780 research outputs found

    The palaeoecological value of Diporotheca rhizophila ascospores (Diporothecaceae, Ascomycota) found in Holocene sediments from Lake Nussbaumersee, Switzerland

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    International audienceLake Nussbaumersee, a medium-sized lake SWof Lake Constance (Switzerland) and well known for its Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlements, provides invaluable insights into the possible interpretation of Diporotheca rhizophila ascospores (Diporothecaceae, Ascomycota) in palaeoecological studies. Calcareous gyttja sediments from a 7500 yrs old stratigraphy were analysed palynologically, resulting in statistical correlations of Diporotheca spores with pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs(NPPs). Positive correlation existed with arboreal taxa such as Corylus avellana and Acer, herb taxasuchas Allium, and aquatic taxa such as Anabaena (Cyanobacteria) and Filinia eggs (Rotifera). Negative statistical correlation was shown between Diporotheca and the arboreal taxa Quercus and Betula, Poaceae and Cyperaceae, and the fern Pteridium aquilinum. These results suggest that ecological indicator values for the root parasite D. rhizophila may not only be closely related to the autecology of its common host Solanum, but that D. rhizophila may generally be an indicator of major soil disturbance and extensive soil erosion due to the impact of agricultural activities by prehistorical people, as well as due to livestock trampling of wetlands and lake shore ecosystem

    Die mitteleuropÀische Subsistenzwirtschaft des 3. bis 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr. aus palÀoökologischer Sicht

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    oai:ojs.Über die Subsistenzwirtschaft der Bevölkerung des 3. und 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (dem Ende der Jungsteinzeit und dem Beginn der Bronzezeit) liegen bislang nur wenige bioarchĂ€ologische Daten vor. Die augenscheinliche Dominanz von GrĂ€bern und Grabfunden und das fast vollstĂ€ndige Fehlen von Siedlungsnachweisen fĂŒr diese Zeit fĂŒhrt seit mehr als 70 Jahren zu Diskussionen und verschiedenen ErklĂ€rungsmodellen. Eine dieser Hypothesen geht davon aus, dass die Menschen der Schnurkeramik- und Glockenbecherzeit Viehhirten waren und als ein reisendes Volk von BogenschĂŒtzen angesehen werden mĂŒssen. Dem stellen wir hier Resultate aus gut datierten palĂ€oökologischen Untersuchungen entgegen, die klar beweisen, dass in Mitteleuropa (zwischen der Schweiz und DĂ€nemark, sowie zwischen Rhein und Oder) im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. ein voll funktionierendes Landwirtschaftssystem existiert hat. Dies bedeutet auch, dass die Siedlungen permanent bewohnt waren und die Bewohner auf den lokalen Anbau von Kulturpflanzen (z.B. Getreide und HĂŒlsenfrĂŒchte) und auf Viehhaltung spezialisiert waren. Mit Hilfe der Pollenanalysen aus dem Großen Treppelsee ́ in Brandenburg (Deutschland) kann das Vorhandensein von mehreren Landwirtschaftsphasen und einer ersten Form von GrĂŒnlandwirtschaft zwischen 3200 und 800 v. Chr. gezeigt werden. Diese palĂ€oökologischen Resultate ermöglichen ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis dieser Zeitepoche, die zudem durch Neuerungen in der Tischkultur (u.a. das Auftreten von neuen Geschirrformen) und durch die DĂŒngung von LandwirtschaftsflĂ€chen charakterisiert wird. Somit ist das augenscheinliche oder effektive Fehlen von archĂ€ologisch nachgewiesenenSiedlungen entweder durch schlechte Erhaltungsbedingungen und Forschungsstrategien begrĂŒndet, oder aber auf neue Vorlieben in der Auswahl von Siedlungslagen, Bauweise und/oder Abfallentsorgung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren

