87 research outputs found

    Opposing shear senses in a subdetachment mylonite zone: Implications for core complex mechanics

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    [1] Global studies of metamorphic core complexes and low‐angle detachment faults have highlighted a fundamental problem: Since detachments excise crustal section, the relationship between the mylonitic rocks in their footwalls and the brittle deformation in their hanging walls is commonly unclear. Mylonites could either reflect ductile deformation related to exhumation along the detachment fault, or they could be a more general feature of the extending middle crust that has been “captured ” by the detachment. In the first case we would expect the kinematics of the mylonite zone to mirror the sense of movement on the detachment; in the second case both the direction and sense of shear in the mylonites could be different. The northern Snake Range décollement (NSRD) is a classic Basin and Range detachment fault with a well‐documented top‐east of displacement. We present structural, paleo-magnetic, geochronological, and geothermometric evidence to suggest that the mylonite zone below the NSRD locally experienced phases of both east ‐ and west‐directed shear, inconsistent with movement along a single detachment fault. We therefore propose that the footwall mylonites represent a predetachment dis-continuity in the middle crust that separated localized deformation above from distributed crustal flow below (localized‐distributed transition (LDT)). The mylonites were subsequently captured by a moderately dipping brittle detachment that soled down to the middle crust and exhumed them around a rolling hinge into a subhorizontal orientation at the surface, produc-ing the present‐day NSRD. In this interpretation the brittle hanging wall represents a series of rotated upper crustal normal faults, whereas the mylonitic footwall represents one or more exhumed middl

    Evaluating the Impacts of Dam Construction and Longshore Transport upon Modern Sedimentation within the Rio Grande Delta (Texas, U.S.A.)

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    The modern Rio Grande delta system has experienced a century of dam construction, water removal for irrigation and municipal use, and land use modifications that have dramatically reduced its sediment load. This study examines whether damming has sufficiently limited delivery of upstream sediment to permit locally eroded sources and/or littoral transport along the coast to influence the provenance signal of the Rio Grande delta. Changes in sediment provenance within the Rio Grande’s delta can be detected and quantified by measurement of detrital zircon Uranium–lead dating age distributions. Previous provenance studies indicate that modern Rio Grande river sand upstream of Falcon Dam is enriched in zircon derived from Oligocene volcanic fields within the southern Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Madre Occidental. Results from this study indicate that the abundance of Oligocene zircon is depleted in the modern Rio Grande delta relative to river sand sampled upstream of Falcon Dam. Mixing calculations performed with age distributions representative of Eocene– Miocene fluvial sedimentary deposits that crop out downstream of the dam indicate that erosional reworking of these materials has significantly altered sedimentary provenance within the delta. The importance of north-directed longshore transport along the Mexican (Tamaulipas-Veracruz) Gulf Coast was also evaluated. The absence of distinctive zircon from the Trans Mexican volcanic belt and the basement of southern Mexico within the barrier islands of the Rio Grande delta support previous conclusions that sediment transport along the Tamaulipas-Veracruz shelf is highly compartmentalized and restricted in lateral movement due to seasonal variation in littoral current polarity, topographic barriers along the shelf, and other phenomena. Nevertheless, the results of this study demonstrate that construction of dams across rivers such as the Rio Grande is capable of sufficiently limiting upstream sediment transport to permit otherwise unimportant local sources to dominate sand provenance within their delta systems

    Sulfur isotopes in otoliths allow discrimination of anadromous and non-anadromous ecotypes of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

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    Oncorhynchus nerka occur both as anadromous sockeye salmon that spend most of their life in the ocean, and as non-anadromous kokanee salmon that remain in fresh water their entire lives. We assessed whether stable isotopes of sulfur (δ34S) in otoliths could be used to distinguish sockeye salmon and kokanee ecotypes that are otherwise difficult to identify when they share a common freshwater rearing environment. We also investigated the chemical link between salmon and their diet by measuring δ34S in various fish tissues (eggs, muscle, scales) and zooplankton. δ34S (mean±SE) in sockeye salmon eggs (18.7 ± 0.4‰) and marine zooplankton (20.5 ± 0.1‰) were enriched by 10–14‰ compared with kokanee eggs and freshwater zooplankton. δ34S in the otolith cores of sockeye salmon (19.2 ± 0.7‰) and kokanee salmon (5.3 ± 1.1‰) were similar to δ34S in marine and freshwater zooplankton, respectively, indicating that the core is derived from maternal yolk tissue and reflects the maternal diet. δ34S in the freshwater growth zone of otoliths did not differ significantly between sockeye (5.9 ± 1.1‰) and kokanee salmon (4.4 ± 1.2‰), and was similar to freshwater zooplankton. The mean difference between δ34S in the otolith core and first year of growth was 13.3 ± 1.4‰ for sockeye and 0.65 ± 1.3‰ for kokanee salmon. A quadratic discriminant function developed from measurements of δ34S in otoliths of known maternal origin provided perfect classification rates in cross-validation tests. Thus, sulfur isotope ratios in otoliths are effective in discriminating between anadromous and non-anadromous ecotypes of O. nerka

