33 research outputs found

    Extensión del Collections Framework de Java con una orientación docente

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    El Collections Framework de Java ofrece un conjunto amplio de tipos pero no está orientado a la docencia. Otras bibliotecas que incluyen algunos libros de texto sobre estructuras de datos y algoritmos o bien no están actualizadas (no usan tipos parametrizados por ejemplo) o no contienen algunos tipos que consideramos interesantes para implementar algoritmos sobre grafos (por ejemplo una cola con prioridad modificable). En este trabajo se presenta una biblioteca de tipos en Java que incluye algunas características que la hacen idónea para ser usada en cursos de estructuras de datos y algoritmos. En concreto: ofrece tipos adicionales (árbol general, grafo y cola con prioridad modificable); cada tipo tiene un método para obtener el coste (número de operaciones realizadas sobre los datos) del último método ejecutado; todos los tipos disponen de un método para mostrar la estructura interna; ofrece tipos para la generación gráficas de costes; y la obtención de las instancias se realiza a través de clases de factoría. Mediante el uso de esta biblioteca es posible diseñar actividades (presenciales o autónomas) para que los alumnos analicen las implicaciones que tienen diferentes implementaciones del tipo de datos sobre el coste de las operaciones o visualicen la evolución de la estructura al llamar a una serie de métodos.The Java Collections Framework offers a considerable amount of types (possible too many for introductory courses on data structures and algorithms). Other libraries included in textbooks are not up to date (they do not offer parametrized types for instance) or do not contain some data types that are interesting to implement graph algorithms (as a modifiable priority queue). In this work we present a Java data type library that includes some valuable characteristics to teach data structures and algorithms. These are: it offers additional types such as general tree, graph, and modifiable priority queue; all the data types offer methods to obtain the cost of the last operation, and to show the internal structure; it offers a type that allows to create cost plots hidding details about Input/Output and gnuplot; and, only interfaces and factory clases are public thus hidding the implementation. With this library it is possible to design learning activities, so that students can study how the different implementations affect the cost or to see how the internal structure evolves as a result of calling some methods.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado con una Beca de Colaboración del Ministerio de Educación convocatoria 2011-2012 y ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto 79/FO11/31 de Innovación Educativa del Vicerrectorado de Convergencia Europea y Calidad, Universidad de Valencia

    Uso de Jupyter notebooks y nbgrader para ofrecer retroalimentación en una asignatura de programación

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    Presentamos una experiencia del uso de Jupyter Notebooks en una asignatura de Programación usando Java, de tercer curso de Ingeniería Telemática, con el objetivo de reducir el plazo de la realimentación proporcionada tras las tareas. El alumnado dispone de dos formas de realizar los notebooks: desde un navegador durante las clases, accediendo a un despliegue de JupyterHub sobre Kubernetes; o mediante una máquina virtual. Se han diseñado 11 notebooks sobre aspectos percibidos tradicionalmente como complicados. Para evaluar la utilidad de los notebooks en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se ha diseñado una encuesta con respuestas cuantitativas y cualitativas para las que se ha realizado un análisis temático. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado considera útil el uso de los notebooks y valora positivamente la incorporación de retroalimentación en los mismos.We present an experience of the use of Jupyter Notebooks in a programming subject that uses Java. This subject is taught in the third year of the Ingeniería Telematica degree. The goal is to reduce the time required to give feedback after performing programming tasks. Students can perform the notebooks by using a browser during the classes through JupyterHub deployed on Kubernetes; or whenever the want by using a virtual machine. Eleven notebooks have been designed on topics that have been perceived as complicated over the past years. To evaluate the usefulness of the notebooks in the learning process, a survey has been passed and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results show that students consider the usage of the notebooks useful, and have considered positively the addition of feedback.Este trabajo forma parte de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente financiado por la Universitat de València (UV-SFPIE_PID-2079770)

    Optimizing Lighting in the Workplace and Occupational Risk Prevention through Mobile Applications

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    Nowadays, there are many problems arising from the exploitation of energy resources and the production and use of energy. This research aims to analyze in which way the development of a mobile application may help on registering the lighting levels from different kind of environments, allowing to manage and assess consumption, comply with current regulations. Furthermore, the application provides information about how to optimize the use of energy and prevent occupational risks resulting from mismanagement. To do this relevant information is stored for the evaluation of the measurements through a rule engine that behaves as an expert system capable of guiding in the decision-making process

    Vídeos interactivos para mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la generación YouTube

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    Según los últimos estudios acerca de los hábitos entre los jóvenes y adolescentes de hoy en día, más del 85% de ellos consume elementos multimedia (en su mayoría vídeos) como recurso para informarse, formarse y aprender. A través de este trabajo, se pretende mostrar los diseños y desarrollos de objetos multimedia interactivos realizados para reforzar conceptos en diversas asignaturas y cómo dichos objetos aportan una mejora en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los estudios universitarios. Los objetos multimedia que se han desarrollado son vídeos y presentaciones de corta duración que irán avanzando y planteando preguntas acerca del vídeo visualizado. Finalmente, para valorar el resultado de las actividades y objetos planteados, se ha realizado una encuesta que muestra tanto el grado de satisfacción del alumnado, como algunos elementos que se podrían mejorar.According to the latest studies concerned to habits of today’s young people, more than 85% of them use multimedia elements (mostly videos) to get information as well as for training and learning. This work aims to show, on the one hand, the designs and developments of interactive multimedia objects performed in order to reinforce concepts in several subjects and, on the other hand, how these objects provide an improvement in the teaching-learning process in higher education. The developed multimedia objects are videos and/or short slideshows in which questions about the displayed information are included. Finally, in order to evaluate the proposed activities and objects, we carried out a survey which shows the satisfaction degree of the students, as well as some elements which could be improved.Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda otorgada por la UV (Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa) en el contexto del proyecto SFPIEPID19-10097716

    Evaluación online sostenible mediante vídeos interactivos. Una experiencia en el ámbito universitario

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    A lo largo de los últimos años, especialmente en 2020 y 2021, donde el COVID-19 nos ha obligado a pasar a una metodología docente semipresencial o en línea, hemos podido comprobar cómo los recursos multimedia han jugado un factor clave para transmitir conocimiento y ayudar en la formación. Si a estos recursos multimedia se añade además un componente de interactividad, podemos mejorar la atención al alumnado, favorecer el aprendizaje activo, fomentar los mecanismos de regulación del aprendizaje autónomo y trabajar la metacognición del estudiante. Este trabajo presenta una experiencia en la que se aborda la participación activa de los estudiantes universitarios en el propio proceso de evaluación, como medio para desarrollar su capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Para ello, se ha diseñado y desarrollado una estrategia de evaluación en línea orientada al aprendizaje. Dicha estrategia se fundamenta en el uso de objetos multimedia interactivos y asegura su sostenibilidad a lo largo del tiempo a través de la reutilización de los materiales.Over the last few years, especially in 2020 and 2021, where COVID-19 has forced us to move to a blended or online teaching methodology, we have been able to see how multimedia resources have played a key factor in transmitting knowledge and assisting in training processes. If we add to these multimedia resources the characteristic of interactivity, we can improve the students’ attention, favor active learning, promote the mechanisms of regulation of autonomous learning and work on the students’ metacognition. This work presents an experience where the active participation of university students in the evaluation process itself is addressed, as a means to develop their capacity for lifelong learning. For this purpose, an online assessment strategy based on learning has been designed and developed. It is based on the use of interactive multimedia objects and ensures sustainability over time through the reuse of materials.Este proyecto (SFPIE-PID20-1352382) ha sido financiado por el SFPIE de la Universitat de València

    Derivation and external validation of the SIMPLICITY score as a simple immune-based risk score to predict infection in kidney transplant recipients

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    Existing approaches for infection risk stratification in kidney transplant recipients are suboptimal. Here, we aimed to develop and validate a weighted score integrating non-pathogen-specific immune parameters and clinical variables to predict the occurrence of post-transplant infectious complications. To this end, we retrospectively analyzed a single-center derivation cohort of 410 patients undergoing kidney transplantation in 2008-2013 in Madrid. Peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations, serum immunoglobulin and complement levels were measured at one-month post-transplant. The primary and secondary outcomes were overall and bacterial infection through month six. A point score was derived from a logistic regression model and prospectively applied on a validation cohort of 522 patients undergoing kidney transplantation at 16 centers throughout Spain in 2014-2015. The SIMPLICITY score consisted of the following variables measured at month one after transplantation: C3 level, CD4+ T-cell count, CD8+ T-cell count, IgG level, glomerular filtration rate, recipient age, and infection within the first month. The discrimination capacity in the derivation and validation cohorts was good for overall (areas under the receiver operating curve of 0.774 and 0.730) and bacterial infection (0.767 and 0.734, respectively). The cumulative incidence of overall infection significantly increased across risk categories in the derivation (low-risk 13.7%; intermediate-risk, 35.9%; high-risk 77.6%) and validation datasets (10.2%, 28.9% and 50.4%, respectively). Thus, the SIMPLICITY score, based on easily available immune parameters, allows for stratification of kidney transplant recipients at month one according to their expected risk of subsequent infection

    Management of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacilli infections in solid organ transplant recipients: SET/GESITRA-SEIMC/REIPI recommendations

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    Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are especially at risk of developing infections by multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacilli (GNB), as they are frequently exposed to antibiotics and the healthcare setting, and are regulary subject to invasive procedures. Nevertheless, no recommendations concerning prevention and treatment are available. A panel of experts revised the available evidence; this document summarizes their recommendations: (1) it is important to characterize the isolate´s phenotypic and genotypic resistance profile; (2) overall, donor colonization should not constitute a contraindication to transplantation, although active infected kidney and lung grafts should be avoided; (3) recipient colonization is associated with an increased risk of infection, but is not a contraindication to transplantation; (4) different surgical prophylaxis regimens are not recommended for patients colonized with carbapenem-resistant GNB; (5) timely detection of carriers, contact isolation precautions, hand hygiene compliance and antibiotic control policies are important preventive measures; (6) there is not sufficient data to recommend intestinal decolonization; (7) colonized lung transplant recipients could benefit from prophylactic inhaled antibiotics, specially for Pseudomonas aeruginosa; (8) colonized SOT recipients should receive an empirical treatment which includes active antibiotics, and directed therapy should be adjusted according to susceptibility study results and the severity of the infection.J.T.S. holds a research contract from the Fundación para la Formación e Investigación de los Profesionales de la Salud de Extremadura (FundeSalud), Instituto de Salud Carlos III. M.F.R. holds a clinical research contract “Juan Rodés” (JR14/00036) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Instituto de Salud Carlos III