists. Strategies for responding to these pressures were categorised into increasing or flexing resources, controlling and prioritising patient demand and strategies for managing the workload (scheduling for efficiency, communication and coordination, leadership, and teamwork strategies).ConclusionsTeams are deploying a range of strategies and making adaptations to the way care is delivered. These findings could be used as the basis for training programmes for surgical teams to develop coordinated strategies for adapting under pressure and to assess the impact of different combinations of strategies on patient safety and surgical outcomes

    Interdisciplinary communication in the intensive care unit

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    Background. Patient safety research has shown poor communication among intensive care unit (ICU) nurses and doctors to be a common causal factor underlying critical incidents in intensive care. This study examines whether ICU doctors and nurses have a shared perception of interdisciplinary communication in the UK ICU. Methods. Cross-sectional survey of ICU nurses and doctors in four UK hospitals using a previously established measure of ICU interdisciplinary collaboration. Results. A sample of 48 doctors and 136 nurses (47% response rate) from four ICUs responded to the survey. Nurses and doctors were found to have differing perceptions of interdisciplinary communication, with nurses reporting lower levels of communication openness between nurses and doctors. Compared with senior doctors, trainee doctors also reported lower levels of communication openness between doctors. A regression path analysis revealed that communication openness among ICU team members predicted the degree to which individuals reported understanding their patient care goals (adjR2 = 0.17). It also showed that perceptions of the quality of unit leadership predicted open communication. Conclusions. Members of ICU teams have divergent perceptions of their communication with one another. Communication openness among team members is also associated with the degree to which they understand patient care goals. It is necessary to create an atmosphere where team members feel they can communicate openly without fear of reprisal or embarrassment

    Pharmacokinetics of prolonged-release tacrolimus versus immediate-release tacrolimus in de novo liver transplantation: A randomized phase III substudy

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    Background With the same dose of tacrolimus, lower systemic exposure on the first day of dosing has been reported for prolonged-release tacrolimus compared with immediate-release tacrolimus, prompting investigation of differing initial doses. Methods This sub-study of a double-blind, randomized, phase III trial in de novo liver transplant recipients compared the pharmacokinetics of once-daily prolonged-release tacrolimus (initial dose: 0.2mg/kg/day) versus twice-daily immediate-release tacrolimus (initial dose: 0.1mg/kg/day) during the first 2 weeks post-transplant. Results Pharmacokinetic data were analysed from patients receiving prolonged-release tacrolimus (n=13) and immediate-release tacrolimus (n=12). Mean systemic exposure (AUC0–24) was higher with prolonged-release versus immediate-release tacrolimus. Dose-normalized AUC0–24 (normalized to 0.1mg/kg/day) showed generally lower exposure with prolonged-release tacrolimus versus immediate-release tacrolimus. There was good correlation between AUC0–24 and concentration at 24 hours after the morning dose (r=0.96 and r=0.86, respectively), and the slope of the line of best fit was similar for both formulations. Conclusions Doubling the initial starting dose of prolonged-release tacrolimus compared with immediate-release tacrolimus overcompensated for lower exposure on Day 1. A 50% higher starting dose of prolonged-release tacrolimus than immediate-release tacrolimus may be required for similar systemic exposure. However, doses of both formulations can be optimized using the same trough-level monitoring system. (ClinicalTrials . gov number: NCT00189826) Discipline liver transplantation/hepatology, immunosuppression/immune modulation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    A multicenter study of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus ointment after first and repeated application to children with atopic dermatitis

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    Funding Information: This study was sponsored by Fujisawa GmbH, Munich, Germany.The pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus after first and repeated application of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment were evaluated in 39 children, aged 6-12 y, with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. The patients were grouped according to the size of the affected body surface area to be treated: Group 1 ≤ 1500 cm 2; Group 2 > 1500 cm2≤ 3000 cm2; Group 3 > 3000 cm2 ≤ 5000 cm2. Serial blood samples to calculate pharmacokinetic parameters taken on Day 1 (first ointment application) and Day 14 (last application) showed minimal systemic exposure to tacrolimus. Overall, 92% of the blood samples assayed contained tacrolimus concentrations below 1 ng per mL and 17% of samples were below 0.025 ng per mL, the lower limit of quantification. Systemic exposure to tacrolimus varied between patients and tended to increase proportionally as the size of the treated body surface area increased. Absorption decreased with time as the skin lesions healed and there was no evidence of systemic accumulation. The mean apparent half-life of tacrolimus (t1/2, z) was 66 ± 27 h (range 19-125 h). Most patients experienced substantial clinical improvement in their atopic dermatitis. There were no clinically relevant changes in laboratory values, and the most frequently reported adverse event was skin burning, which resolved quickly as the skin condition improved.Peer reviewe

    Communication in the operating theatre: A systematic literature review of observational research

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    Background: Communication is extremely important to ensure safe and effective clinical practice. A systematic literature review of observational studies addressing communication in the operating theatre was conducted. The focus was on observational studies alone in order to gain an understanding of actual communication practices, rather than what was reported through recollections and interviews. Methods: A systematic review of the literature for accessible published and grey literature was performed in July 2012. The following information was extracted: year, country, objectives, methods, study design, sample size, healthcare professional focus and main findings. Quality appraisal was conducted using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. A meta-ethnographic approach was used to categorize further the main findings under key concepts. Results: Some 1174 citations were retrieved through an electronic database search, reference lists and known literature. Of these, 26 were included for review after application of full-text inclusion and exclusion criteria. The overall quality of the studies was rated as average to good, with 77 per cent of the methodological quality assessment criteria being met. Six key concepts were identified: signs of effective communication, signs of communication problems, effects on teamwork, conditions for communication, effects on patient safety and understanding collaborative work. Conclusion: Communication was shown to affect operating theatre practices in all of the studies reviewed. Further detailed observational research is needed to gain a better understanding of how to improve the working environment and patient safety in theatre

    Practical recommendations of the EAU-ESPU guidelines committee for monosymptomatic enuresis-Bedwetting

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    Background and Aims The objective of this update of the EAU-ESPU guidelines recommendations for nocturnal enuresis was to review the recent published literature of studies, reviews, guidelines regarding the etiology, diagnosis and treatment options of nocturnal enuresis and transform the information into a practical recommendation strategy for the general practitioner, pediatrician, pediatric urologist and urologist. Material and Methods Since 2012 a monthly literature search using Scopus (R) was performed and the relevant literature was reviewed and prospectively registered on the European Urology bedwetting enuresis resource center (). In addition, guideline papers and statements of the European Society for Paediatric Urology (ESPU), the European Association of Urology (EAU), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the International Children Continence Society (ICCS) were used to update the knowledge and evidence resulting in this practical recommendation strategy. Recommendations have been discussed and agreed within the working group of the EAU-ESPU guidelines committee members. Results The recommendations focus to place the child and his family in a control position. Pragmatic analysis is made of the bedwetting problem by collecting voiding and drinking habits during the day, measuring nighttime urine production and identification of possible risk factors such as high-volume evening drinking, nighttime overactive bladder, behavioral or psychological problems or sleep disordered breathing. A questionnaire will help to identify those risk factors. Conclusion Motivation of the child is important for success. Continuous involvement of the child and the family in the treatment will improve treatment compliance, success and patient satisfaction