310 research outputs found

    Biopolymer-based structuring of liquid oil into soft solids and oleogels using water-continuous emulsions as templates

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    Physical trapping of a hydrophobic liquid oil in a matrix of water-soluble biopolymers was achieved using a facile two-step process by first formulating a surfactant-free oil-in-water emulsion stabilized by biopolymers (a protein and a polysaccharide) followed by complete removal of the water phase (by either high- or low-temperature drying of the emulsion) resulting in structured solid systems containing a high concentration of liquid oil (above 97 wt %). The microstructure of these systems was revealed by confocal and cryo-scanning electron microscopy, and the effect of biopolymer concentrations on the consistency of emulsions as well as the dried product was evaluated using a combination of small-amplitude oscillatory shear rheometry and large deformation fracture studies. The oleogel prepared by shearing the dried product showed a high gel strength as well as a certain degree of thixotropic recovery even at high temperatures. Moreover, the reversibility of the process was demonstrated by shearing the dried product in the presence of water to obtain reconstituted emulsions with rheological properties comparable to those of the fresh emulsion

    Photochromism of diarylethene molecules and crystals

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    Photochromism is defined as a reversible transformation of a chemical species between two isomers upon photoirradiation. Although vast numbers of photochromic molecules have been so far reported, photochromic molecules which exhibit thermally irreversible photochromic reactivity are limited to a few examples. The thermal irreversibility is an indispensable property for the application of photochromic molecules to optical memories and switches. We have developed a new class of photochromic molecules named “diarylethenes”, which show the thermally irreversible photochromic reactivity. The well designed diarylethene derivatives provide outstanding photochromic performance: both isomers are thermally stable for more than 470,000 years, photoinduced coloration/decoloration can be repeated more than 105 cycles, the quantum yield of cyclization reaction is close to 1 (100%), and the response times of both coloration and decoloration are less than 10 ps. This review describes theoretical background of the photochromic reactions, color changes of the derivatives in solution as well as in the single crystalline phase, and application of the crystals to light-driven actuators

    Calorimetric and transport investigations of CePd_{2+x}Ge_{2-x} (x=0 and 0.02) up to 22 GPa

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    The influence of pressure on the magnetically ordered CePd_{2.02}Ge_{1.98} has been investigated by a combined measurement of electrical resistivity, ρ(T)\rho(T), and ac-calorimetry, C(T), for temperatures in the range 0.3 K<T<10 K and pressures, p, up to 22 GPa. Simultaneously CePd_2Ge_2 has been examined by ρ(T)\rho(T) down to 40 mK. In CePd_{2.02}Ge_{1.98} and CePd_2Ge_2 the magnetic order is suppressed at a critical pressure p_c=11.0 GPa and p_c=13.8 GPa, respectively. In the case of CePd_{2.02}Ge_{1.98} not only the temperature coefficient of ρ(T)\rho(T), A, indicates the loss of magnetic order but also the ac-signal 1/VacC/T1/V_{ac}\propto C/T recorded at low temperature. The residual resistivity is extremely pressure sensitive and passes through a maximum and then a minimum in the vicinity of p_c. The (T,p) phase diagram and the A(p)-dependence of both compounds can be qualitatively understood in terms of a pressure-tuned competition between magnetic order and the Kondo effect according to the Doniach picture. The temperature-volume (T,V) phase diagram of CePd_2Ge_2 combined with that of CePd_2Si_2 shows that in stoichiometric compounds mainly the change of interatomic distances influences the exchange interaction. It will be argued that in contrast to this the much lower p_c-value of CePd_{2.02}Ge_{1.98} is caused by an enhanced hybridization between 4f and conduction electrons.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Whey protein microgel particles as stabilizers of waxy corn starch + locust bean gum water-in-water emulsions

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    Food-grade whey protein isolate (WPI) microgel particles were investigated as a particle stabilizer of water-in-water (W/W) emulsions. The microgel particles were produced via the novel method of forcing coarse particles of a pre-formed thermally processed WPI protein gel through a jet homogenizer. The Z-average particle size was 149 ± 89 nm but the particles showed a strong tendency for aggregation when the pH was lowered from pH 7 to 4, when the zeta potential also switched from -17 to +12 mV. The viscoelasticity of suspensions of the particles, measured between 1 and 15 vol.% (0.02 and 3 wt.%) increased with concentration and was also higher at pH 4 than pH 7. However, all the suspensions were only weakly shear thinning, suggesting that they did not form very strong networks. The particles were added (at 1-15 vol.%) to a model W/W system consisting of waxy corn starch (S) + locust bean gum (LBG) that normally shows phase separation when the components are mixed at 90 °C then cooled to room temperature (22-25 °C). At 10 to 15 vol.% particles and pH 4, visual observation showed striking inhibition of phase separation, for a period of up to 1 year. Confocal laser scanning microscopy suggested that under these conditions extensive aggregation of the microparticles occurred within the starch phase but also possibly at the W/W interface between the starch-rich and gum-rich regions, supporting a Pickering-type mechanism as responsible for the enhanced stabilization of the W/W emulsion by the microgel particles

