395 research outputs found

    Quantum algorithm for persistent Betti numbers and topological data analysis

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    Topological data analysis (TDA) is an emergent field of data analysis. The critical step of TDA is computing the persistent Betti numbers. Existing classical algorithms for TDA are limited if we want to learn from high-dimensional topological features because the number of high-dimensional simplices grows exponentially in the size of the data. In the context of quantum computation, it has been previously shown that there exists an efficient quantum algorithm for estimating the Betti numbers even in high dimensions. However, the Betti numbers are less general than the persistent Betti numbers, and there have been no quantum algorithms that can estimate the persistent Betti numbers of arbitrary dimensions. This paper shows the first quantum algorithm that can estimate the (normalized) persistent Betti numbers of arbitrary dimensions. Our algorithm is efficient for simplicial complexes such as the Vietoris-Rips complex and demonstrates exponential speedup over the known classical algorithms

    Improved Hardness Results for the Guided Local Hamiltonian Problem

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    Estimating the ground state energy of a local Hamiltonian is a central problem in quantum chemistry. In order to further investigate its complexity and the potential of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, Gharibian and Le Gall (STOC 2022) recently introduced the guided local Hamiltonian problem (GLH), which is a variant of the local Hamiltonian problem where an approximation of a ground state (which is called a guiding state) is given as an additional input. Gharibian and Le Gall showed quantum advantage (more precisely, BQP-completeness) for GLH with 6-local Hamiltonians when the guiding state has fidelity (inverse-polynomially) close to 1/2 with a ground state. In this paper, we optimally improve both the locality and the fidelity parameter: we show that the BQP-completeness persists even with 2-local Hamiltonians, and even when the guiding state has fidelity (inverse-polynomially) close to 1 with a ground state. Moreover, we show that the BQP-completeness also holds for 2-local physically motivated Hamiltonians on a 2D square lattice or a 2D triangular lattice. Beyond the hardness of estimating the ground state energy, we also show BQP-hardness persists when considering estimating energies of excited states of these Hamiltonians instead. Those make further steps towards establishing practical quantum advantage in quantum chemistry

    Interleukin-8 Producing Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma with Prolonged Fever

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    We present a case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma accompanied by prolonged spiking fevers, which disappeared after tumor resection. Sarcoma with fever as a primary symptom is rare. Furthermore, in this case, fever was closely related to the clinical course of the tumor. In order to detect possible production of febriferous substance(s), we used blood and tumor tissue samples to investigate nine candidate cytokines possibly responsible for the fever. Expression of IL-8 mRNA was detected in preoperative peripheral blood mononuclear cells by RT-PCR. Expressions of IL-6, IL-8, IFN-γ and TNF-α mRNAs were also detected in tumor tissue, while IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 and COX-2 mRNAs were not. We suspected IL-8 to be a causative factor, and examined its localization by immunohistochemical staining, paraffin sections of tumor tissue stained positive for IL-8. Since infiltrating mononuclear cells were positive for IL-8, this may explain the tumor-associated fever. This case involves intratumoral production of IL-8 as a causative factor, and IL-6, IL-8, IFN-γ and TNF-α cytokine production might have resulted from stimulation with a substance(s) derived from tumor tissue, since the fever disappeared postoperatively. To date the patient is alive and in good health for 7 years and 2 months since the surgery

    Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA Stabilizes C1qTNF-Related Protein 6 mRNA in Muscle Cells

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    Mutation and reduction of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been suggested as factors in the pathogenesis of several metabolic diseases. Recently, we demonstrated that C1qTNF-related protein-6 (CTRP6) is involved in fatty acid metabolism in muscle cells. In this study, we showed that expression of CTRP6 was up-regulated in mtDNA-depleted C2C12 cells, which displayed a marked decrease in cellular mtDNA and ATP content. Replacement of mtDNA normalized the expression level of CTRP6 similar to that in normal C2C12 cells, indicating that CTRP6 expression was up-regulated by mtDNA depletion. However, CTRP6 promoter activity remained unchanged in mtDNA-depleted cells. We also found that mtDNA depletion inhibited decay of CTRP6 mRNA. Taken together, mtDNA depletion induces an increase in CTRP6 expression by increasing mRNA stability

    Improved hardness results for the guided local Hamiltonian problem

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    Estimating the ground state energy of a local Hamiltonian is a central problem in quantum chemistry. In order to further investigate its complexity and the potential of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry, Gharibian and Le Gall (STOC 2022) recently introduced the guided local Hamiltonian problem (GLH), which is a variant of the local Hamiltonian problem where an approximation of a ground state (which is called a guiding state) is given as an additional input. Gharibian and Le Gall showed quantum advantage (more precisely, BQP-completeness) for GLH with 6-local Hamiltonians when the guiding state has fidelity (inverse-polynomially) close to 1/2 with a ground state. In this paper, we optimally improve both the locality and the fidelity parameter: we show that the BQP-completeness persists even with 2-local Hamiltonians, and even when the guiding state has fidelity (inverse-polynomially) close to 1 with a ground state. Moreover, we show that the BQP-completeness also holds for 2-local physically motivated Hamiltonians on a 2D square lattice or a 2D triangular lattice. Beyond the hardness of estimating the ground state energy, we also show BQP-hardness persists when considering estimating energies of excited states of these Hamiltonians instead. Those make further steps towards establishing practical quantum advantage in quantum chemistry

