192 research outputs found

    Low-temperature electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to liquid fuels: effect of the Cu particle size

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    A novel gas-phase electrocatalytic system based on a low-temperature proton exchange membrane (Sterion) was developed for the gas-phase electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to liquid fuels. This system achieved gas-phase electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 at low temperatures (below 90 °C) over a Cu cathode by using water electrolysis-derived protons generated in-situ on an IrO2 anode. Three Cu-based cathodes with varying metal particle sizes were prepared by supporting this metal on an activated carbon at three loadings (50, 20, and 10 wt %; 50% Cu-AC, 20% Cu-AC, and 10% Cu-AC, respectively). The cathodes were characterized by N2 adsorption–desorption, temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their performance towards the electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 was subsequently studied. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) containing the cathode with the largest Cu particle size (50% Cu-AC, 40 nm) showed the highest CO2 electrocatalytic activity per mole of Cu, with methyl formate being the main product. This higher electrocatalytic activity was attributed to the lower Cu–CO bonding strength over large Cu particles. Different product distributions were obtained over 20% Cu-AC and 10% Cu-AC, with acetaldehyde and methanol being the main reaction products, respectively. The CO2 consumption rate increased with the applied current and reaction temperature

    Electrochemical Activation of Ni Catalysts with Potassium Ionic Conductors for CO2 Hydrogenation

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    Three different kind of Ni-based catalysts were prepared on a K-β″Al2O3 solid electrolyte by combining the annealing of an organometallic paste and the addition of a catalyst powder. The different catalysts films were tested in the CO2 hydrogenation reaction under electrochemical promotion by K+ ions, and were characterized by XRD and SEM. The catalyst film derived from the addition of an α-Al2O3 powder to the Ni catalyst ink presented the highest catalytic activity as a result of the increase in Ni catalyst film porosity. The influence of the applied potential and other operation variables were evaluated on the Ni catalytic activity and selectivity. Hence, the CO production rate was enhanced either by decreasing the applied potential (with the consequent supply of K+ ions to the catalyst surface) or by increasing the CO2 (electron acceptor) feed concentration. On the other hand, CH4 production rate was favoured at positive potentials (removing K+ from the catalyst surface) or by increasing the H2 (electron donor) feed concentration. The global CO2 consumption rate increased upon negative polarization in all experiments and the electrochemical promotion of catalysis effect showed to be reversible and reproducible. Hence, the electrochemical promotion phenomena demonstrated to be a very useful technique to in situ modify and control the catalytic activity and selectivity of a non-noble metal such as Ni for the production of CH4 or syngas via CO2 valorization.Es la versión preprint del artículo. Se puede consultar la versión final en https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-015-0488-

    Low-Temperature Electrocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to Liquid Fuels: Effect of the Cu Particle Size

