572 research outputs found

    Vector boson production at hadron colliders: a fully exclusive QCD calculation at NNLO

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    We consider QCD radiative corrections to the production of W and Z bosons in hadron collisions. We present a fully exclusive calculation up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD perturbation theory. To perform this NNLO computation, we use a recently proposed version of the subtraction formalism. The calculation includes the gamma-Z interference, finite-width effects, the leptonic decay of the vector bosons and the corresponding spin correlations. Our calculation is implemented in a parton level Monte Carlo program. The program allows the user to apply arbitrary kinematical cuts on the final-state leptons and the associated jet activity, and to compute the corresponding distributions in the form of bin histograms. We show selected numerical results at the Tevatron and the LHC.Comment: 7 pages, 3 ps figure

    Universality of transverse-momentum resummation and hard factors at the NNLO

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    We consider QCD radiative corrections to the production of colourless high-mass systems in hadron collisions. The logarithmically-enhanced contributions at small transverse momentum are treated to all perturbative orders by a universal resummation formula that depends on a single process-dependent hard factor. We show that the hard factor is directly related to the all-order virtual amplitude of the corresponding partonic process. The direct relation is universal (process independent), and it is expressed by an all-order factorization formula that we explicitly evaluate up to the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD perturbation theory. Once the NNLO scattering amplitude is available, the corresponding hard factor is directly determined: it controls NNLO contributions in resummed calculations at full next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, and it can be used in applications of the q_T subtraction formalism to perform fully-exclusive perturbative calculations up to NNLO. The universality structure of the hard factor and its explicit NNLO form are also extended to the related formalism of threshold resummation.Comment: References added. Version accepted for publication on NP

    Threshold resummation at N3^3LL accuracy and soft-virtual cross sections at N3^3LO

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    We consider QCD radiative corrections to the production of colourless high-mass systems in hadron collisions. We show that the recent computation of the soft-virtual corrections to Higgs boson production at N3^3LO [1] together with the universality structure of soft-gluon emission can be exploited to extract the general expression of the hard-virtual coefficient that contributes to threshold resummation at N3^3LL accuracy. The hard-virtual coefficient is directly related to the process-dependent virtual amplitude through a universal (process-independent) factorization formula that we explicitly evaluate up to three-loop order. As an application, we present the explicit expression of the soft-virtual N3^3LO corrections for the production of an arbitrary colourless system. In the case of the Drell-Yan process, we confirm the recent result of Ref.[2].Comment: Slightly expanded text, one reference added, version published on NP

    The qT subtraction method: electroweak corrections and power suppressed contributions

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    Building upon the formulation of transverse-momentum resummation for heavy-quark hadroproduction, we present the first application of the qT subtraction formalism to the computation of electroweak corrections to massive lepton pairs through the Drell–Yan mechanism. We then study the power suppressed contributions to the qT subtraction formula in the parameter rcut, defined as the minimum transverse momentum of the lepton pair normalised to its invariant mass. We analytically compute the leading power correction from initial and final-state radiation to the inclusive cross section. In the case of initial-state radiation the power correction is quadratic in rcut and our analytic result is consistent with results previously obtained in the literature. Final-state radiation produces linear contributions in rcut that may challenge the efficiency of the qT subtraction procedure. We explicitly compute the linear power correction in the case of the inclusive cross section and we discuss the extension of our calculation to differential distributions

    Stakeholder engagement in green place branding:a focus on user-generated content

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate how the green image of a city can affect potential visitors' attitude toward the city in the context of user‐generated content. The study adopts a 2 × 2 experimental design in which the greenness of the city image and the social distance between the users and the authors of social media content are examined. The results demonstrate that green image has a significant effect on attitudes toward cities. Moreover, the effects of social media content vary according to the perceived social distance between the author of the post and potential visitors. This study contributes to the literature by assessing the role that social media content plays in place branding and communication. Furthermore, it provides relevant insights on how institutions should enhance the sustainable resources of cities with their environmental policy and encourage the generation of content from various stakeholders to contribute to the development of a city's image

    W+W−W^+W^- production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD

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    Charged gauge boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider allows detailed probes of the fundamental structure of electroweak interactions. We present precise theoretical predictions for on-shell W+W−W^+W^- production that include, for the first time, QCD effects up to next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbation theory. As compared to next-to-leading order, the inclusive W+W−W^+W^- cross section is enhanced by 9% at 7 TeV and 12% at 14 TeV. The residual perturbative uncertainty is at the 3% level. The severe contamination of the W+W−W^+W^- cross section due to top-quark resonances is discussed in detail. Comparing different definitions of top-free W+W−W^+W^- production in the four and five flavour number schemes, we demonstrate that top-quark resonances can be separated from the inclusive W+W−W^+W^- cross section without significant loss of theoretical precision.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Two hadron production in e+e- annihilation to next-to-leading order accuracy

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    We discuss the production of two hadrons in e+e- annihilation within the framework of perturbative QCD. The cross section for this process is calculated to next-to-leading order accuracy with a selection of variables that allows the consideration of events where the two hadrons are detected in the same jet. In this configuration we contemplate the possibility that the hadrons come from a double fragmentation of a single parton. The double-fragmentation functions required to describe the transition of a parton to two hadrons are also necessary to completely factorize all collinear singularities. We explicitly show that factorization applies to next-to-leading order in the case of two-hadron production.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Prediction of minimum temperatures in an alpine region by linear and non-linear post-processing of meteorological models

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    International audienceModel Output Statistics (MOS) refers to a method of post-processing the direct outputs of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models in order to reduce the biases introduced by a coarse horizontal resolution. This technique is especially useful in orographically complex regions, where large differences can be found between the NWP elevation model and the true orography. This study carries out a comparison of linear and non-linear MOS methods, aimed at the prediction of minimum temperatures in a fruit-growing region of the Italian Alps, based on the output of two different NWPs (ECMWF T511?L60 and LAMI-3). Temperature, of course, is a particularly important NWP output; among other roles it drives the local frost forecast, which is of great interest to agriculture. The mechanisms of cold air drainage, a distinctive aspect of mountain environments, are often unsatisfactorily captured by global circulation models. The simplest post-processing technique applied in this work was a correction for the mean bias, assessed at individual model grid points. We also implemented a multivariate linear regression on the output at the grid points surrounding the target area, and two non-linear models based on machine learning techniques: Neural Networks and Random Forest. We compare the performance of all these techniques on four different NWP data sets. Downscaling the temperatures clearly improved the temperature forecasts with respect to the raw NWP output, and also with respect to the basic mean bias correction. Multivariate methods generally yielded better results, but the advantage of using non-linear algorithms was small if not negligible. RF, the best performing method, was implemented on ECMWF prognostic output at 06:00 UTC over the 9 grid points surrounding the target area. Mean absolute errors in the prediction of 2 m temperature at 06:00 UTC were approximately 1.2°C, close to the natural variability inside the area itself

    Detachment analysis of dehumidified repair mortars applied to historical masonry walls

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    An innovative laboratory procedure for the pre-qualification of repair mortars is described. The tested mortars are suitable for use with new dehumidified plasters applied to historical masonry walls. Long-term plaster detachment frequently occurs because of the mechanical incompatibility of mortar. The procedure consists of the application of static loads to mixed stone block-mortar specimens with particular characteristics, in terms of geometry and adhesion at the interface. A numerical simulation based on the cohesive crack model was used to follow the experimental data, in order to describe the evolutionary phenomenon of detachment as a function of a small number of parameters. The methodology is currently being used at Sacro Monte di Varallo Special Natural Reserve (UNESCO heritage site) in Piedmont (Italy