    Holocene landscape evolution, palaeoclimate and human impact in the Fotsch Valley, Stubai Alps, Austria: Interrogating biomarkers, stable isotopes, macrofossils and palynological indicators from a subalpine mire archive

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    Peatlands are receiving increasing attention in palaeoenvironmental research and represent very useful terrestrial archives for reconstructing vegetation, climate and human history. Previous palaeoenvironmental studies in the Fotsch Valley, Stubai Alps, Austria, focused on geoarchaeological investigations on the Ullafelsen representing a very important prehistorical encampment site used by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers (10.9–9.5 cal. kyr BP). In order to contribute to a better understanding of the landscape evolution of the Fotsch Valley, we here studied the close-by subalpine ‘Potsdamer HĂŒtte Mire’ by applying radiocarbon dating as well as elemental, biomarker, compound-specific stable isotope, palynological and macrofossil analyses on bulk peat samples. The calculated age-depth model using R Bacon indicates the beginning of peat formation during the Early Holocene and shows a strongly reduced peat accumulation rate (PAR) from 170 to 121 cm depth (8.5–2.1 cal. kyr BP) and/or a striking hiatus. Results of leaf wax-derived n-alkane biomarkers as well as macrofossils and palynological indicators reflect the local presence of coniferous trees and the synchronous expansion of deciduous trees during the Early Holocene. The above-mentioned strongly reduced PAR and/or hiatus coincides with the Neolithic, the Bronze and the Iron Age, and goes hand in hand with strong changes in vegetation and an increase of micro-charcoal and black carbon. Despite age uncertainties, these changes can be explained with strongly increasing human and livestock activities in form of deforestation, domestic fires and the beginning of Alpine pastoralism. The latter is confirmed by the finding of pasture and cultural indicator pollen (Cerealia-type, Rumex, Plantago lanceolata, Poaceae) occurring since the Middle to Late Bronze Age. The oxygen isotope composition of sugar biomarkers (ÎŽ18Osugars) likely reflects the dry versus humid climatic variability associated with the Holocene climatic optimum during the Mesolithic, the Roman Age, the Late Antique Little Ice Age, the Middle Ages and the Little Ice Age

    RĂ©alisation d’un Contrat d’Etudes Prospectives des secteurs du transport: Rapport final

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    Le CEP a pour objectif de rĂ©aliser un Ă©tat des lieux du secteur, de conduire une analyse prospective qualitative et quantitative de l’évolution des mĂ©tiers et des besoins de compĂ©tences du transport et de prĂ©coniser un plan d’actions pour les transports routiers, maritimes et fluviaux. A l’issue des travaux d’étude, le rapport final a Ă©tĂ© remis aux membres du ComitĂ© de pilotage (MinistĂšre de l’emploi - DGEFP, ReprĂ©sentants des branches des transports, l’OPCA Transports et Services, PĂŽle Emploi, MinistĂšre de l’écologie et du dĂ©veloppement durable, des transport et du logement)

    Late-Holocene climatic variability south of the Alps as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lake Ledro, Trentino, Italy

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    International audienceA lake-level record for the late Holocene at Lake Ledro (Trentino, northeastern Italy) is presented. It is based on the sediment and pollen analysis of a 1.75 m high stratigraphic section observed on the southern shore (site Ledro I) and a 3.2 m long sediment core taken from a littoral mire on the southeastern shore (site Ledro II). The chronology is derived from 15 radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphy. The late-Holocene composite record established from these two sediment sequences gives evidence of centennial-scale fluctuations with highstands at c. 3400, 2600, 1700, 1200 and 400 cal. BP, in agreement with various palaeohydro-logical records established in central and northern Italy, as well as north of the Alps. In addition, high lake-level conditions at c. 2000 cal. BP may be the equivalent of stronger river discharge observed at the same time in Central Italy's rivers. In agreement with the lake-level record of Accesa (Tuscany), the Ledro record also suggests a relatively complex palaeohydrological pattern for the period around 4000 cal. BP. On a millennial scale, sediment hiatuses observed in the lower part of the Ledro I sediment sequence indicate that, except for a high-stand occurring just after 7500 cal. BP, lower lake levels generally prevailed rather before c. 4000 cal. BP than afterwards. Finally, the lake-level data obtained at Lake Ledro indicate that the relative continuity of settlements in humid areas of northern Italy during the Bronze Age (in contrast to their general abandonment north of the Alps between c. 3450 and 3150 cal. BP), does not reflect different regional patterns of climatic and palaeohy-drological conditions. In contrast, the rise in lake level dated to c. 3400 cal. BP at Ledro appears to coincide with a worldwide climate reversal, observed in both the hemispheres, while palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data collected at Lake Ledro may suggest, as a working hypothesis, a relative emancipation of proto-historic societies from climatic conditions

