234 research outputs found

    Analysis of a turbine rotor containing a transverse crack at Oak Creek Unit 17

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    Transient increases in one, two and three per revolution vibration characteristics of a low pressure steam turbine were observed during steam temperature reduction operations. Vibration and fracture mechanics analyses suggested the presence of a transverse shaft crack which was eventually identified by ultrasonic inspection and confirmed by destructive sectioning. Signature analyses of vibration data recorded over a two-year period prior to crack identification are correlated with fatigue crack growth, which occurred intermittently during transient temperature decreases. The apparent increased response of the rotor to vibration is due to asymmetric stiffness changes introduced by the growing transverse crack. The vibration response is predicted to increase with increasing crack depths in excess of 10% of the shaft diameter. Fracture mechanics analyses predict that fatigue crack growth occurred during periods of steam temperature decrease, when high surface tensile stresses are present. These same transient thermal stresses are shown to have retarded and prevented subsequent fatigue crack growth during steady operation

    Neuromagnetische Korrelate der Plastizität im auditorischen Kortex aufgrund von Diskriminationslernen

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    In dieser Dissertation wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob intensives Diskriminationslernen plastische Veränderungen im auditorischen Kortex bewirkt. Im 1. Experiment wurde daher die Wirkung eines dreiwöchigen Frequenzdiskrimi-nationstrainings untersucht. Zwei magnetoenzephalographische (MEG) Messungen definierten die ?normalen? MMN-Amplituden, eine Messung während, am Ende des Trainings und 3 Wochen danach wurden damit korreliert. Im Laufe des Trainings verbesserte sich die gerade noch unterscheidbare Frequenzdifferenz deutlich und erhöhten sich die Amplituden der N1m und des MMF bis zum Ende des Trainings und fielen 3 Wochen danach leicht ab. Im 2. Experiment wurden die neuronalen ?Spuren? des Lernens von nicht-nativem Mora-timing untersucht. Deutsche Probanden lernten in 10 Trainingseinheiten von 1 1/2 Stunden japanische Wortpaare zu diskriminieren, die sich in mehreren Stufen durch die Länge eines Mora unterschieden. Ein deutlicher Anstieg der Diskriminationsleistung korrelierte signifikant mit der MMF-Amplitude und mit der Abnahme der Reaktionszeiten im Training und der Latenzen der MMF. Im 3. Experiment wurden japanische Probanden als Muttersprachler mit dem gleichen Paradigma auf Kurzzeitplastizität untersucht. Im Vergleich zu den deutschen Probanden zeigte sich eine erhöhte Sensitivität des MMF für kleinere Unterschiede auf dem ?anni?- und ?kiyo?-Kontinuum vor dem Training. Es konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass intensives Diskriminationslernen zu plastischen Veränderungen im menschlichen Gehirn führen, wie sie in neuromagnetischen Antworten gezeigt wurden. Muttersprachler weisen dafür eine erhöhte Sensitivität, jedoch keine Kurzzeitplastizität auf

    The Homeostatic Chemokine CCL21 Predicts Mortality and May Play a Pathogenic Role in Heart Failure

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    Background: CCL19 and CCL21, acting through CCR7, are termed homeostatic chemokines. Based on their role in concerting immunological responses and their proposed involvement in tissue remodeling, we hypothesized that these chemokines could play a pathogenic role in heart failure (HF). Methodology/Principal Findings: Our main findings were: (i) Serum levels of CCL19 and particularly CCL21 were markedly raised in patients with chronic HF (n = 150) as compared with healthy controls (n = 20). A CCL21 level above median was independently associated with all-cause mortality. (ii) In patients with HF following acute myocardial infarction (MI; n = 232), high versus low CCL21 levels 1 month post-MI were associated with cardiovascular mortality, even after adjustment for established risk factors. (iii). Explanted failing human LV tissue (n = 29) had markedly increased expression of CCL21 as compared with non-failing myocardium (n = 5). (iv) Our studies in CCR7−/− mice showed improved survival and attenuated increase in markers of myocardial dysfunction and wall stress in post-MI HF after 1 week, accompanied by increased myocardial expression of markers of regulatory T cells. (v) Six weeks post-MI, there was an increase in markers of myocardial dysfunction and wall stress in CCR7 deficient mice. Conclusions/Significance: High serum levels of CCL21 are independently associated with mortality in chronic and acute post-MI HF. Our findings in CCR7 deficient mice may suggest that CCL21 is not only a marker, but also a mediator of myocardial failure. However, while short term inhibition of CCR7 may be beneficial following MI, a total lack of CCR7 during long-term follow-up could be harmful.publishedVersio

