138 research outputs found

    A photometric study of Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT

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    Context. In preparation for the COROT mission, an exhaustive photometric study of Be stars located in the seismology fields of the mission has been performed. The very precise and long-time-spanned photometric observations gathered by the COROT satellite will give important clues on the origin of the Be phenomenon. Aims. The aim of this work is to find short-period variable Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT, and to study and characterise their pulsational properties. Methods. Light curves obtained at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada, together with data from Hipparcos and ASAS-3 for a total of 84 Be stars, were analysed in order to search for short-term variations. We applied standard Fourier techniques and non-linear least-square fitting to the time series. Results. We found 7 multiperiodic, 21 mono-periodic and 26 non-variable Be stars. Short-term variability was detected in 74% of early-type Be stars and in 31% of mid- to late-type Be stars. We show that non-radial pulsations are more frequent among Be stars than in slow-rotating B stars of the same spectral [email protected]; [email protected]

    T35: a small automatic telescope for long-term observing campaigns

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    The T35 is a small telescope (14") equipped with a large format CCD camera installed in the Sierra Nevada Observatory (SNO) in Southern Spain. This telescope will be a useful tool for the detecting and studying pulsating stars, particularly, in open clusters. In this paper, we describe the automation process of the T35 and show also some images taken with the new instrumentation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in the special issue "Robotic Astronomy" of Advances of Astronom

    Report on the second run of the ESO Large Programme

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    The ground–based spectro- scopic observations complementing the COROT ones have con- tinued in June and July 2007. The log of the observations, a few preliminary results, tips for the next observers and a look to the future are given

    Municipal energy management model for Cuban first level municipalities

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    The Government of Cuba proposed in the year 2011 an update of the economic and social model, where the management of energy is an element of influence in the economy of the country. This led to the approval of a policy for the development of renewable sources and the efficient use of energy. Another important aspect is the National Plan for development until 2030, which considers the use of natural resources including energy, environmental impacts, and its link with the local development. However, in the municipalities, there are few studies on local energy management (LEM), and they lack the essential elements to guarantee it. This study defined the elements of LEM for the management models of local governance in Cuba, the energy context, and the scenario for the development of LEM in the country. The results suggest a model for LEM that integrates its elements to the functions of local government in energy decisions that influence the economy, society, the environment and local development

    Characteristics defining broccoli cultivars from different seed producers

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    El brócoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) se considera actualmente un alimento vegetal principal en los mercados debido a su alto valor nutricional, que contiene niveles elevados de fitoquímicos ampliamente descritos por tener efectos beneficiosos contra el cáncer y otras enfermedades. El brócoli es un cultivo interesante con un alto valor comercial porque complementa la industria del tomate, el principal ingreso agrícola en Badajoz, España. Se evaluaron nueve variedades de brócoli de cuatro viveros mediante el análisis de los parámetros agronómicos y de calidad. El rendimiento total y el número de cosechas fueron monitoreados. Se determinaron los parámetros que definen la calidad como el diámetro, el peso y la altura de las cabezas. También se analizaron la granulometría, la compacidad y la presencia de hojas internas en las cabezas. El diámetro y la altura de los brotes fueron estimados complementariamente. El análisis de los componentes principales se utilizó para investigar la relación entre las variables agronómicas y los cultivares y viveros. Los resultados revelaron que tanto el primer como el segundo componente principal explicaron más del 75% de la varianza y agruparon los datos según su origen cultivar y comercial. Además, las correlaciones entre las puntuaciones de esos componentes y los valores de los parámetros fenotípicos sugirieron que los pesos de la cabeza son los principales determinantes de las diferencias fenotípicas observadas entre los cultivares, mientras que la presencia de hojas internas y granulometría y el peso de la cabeza parecen ser rasgos clave que definen a los viveros.Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is currently considered a main vegetable food in the markets due to its high nutritional value, containing elevated levels of phytochemicals widely described to have beneficial effects against cancer and other illnesses. Broccoli is an interesting crop with a high commercial value because it complements the tomato industry, the main agricultural income in Badajoz, Spain. Nine varieties of broccoli from four nurseries were evaluated by analyzing both agronomic and quality parameters. Total yield and number of harvests were monitored. Parameters defining quality like diameter, weight, and height of the heads were determined. Granulometry, compactness, and the presence of internal leaves in the heads were also analyzed. Diameter and height of sprouts were complementarily estimated. Principal component analysis was further employed to investigate the relationship between the agronomic variables and the cultivars and nurseries. Results revealed that both first and second principal components explained more than 75% of the variance and grouped data according their cultivar and commercial origin. Additionally, correlations between the scores of those components and the values of the phenotypic parameters suggested that head weights are main determinants of the phenotypic differences observed among the cultivars whereas the presence of internal leaves and granulometry and head weight appear to be key traits defining nurseries.• Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda GR15112 • Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda GR15158peerReviewe