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    A novel gas-phase electrocatalytic system based on a low-temperature proton exchange membrane (Sterion) was developed for the gas-phase electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to liquid fuels. This system achieved gas-phase electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 at low temperatures (below 90 °C) over a Cu cathode by using water electrolysis-derived protons generated in-situ on an IrO2 anode. Three Cu-based cathodes with varying metal particle sizes were prepared by supporting this metal on an activated carbon at three loadings (50, 20, and 10 wt %; 50% Cu-AC, 20% Cu-AC, and 10% Cu-AC, respectively). The cathodes were characterized by N2 adsorption–desorption, temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their performance towards the electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 was subsequently studied. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) containing the cathode with the largest Cu particle size (50% Cu-AC, 40 nm) showed the highest CO2 electrocatalytic activity per mole of Cu, with methyl formate being the main product. This higher electrocatalytic activity was attributed to the lower Cu–CO bonding strength over large Cu particles. Different product distributions were obtained over 20% Cu-AC and 10% Cu-AC, with acetaldehyde and methanol being the main reaction products, respectively. The CO2 consumption rate increased with the applied current and reaction temperaturSe desarrolló un nuevo sistema electrocatalítico en fase gas basado en una membrana de intercambio de protones de baja temperatura (Sterion) para la conversión electrocatalítica en fase gas de CO 2 a combustibles líquidos. Este sistema logró una reducción electrocatalítica en fase gaseosa de CO 2 a bajas temperaturas (por debajo de 90 °C) sobre un cátodo de Cu mediante el uso de protones derivados de la electrólisis del agua generados in situ en un ánodo de IrO 2 . Se prepararon tres cátodos a base de Cu con diferentes tamaños de partículas metálicas apoyando este metal sobre un carbón activado en tres cargas (50, 20 y 10 % en peso; 50 % Cu-AC, 20 % Cu-AC y 10 % Cu-AC). CA, respectivamente). Los cátodos se caracterizaron por N 2Posteriormente se estudió la adsorción-desorción, la reducción a temperatura programada (TPR) y la difracción de rayos X (XRD) y su desempeño hacia la conversión electrocatalítica de CO 2 . El conjunto de electrodos de membrana (MEA) que contiene el cátodo con el tamaño de partícula de Cu más grande (50% Cu-AC, 40 nm) mostró la mayor actividad electrocatalítica de CO 2 por mol de Cu, siendo el formiato de metilo el producto principal. Esta mayor actividad electrocatalítica se atribuyó a la menor fuerza de unión Cu-CO sobre partículas grandes de Cu. Se obtuvieron diferentes distribuciones de productos sobre 20% Cu-AC y 10% Cu-AC, siendo el acetaldehído y el metanol los principales productos de reacción, respectivamente. La tasa de consumo de CO2 aumentó con la corriente aplicada y la temperatura de reacció

    Gas-phase electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to chemicals on sputtered Cu and Cu–C catalysts electrodes

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    A novel gas-phase electrocatalytic cell containing a low-temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) was developed to electrochemically convert CO2 into organic compounds. Two different Cu-based cathode catalysts (Cu and Cu–C) were prepared by physical vapor deposition method (sputtering) and subsequently employed for the gas-phase electroreduction of CO2 at different temperatures (70–90 °C). The prepared electrodes Cu and Cu–C were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As revealed, Cu is partially oxidized on the surface of the samples and the Cu and Cu–C cathodic catalysts were comprised of a porous, continuous, and homogeneous film with nanocrystalline Cu with a grain size of 16 and 8 nm, respectively. The influence of the applied current and temperature on the electro-catalytic activity and selectivity of these materials was investigated. Among the two investigated electrodes, the pure Cu catalyst film showed the highest CO2 specific electrocatalytic reduction rates and higher selectivity to methanol formation compared to the Cu–C electrode, which was attributed to the higher particle size of the former and lower CuO/Cu ratio. The obtained results show potential interest for the possible use of electrical renewable energy for the transformation of CO2 into valuable products using low metal loading Cu based electrodes (0.5 mg Cu cm−2) prepared by sputteringSe desarrolló una nueva celda electrocatalítica en fase gaseosa que contiene una membrana de intercambio de protones (PEM) de baja temperatura para convertir electroquímicamente el CO 2 en compuestos orgánicos. Se prepararon dos catalizadores de cátodo basados ​​en Cu diferentes (Cu y Cu–C) mediante el método de deposición física de vapor (pulverización) y posteriormente se emplearon para la electrorreducción de CO 2 en fase gaseosa a diferentes temperaturas (70–90 °C). Los electrodos Cu y Cu–C preparados se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X (XRD), fotoemisión de rayos Xespectroscopía (XPS) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Como se reveló, el Cu está parcialmente oxidado en la superficie de las muestras y los catalizadores catódicos de Cu y Cu-C estaban compuestos por una película porosa, continua y homogénea con Cu nanocristalino con un tamaño de grano de 16 y 8 nm, respectivamente. Se investigó la influencia de la corriente y la temperatura aplicadas sobre la actividad electrocatalítica y la selectividad de estos materiales. Entre los dos electrodos investigados, la película de catalizador de Cu puro mostró la mayor cantidad de CO 2tasas específicas de reducción electrocatalítica y mayor selectividad para la formación de metanol en comparación con el electrodo de Cu-C, lo que se atribuyó al mayor tamaño de partícula del primero y a la menor relación CuO/Cu. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un potencial interés para el posible uso de energía eléctrica renovable para la transformación de CO 2 en productos valiosos utilizando electrodos basados ​​en Cu de baja carga de metal (0,5 mg Cu cm −2 ) preparados por pulverización catódica

