173 research outputs found

    The link between product market reform and macro-economic performance

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    Value-added per capita in EU countries has lagged behind the US. This is despite widespread reforms to product markets across EU countries aimed at increasing growth. This study analyses the macro-economic impact of product market reforms undertaken in the European Union over the 1980s and 1990s by examining a large number of regulations and reforms across EU countries.product market, product market reforms, regulations, macro-economic performance, allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, dynamic efficiency, aggregate economy, Griffith, Harisson

    Lower limb coordination during a land-cut task following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and rehabilitation

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    This study compared the lower limb coordination of the previously injured leg of ACL injured participantsparticipants (ACLr, n=18), against their non-injured leg and a control (nACL, n=18) leg. The lower limb joint and segment couplings were calculated during maximal drop-jump land and unanticipated cutting task. Differences between the previously injured and nACL control leg were present in all but one of the lower limb joint and segment couplings. Differences between the previously injured and nACL control leg were present in the hip rotation - knee abduction adduction, and knee rotation knee abduction adduction couplings. The hip and thigh were the main areas where differences were reported. Altered proximal neuromuscular function may be the origin of these altered coordination patterns

    Uma análise sobre a trajetória da criação de startups no Estado de Santa Catarina no período de 1980 - 2020

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Este trabalho analisa a trajetória e dinâmica de aglomerações de startups de base tecnológica para o Estado de Santa Catarina durante o período de 1980 – 2020. Para analisar este fenômeno utilizou-se a função K – espacial, a partir de uma base de dados georreferenciada de startups criadas no período analisado. Encontrou-se através dos testes que a distribuição dessas empresas não ocorre de maneira homogênea pelo espaço, ficando evidente a concentração geográfica dessas empresas de base tecnológica, principalmente em localizações que contam com apoio institucional de incubadoras, pré-incubadoras e parques tecnológicos, como na região metropolitana de Florianópolis, onde ocorre a maior concentração de startups de base tecnológica do Estado

    Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Gambar Detail Serta Pengawasan Pemasangan Plafon dan Lantai Granit Proyek Rumah Tinggal 2 Lantai Oleh Hierarki Architect

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    Palembang is a city with vast areas that can still be developed into various structures, one of which is residential buildings. Therefore, there is a real need for the active involvement of the architectural profession to assist in developing ideas and designs for building projects. In this regard, as architecture students, there is also an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in project work, allowing students to acquire real-world experience in the planning and supervision processes before entering the workforce. In the preparation of this report, students had the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Hierarki Architect Bureau, specializing in planning and architectural design. Regarding the tasks involving planning and design acquired during the internship, a theoretical and practical comparison will be made. During the internship, the focus was not only on the planning and design processes but also on studying each task based on established regulations and guidelines, such as those outlined by the IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects). This approach ensures that the knowledge gained is comprehensive

    Transformações e contradições da urbanização em João Pessoa: o loteamento Parque do Sol (Gramame)

