15 research outputs found

    Eliminación fotocatalítica de colorante ácido violeta 7 empleando como catalizador un composito de ZnO/PPy en un reactor anular continuo

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    Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar la cinética de eliminación fotocatalítica del colorante ácido violeta 7 mediante el empleó del compósito de ZnO/PPy como catalizador radiación de luz visible y los efectos de transferencia de masa en un reactor anular continuo. Para el estudio de la transferencia de masa se empleó un modelo de tres resistencias en serie. Los datos experimentales del reactor anular continuo se ajustaron a un modelo de tipo Langmuir-Hinshelwood. Contribuciones y conclusiones: Estudio cinético de la reacción de degradación del colorante ácido violeta 7 en fase acuosa en un reactor anular continuo usando como fotocatalizador ZnO/PPy. Mediante un gráfico de resistencia global en función del módulo de Thiele se determinó que las reacciones de eliminación del ácido violeta 7 se llevaron a cabo en un régimen cinéticamente controlado

    Thermocatalytic degradation of lignin monomer coniferyl aldehyde by aluminum–boron oxide catalysts

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    Two aluminum–boron oxide catalysts were produced via a sol–gel method at pH 3 and 4 during the solution mixing step of the synthesis, these materials were employed in thermocatalytic degradation of coniferyl aldehyde (CA), which was used as a probe molecule of the lignin polymeric molecule and is comprised of the repetitive monomers coniferyl, sinapyl, and paracoumaryl. The two synthesized catalysts were mostly amorphous and mesoporous, aiding in permeability and percolation of CA. A commercial catalyst was compared (Pt/alumina at 1 wt%) with both catalysts synthesized in this work by kinetic tests by varying the CA concentration and inlet temperature. Under the same reaction conditions, the commercial catalyst showed higher activity than the aluminum–boron oxide catalysts, but the synthetic catalysts presented a wider variety of organic products than the commercial catalyst. In particular, two high-value products, isomers of eugenol and isoeugenol, were yielded in higher percentages. The experimental reaction rate data was fit to a Langmuir–Hinshelwood model, and kinetic parameters were analyzed, revealing how the adsorbed CA molecules on the catalytic surface had higher mobility with the synthesized catalyst compared with the commercial catalyst, the value of ΔSads0\Delta S_{\mathrm{ads}}^{0} for the synthetic catalysts were -5.48 and -4.31 J/mol-K and for the commercial catalyst -37.17 J/mol-K

    Thermocatalytic degradation of lignin monomer coniferyl aldehyde by aluminum–boron oxide catalysts

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    Two aluminum–boron oxide catalysts were produced via a sol–gel method at pH 3 and 4 during the solution mixing step of the synthesis, these materials were employed in thermocatalytic degradation of coniferyl aldehyde (CA), which was used as a probe molecule of the lignin polymeric molecule and is comprised of the repetitive monomers coniferyl, sinapyl, and paracoumaryl. The two synthesized catalysts were mostly amorphous and mesoporous, aiding in permeability and percolation of CA. A commercial catalyst was compared (Pt/alumina at 1 wt%) with both catalysts synthesized in this work by kinetic tests by varying the CA concentration and inlet temperature. Under the same reaction conditions, the commercial catalyst showed higher activity than the aluminum–boron oxide catalysts, but the synthetic catalysts presented a wider variety of organic products than the commercial catalyst. In particular, two high-value products, isomers of eugenol and isoeugenol, were yielded in higher percentages. The experimental reaction rate data was fit to a Langmuir–Hinshelwood model, and kinetic parameters were analyzed, revealing how the adsorbed CA molecules on the catalytic surface had higher mobility with the synthesized catalyst compared with the commercial catalyst, the value of ΔSads0\Delta S_{\mathrm{ads}}^{0} for the synthetic catalysts were -5.48 and -4.31 J/mol-K and for the commercial catalyst -37.17 J/mol-K