    U-Pb (SHRIMP-RG) age of zircon from rare-metal (Li, Cs) pegmatites of the Okhmylk deposit of the Kolmozero-Voron’ya greenstone belt (northeast of the Fennoscandian shield)

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    The results of isotopic and geochronological study of zircon from rare-metal pegmatites of the Okhmylk deposit are presented. There were no reliable data on the age of lepidolite-spodumene-pollucite pegmatites of this and the other deposits spatially located within the Archean Kolmozero-Voron’ya greenstone belt. The earlier estimates of the pegmatite age indicate a broad time range from 2.7 to 1.8 Ga. Zircon in the studied pegmatites is characterized by inner heterogeneity, where core and rim zones are distinguished. Minor changes are observed in the core zones, they have a spotted structure and contain numerous uranium oxide inclusions. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, zircon crystallinity is preserved completely in these areas. Complete recrystallization with modification of the original U-Pb isotopic system occurred in the zircon rims. New U-Pb (zircon) isotopic and geochronological data of 2607±9 Ma reflect the time of crystallization of pegmatite veins in the Okhmylk deposit. Isotopic data with ages of ~1.7-1.6 Ga indicate later hydrothermal alteration. The obtained results testify to the Neo-Archean age of the formation of the Okhmylk deposit 2.65-2.60 Ga, reflecting the global age of pegmatite formation and associated the world's largest rare-metal pegmatite deposits

    Thermal evolution of Monte Blanco dome: Low-angle normal faulting during Gulf of California rifting and late Eocene denudation of the eastern Peninsular Ranges

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    Footwall rocks of the Cañada David detachment fault, northeastern Baja California, record late Eocene-earliest Oligocene and late Neogene cooling events previously unrecognized in the region. Biotite ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar ages of ∼65 Ma reflect slow cooling through ∼350°C, 5 to 10 m.y. later than is typical in the region. Multiple diffusion domain modeling of K feldspar ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar release spectra shows very slow cooling (∼1°C/m.y.) from ∼65 to ∼45 Ma. Accelerated cooling from ∼315°C to ∼215°C between ∼45 and ∼33 Ma records at least 3–4 km of denudation that we relate to east-side-up reactivation of late Cretaceous structures that generally follow the oceanic-continental suture. Previously established rivers flowing west from mainland Mexico apparently became further entrenched during this uplift and continued to supply distinctive rhyolitic detritus to the coast. Ultimately, surface uplift disrupted and rerouted the extraregional rivers some 2 to 6 m.y. before the cooling event ended. Footwall rocks remained nearly isothermal from ∼30 to ∼15–10 Ma, when renewed rapid cooling (33° ± 17°C/m.y.) began in response to footwall exhumation by top-to-the-west low-angle normal faulting that accommodated rift-related extension in what finally became the Gulf of California. Apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He ages of ∼5 Ma and ∼4 Ma, respectively, record final detachment-related cooling through ∼110°C to ∼70°C. Thermal-kinematic modeling suggests that 5–7 km of late Neogene tectonic denudation and 10–12 km of horizontal extension were necessary in order to unroof the samples by 2 Ma. Additional extension, of unknown magnitude, has probably occurred subsequently. Geodetically measured horizontal extension rates are considerably higher than the long-term extension rate that can be attributed to detachment faulting

    Nitrogen geochemistry of subducting sediments: new results from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana margin and insights regarding global nitrogen subduction

