772 research outputs found

    Exploring the active site of the Streptococcus pneumoniae topoisomerase IV-DNA cleavage complex with novel 7,8-bridged fluoroquinolones.

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    As part of a programme of synthesizing and investigating the biological properties of new fluoroquinolone antibacterials and their targeting of topoisomerase IV from Streptococcus pneumoniae, we have solved the X-ray structure of the complexes of two new 7,8-bridged fluoroquinolones (with restricted C7 group rotation favouring tight binding) in complex with the topoisomerase IV from S. pneumoniae and an 18-base-pair DNA binding site-the E-site-found by our DNA mapping studies to bind drug strongly in the presence of topoisomerase IV (Leo et al. 2005 J. Biol. Chem. 280, 14 252-14 263, doi:10.1074/jbc.M500156200). Although the degree of antibiotic resistance towards fluoroquinolones is much lower than that of β-lactams and a range of ribosome-bound antibiotics, there is a pressing need to increase the diversity of members of this successful clinically used class of drugs. The quinolone moiety of the new 7,8-bridged agents ACHN-245 and ACHN-454 binds similarly to that of clinafloxocin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and trovofloxacin but the cyclic scaffold offers the possibility of chemical modification to produce interactions with other topoisomerase residues at the active site

    Observing Users - Designing clarity a case study on the user-centred design of a cross-language information retrieval system

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    This paper presents a case study of the development of an interface to a novel and complex form of document retrieval: searching for texts written in foreign languages based on native language queries. Although the underlying technology for achieving such a search is relatively well understood, the appropriate interface design is not. A study involving users (with such searching needs) from the start of the design process is described covering initial examination of user needs and tasks; preliminary design and testing of interface components; building, testing, and further refining an interface; before finally conducting usability tests of the system. Lessons are learned at every stage of the process leading to a much more informed view of how such an interface should be built

    Association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and biomarkers of oxidative stress among patients hospitalised with acute myocardial infarction

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    Objective To determine whether exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with oxidative stress among patients hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction.<p></p> Design An existing cohort study of 1,261 patients hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction.<p></p> Setting Nine acute hospitals in Scotland.<p></p> Participants Sixty never smokers who had been exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (admission serum cotinine ≥3.0 ng/mL) were compared with 60 never smokers who had not (admission serum cotinine ≤0.1 ng/mL).<p></p> Intervention None.<p></p> Main outcome measures Three biomarkers of oxidative stress (protein carbonyl, malondialdehyde (MDA) and oxidised low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)) were measured on admission blood samples and adjusted for potential confounders.<p></p> Results After adjusting for baseline differences in age, sex and socioeconomic status, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with serum concentrations of both protein carbonyl (beta coefficient 7.96, 95% CI 0.76, 15.17, p = 0.031) and MDA (beta coefficient 10.57, 95% CI 4.32, 16.81, p = 0.001) but not ox-LDL (beta coefficient 2.14, 95% CI −8.94, 13.21, p = 0.703).<p></p> Conclusions Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with increased oxidative stress. Further studies are requires to explore the role of oxidative stress in the association between environmental tobacco smoke and myocardial infarction.<p></p&gt

    Nitrogen transfer from forage legumes to nine neighbouring plants in a multi-species grassland

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    Legumes play a crucial role in nitrogen supply to grass-legume mixtures for ruminant fodder. To quantify N transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants in multi-species grasslands we established a grass-legume-herb mixture on a loamy-sandy site in Denmark. White clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) were leaf-labelled with 15N enriched urea during one growing season. N transfer to grasses (Lolium perenne L. and xfestulolium), white clover, red clover, lucerne, birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor L.)and caraway (Carum carvi L.) was assessed. Neighbouring plants contained greater amounts of N derived from white clover (4.8 gm-2) compared with red clover (2.2 gm-2) and lucerne (1.1 gm-2). Grasses having fibrous roots received greater amounts of N from legumes than dicotyledonous plants which generally have taproots. Slurry application mainly increased N transfer from legumes to grasses. During the growing season the three legumes transferred approximately 40 kg N ha-1 to neighbouring plants. Below-ground N transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants differed among nitrogen donors and nitrogen receivers and may depend on root characteristics and regrowth strategies of plant species in the multi-species grassland

    Spontaneous, pro-arrhythmic calcium signals disrupt electrical pacing in mouse pulmonary vein sleeve cells

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    The pulmonary vein, which returns oxygenated blood to the left atrium, is ensheathed by a population of unique, myocyte- like cells called pulmonary vein sleeve cells (PVCs). These cells autonomously generate action potentials that propagate into the left atrial chamber and cause arrhythmias resulting in atrial fibrillation; the most common, often sustained, form of cardiac arrhythmia. In mice, PVCs extend along the pulmonary vein into the lungs, and are accessible in a lung slice preparation. We exploited this model to study how aberrant Ca2+ signaling alters the ability of PVC networks to follow electrical pacing. Cellular responses were investigated using real-time 2-photon imaging of lung slices loaded with a Ca2+- sensitive fluorescent indicator (Ca2+ measurements) and phase contrast microscopy (contraction measurements). PVCs displayed global Ca2+ signals and coordinated contraction in response to electrical field stimulation (EFS). The effects of EFS relied on both Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release, and could be inhibited by nifedipine, ryanodine or caffeine. Moreover, PVCs had a high propensity to show spontaneous Ca2+ signals that arose via stochastic activation of ryanodine receptors (RyRs). The ability of electrical pacing to entrain Ca2+ signals and contractile responses was dramatically influenced by inherent spontaneous Ca2+ activity. In PVCs with relatively low spontaneous Ca2+ activity (2+ activity (>1.5 Hz), electrical pacing was less effective; PVCs became unpaced, only partially-paced or displayed alternans. Because spontaneous Ca2+ activity varied between cells, neighboring PVCs often had different responses to electrical pacing. Our data indicate that the ability of PVCs to respond to electrical stimulation depends on their intrinsic Ca2+ cycling properties. Heterogeneous spontaneous Ca2+ activity arising from stochastic RyR opening can disengage them from sinus rhythm and lead to autonomous, pro-arrhythmic activity

    Dominant-negative CREB inhibits heparanase functionality and melanoma cell invasion

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    Heparanase (HPSE-1) is an endo-β-D-glucuronidase involved in the degradation of cell-surface/extracellular matrix heparan sulfate (HS) in normal and neoplastic tissues. HPSE-1 represents the first example of purification and cloning of a mammalian HS-degradative enzyme. Elevated HPSE-1 levels are known to be associated with metastatic cancers, directly implicating HPSE-1 in metastatic events. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in modulating HPSE-1-mediated effects on human melanoma cell invasion. Highly invasive, brain-metastatic melanoma cells (70W) were transfected with the dominant-negative CREB (KCREB) and subsequently analyzed for changes in their HPSE-1 content, functionality, and cell invasive properties. KCREB-transfected cells showed a decrease in HPSE-1 mRNA expression and activity. This correlated with a significantly decreased invasion of these cells through Matrigel™-coated filters. Furthermore, adenoviral vectors containing the full-length human HPSE-1 cDNA in sense orientation (Ad-S/hep) were constructed to investigate CREB effects on HPSE-1. Restoration of HPSE-1 expression and functionality following Ad-S/hep infection of KCREB-transfected 70W cells recovered melanoma cell invasiveness. These results demonstrate that KCREB inhibits HPSE-1 and suggest that one of the roles CREB plays in the acquisition of melanoma cells metastatic phenotype is affecting HPSE-1 activity. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc