549 research outputs found

    Applications of Axiomatic Design Theory in Design for Human Safety in Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review

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    Design for Human Safety (DfHS) is an approach to integrate knowledge of human safety in the design process. DfHS is multi-disciplinary in its nature, requiring many kinds of information and knowledge. Number of DfHS studies tried to apply Axiomatic Design (AD) to achieve their aims. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on application of AD in DfHS in manufacturing systems and to propose a roadmap for future DfHS works. This paper examines the number and type of publications dealing with this context. The review covers papers published between 1990 (when AD was introduced first) and 2017. It is based on a range of combinations of the following keywords: “Axiomatic design” and “safety” or “accident” or “hazard” or risk”. This review has identified 15 research topics that were clustered into three main research groups: (1) application of AD in ergonomic design; (2) application of AD in human-computer interaction; and (3) application of AD in integrating safety systematically in design process. The authors also tried to identify which axiom of AD has been used in these researches

    Interpreting ambiguous ‘trace’ results in Schistosoma mansoni CCA Tests: Estimating sensitivity and specificity of ambiguous results with no gold standard

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    Background The development of new diagnostics is an important tool in the fight against disease. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) is used to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of tests in the absence of a gold standard. The main field diagnostic for Schistosoma mansoni infection, Kato-Katz (KK), is not very sensitive at low infection intensities. A point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) test has been shown to be more sensitive than KK. However, CCA can return an ambiguous ‘trace’ result between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, and much debate has focused on interpretation of traces results. Methodology/Principle findings We show how LCA can be extended to include ambiguous trace results and analyse S. mansoni studies from both Côte d’Ivoire (CdI) and Uganda. We compare the diagnostic performance of KK and CCA and the observed results by each test to the estimated infection prevalence in the population. Prevalence by KK was higher in CdI (13.4%) than in Uganda (6.1%), but prevalence by CCA was similar between countries, both when trace was assumed to be negative (CCAtn: 11.7% in CdI and 9.7% in Uganda) and positive (CCAtp: 20.1% in CdI and 22.5% in Uganda). The estimated sensitivity of CCA was more consistent between countries than the estimated sensitivity of KK, and estimated infection prevalence did not significantly differ between CdI (20.5%) and Uganda (19.1%). The prevalence by CCA with trace as positive did not differ significantly from estimates of infection prevalence in either country, whereas both KK and CCA with trace as negative significantly underestimated infection prevalence in both countries. Conclusions Incorporation of ambiguous results into an LCA enables the effect of different treatment thresholds to be directly assessed and is applicable in many fields. Our results showed that CCA with trace as positive most accurately estimated infection prevalence

    The groupoid approach to Leavitt path algebras

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    When the theory of Leavitt path algebras was already quite advanced, it was discovered that some of the more difficult questions were susceptible to a new approach using topological groupoids. The main result that makes this possible is that the Leavitt path algebra of a graph is graded isomorphic to the Steinberg algebra of the graph’s boundary path groupoid. This expository paper has three parts: Part 1 is on the Steinberg algebra of a groupoid, Part 2 is on the path space and boundary path groupoid of a graph, and Part 3 is on the Leavitt path algebra of a graph. It is a self-contained reference on these topics, intended to be useful to beginners and experts alike. While revisiting the fundamentals, we prove some results in greater generality than can be found elsewhere, including the uniqueness theorems for Leavitt path algebras

    Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade e Calendula officinalis no reparo de úlcera em pé diabético