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    [1] Toward understanding of the subduction mass balance in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) convergent margin, we present an inventory of N and C concentrations and isotopic compositions in sediments obtained on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 129 and 185. Samples from Sites 1149, 800, 801, and 802 contain 5 to 661 ppm total N (organic, inorganic combined) with δ15NAir of −0.2 to +8.2‰ (all δ15N values <+2.5‰ from Site 800). At Site 1149, N content is higher in clay-rich layers and lower in chert and carbonate layers, and δ15N shows a distinct down-section decrease from 0 to 120 mbsf (near +8.0 at shallow levels to near +4.0‰). Reduced-C concentration ranges from 0.02 to 0.5 wt.%, with δ13CVPDB of −28.1 to −21.7‰. The down-section decreases in δ15N and N concentration (and variations in concentrations and δ13C of reduced C, and Creduced/N) at Site 1149 could help reconcile differences between δ15N values of modern deep-sea sediments from near the sediment-water interface and values for forearc metasedimentary rocks. At Site 1149, negative shifts in δ15N, from marine organic values (up to ∼+8‰) toward lower values approaching those for the metasedimentary rocks (+1 to +3‰), are most likely caused by complex diagenetic processes, conceivably with minor effects of changes in productivity and differing proportions of marine and terrestrial organic matter. However, the forearc metamorphic suites (e.g., Franciscan Complex) are known to have been deposited nearer continents, and their lower δ15N at least partly reflects larger proportions of lower-δ15N terrestrial organic matter. Subduction at the Izu-Bonin (IB) margin, of a sediment section like that at Site 1149, would deliver an approximate annual subduction flux of 2.5 × 106 g of N and 1.4 × 107 g of reduced C per linear kilometer of trench, with average δ15N of +5.0‰ and δ13C of −24‰. Incorporating the larger C flux of 9.2 × 108 g/yr/linear-km in carbonate-rich layers of 1149B (average δ13C = +2.3‰) provides a total C flux of 9.3 × 108 g/yr/linear-km (δ13C = +1.9‰). Once subducted, sediments are shifted to higher δ15N by N loss during devolatilization, with magnitudes of the shifts depending on the thermal evolution of the margin

    Potent Phototoxicity of Marine Bunker Oil to Translucent Herring Embryos after Prolonged Weathering

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    Pacific herring embryos (Clupea pallasi) spawned three months following the Cosco Busan bunker oil spill in San Francisco Bay showed high rates of late embryonic mortality in the intertidal zone at oiled sites. Dead embryos developed to the hatching stage (e.g. fully pigmented eyes) before suffering extensive tissue deterioration. In contrast, embryos incubated subtidally at oiled sites showed evidence of sublethal oil exposure (petroleum-induced cardiac toxicity) with very low rates of mortality. These field findings suggested an enhancement of oil toxicity through an interaction between oil and another environmental stressor in the intertidal zone, such as higher levels of sunlight-derived ultraviolet (UV) radiation. We tested this hypothesis by exposing herring embryos to both trace levels of weathered Cosco Busan bunker oil and sunlight, with and without protection from UV radiation. Cosco Busan oil and UV co-exposure were both necessary and sufficient to induce an acutely lethal necrotic syndrome in hatching stage embryos that closely mimicked the condition of dead embryos sampled from oiled sites. Tissue levels of known phototoxic polycyclic aromatic compounds were too low to explain the observed degree of phototoxicity, indicating the presence of other unidentified or unmeasured phototoxic compounds derived from bunker oil. These findings provide a parsimonious explanation for the unexpectedly high losses of intertidal herring spawn following the Cosco Busan spill. The chemical composition and associated toxicity of bunker oils should be more thoroughly evaluated to better understand and anticipate the ecological impacts of vessel-derived spills associated with an expanding global transportation network

    Record of forearc devolatilization in low-T, high-P/T metasedimentary suites: Significance for models of convergent margin chemical cycling

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    [1] The Franciscan Complex (Coast Ranges and Diablo Range, California) and the Western Baja Terrane (WBT; Baja California, Mexico) were metamorphosed along high-P/T paths like those experienced in many active subduction zones, recording peak conditions up to ∼1 GPa and 300°C. Franciscan and WBT metasedimentary rocks are similar in lithology and geochemistry to clastic sediments outboard of many subduction zones. These metamorphic suites provide evidence regarding devolatilization history experienced by subducting sediments, information that is needed to mass-balance the inputs of materials into subduction zones with their respective outputs. Analyzed samples have lower total volatile contents than their likely protoliths. Little variation in LOI among similar lithologies at differing metamorphic grades, suggests that loss of structurally bound water occurred during early clay-mineral transformations. Finely disseminated carbonate is present in the lowest-grade rocks, but absent in all higher-grade rocks. δ13CVPDB of reduced-C is uniform in the lower-grade Franciscan samples (mean = −25.1‰, 1σ = 0.4‰), but varies in higher-grade rocks (−28.8 to −21.9‰). This likely reflects a combination of devolatilization and C-isotope exchange, between organic and carbonate reservoirs. Nitrogen concentration ranges from 102 to 891 ppm, with δ15Nair of +0.1 to +3.0‰ (n = 35); this organic-like δ15N probably represents an efficient transfer of N from decaying organic matter to reacting clay minerals. The lowest-grade rocks in the Coastal Belt have elevated carbonate contents and correlated N-δ15N variations, and exhibit the most uniform δ13C and C/N, all consistent with these rocks having experienced less devolatilization. Most fluid-mobile trace elements are present at concentrations indistinguishable from protoliths. Suggesting that, despite apparent loss of much clay-bound H2O and CO2 from diagenetic cements (combined, <5–10 wt. %), most fluid-mobile trace elements are retained to depths of up to ∼40 km. Organic-like δ15N, lower than that of many seafloor sediments, is consistent with some loss of adsorbed N (perhaps as NO3−) during early stages of diagenesis. The efficient entrainment of fluid-mobile elements to depths of at least 40 km in these relatively cool subduction zone settings lends credence to models invoking transfer of these elements to the subarc mantle