    JKST6, a novel multikinase modulator of the BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling pathway that potentiates direct BCR-ABL1 inhibition and overcomes imatinib resistance in chronic myelogenous leukemia

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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a hematological malignancy that highly depends on the BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling pathway for cell survival. First-line treatments for CML consist of tyrosine kinase inhibitors that efficiently target BCR-ABL1 activity. However, drug resistance and intolerance are still therapeutic limitations in Ph+ cells. Therefore, the development of new anti-CML drugs that exhibit alternative mechanisms to overcome these limitations is a desirable goal. In this work, the antitumoral activity of JKST6, a naphthoquinone-pyrone hybrid, was assessed in imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant human CML cells. Live-cell imaging analysis revealed JKST6 potent antiproliferative activity in 2D and 3D CML cultures. JKST6 provoked cell increase in the subG1 phase along with a reduction in the G0/G1 phase and altered the expression of key proteins involved in the control of mitosis and DNA damage. Rapid increases in Annexin V staining and activation/cleavage of caspases 8, 9 and 3 were observed after JKST6 treatment in CML cells. Of interest, JKST6 inhibited BCR-ABL1/STAT5 signaling through oncokinase downregulation that was preceded by rapid polyubiquitination. In addition, JKST6 caused a transient increase in JNK and AKT phosphorylation, whereas the phosphorylation of P38-MAPK and Src was reduced. Combinatory treatment unveiled synergistic effects between imatinib and JKST6. Notably, JKST6 maintained its antitumor efficacy in BCR-ABL1-T315I-positive cells and CML cells that overexpress BCR-ABL and even restored imatinib efficacy after a short exposure time. These findings, together with the observed low toxicity of JKST6, reveal a novel multikinase modulator that might overcome the limitations of BCR-ABL1 inhibitors in CML therapy.This research has been funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - MINECO - (SAF 2015–65113-C2–1-R and RTI2018–094356-B-C21 to AEB, SAF2015–65113-C2–2 to LFP, SAF2017–88026-R to JL) with the co-funding of European Regional Development Fund (EU-ERDF), Canary Islands Government (CEI2018–23/ACIISI to BG, CEI2019–08/ACIISI to BG and LFP, ProID2021010037 to AEB, LFP and BG) and "Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion" Grant Program from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJC2018-035193-I to CR). This project has been also supported by Alfredo Martin-Reyes Foundation (Arehucas)-Canary Islands Foundation for Cancer Research (FICIC). HAT is recipient of a predoctoral program grant from ULPGC (2016). JCM was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through a Miguel Servet program (CPII17/ 00015)

    Anaphylaxis in Latin America: a report of the online Latin American survey on anaphylaxis (OLASA)

