442 research outputs found

    Microhistoria : dos o tres cosas que sé de ella

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    El autor traza en este articulo la genealogía de lo que se ha dado en llamar "microhistoria", desde algunos antecedentes aislados y algunas curiosas apariciones del término en la literatura contemporánea de ficción, hasta el debate historiográfico más reciente, a la vez que reflexiona sobre su propia trayectoria intelectual como representante de una escuela italiana de microhistoria.The author traces the genealogy of microhistory, from some isolated antecedents and some curious appearances of this term in the contemporary fiction literature to the present historiographycal debate. Ginzburg also makes some reflections on his own intellectual evolution as a representative of a microhistory Italian school

    The convolvulus and the lily : a case-study in the history of reception

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    The intricate relationship between morphology and history plays a crucial role in Darwin\u2019s evolutionary theory since his first major work, The Origins of the Species (1859). The paper explores the distant roots of Darwin\u2019s reflections on rudimentary characters: a theme in which morphology and history intersect. Darwin\u2019s debate, both implicit and explicit, with his scientific interlocutors, starting from Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, led him to explain rudimentary characters on the basis of a linguistic model, which turned morphology into history: a path-breaking solution

    The Convolvulus and the Lily

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    The intricate relationship between morphology and history plays a crucial role in Darwin’s evolutionary theory since his first major work, The Origins of the Species (1859). The paper explores the distant roots of Darwin’s reflections on rudimentary characters: a theme in which morphology and history intersect. Darwin’s debate, both implicit and explicit, with his scientific interlocutors, starting from Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, led him to explain rudimentary characters on the basis of a linguistic model, which turned morphology into history: a path-breaking solution

    Selfhood as Otherness: Constructing English Identity in the Elisabethan Age

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    Memória e globalização

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    O artigo argumenta que o desenvolvimento do registro de dados nos ultimos cinco mil anos pode ser visto como uma sequencia de capitulos de uma narrativa basicamente continua. Essa continuidade explica porque as reflexoes de Platao sobre o oral e o escrito, bem como as observacoes de Aristoteles sobre a memoria e a reminiscencia ainda sao relevantes no nosso mundo globalizado. Como conclusao, o texto comenta a tentativa de Paul Ricoeur de cobrir a distância entre a memoria, a historia e o esquecimento, assim como suas controversas implicacoes politicas

    Selfhood as Otherness: Constructing English Identity in the Elisabethan Age

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