    The origin of water in the primitive Moon as revealed by the lunar highlands samples

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    The recent discoveries of hydrogen (H) bearing species on the lunar surface and in samples derived from the lunar interior have necessitated a paradigm shift in our understanding of the water inventory of the Moon, which was previously considered to be a ‘bone-dry’ planetary body. Most sample-based studies have focused on assessing the water contents of the younger mare basalts and pyroclastic glasses, which are partial-melting products of the lunar mantle. In contrast, little attention has been paid to the inventory and source(s) of water in the lunar highlands rocks which are some of the oldest and most pristine materials available for laboratory investigations, and that have the potential to reveal the original history of water in the Earth–Moon system. Here, we report in-situ measurements of hydroxyl (OH) content and H isotopic composition of the mineral apatite from four lunar highlands samples (two norites, a troctolite, and a granite clast) collected during the Apollo missions. Apart from troctolite in which the measured OH contents in apatite are close to our analytical detection limit and its H isotopic composition appears to be severely compromised by secondary processes, we have measured up to ~2200 ppm OH in the granite clast with a weighted average δD of ~-105±130‰, and up to ~3400 ppm OH in the two norites (77215 and 78235) with weighted average δD values of -281±49‰ and -27±98‰, respectively. The apatites in the granite clast and the norites are characterised by higher OH contents than have been reported so far for highlands samples, and have H isotopic compositions similar to those of terrestrial materials and some carbonaceous chondrites, providing one of the strongest pieces of evidence yet for a common origin for water in the Earth–Moon system. In addition, the presence of water, of terrestrial affinity, in some samples of the earliest-formed lunar crust suggests that either primordial terrestrial water survived the aftermath of the putative impact-origin of the Moon or water was added to the Earth–Moon system by a common source immediately after the accretion of the Moon

    Managed Metapopulations: Do Salmon Hatchery ‘Sources’ Lead to In-River ‘Sinks’ in Conservation?

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    Maintaining viable populations of salmon in the wild is a primary goal for many conservation and recovery programs. The frequency and extent of connectivity among natal sources defines the demographic and genetic boundaries of a population. Yet, the role that immigration of hatchery-produced adults may play in altering population dynamics and fitness of natural populations remains largely unquantified. Quantifying, whether natural populations are self-sustaining, functions as sources (population growth rate in the absence of dispersal, λ>1), or as sinks (λ<1) can be obscured by an inability to identify immigrants. In this study we use a new isotopic approach to demonstrate that a natural spawning population of Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) considered relatively healthy, represents a sink population when the contribution of hatchery immigrants is taken into consideration. We retrieved sulfur isotopes (34S/32S, referred to as δ34S) in adult Chinook salmon otoliths (ear bones) that were deposited during their early life history as juveniles to determine whether individuals were produced in hatcheries or naturally in rivers. Our results show that only 10.3% (CI = 5.5 to 18.1%) of adults spawning in the river had otolith δ34S values less than 8.5‰, which is characteristic of naturally produced salmon. When considering the total return to the watershed (total fish in river and hatchery), we estimate that 90.7 to 99.3% (CI) of returning adults were produced in a hatchery (best estimate = 95.9%). When population growth rate of the natural population was modeled to account for the contribution of previously unidentified hatchery immigrants, we found that hatchery-produced fish caused the false appearance of positive population growth. These findings highlight the potential dangers in ignoring source-sink dynamics in recovering natural populations, and question the extent to which declines in natural salmon populations are undetected by monitoring programs