397 research outputs found

    Preprint arXiv: 2204.02923 Submitted on 6 Apr 2022

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    We present an ansatz for the ground states of the Quantum Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, a paradigmatic model for quantum spin glasses. Our ansatz, based on the concept of generalized coherent states, very well captures the fundamental aspects of the model, including the ground state energy and the position of the spin glass phase transition. It further enables us to study some previously unexplored features, such as the non-vanishing longitudinal field regime and the entanglement structure of the ground states. We find that the ground state entanglement can be captured by a simple ensemble of weighted graph states with normally distributed phase gates, leading to a volume law entanglement, contrasting with predictions based on entanglement monogamy

    Limits on the LyC signal from z~3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field

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    Aim: We aim to measure the LyC signal from a sample of sources in the Chandra deep field south. We collect star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) with accurate spectroscopic redshifts, for which Hubble Space Telescope (HST) coverage and multi-wavelength photometry are available. Method: We selected a sample of about 200 sources at z~3. Taking advantage of HST resolution, we applied a careful cleaning procedure and rejected sources showing nearby clumps with different colours, which could be lower-z interlopers. Our clean sample consisted of 86 SFGs (including 19 narrow-band selected Lya emitters) and 8 AGN (including 6 detected in X-rays). We measured the LyC flux from aperture photometry in four narrow-band filters covering wavelengths below a 912 A rest frame (3.11<z<3.53). We estimated the ratio between ionizing (LyC flux) and 1400 A non-ionizing emissions for AGN and galaxies. Results: By running population synthesis models, we assume an average intrinsic L(1400 A)/L(900 A) ratio of 5 as the representative value for our sample. With this value and an average treatment of the lines of sight of the inter-galactic medium, we estimate the LyC escape fraction relative to the intrinsic value (fesc_rel(LyC)). We do not directly detect ionizing radiation from any individual SFG, but we are able to set a 1(2)sigma upper limit of fesc_rel(LyC)<12(24)%. This result is consistent with other non-detections published in the literature. No meaningful limits can be calculated for the sub-sample of Lya emitters. We obtain one significant direct detection for an AGN at z=3.46, with fesc_rel(LyC) = (72+/-18)%. Conclusions: Our upper limit on fescrel(LyC) implies that the SFGs studied here do not present either the physical properties or the geometric conditions suitable for efficient LyC-photon escape.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on Jan 5th, 201

    Constraining Lyman-alpha spatial offsets at 3<z<5.53<z<5.5 from VANDELS slit spectroscopy

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    We constrain the distribution of spatially offset Lyman-alpha emission (Lyα\alpha) relative to rest-frame ultraviolet emission in ∌300\sim300 high redshift (3<z<5.53<z<5.5) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) exhibiting Lyα\alpha emission from VANDELS, a VLT/VIMOS slit-spectroscopic survey of the CANDELS Ultra Deep Survey and Chandra Deep Field South fields (≃0.2 deg2{\simeq0.2}~\mathrm{deg}^2 total). Because slit spectroscopy compresses two-dimensional spatial information into one spatial dimension, we use Bayesian inference to recover the underlying Lyα\alpha spatial offset distribution. We model the distribution using a 2D circular Gaussian, defined by a single parameter σr,Lyα\sigma_{r,\mathrm{Ly}\alpha}, the standard deviation expressed in polar coordinates. Over the entire redshift range of our sample (3<z<5.53<z<5.5), we find σr,Lyα=1.70−0.08+0.09\sigma_{r,\mathrm{Ly}\alpha}=1.70^{+0.09}_{-0.08} kpc (68%68\% conf.), corresponding to ∌0.25\sim0.25 arcsec at ⟹z⟩=4.5\langle z\rangle=4.5. We also find that σr,Lyα\sigma_{r,\mathrm{Ly}\alpha} decreases significantly with redshift. Because Lyα\alpha spatial offsets can cause slit-losses, the decrease in σr,Lyα\sigma_{r,\mathrm{Ly}\alpha} with redshift can partially explain the increase in the fraction of Lyα\alpha emitters observed in the literature over this same interval, although uncertainties are still too large to reach a strong conclusion. If σr,Lyα\sigma_{r,\mathrm{Ly}\alpha} continues to decrease into the reionization epoch, then the decrease in Lyα\alpha transmission from galaxies observed during this epoch might require an even higher neutral hydrogen fraction than what is currently inferred. Conversely, if spatial offsets increase with the increasing opacity of the IGM, slit losses may explain some of the drop in Lyα\alpha transmission observed at z>6z>6. Spatially resolved observations of Lyα\alpha and UV continuum at 6<z<86<z<8 are needed to settle the issue.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    The VANDELS survey: A strong correlation between Lyα\alpha equivalent width and stellar metallicity at 3≀z≀5\mathbf{3\leq z \leq 5}