    An update on the management of sporadic desmoid-type fibromatosis: A European Consensus Initiative between Sarcoma PAtients EuroNet (SPAEN) and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)/Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG)

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    Desmoid-type fibromatosis is a rare and locally aggressive monoclonal, fibroblastic proliferation characterized by a variable and often unpredictable clinical course. Currently, there is no established or evidence-based treatment approach available for this disease. Therefore, in 2015 the European Desmoid Working Group published a position paper giving recommendations on the treatment of this intriguing disease. Here, we present an update of this consensus approach based on professionals' AND patients' expertise following a round table meeting bringing together sarcoma experts from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group with patients and patient advocates from Sarcoma PAtients EuroNet. In this paper, we focus on new findings regarding the prognostic value of mutational analysis in desmoid-type fibromatosis patients and new systemic treatment options

    Benefits of protected areas for nonbreeding waterbirds adjusting their distributions under climate warming

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    Climate warming is driving changes in species distributions and community composition. Many species have a so-called climatic debt, that is, shifts in range lag behind shifts in temperature isoclines. Inside protected areas (PAs), community changes in response to climate warming can be facilitated by greater colonization rates by warm-dwelling species, but also mitigated by lowering extirpation rates of cold-dwelling species. An evaluation of the relative importance of colonization-extirpation processes is important to inform conservation strategies that aim for both climate debt reduction and species conservation. We assessed the colonization-extirpation dynamics involved in community changes in response to climate inside and outside PAs. To do so, we used 25 years of occurrence data of nonbreeding waterbirds in the western Palearctic (97 species, 7071 sites, 39 countries, 1993-2017). We used a community temperature index (CTI) framework based on species thermal affinities to investigate species turnover induced by temperature increase. We determined whether thermal community adjustment was associated with colonization by warm-dwelling species or extirpation of cold-dwelling species by modeling change in standard deviation of the CTI (CTISD). Using linear mixed-effects models, we investigated whether communities in PAs had lower climatic debt and different patterns of community change than communities outside PAs. For CTI and CTISD combined, communities inside PAs had more species, higher colonization, lower extirpation, and lower climatic debt (16%) than communities outside PAs. Thus, our results suggest that PAs facilitate 2 independent processes that shape community dynamics and maintain biodiversity. The community adjustment was, however, not sufficiently fast to keep pace with the large temperature increases in the central and northeastern western Palearctic. Our results underline the potential of combining CTI and CTISD metrics to improve understanding of the colonization-extirpation patterns driven by climate warming.Peer reviewe

    Quantifying Absolute Neutralization Titers against SARS-CoV-2 by a Standardized Virus Neutralization Assay Allows for CrossCohort Comparisons of COVID-19 Sera