    Stream and slope weathering effects on organic-rich mudstone geochemistry and implications for hydrocarbon source rock assessment: a Bowland Shale case study

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    This study contributes to the exploration and quantification of the weathering of organic-rich mudstones under temperate climatic conditions. Bowland Shales, exposed by a stream and slope, were sampled in order to develop a model for the effects of weathering on the mudstone geochemistry, including major and trace element geochemistry, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and δ13Corg. Four weathering grades (I – IV) are defined using a visual classification scheme; visually fresh and unaltered (I), chemically altered (II, III) and ‘paper shale’ that typifies weathered mudstone on slopes (IV). Bedload abrasion in the stream exposes of visually fresh and geochemically unaltered mudstone. Natural fractures are conduits for oxidising meteoric waters that promote leaching at the millimetre scale and/or precipitation of iron oxide coatings along fracture surfaces. On the slope, bedding-parallel fractures formed (and may continue to form) in response to chemical and/or physical weathering processes. These fractures develop along planes of weakness, typically along laminae comprising detrital grains, and exhibit millimetre- and centimetre-scale leached layers and iron oxide coatings. Fracture surfaces are progressively exposed to physical weathering processes towards the outcrop surface, and results in disintegration of the altered material along fracture surfaces. Grade IV, ‘paper shale’ mudstone is chemically unaltered but represents a biased record driven by initial heterogeneity in the sedimentary fabric. Chemically weathered outcrop samples exhibit lower concentrations of both ‘free’ (S1) (up to 0.6 mgHC/g rock) and ‘bound’ (S2) (up to 3.2 mgHC/g rock) hydrocarbon, reduced total organic carbon content (up to 0.34 wt%), reduced hydrogen index (up to 58 mgHC/gTOC), increased oxygen index (up to 19 mgCO + CO2/gTOC) and increased Tmax (up to 11 °C) compared with unaltered samples. If analysis of chemically weathered samples is unavoidable, back-extrapolation of Rock-Eval parameters can assist in the estimation of pre-weathering organic compositions. Combining Cs/Cu with oxygen index is a proxy for identifying the weathering progression from fresh material (I) to ‘paper shale’ (IV). This study demonstrates that outcrop samples in temperate climates can provide information for assessing hydrocarbon potential of organic-rich mudstones

    Emotional reaction to diagnosis of infertility in Kuwait and successful clients' perception of nurses' role during treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The unfulfilled desire of millions of infertile couples worldwide to have their own biological children results in emotional distress. This study evaluated the emotional reactions of couples attending a combined infertility clinic in Kuwait and successful clients' perception of nurses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The first phase was by structured interview using two standardized psychological scales: the 25-item Hopkins Symptom Checklist and Modified Fertility Adjustment Scale. Data were collected from 268 couples attending the combined infertility clinic, between October 2002 and September 2007. The second phase was a semi-structured interview of 10 clients who got pregnant following treatment. The interview explored their feelings and perception of the nurses' role. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average duration of infertility was 4 years; 65.7% of the women and 76.1% of men suffered from primary infertility. Emotional reactions experienced were: anxiety in women (12.7%) and men (6%), depression in women (5.2%) and men (14.9%) and reduced libido in women (6.7%) and men (29.9%). Also in men, 14.9% experienced premature ejaculation, 5.2% weak ejaculation and 7.9% had impotence although 4.9% were transient. In the semi-structured interviews, the emotions expressed were similar and in addition to anger, feelings of devastation, powerlessness, sense of failure and frustration. In the survey, 12.7% of the men were found to show more anxiety than women (6%). Although all the 10 women interviewed confirmed they were anxious; only 4 of their partners were reported to be sad or anxious. Successful clients' perception of nurses' roles included nurses carrying out basic nursing procedures, communicating, educating about investigative and treatment procedures, providing emotional support by listening, encouraging, reassuring and being empathetic.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study illuminates the emotional reactions of infertile clients. Fertility nurses in Kuwait can provide emotional support through communication. The need for additional and continuous training for nurses employed in fertility settings in Kuwait is paramount.</p

    Endometrial apoptosis and neutrophil infiltration during menstruation exhibits spatial and temporal dynamics that are recapitulated in a mouse model.