    Synthesis of tenascin and laminin beta2 chain in human bronchial epithelial cells is enhanced by cysteinyl leukotrienes via CysLT1 receptor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) are key mediators of asthma, but their role in the genesis of airway remodeling is insufficiently understood. Recent evidence suggests that increased expression of tenascin (Tn) and laminin (Ln) β2 chain is indicative of the remodeling activity in asthma, but represents also an example of deposition of extracellular matrix, which affects the airway wall compliance. We tested the hypothesis that CysLTs affect production of Tn and Ln β2 chain by human bronchial epithelial cells and elucidated, which of the CysLT receptors, CysLT<sub>1 </sub>or CysLT<sub>2</sub>, mediate this effect.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cultured BEAS-2B human bronchial epithelial cells were stimulated with leukotriene D<sub>4 </sub>(LTD<sub>4</sub>) and E<sub>4 </sub>(LTE<sub>4</sub>) and evaluated by immunocytochemistry, Western blotting, flow cytometry, and RT-PCR. CysLT receptors were differentially blocked with use of montelukast or BAY u9773.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LTD<sub>4 </sub>and LTE<sub>4 </sub>significantly augmented the expression of Tn, whereas LTD<sub>4</sub>, distinctly from LTE<sub>4</sub>, was able to increase also the Ln β2 chain. Although the expression of CysLT<sub>2 </sub>prevailed over that of CysLT<sub>1</sub>, the up-regulation of Tn and Ln β2 chain by CysLTs was completely blocked by the CysLT<sub>1</sub>-selective antagonist montelukast with no difference between montelukast and the dual antagonist BAY u9773 for the inhibitory capacity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that the CysLT-induced up-regulation of Tn and Ln β2 chain, an important epithelium-linked aspect of airway remodeling, is mediated predominantly by the CysLT<sub>1 </sub>receptor. The results provide a novel aspect to support the use of CysLT<sub>1 </sub>receptor antagonists in the anti-remodeling treatment of asthma.</p

    The Extraction of 3D Shape from Texture and Shading in the Human Brain

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    We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the human cortical areas involved in processing 3-dimensional (3D) shape from texture (SfT) and shading. The stimuli included monocular images of randomly shaped 3D surfaces and a wide variety of 2-dimensional (2D) controls. The results of both passive and active experiments reveal that the extraction of 3D SfT involves the bilateral caudal inferior temporal gyrus (caudal ITG), lateral occipital sulcus (LOS) and several bilateral sites along the intraparietal sulcus. These areas are largely consistent with those involved in the processing of 3D shape from motion and stereo. The experiments also demonstrate, however, that the analysis of 3D shape from shading is primarily restricted to the caudal ITG areas. Additional results from psychophysical experiments reveal that this difference in neuronal substrate cannot be explained by a difference in strength between the 2 cues. These results underscore the importance of the posterior part of the lateral occipital complex for the extraction of visual 3D shape information from all depth cues, and they suggest strongly that the importance of shading is diminished relative to other cues for the analysis of 3D shape in parietal regions

    Expression of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase in hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with poor prognosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common tumor in the adult liver, with high relapse and mortality rates despite diverse treatment modalities. In this study, nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT), a key enzyme in drug metabolism, was investigated as a potential prognostic factor.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Frozen tumors and non-cancerous surrounding tissues from 120 patients with primary HCC were studied. Expressions of NNMT and internal control genes were measured by real-time reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR). The relationship of NNMT mRNA level with clinicopathologic parameters and clinical outcome was evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>NNMT mRNA level is markedly reduced in HCCs compared to non-cancerous surrounding tissues (P < 0.0001), and NNMT expression in tumors was significantly correlated with tumor stage (P = 0.010). Moreover, stratification of patients based on tumor NNMT mRNA levels revealed that the patients who expressed higher NNMT mRNA levels tended to have a shorter overall survival (OS) time (P = 0.053) and a significantly shorter disease-free survival (DFS) time (P = 0.016). Both NNMT expression (P = 0.0096) and tumor stage (P = 0.0017) were found to be significant prognostic factors for DFS in a multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study indicated that NNMT gene expression is associated with tumor stage and DFS time in HCC cases. Because of the broad substrate specificity of NNMT, which could alter the efficacy and adverse effects of chemotherapy, NNMT merits further investigation regarding its role as a prognostic factor with a larger cohort of HCC patients.</p