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    The urban space passes every day by vigorous transformations. The starting point of the work is to understand the production of space and the contradictions in the process of reproduction of urban space through daily practices. With the process of evolution and consolidation of cities in the capitalist system of production, the contradictions present in the place intensified. The constitutive process on the Parque do Sol - João Pessoa subdivision made us re flect the lived space and the process of production / reproduction in the Sun Park that is based on the articulations of capital and the State, which shape the urban space through particular interests. It was realized in the study that any transformation o f space brings with it specific characteristics without being detached from the political and economic model that governs the city. The construction of the subdivision follows the same logic of most of the peripheral cities of the Northeast of Brazil, where the State acts contradictory to the public interests. In addition, the work sought to bring a critical reflection on the space constituted as Parque do Sol allotment and the role of its producing agents, bringing the historical process constituent of the place and how the changes occurred from the beginning. The evolution of urbanization in the Parque do Sol will show how this process has characteristics similar to those of most of the peripheral cities of Brazil, thus confirming that the role of the Stat e is preponderant for the production of space. It was noticed in the course of the present study that despite the problems presented in the place, this is the result of the realization of life of many people and the socio spatial relations are of extreme importance for the understanding of the formation of the place and the daily practices.O espaço urbano passa todos os dias por vigorosas transformações. O ponto de partida do trabalho está em compreender a produção do espaço e as contradições no processo de reprodução do espaço urbano através das práticas cotidianas. Com o processo de evolução e de consolidação das cidades no sistema capitalista de produção, se intensificaram as contradições presentes no lugar. O processo constitutivo sobre o loteamento Parque do Sol -João Pessoa nos fez refletir o espaço vivido e o processo de produção/reprodução no Parque do Sol que se baseia nas articulações do capital e do Estado, que moldam o espaço urbano através de interesses particulares. Percebeu - se no estudo que toda transformação do espaço, traz consigo características específicas sem se desprender do modelo político e econômico que rege a cidade. A construção do loteamento segue as mesmas lógicas da maioria das cidades periféricas do Nordeste do Brasil, onde o Estado age contraditoriamente aos interesses públicos. Além disso, o trabalho buscou trazer uma reflexão crítica sobre o espaço con stituído como loteamento Parque do Sol e o papel do s seus agentes produtores, trazendo o processo histórico constituinte do lugar e como ocorreram as mudan ças desde seu início. A evolução da urbanização no Parque do Sol vai evidenciar como esse processo te m características semelhantes à s da maioria das cidades periféricas do Brasil, confirmando assim, que o papel do Estado é preponderante para a produção do espaço. Percebeu- se no decorrer do presente estudo, que apesar dos problemas apresentados no lugar, esse é fruto da realização de vida de muitas pessoas e as relações socioespaciais são de extrema importância para o entendimento da formação do lugar e das práticas cotidianas

    Resonant Tunnelling Diodes for Next Generation THz Systems

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    Resonant tunnelling diodes (RTDs) are a strong candidate for future wireless communications in the THz spectrum (sub-millimetre waves), offering compact, roomtemperature operation with the potential to exceed the bit transfer rate mandated by the 12G-SDI standard, using a single wireless link. A free-space RTD emitter operating at 353GHz is described. The fabrication process consists of a dual-pass I-line photolithography & etch technique using an air bridge, allowing low resistivity ohmic contacts, and accurate control of desired device area. With extrinsic circuit elements taken into account, the intrinsic semiconductor efficiency is analysed to investigate structural improvements for radiative efficiency. Such optimised structures are presented, and then characterised after being epitaxially grown with commercially viable metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) reactors. A combination of low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy, X-Ray diffractometry, and transmission electron microscopy attest the quality of the new material. We end with a suggestion for the next steps to exceed technological readiness levels of 8, and use monolithic RTD emitters as components in new systems

    Phenotypic and genotypic detection of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis strains isolated from oral mucosa of AIDS pediatric patients

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    The aim of this study was to assess a collection of yeasts to verify the presence of Candida dubliniensis among strains isolated from the oral mucosa of AIDS pediatric patients which were initially characterized as Candida albicans by the traditional phenotypic method, as well as to evaluate the main phenotypic methods used in the discrimination between the two species and confirm the identification through genotypic techniques, i.e., DNA sequencing. Twenty-nine samples of C. albicans isolated from this population and kept in a fungi collection were evaluated and re-characterized. In order to differentiate the two species, phenotypic tests (Thermotolerance tests, Chromogenic medium, Staib agar, Tobacco agar, Hypertonic medium) were performed and genotypic techniques using DNA sequencing were employed for confirmation of isolated species. Susceptibility and specificity were calculated for each test. No phenotypic test alone was sufficient to provide definitive identification of C. dubliniensis or C. albicans, as opposed to results of molecular tests. After amplification and sequencing of specific regions of the 29 studied strains, 93.1% of the isolates were identified as C. albicans and 6.9% as C. dubliniensis. The Staib agar assay showed a higher susceptibility (96.3%) in comparison with other phenotypic techniques. Therefore, genotypic methods are indispensable for the conclusive identification and differentiation between these species