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    Abstract Menstruation is characterised by synchronous shedding and restoration of tissue integrity. An in vivo model of menstruation is required to investigate mechanisms responsible for regulation of menstrual physiology and to investigate common pathologies such as heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB). We hypothesised that our mouse model of simulated menstruation would recapitulate the spatial and temporal changes in the inflammatory microenvironment of human menses. Three regulatory events were investigated: cell death (apoptosis), neutrophil influx and cytokine/chemokine expression. Well-characterised endometrial tissues from women were compared with uteri from a mouse model (tissue recovered 0, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h after removal of a progesterone-secreting pellet). Immunohistochemistry for cleaved caspase-3 (CC3) revealed significantly increased staining in human endometrium from late secretory and menstrual phases. In mice, CC3 was significantly increased at 8 and 24 h post-progesterone-withdrawal. Elastase+ human neutrophils were maximal during menstruation; Ly6G+ mouse neutrophils were maximal at 24 h. Human endometrial and mouse uterine cytokine/chemokine mRNA concentrations were significantly increased during menstrual phase and 24 h post-progesterone-withdrawal respectively. Data from dated human samples revealed time-dependent changes in endometrial apoptosis preceding neutrophil influx and cytokine/chemokine induction during active menstruation. These dynamic changes were recapitulated in the mouse model of menstruation, validating its use in menstrual research

    A Functional Architecture of Optic Flow in the Inferior Parietal Lobule of the Behaving Monkey

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    The representation of navigational optic flow across the inferior parietal lobule was assessed using optical imaging of intrinsic signals in behaving monkeys. The exposed cortex, corresponding to the dorsal-most portion of areas 7a and dorsal prelunate (DP), was imaged in two hemispheres of two rhesus monkeys. The monkeys actively attended to changes in motion stimuli while fixating. Radial expansion and contraction, and rotation clockwise and counter-clockwise optic flow stimuli were presented concentric to the fixation point at two angles of gaze to assess the interrelationship between the eye position and optic flow signal. The cortical response depended upon the type of flow and was modulated by eye position. The optic flow selectivity was embedded in a patchy architecture within the gain field architecture. All four optic flow stimuli tested were represented in areas 7a and DP. The location of the patches varied across days. However the spatial periodicity of the patches remained constant across days at ∼950 and 1100 µm for the two animals examined. These optical recordings agree with previous electrophysiological studies of area 7a, and provide new evidence for flow selectivity in DP and a fine scale description of its cortical topography. That the functional architectures for optic flow can change over time was unexpected. These and earlier results also from inferior parietal lobule support the inclusion of both static and dynamic functional architectures that define association cortical areas and ultimately support complex cognitive function

    In Situ Patrolling of Regulatory T Cells Is Essential for Protecting Autoimmune Exocrinopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Migration of T cells, including regulatory T (Treg) cells, into the secondary lymph organs is critically controlled by chemokines and adhesion molecules. However, the mechanisms by which Treg cells regulate organ-specific autoimmunity via these molecules remain unclear. Although we previously reported autoimmune exocrinopathy resembling Sjögren's syndrome (SS) in the lacrimal and salivary glands from C-C chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7)-deficient mice, it is still unclear whether CCR7 signaling might specifically affect the dynamics and functions of Treg cells in vivo. We therefore investigated the cellular mechanism for suppressive function of Treg cells via CCR7 in autoimmunity using mouse models and human samples. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Patrolling Treg cells were detected in the exocrine organs such as lacrimal and salivary glands from normal mice that tend to be targets for autoimmunity while the Treg cells were almost undetectable in the exocrine glands of CCR7(-/-) mice. In addition, we found the significantly increased retention of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells in the lymph nodes of CCR7(-/-) mice with aging. Although Treg cell egress requires sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), chemotactic function to S1P of CCR7-/- Treg cells was impaired compared with that of WT Treg cells. Moreover, the in vivo suppression activity was remarkably diminished in CCR7(-/-) Treg cells in the model where Treg cells were co-transferred with CCR7(-/-) CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells into Rag2(-/-) mice. Finally, confocal analysis showed that CCR7(+)Treg cells were detectable in normal salivary glands while the number of CCR7(+)Treg cells was extremely decreased in the tissues from patients with Sjögren's syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that CCR7 essentially governs the patrolling functions of Treg cells by controlling the traffic to the exocrine organs for protecting autoimmunity. Characterization of this cellular mechanism could have clinical implications by supporting development of new diagnosis or treatments for the organ-specific autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome and clarifying how the local immune system regulates autoimmunity