    Primary small cell carcinoma of the esophagus: clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of 21 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Primary small cell carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus is a rare and aggressive tumor with poor prognosis. In this study, we report the clinicopathological characteristics of 21 cases of small cell carcinoma of the esophagus treated at the Cancer Center of Sun Yat-Sen University, with particular focus on the histologic and immunohistochemical findings. METHODS: Twenty-one patient records were reviewed including presenting symptoms, demographics, disease stage, treatment, and follow-up. Histologic features were observed and immunohistochemical detection of cytokeratin (CK), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), neuron specific enolase (NSE), synaptophysin (Syn), chromogranin A (CgA), neuronal cell adhesion molecules (CD56), thyroid transcriptional factor-1 (TTF-1) and S100 protein (S100) was performed. RESULTS: The median age of patients in the study was 56 years, with a male-to-female ratio of 3.2:1. Histologically, there were 19 "homogenous" SCC esophageal samples and 2 samples comprised of SCC and well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The percentages of SCC samples with positive immunoreactivity were Syn 95.2%, CD56 76.2%, TTF-1 71.4%, NSE 61.9%, CgA 61.9%, CK 57.1%, EMA 61.9%, and S100 19.0%, respectively. The median patient survival time was 18.3 months after diagnosis. The 2-year survival rate was 28.6%. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that esophageal SCC has similar histology to SCC that arises in the lung compartment, and Chinese patients have a poor prognosis. Higher proportion of positive labeling of Syn, CD56, CgA, NSE, and TTF-1 in esophageal SCC implicate that they are valuably applied in differential diagnosis of the malignancy

    Arginine deficiency augments inflammatory mediator production by airway epithelial cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously we showed that reduced availability of the essential amino acid tryptophan per se attenuates post-transcriptional control of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 leading to hyperresponsive production of these inflammatory mediators by airway epithelial cells. Availability of the non-essential amino acid arginine in the inflamed airway mucosa of patients with asthma is reduced markedly, but it is not known whether this can also lead to an exaggerated production of IL-6 and IL-8.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>IL-6 and IL-8 were determined by ELISA in culture supernatants of NCI-H292 airway epithelial-like cells and normal bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells that were exposed to TNF-α, LPS or no stimulus, in medium with or without arginine. Arginine deficiency may also result from exposure to poly-L-arginine or major basic protein (MBP), which can block arginine uptake. Epithelial cells were exposed to these polycationic proteins and L-<sup>14</sup>C-arginine uptake was assessed as well as IL-6 and IL-8 production. To determine the mode of action, IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA profiles over time were assessed as were gene transcription and post-transcriptional mRNA degradation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For both NCI-H292 and NHBE cells, low arginine concentrations enhanced basal epithelial IL-6 and IL-8 production and synergized with TNF-α-induced IL-6 and IL-8 production. Poly-L-arginine enhanced the stimulus-induced IL-6 and IL-8 production, however, blocking arginine uptake and the enhanced IL-6 and IL-8 production appeared unrelated. The exaggerated IL-6 and IL-8 production due to arginine deficiency and to poly-L-arginine depend on a post-transcriptional and a transcriptional process, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that both reduced arginine availability per se and the presence of polycationic proteins may promote airway inflammation by enhanced pro-inflammatory mediator production in airway epithelial cells, but due to distinct mechanisms.</p

    Host Shifts from Lamiales to Brassicaceae in the Sawfly Genus Athalia

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    Plant chemistry can be a key driver of host shifts in herbivores. Several species in the sawfly genus Athalia are important economic pests on Brassicaceae, whereas other Athalia species are specialized on Lamiales. These host plants have glucosides in common, which are sequestered by larvae. To disentangle the possible direction of host shifts in this genus, we examined the sequestration specificity and feeding deterrence of iridoid glucosides (IGs) and glucosinolates (GSs) in larvae of five species which either naturally sequester IGs from their hosts within the Plantaginaceae (Lamiales) or GSs from Brassicaceae, respectively. Furthermore, adults were tested for feeding stimulation by a neo-clerodane diterpenoid which occurs in Lamiales. Larvae of the Plantaginaceae-feeders did not sequester artificially administered p-hydroxybenzylGS and were more deterred by GSs than Brassicaceae-feeders were by IGs. In contrast, larvae of Brassicaceae-feeders were able to sequester artificially administered catalpol (IG), which points to an ancestral association with Lamiales. In line with this finding, adults of all tested species were stimulated by the neo-clerodane diterpenoid. Finally, in a phylogenetic tree inferred from genetic marker sequences of 21 Athalia species, the sister species of all remaining 20 Athalia species also turned out to be a Lamiales-feeder. Fundamental physiological pre-adaptations, such as the establishment of a glucoside transporter, and mechanisms to circumvent activation of glucosides by glucosidases are therefore necessary prerequisites for successful host shifts between Lamiales and Brassicaceae