    Internacionalización de la obra del artista Luis Rodrigo Medina: Destino Tokio

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    De acuerdo con la charla que tuvimos con Luis Rodrigo Medina, el objetivo que se espera durante este proyecto PAP es explorar nuevos mercados fuera de México en los que no ha tenido presencia. Luis ya tiene un posicionamiento significativo en Europa, específicamente París, por lo que ya se cuenta con experiencia previa de exposiciones y venta de piezas fuera de México. Una de las opciones de mercado que Luis menciona estar interesado en incursionar es en el mercado asiático, del cual no ha tenido presencia reciente en su carrera como artista. Además de una posible participación en una bienal de Venecia. Luis no cuenta con registro de su marca ni de sus obras, por lo cual está interesado conocer cuál es el proceso para solicitarlo. De acuerdo a los comentarios recibidos por parte de Luis, su larga trayectoria lo ha enfocado completamente en el arte y hoy en día hay aspectos que quizá no tiene presentes y le gustaría recibir un apoyo fresco por parte de los miembros del PAP para así mejorar en aquellos puntos que se consideren relevantes para oporto a su carrera artística.ITESO, A.C

    A novel humid electronic nose combined with an electronic tongue for assessing deterioration of wine

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    We report herein the use of a combined system for the analysis of the spoilage of wine when in contact with air. The system consists of a potentiometric electronic tongue and a humid electronic nose. The potentiometric electronic tongue was built with thick-film serigraphic techniques using commercially available resistances and conductors for hybrid electronic circuits; i.e. Ag, Au, Cu, Ru, AgCl, and C. The humid electronic nose was designed in order to detect vapours that emanate from the wine and are apprehended by a moist environment. The humid nose was constructed using a piece of thin cloth sewn, damped with distilled water, forming five hollows of the right size to introduce the electrodes. In this particular case four electrodes were used for the humid electronic nose: a glass electrode, aluminium (Al), graphite and platinum (Pt) wires and an Ag-AgCl reference electrode. The humid electronic nose together with the potentiometric electronic tongue were used for the evaluation of the evolution in the course of time of wine samples. Additionally to the analysis performed by the tongue and nose, the spoilage of the wines was followed via a simple determination of the titratable (total) acidity. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.We thank the Spanish Government (project MAT2009-14564-C04) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROME-TEO/2009/016) for support. Luis Gil-Sanchez also thanks the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for support (Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion - PAID-06-09) and the Generalitat Valenciana (proyectos de I+D para grupos de investigacion emergentes - 2009/8650).Gil Sánchez, L.; Soto Camino, J.; Martínez Mañez, R.; García Breijo, E.; Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Llobet Valero, E. (2011). A novel humid electronic nose combined with an electronic tongue for assessing deterioration of wine. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 171(2):152-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2011.08.006S152158171

    Monitoring grape ripeness using a voltammetric electronic tongue

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    The use of a voltammetric electronic tongue as a tool to monitor grape ripeness is proposed herein. The electronic tongue consists of eight metallic electrodes housed inside a stainless steel cylinder. The study was carried out over a period of ca. 1 month (August 2012) on different grape varieties (Macabeo, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shyrah, Merlot and Bobal) from various vineyards near Requena and Utiel (Valencia, Spain). Apart from the electrochemical studies, the physico-chemical parameters, such as, Total Acidity, pH and °Brix, were also determined in grapes. The PCA models, obtained using the physico-chemical or electrochemical data, showed variation of ripenesswith time.Moreover the studywas completed by using partial least squares (PLS) regression in an attempt to establish a correlation between the data collected from the electronic tongue and Total Acidity, pH and °Brix values. A good predictive modelwas obtained for the prediction of Total Acidity and °Brix. These results suggest the possibility of employing electronic tongues to monitor grape ripeness and of, therefore, evaluating the right time for harvesting.The financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2012-38429-C04-01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Government; project PROMETEO/2009/016) is gratefully acknowledged.Campos Sánchez, I.; Bataller Prats, R.; Armero, R.; Gandía Romero, JM.; Soto Camino, J.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Gil Sánchez, L. (2013). Monitoring grape ripeness using a voltammetric electronic tongue. Food Research International. 54(2):1369-1375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2013.10.011S1369137554

    Turismo y Género. Una mirada desde Iberoamérica

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    En las últimas cuatro décadas ha crecido el interés de la academia, gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales por estudiar cómo ha sido, en qué circunstancias y qué efectos ha traído la incorporación de las mujeres al turismo. De esta forma se inicia un debate internacional en el que se cuestionan, por un lado, los efectos negativos de esta actividad en la vida de las mujeres y, por el otro, se realzan beneficios económicos que mejoran su calidad de vida y la de sus familias. A pesar del interés y la importante participación de mujeres en el sector turístico, aún son insuficientes los estudios enfocados en explicar y evidenciar su situación laboral. En este contexto, surge la idea de publicar un libro que compilara trabajos recientes en torno a las condiciones de las trabajadoras en el sector turístico de Iberoamérica.Esta obra se compone de tres secciones, Aproximaciones teórico metodológicas, Mujer y turismo en zonas rurales y La mujer en empresas turísticas, cuyas investigaciones abordan distintos temas para evidenciar los problemas enfrentados por las mujeres, proponer diversas soluciones y comprender su escenario laboral. En la primera sección, hay dos capítulos que proponen marcos teóricos para analizar el empoderamiento de las mujeres en el turismo rural. Los resultados de investigaciones de la segunda sección visibilizan las desigualdades, reflexionan y proponen acciones para mejorar las condiciones de las trabajadoras turísticas. En la última, en los tres capítulos, concentrados en las actividades empresariales, se estudian las desventajas y obstáculos de la empleada en alguna compañía turística.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México