216 research outputs found

    The interplay of structural pathway and weathering intensity in forming mass-wasting processes in deeply weathered gneissic rocks (Sila Massif, Calabria, Italy)

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    This paper presents a detailed map (Main Map) showing geology, tectonics, weathering intensity and spatial distribution of landslides in the San Pietro in Guarano study area (about 7.5 km2), located in the north-western sector of Calabria (southern Italy). In this area, deeply weathered high-grade metamorphic rocks and different types/categories of mass movements are widespread. The Main Map, at 1:5000 scale, results from the combination of information gathered via analysis and interpretation of aerial photographs at different times and scales, multi-temporal geostructural and geomorphological surveys, field investigations and mapping of weathering grade in outcrop – through observation of geologically distinctive characteristics and qualitative and semi-quantitative engineering geological tests – integrated by means of the analysis of both weathering profiles on cutslopes and boreholes logs. The Main Map can represent a useful tool for authorities in charge of land-use planning and can profitably concur to typify landslides and to assess quantitative landslide risk

    Traductions et reconstructions historiques à l'épreuve du temps: un regard sur le Royaume de Naples

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    In 2020 André Tiran edited the translation of the Bref traité sur la richesse des royaumes précédé des 1er et 2e discours sur le change by Marc'Antonio de Santis (1605) and published the volume Le Royaume de Naples (1580-1620). Économie, Monnaie et Finance à l’époque d’Antonio Serra, for Classiques Garnier (2020). We present here the dialogue between André Tiran, Simona Pisanelli (both historians of economic thought) and Giovanni Muto (historian of the modern epoch and specialist in the history of the Mezzogiorno), which took place at the University of Turin on 4 October 2021. The authors emphasise the importance of an interdisciplinary approach, both for the faithful translation of classical texts, which must overcome the obstacle made by a vocabulary that has changed, and for the reconstruction of the economic and financial system of the Kingdom of Naples. The three specialists also consider it essential to include the cultural, political, and social dimension in studies of economic issues. English title: Translations and Historical Reconstructions Put to the Test of Time: a Look at the Kingdom of Naples; A Discussion with André Tiran Keywords: Antonio Serra, Marc'Antonio de Santis, Kingdom of Naples, History of Monetary and Banking Systems, Translation Theory and Practice

    Fluid-Assisted Strain Localization in Quartz at the Brittle/Ductile Transition

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    A mylonitic quartzite with conjugate and synthetic shear bands was investigated by Electron Backscatter Diffraction and optical microscopy to obtain insights on recrystallization mechanisms and strain localization in quartz at plastic to semibrittle conditions close to the brittle-ductile transition. The mylonitic quartzite deformed during late Miocene thrusting coeval with contact metamorphism in the high-strain domains of the Calamita Schists (Elba Island, Italy). Mylonitic deformation occurred from amphibolite to lower greenschist facies conditions during cooling of the aureole. Dynamic recrystallization, dominated by the activity of dislocation creep by prism slip, produced recrystallized quartz layers mantling relic large quartz porphyroclasts. Under decreasing temperature and fluid-rich conditions, quartz porphyroclasts acted as relatively rigid bodies and fractured along synthetic and conjugate C′ shear bands. Shear bands developed along kinematically favored orientations, just locally assisted by weak crystallographic planes in quartz. Fracturing along shear bands was assisted by cataclasis and fluid infiltration enhancing fracture propagation and healing by recrystallization and authigenesis of new quartz and phyllosilicate grains. The process enhanced the propagation of and strain localization in shear bands, with the development of bands of weak phyllosilicates. Furthermore, we observed the development of a c axis preferred orientation (CPO) related to dissolution and precipitation of new grains with their c axis oriented parallel to shear bands. This study highlights the importance of the interplay between brittle and crystal-plastic processes and fluid ingress in the semibrittle regime to understand deformation partitioning and strain localization

    Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging to identify pseudocapsule invasion in renal tumors

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    Purpose: To evaluate accuracy of MRI in detecting renal tumor pseudocapsule (PC) invasion and to propose a classification based on imaging of PC status in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Methods: From January 2017 to June 2018, 58 consecutive patients with localized renal cell carcinoma were prospectively enrolled. MRI was performed preoperatively and PC was classified, according to its features, as follows: MRI-Cap 0 (absence of PC), MRI-Cap 1 (presence of a clearly identifiable PC), MRI-Cap 2 (focally interrupted PC), and MRI-Cap 3 (clearly interrupted and infiltrated PC). A 3D image reconstruction showing MRI-Cap score was provided to both surgeon and pathologist to obtain complete preoperative evaluation and to compare imaging and pathology reports. All patients underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. In surgical specimens, PC was classified according to the renal tumor capsule invasion scoring system (i-Cap). Results: A concordance between MRI-Cap and i-Cap was found in 50/58 (86%) cases. ρ coefficient for each MRI-cap and iCap categories was: MRI-Cap 0: 0.89 (p < 0.0001), MRI-Cap1: 0.75 (p < 0.0001), MRI-Cap 2: 0.76 (p < 0.0001), and MRI-Cap3: 0.87 (p < 0.0001). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and AUC were: MRI-Cap 0: Se 97.87% Spec 83.3%, PPV 95.8%, NPV 90.9%, and AUC 90.9; MRI-Cap 1: Se 77% Spec 95.5%, PPV 83.3%, NPV 93.5%, and AUC 0.86; MRI-Cap 2- iCap 2: Se 88% Spec 90%, PPV 79%, NPV 95%, and AUC 0.89; MRI-Cap 3: Se 94% Spec 95%, PPV 88%, NPV 97%, and AUC 0.94. Conclusions: MRI-Cap classification is accurate in evaluating renal tumor PC features. PC features can provide an imaging-guided landmark to figure out where a minimal margin could be preferable during nephron-sparing surgery

    Biochemical characterization of a new mitochondrial transporter of dephosphocoenzyme A in Drosophila melanogaster

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    none13noCoA is an essential cofactor that holds a central role in cell metabolism. Although its biosynthetic pathway is conserved across the three domains of life, the subcellular localization of the eukaryotic biosynthetic enzymes and the mechanism behind the cytosolic and mitochondrial CoA pools compartmentalization are still under debate. In humans, the transport of CoA across the inner mitochondrial membrane has been ascribed to two related genes, SLC25A16 and SLC25A42 whereas in D. melanogaster genome only one gene is present, CG4241, phylogenetically closer to SLC25A42. CG4241 encodes two alternatively spliced isoforms, dPCoAC-A and dPCoAC-B. Both isoforms were expressed in Escherichia coli, but only dPCoAC-A was successfully reconstituted into liposomes, where transported dPCoA and, to a lesser extent, ADP and dADP but not CoA, which was a powerful competitive inhibitor. The expression of both isoforms in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain lacking the endogenous putative mitochondrial CoA carrier restored the growth on respiratory carbon sources and the mitochondrial levels of CoA. The results reported here and the proposed subcellular localization of some of the enzymes of the fruit fly CoA biosynthetic pathway, suggest that dPCoA may be synthesized and phosphorylated to CoA in the matrix, but it can also be transported by dPCoAC to the cytosol, where it may be phosphorylated to CoA by the monofunctional dPCoA kinase. Thus, dPCoAC may connect the cytosolic and mitochondrial reactions of the CoA biosynthetic pathway without allowing the two CoA pools to get in contact.Vozza, Angelo; Leonardis, Francesco De; Paradies, Eleonora; Grassi, Anna De; Pierri, Ciro Leonardo; Parisi, Giovanni; Marobbio, Carlo Marya Thomas; Lasorsa, Francesco Massimo; Muto, Luigina; Capobianco, Loredana; Dolce, Vincenza; Raho, Susanna; Fiermonte, GiuseppeVozza, Angelo; Leonardis, Francesco De; Paradies, Eleonora; Grassi, Anna De; Pierri, Ciro Leonardo; Parisi, Giovanni; Marobbio, Carlo Marya Thomas; Lasorsa, Francesco Massimo; Muto, Luigina; Capobianco, Loredana; Dolce, Vincenza; Raho, Susanna; Fiermonte, Giusepp

    Vertebral Augmentation: Is It Time to Get Past the Pain? A Consensus Statement from the Sardinia Spine and Stroke Congress

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    Vertebral augmentation has been used to treat painful vertebral compression fractures and metastatic lesions in millions of patients around the world. An international group of subject matter experts have considered the evidence, including but not limited to mortality. These considerations led them to ask whether it is appropriate to allow the subjective measure of pain to so dominate the clinical decision of whether to proceed with augmentation. The discussions that ensued are related below

    Nosocomial acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aureus (MRSA) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae in hospitalised patients: a prospective multicenter study

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    The risk of acquisition of antibiotic resistant-bacteria during or shortly after antibiotic therapy is still unclear and it is often confounded by scarce data on antibiotic usage.Primary objective of the study is to compare rates of acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in hospitalised patients, after starting antibiotic therapy