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    The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has mobilized efforts to develop vaccines and antibody-based therapeutics, including convalescent-phase plasma therapy, that inhibit viral entry by inducing or transferring neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike glycoprotein (CoV2-S). However, rigorous efficacy testing requires extensive screening with live virus under onerous biosafety level 3 (BSL3) conditions, which limits high-throughput screening of patient and vaccine sera. Myriad BSL2-compatible surrogate virus neutralization assays (VNAs) have been developed to overcome this barrier. Yet, there is marked variability between VNAs and how their results are presented, making intergroup comparisons difficult. To address these limitations, we developed a standardized VNA using CoV2-S pseudotyped particles (CoV2pp) based on vesicular stomatitis virus bearing the Renilla luciferase gene in place of its G glyco-protein (VSVDG); this assay can be robustly produced at scale and generate accurate neutralizing titers within 18 h postinfection. Our standardized CoV2pp VNA showed a strong positive correlation with CoV2-S enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results and live-virus neutralizations in confirmed convalescent-patient sera. Three independent groups subsequently validated our standardized CoV2pp VNA (n . 120). Our data (i) show that absolute 50% inhibitory concentration (absIC50), absIC80, and absIC90 values can be legitimately compared across diverse cohorts, (ii) highlight the substantial but consistent variability in neutralization potency across these cohorts, and (iii) support the use of the absIC80 as a more meaningful metric for assessing the neutralization potency of a vaccine or convalescent-phase sera. Lastly, we used our CoV2pp in a screen to identify ultrapermissive 293T clones that stably express ACE2 or ACE2 plus TMPRSS2. When these are used in combination with our CoV2pp, we can produce CoV2pp sufficient for 150,000 standardized VNAs/week. IMPORTANCE Vaccines and antibody-based therapeutics like convalescent-phase plasma therapy are premised upon inducing or transferring neutralizing antibodies that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells. Virus neutralization assays (VNAs) for measuring neutralizing antibody titers (NATs) are an essential part of determining vaccine or therapeutic efficacy. However, such efficacy testing is limited by the inherent dangers of working with the live virus, which requires specialized high-level biocontainment facilities. We there-fore developed a standardized replication-defective pseudotyped particle system that mimics the entry of live SARS-CoV-2. This tool allows for the safe and efficient measurement of NATs, determination of other forms of entry inhibition, and thorough investigation of virus entry mechanisms. Four independent labs across the globe validated our standardized VNA using diverse cohorts. We argue that a standardized and scalable assay is necessary for meaningful comparisons of the myriad of vaccines and antibody-based therapeutics becoming available. Our data provide generalizable metrics for assessing their efficacy.Fil: Oguntuyo, Kasopefoluwa. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Stevens, Christian S.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Hung, Chuan Tien. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Ikegame, Satoshi. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Acklin, Joshua A.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Kowdle, Shreyas S.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Carmichael, Jillian C.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Chiu, Hsin Ping. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Azarm, Kristopher D.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Haas, Griffin D.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Amanat, Fatima. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Klingler, Jéromine. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Baine, Ian. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Arinsburg, Suzanne. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Bandres, Juan C.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Siddiquey, Mohammed N. A.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Schilke, Robert M.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Woolard, Matthew D.. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Zhang, Hongbo. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Duty, Andrew J.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Kraus, Thomas A.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Moran, Thomas M.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Tortorella, Domenico. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Lim, Jean K.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Gamarnik, Andrea Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Hioe, Catarina E.. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Zolla Pazner, Susan. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Ivanov, Stanimir S.. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Kamil, Jeremy. State University of Louisiana; Estados UnidosFil: Krammer, Florian. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Lee, Benhur. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Ojeda, Diego Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; ArgentinaFil: Gonzålez López Ledesma, María Mora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Costa Navarro, Guadalupe Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Pallarés, H. M.. No especifíca;Fil: Sanchez, Lautaro Nicolas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Perez, P.. No especifíca;Fil: Ostrowsk, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Villordo, S. M.. No especifíca;Fil: Alvarez, D. E.. No especifíca;Fil: Caramelo, J. J.. No especifíca;Fil: Carradori, J.. No especifíca;Fil: Yanovsky, M. J.. No especifíca