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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of the Online Latin American Survey of Anaphylaxis (OLASA) were to identify the main clinical manifestations, triggers, and treatments of severe allergic reactions in patients who were seen by allergists from July 2008 to June 2010 in 15 Latin American countries and Portugal (n =634). RESULTS: Of all patients, 68.5% were older than 18 years, 41.6% were male, and 65.4% experienced the allergic reaction at home. The etiologic agent was identified in 87.4% of cases and predominantly consisted of drugs (31.2%), foods (23.3%), and insect stings (14.9%). The main symptom categories observed during the acute episodes were cutaneous (94.0%) and respiratory (79.0%). The majority of patients (71.6%) were treated initially by a physician (office/emergency room) within the first hour after the reaction occurred (60.2%), and 43.5% recovered in the first hour after treatment. Most patients were treated in an emergency setting, but only 37.3% received parenteral epinephrine alone or associated with other medication. However, 80.5% and 70.2% were treated with corticosteroids or antihistamines (alone or in association), respectively. A total of 12.9% of the patients underwent reanimation maneuvers, and 15.2% were hospitalized. Only 5.8% of the patients returned to the emergency room after discharge, with 21.7% returning in the first 6 hours after initial treatment. CONCLUSION: The main clinical manifestations of severe allergic reactions were cutaneous. The etiologic agents that were identified as causing these acute episodes differed according to age group. Following in order: drugs (31.2%), foods (23.3% and insect stings (14.9%) in adults with foods predominance in children. Treatment provided for acute anaphylactic reactions was not appropriate. It is necessary to improve educational programs in order to enhance the knowledge on this potentially fatal emergency.Federal University of São Paulo Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Department of Pediatrics Division of AllergyUniversidad del Salvador Medical School ImmunologyClínica Santa Isabel Head of the Division of Allergy and ImmunologyCentro Médico-Docente La Trinidad Allergy and Clinical Immunology DepartmentClínica El Avila Head of Allergy and Immunology DepartmentUniversity of Montes ClarosFederal University of Paraná Department of PediatricsNational University of Rosario Faculty of Medical SciencesFederal Faculty Foundation of Medical Sciences of Porto Alegre Division of Immunology and ImmunopathologyUNIFESP, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Department of Pediatrics Division of AllergySciEL

    Estudio de caso sobre la aplicación de un programa de aprendizaje con tecnología 3D en las aulas de educación infantil

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    The school world has had to face many challenges, such as new learning models, new procedures and teaching strategies.A study is presented on the implementation of a learning program with the use of emerging 3D technologies in the classrooms of Early Childhood Education.The methodology used is mixed, that is to say, with a quantitative methodology the evaluation of the results of the implemented learning program is carried out, as well as knowing, through a qualitative analysis, the perception of the teaching staff in the implementation of the teaching program-learning and its training about new technologies.The program has been carried out in a classroom of the third year of Early Childhood Education (nº = 20) with students between 5 and 6 years of age.The following conclusions were obtained: most of the items analyzed are above the average, finding the differentiation between 2D and 3D as the lowest item, and highlighting how very viable the use of these at early ages, where most of them They developed without major problems.Regarding the information collected on the perception of the teaching staff, we observed how most of them would be interested in knowing how to use this emerging technology, and highlighted the need for more training in this field.El mundo escolar ha tenido que hacer frente a numerosos desafíos como, por ejemplo, nuevos modelos de aprendizajes, nuevos procedimientos y estrategias didácticas.Se presenta un estudio sobre la implementación de un programa de aprendizaje con el uso de las tecnologías emergentes 3D en las aulas de Educación Infantil.La metodología utilizada tiene carácter mixto, es decir, con una metodología cuantitativa se procede a la evaluación de los resultados del programa de aprendizaje implementado, además de conocer, a través de un análisis cualitativo, la percepción del profesorado en la implementación del programa de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su formación acerca de las nuevas tecnologías.El programa se ha llevado a cabo en un aula de tercer curso de Educación Infantil (nº=20) con alumnado de entre 5 y 6 años de edad.Se obtuvo las siguientes conclusiones: la mayoría de los ítems analizados están por encima de la media, encontrando la diferenciación entre 2D al 3D como el ítem más bajo, y destacar como muy viable el uso de estas en edades tempranas, donde la mayoría de ellos se desenvolvieron sin mayores problemas. En cuanto a la información recabada sobre la percepción del profesorado, observamos como la mayoría de ellos estarían interesados en saber utilizar esta tecnología emergente, y destacaban que la necesidad de más formación en este ámbito

    Use of mixed microbial cultures to protect recycled concrete surfaces: A preliminary study

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by the Project BIA2017-83526-R “Self-healing processes using bio-polymers in recycled concrete and mortars”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work was also supported by the Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability Unit (CERIS), Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit (UCIBIO-REQUIMTE) and Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV-REQUIMTE), which are financed by national funds from FCT (UIDB/04625/2020, UIDB/04378/2020 and UID/QUI/50006/2020, respectively) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership. Paulo C. Lemos acknowledges the support by FCT for contract IF/01054/2014/CP1224/CT0005.One approach to tackle the problems created by the vast amounts of construction and demolition waste (CDW) generated worldwide while at the same time lengthening concrete durability and service life is to foster the use of recycled aggregate (RA) rather than natural aggregate (NA). This article discusses the use of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)-producing mixed microbial cultures (MMCs) to treat the surface of recycled concrete with a view to increase its resistance to watermediated deterioration. The microorganisms were cultured in a minimal medium using waste pinewood bio-oil as a carbon source. Post-application variations in substrate permeability were determined with the water drop absorption and penetration by water under pressure tests. The significant reduction in water absorption recorded reveals that this bioproduct is a promising surface treatment for recycled concrete.publishersversionpublishe

    Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to added-value chemicals in a high-temperature proton-exchange membrane reactor

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    We have developed a novel gas-phase electrocatalytic system for the conversion of CO2 into added-value chemicals. The system is based on a high-temperature proton-exchange membrane reactor containing a Cu cathodic catalyst supported on carbon nanofibers (CNFs) and an H3PO4-doped polybenzimidazole polymer electrolyte membrane (PBI). The resulting Cu–CNFs/PBI/IrO2 membrane electrode assembly (MEA) allowed the utilization of higher temperatures (110 °C) than has been previously reported. The application of a low current density (− 0.8 mA/cm2) permitted the direct transformation of CO2 into various organic compounds in the C1–C3 range, acetaldehyde being the most common product (85% selectivity). The application of a higher current density (− 1.6 mA/cm2) increased the overall electrocatalytic activity of the system, producing lighter and more saturated compounds. The novel electrochemical cell proposed in this work allows the conversion of CO2 into valuable products under mild conditions (i.e., room pressure, 110 °C) with no requirement for H2 and using electrical energy that could potentially be obtained from renewable energy sources.Hemos desarrollado un novedoso sistema electrocatalítico en fase gas para la conversión de CO 2 en productos químicos de valor añadido. El sistema se basa en un reactor de membrana de intercambio de protones de alta temperatura que contiene un catalizador catódico de Cu soportado en nanofibras de carbono (CNF) y una membrana de electrolito de polímero de polibencimidazol dopado con H 3 PO 4 (PBI). El conjunto de electrodos de membrana (MEA) de Cu–CNFs/PBI/IrO 2 resultante permitió la utilización de temperaturas más altas (110 °C) de lo que se informó anteriormente. La aplicación de una baja densidad de corriente (− 0,8 mA/cm 2 ) permitió la transformación directa de CO 2 en varios compuestos orgánicos en el rango C 1 -C 3 , siendo el acetaldehído el producto más común (85% de selectividad). La aplicación de una mayor densidad de corriente ( −1,6 mA/cm 2 ) aumentó la actividad electrocatalítica global del sistema, produciendo compuestos más ligeros y saturados. La novedosa celda electroquímica propuesta en este trabajo permite la conversión de CO 2 en productos valiosos en condiciones moderadas (es decir, presión ambiental, 110 °C) sin necesidad de H 2 y utilizando energía eléctrica que podría obtenerse potencialmente de fuentes de energía renovables