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    We present the results of a new study investigating the relationship between observed Lyα\alpha equivalent width (WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)) and the metallicity of the ionizing stellar population (Z⋆Z_{\star}) for a sample of 768768 star-forming galaxies at 3≀z≀53 \leq z \leq 5 drawn from the VANDELS survey. Dividing our sample into quartiles of rest-frame WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) across the range -58 \unicode{xC5} \lesssim WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) \lesssim 110 \unicode{xC5} we determine Z⋆Z_{\star} from full spectral fitting of composite far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra and find a clear anti-correlation between WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) and Z⋆Z_{\star}. Our results indicate that Z⋆Z_{\star} decreases by a factor ≳3\gtrsim 3 between the lowest WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) quartile (⟹\langleWλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)\rangle=-18\unicode{xC5}) and the highest WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) quartile (⟹\langleWλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha)\rangle=24\unicode{xC5}). Similarly, galaxies typically defined as Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs; WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) >20\unicode{xC5}) are, on average, metal poor with respect to the non-LAE galaxy population (WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) \leq20\unicode{xC5}) with Z⋆Z_{\star}non−LAE≳2×_{\rm{non-LAE}}\gtrsim 2 \times Z⋆Z_{\star}LAE_{\rm{LAE}}. Finally, based on the best-fitting stellar models, we estimate that the increasing strength of the stellar ionizing spectrum towards lower Z⋆Z_{\star} is responsible for ≃15−25%\simeq 15-25\% of the observed variation in WλW_{\lambda}(Lyα\alpha) across our sample, with the remaining contribution (≃75−85%\simeq 75-85\%) being due to a decrease in the HI/dust covering fractions in low Z⋆Z_{\star} galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Physical properties of Lyman-alpha emitters at z∌0.3z\sim 0.3 from UV-to-FIR measurements

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    The analysis of the physical properties of low-redshift Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs) can provide clues in the study of their high-redshift analogues. At z∌0.3z \sim 0.3, LAEs are bright enough to be detected over almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum and it is possible to carry out a more precise and complete study than at higher redshifts. In this study, we examine the UV and IR emission, dust attenuation, SFR and morphology of a sample of 23 GALEX-discovered star-forming (SF) LAEs at z∌0.3z \sim 0.3 with direct UV (GALEX), optical (ACS) and FIR (PACS and MIPS) data. Using the same UV and IR limiting luminosities, we find that LAEs at z∌0.3z\sim 0.3 tend to be less dusty, have slightly higher total SFRs, have bluer UV continuum slopes, and are much smaller than other galaxies that do not exhibit Lyα\alpha emission in their spectrum (non-LAEs). These results suggest that at z∌0.3z \sim 0.3 Lyα\alpha photons tend to escape from small galaxies with low dust attenuation. Regarding their morphology, LAEs belong to Irr/merger classes, unlike non-LAEs. Size and morphology represent the most noticeable difference between LAEs and non-LAEs at z∌0.3z \sim 0.3. Furthermore, the comparison of our results with those obtained at higher redshifts indicates that either the Lyα\alpha technique picks up different kind of galaxies at different redshifts or that the physical properties of LAEs are evolving with redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Adipose-Derived Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins Plasma Concentrations Are Increased in Breast Cancer Patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that could play a role in tumor progression via its secreted adipokines. The role of adipose-derived fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) 4 and FABP5 in breast cancer is presently under study, but their circulating levels in this pathology are poorly known. We analyzed the blood concentrations of FABP4 and FABP5 in breast cancer patients to determine whether there is an association between them and breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 294 women in the oncology department with a family history of breast cancer; 198 of the women had breast cancer, and 96 were healthy controls. The levels of FABP4, FABP5, lipid profile, standard biochemical parameter, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) were determined. We analyzed the association of FABP4 and FABP5 with breast cancer, while adjusting for demographic, anthropometric, and biochemical parameters. RESULTS: Breast cancer patients had a 24.8% (p < .0001) and 11.4% (p < .05) higher blood concentration of FABP4 and FABP5, respectively. Fatty acid-binding protein 4 was positively associated with age, body mass index (BMI), FABP5, very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDLc), non-high-density lipoprote in cholesterol (non-HDLc), Apolipoprotein B 100 (ApoB100), triglycerides, glycerol, glucose, and hsCRP (p < .05), and was negatively associated with HDLc (p < .005) in breast cancer patients. Fatty acid-binding protein 5 was positively associated with BMI, FABP4, VLDLc, triglycerides, glycerol, and hsCRP (p < .05), and was negatively associated with HDLc and Apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI) (p < .05) in breast cancer patients. Using a logistic regression analysis and adjusting for age, BMI, hsCRP, non-HDLc, and triglycerides, FABP4 was independently associated with breast cancer (odds ratio [OR]: 1.091 [95% CI: 1.037-1.149]). Moreover, total cholesterol, VLDLc, non-HDLc, ApoB100, triglycerides, and hsCRP were significantly increased in breast cancer patients (p < .005). In contrast, the non-esterified fatty acids concentrations were significantly decreased in breast cancer patients (p < .05). CONCLUSION: Circulating FABP4 and FABP5 levels were increased in breast cancer patients compared with controls. The positive association of FABP4 with breast cancer was maintained after adjusting for important covariates, while the association with FABP5 was lost. Our data reinforce the role of adipose tissue and their adipokines in breast cancer. Despite these data, further studies must be performed to better explain the prognosis or diagnostic value of these blood parameters and their possible role in breast cancer. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: We focus on the effect of adipose tissue on cancer, which is increasingly recognized. The association between adipocyte-derived adipokines and breast cancer opens new diagnosis and therapy perspectives. In this study, we provide original data concerning FABP4 and FABP5 plasma concentrations in breast cancer patients. Compared to control group, breast cancer patients show higher FABP4 and FABP5 blood levels. Our data suggest that, particularly, circulating FABP4 levels could be considered a new independent breast cancer biomarker. Our work translates basic science data to clinic linking the relationship between adipose tissue and lipid metabolism to breast cancer