    Metabolism within the tumor microenvironment and its implication on cancer progression: an ongoing therapeutic target

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    Since reprogramming energy metabolism is considered a new hallmark of cancer, tumor metabolism is again in the spotlight of cancer research. Many studies have been carried out and many possible therapies have been developed in the last years. However, tumor cells are not alone. A series of extracellular components and stromal cells, such as endothelial cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts, tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-infiltrating T cells, surround tumor cells in the so-called tumor microenvironment. Metabolic features of these cells are being studied in deep in order to find relationships between metabolism within the tumor microenvironment and tumor progression. Moreover, it cannot be forgotten that tumor growth is able to modulate host metabolism and homeostasis, so that tumor microenvironment is not the whole story. Importantly, the metabolic switch in cancer is just a consequence of the flexibility and adaptability of metabolism and should not be surprising. Treatments of cancer patients with combined therapies including anti-tumor agents with those targeting stromal cell metabolism, anti-angiogenic drugs and/or immunotherapy are being developed as promising therapeutics.Mª Carmen Ocaña is recipient of a predoctoral FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER), P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript


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    2006年度本学新入学生(歯学部、薬学部、看護福祉学部、心理科学部)590名を対象として、「対人関係の基本的構え」と「精神的・身体的自覚症状」に関するアンケート調査を実施した。エゴグラムをもとに対人関係の基本的構えを1)自己肯定型(I am OK)、2)他者肯定型(You are OK)、3)自他肯定型(We are OK)に類型化して、精神的自覚症状(16項目)および身体的自覚症状(15項目)の有訴率との関連性について性別に比較検討した。結果、以下の諸点が明らかになった。1)自己の捉え方の分類[肯定群(I am OK):非肯定群(I am not OK)]において、男性女性ともに肯定群にくらべて非肯定群で精神的・身体的自覚症状の有訴率が高い傾向がみとめられた。精神的自覚症状について、男性では「することに自信がもてない」「自分が他人より劣っていると思えて仕方がない」「将来に希望がもてない」などの9項目、女性では「することに自信がもてない」「自分が他人より劣っていると思えて仕方がない」「理由もなく不安を感じる」などの9項目で有訴率が有意に(p<.05)高かった。身体的自覚症状について、男性で「胃・腸の調子が悪い」、女性で「朝起きたときでも疲れを感じる」の1項目で有訴率が有意に(p<.05)高かった。2)他者の捉え方の分類[肯定群(You are OK):非肯定群(You are not OK)]において、男性では非肯定群にくらべて肯定群で自覚症状有訴率が高く、反対に女性では肯定群にくらべて非肯定群で有訴率が高い傾向がみとめられた。精神的自覚症状ついて、男性では「理由もなく不安を感じる」、女性では「すぐ怒鳴ったり、言葉づかいが荒くなってしまう」の1項目で有訴率が有意に(p<.05)高かった。身体的自覚症状では、男性の「朝起きたときでも疲れを感じる」の1項目で有訴率が有意に(p<.05)高かった。3)自己および他者の捉え方の分類[肯定群(We are OK):その他群(We are not OK)]において、男性女性ともに肯定群にくらべて非肯定群で精神的・身体的自覚症状の有訴率が高い傾向がみとめられた。精神的自覚症状について、男性では「することに自信がもてない」「自分が他人より劣っていると思えて仕方がない」「物音や人の声がカンにさわる」などの7項目、女性では「することに自信がもてない」「自分が他人より劣っていると思えて仕方がない」「理由も無く不安を感じる」などの12項目で有訴率が有意に(p<.05)高かった。身体的自覚症状については、男性女性ともに有訴率に差はみとめられなかった。以上のことから、男性女性ともに対人関係の基本的構えと精神的・身体的な自覚症状の有訴率とは相互に関連し、とくに自己に対する構えと精神的自覚症状との間で密接な関連性が示唆された。We examined fundamental posture to interpersonal relationship and subjective symptoms of mind and body. The questionnaire survey was done by using the question papers for the fresh students in Health Science University of Hokkaido. We classified posture to the interpersonal relationship into three categories, and analyzed relationship of subjective symptoms. The posture types were classified as follows : type 1 : Self Affirmative or Negative, type 2 : Others Affirmative or Negative, type 3 : Self and Others Affirmative or the rest. The subjective symptoms varied between each posture types. Negative attitude to self and others increased the subjective symptoms. There were much significant differences in mental subjective symptoms than in physical ones. Especially, there were a lot of relationship between posture types and mental subjective symptoms in women