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    OBJETIVO Evaluar los efectos de la Terapia con Láser de Baja Intensidad aislada y asociada con el aceite de Calendula officinalis en la reparación de úlceras en pie diabético. MÉTODO Estudio de caso clínico, experimental, controlado, randomizado, prospectivo, intervencionista, de carácter cuantitativo. La muestra estuvo compuesta de 32 pacientes diabéticos, de ambos géneros. Los participantes fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos. Ecografía Doppler, evaluación del Índice Tobillo-Brazo, Inventario breve de dolor y escala visual analógica fueron realizados al inicio y después de 30 días. RESULTADOS Hubo reducción del dolor en los grupos Terapia con Láser de Baja Intensidad y Terapia con Láser de Baja intensidad asociada con los Ácidos Grasos Esenciales, con pOBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy isolated and associated with Calendula officinalis oil in treating diabetic foot ulcers. METHOD An experimental, randomized, controlled, prospective, interventional clinical case study using a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 32 diabetic patients of both genders. Participants were randomly divided into four groups. Doppler Ultrasound evaluation of the Ankle-Brachial Index, brief pain inventory and analog pain scale were performed at baseline and after 30 days. RESULTS Reduced pain was observed in the Low-level laser therapy and Low-level laser therapy associated with Essential Fatty Acids groups (pOBJETIVO Avaliar os efeitos da Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade isolada e associada ao óleo de Calendula officinalis no reparo de úlceras em pé diabético. MÉTODO Estudo de caso clínico, experimental, controlado, randomizado, prospectivo, intervencional, de caráter quantitativo. A amostra foi composta de 32 pacientes diabéticos, de ambos os gêneros. Os participantes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Ultrassom Doppler, avaliação do Índice Tornozelo-Braquial, Inventário breve de dor e escala de dor analógica foram realizados no início e após 30 dias. RESULTADOS Houve redução da dor nos grupos Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade e Terapia a Laser de Baixa intensidade associada aos Ácidos Graxos Essenciais, com

    New measurement of the 242Pu(n,γ) cross section at n-TOF-EAR1 for MOX fuels : Preliminary results in the RRR

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    The spent fuel of current nuclear reactors contains fissile plutonium isotopes that can be combined with 238U to make mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. In this way the Pu from spent fuel is used in a new reactor cycle, contributing to the long-term sustainability of nuclear energy. The use of MOX fuels in thermal and fast reactors requires accurate capture and fission cross sections. For the particular case of 242Pu, the previous neutron capture cross section measurements were made in the 70's, providing an uncertainty of about 35% in the keV region. In this context, the Nuclear Energy Agency recommends in its "High Priority Request List" and its report WPEC-26 that the capture cross section of 242Pu should be measured with an accuracy of at least 7-12% in the neutron energy range between 500 eV and 500 keV. This work presents a brief description of the measurement performed at n-TOF-EAR1, the data reduction process and the first ToF capture measurement on this isotope in the last 40 years, providing preliminary individual resonance parameters beyond the current energy limits in the evaluations, as well as a preliminary set of average resonance parameters

    Dynamic de novo heterochromatin assembly and disassembly at replication forks ensures fork stability

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    Chromatin is dynamically reorganized when DNA replication forks are challenged. However, the process of epigenetic reorganization and its implication for fork stability is poorly understood. Here we discover a checkpoint-regulated cascade of chromatin signalling that activates the histone methyltransferase EHMT2/G9a to catalyse heterochromatin assembly at stressed replication forks. Using biochemical and single molecule chromatin fibre approaches, we show that G9a together with SUV39h1 induces chromatin compaction by accumulating the repressive modifications, H3K9me1/me2/me3, in the vicinity of stressed replication forks. This closed conformation is also favoured by the G9a-dependent exclusion of the H3K9-demethylase JMJD1A/KDM3A, which facilitates heterochromatin disassembly upon fork restart. Untimely heterochromatin disassembly from stressed forks by KDM3A enables PRIMPOL access, triggering single-stranded DNA gap formation and sensitizing cells towards chemotherapeutic drugs. These findings may help in explaining chemotherapy resistance and poor prognosis observed in patients with cancer displaying elevated levels of G9a/H3K9me3.</p

    High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux in the new experimental area n_TOF-EAR2 at CERN

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    A new high flux experimental area has recently become operational at the n_TOF facility at CERN. This new measuring station, n_TOF-EAR2, is placed at the end of a vertical beam line at a distance of approximately 20m from the spallation target. The characterization of the neutron beam, in terms of flux, spatial profile and resolution function, is of crucial importance for the feasibility study and data analysis of all measurements to be performed in the new area. In this paper, the measurement of the neutron flux, performed with different solid-state and gaseous detection systems, and using three neutron-converting reactions considered standard in different energy regions is reported. The results of the various measurements have been combined, yielding an evaluated neutron energy distribution in a wide energy range, from 2meV to 100MeV, with an accuracy ranging from 2%, at low energy, to 6% in the high-energy region. In addition, an absolute normalization of the n_TOF-EAR2 neutron flux has been obtained by means of an activation measurement performed with 197Au foils in the beam.Peer reviewe