    PACS-Herschel FIR detections of Lyman-alpha emitters at 2.0<z<3.5

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    In this work we analyze the physical properties of a sample of 56 spectroscopically selected star-forming (SF) Lyα\alpha emitting galaxies at 2.0â‰Č\lesssimzâ‰Č\lesssim3.5 using both a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting procedure from rest-frame UV to mid-IR and direct 160ÎŒ\mum observations taken with the Photodetector Array Camera & Spectrometer (PACS) instrument onboard \emph{Herschel Space Observatory}. We define LAEs as those Lyα\alpha emitting galaxies whose rest-frame Lyα\alpha equivalent widths (Lyα\alpha EWrest−frame_{rest-frame}) are above 20\AA, the typical threshold in narrow-band searches. Lyα\alpha emitting galaxies with Lyα\alpha EWrest−frame_{rest-frame} are called non-LAEs. As a result of an individual SED fitting for each object, we find that the studied sample of LAEs contains galaxies with ages mostly below 100Myr and a wide variety of dust attenuations, SFRs, and stellar masses. The heterogeneity in the physical properties is also seen in the morphology, ranging from bulge-like galaxies to highly clumpy systems. In this way, we find that LAEs at 2.0â‰Č\lesssimzâ‰Č\lesssim3.5 are very diverse, and do not have a bimodal nature, as suggested in previous works. Furthermore, the main difference between LAEs and non-LAEs is their dust attenuation, because LAEs are not as dusty as non-LAEs. On the FIR side, four galaxies of the sample (two LAEs and two non-LAEs) have PACS-FIR counterparts. Their total IR luminosity place all of them in the ULIRG regime and are all dusty objects, with A1200_{1200}≳\gtrsim4mag. This is an indication from direct FIR measurements that dust and Lyα\alpha emission are not mutually exclusive. This population of red and dusty LAEs is not seen at z∌\sim0.3, suggesting an evolution with redshift of the IR nature of galaxies selected via their Lyα\alpha emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Lyα\alpha Emission and Stellar Populations of Star-Forming Galaxies at 2<z<2.5

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate spectral and photometric properties of 854 faint (iABi_{AB}<~25 mag) star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at 2<z<2.5 using the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS) spectroscopic data and deep multi-wavelength photometric data in three extensively studied extragalactic fields (ECDFS, VVDS, COSMOS). These SFGs were targeted for spectroscopy based on their photometric redshifts. The VUDS spectra are used to measure the UV spectral slopes (ÎČ\beta) as well as Lyα\alpha equivalent widths (EW). On average, the spectroscopically measured ÎČ\beta (-1.36±\pm0.02), is comparable to the photometrically measured ÎČ\beta (-1.32±\pm0.02), and has smaller measurement uncertainties. The positive correlation of ÎČ\beta with the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED)-based measurement of dust extinction, Es_{\rm s}(B-V), emphasizes the importance of ÎČ\beta as an alternative dust indicator at high redshifts. To make a proper comparison, we divide these SFGs into three subgroups based on their rest-frame Lyα\alpha EW: SFGs with no Lyα\alpha emission (SFGN_{\rm N}; EW≀\le0\AA), SFGs with Lyα\alpha emission (SFGL_{\rm L}; EW>>0\AA), and Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs; EW≄\ge20\AA). The fraction of LAEs at these redshifts is ∌\sim10%, which is consistent with previous observations. We compared best-fit SED-estimated stellar parameters of the SFGN_{\rm N}, SFGL_{\rm L} and LAE samples. For the luminosities probed here (∌\simL∗^*), we find that galaxies with and without Lyα\alpha in emission have small but significant differences in their SED-based properties. We find that LAEs have less dust, and lower star-formation rates (SFR) compared to non-LAEs. We also find that LAEs are less massive compared to non-LAEs, though the difference is smaller and less significant compared to the SFR and Es_{\rm s}(B-V). [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl
