Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Gambar Detail Serta Pengawasan Pemasangan Plafon dan Lantai Granit Proyek Rumah Tinggal 2 Lantai Oleh Hierarki Architect


Palembang is a city with vast areas that can still be developed into various structures, one of which is residential buildings. Therefore, there is a real need for the active involvement of the architectural profession to assist in developing ideas and designs for building projects. In this regard, as architecture students, there is also an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in project work, allowing students to acquire real-world experience in the planning and supervision processes before entering the workforce. In the preparation of this report, students had the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Hierarki Architect Bureau, specializing in planning and architectural design. Regarding the tasks involving planning and design acquired during the internship, a theoretical and practical comparison will be made. During the internship, the focus was not only on the planning and design processes but also on studying each task based on established regulations and guidelines, such as those outlined by the IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects). This approach ensures that the knowledge gained is comprehensive

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