31 research outputs found

    Stability of Mitochondrial Membrane Proteins in Terrestrial Vertebrates Predicts Aerobic Capacity and Longevity

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    The cellular energy produced by mitochondria is a fundamental currency of life. However, the extent to which mitochondrial (mt) performance (power and endurance) is adapted to habitats and life strategies of vertebrates is not well understood. A global analysis of mt genomes revealed that hydrophobicity (HYD) of mt membrane proteins (MMPs) is much lower in terrestrial vertebrates than in fishes and shows a strong negative correlation with serine/threonine composition (STC). Here, we present evidence that this systematic feature of MMPs was crucial for the evolution of large terrestrial vertebrates with high aerobic capacity. An Arrhenius-type equation gave positive correlations between STC and maximum life span (MLS) in terrestrial vertebrates (with a few exceptions relating to the lifestyle of small animals with a high resting metabolic rate [RMR]) and negative correlations in secondary marine vertebrates, such as cetaceans and alligators (which returned from land to water, utilizing buoyancy with increased body size). In particular, marked STC increases in primates (especially hominoids) among placentals were associated with very high MLS values. We connected these STC increases in MMPs with greater stability of respiratory complexes by estimating the degradation of the Arrhenius plot given by accelerating mtRMR up to mt maximum metabolic rate. Both mtRMR and HYD in terrestrial vertebrates decreased with increasing body mass. Decreases in mtRMR raise MMP stability when high mobility is not required, whereas decreased HYD may weaken this stability under the hydrophobic environment of lipid bilayer. High maximal metabolic rates (5-10 RMR), which we postulate require high MMP mobility, presumably render MMPs more unstable. A marked rise in STC may therefore be essential to stabilize MMPs, perhaps as dynamic supercomplexes, via hydrogen bonds associated with serine/threonine motifs

    TMKink: A method to predict transmembrane helix kinks

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    A hallmark of membrane protein structure is the large number of distorted transmembrane helices. Because of the prevalence of bends, it is important to not only understand how they are generated but also to learn how to predict their occurrence. Here, we find that there are local sequence preferences in kinked helices, most notably a higher abundance of proline, which can be exploited to identify bends from local sequence information. A neural network predictor identifies over two-thirds of all bends (sensitivity 0.70) with high reliability (specificity 0.89). It is likely that more structural data will allow for better helix distortion predictors with increased coverage in the future. The kink predictor, TMKink, is available at http://tmkinkpredictor.mbi.ucla.edu/

    α-Helical Topology Prediction and Generation of Distance Restraints in Membrane Proteins

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    The field of protein structure prediction has seen significant advances in recent years. Researchers have followed a multitude of approaches, including methods based on comparative modeling, fold recognition and threading, and first-principles techniques. It is noteworthy that the structure prediction of membrane proteins is comparatively less studied by researchers in the field. A membrane protein is characterized by a protein structure that extends into or through the lipid-lipid bilayer of a cell. The structure is influenced by the combination of the hydrophobic bilayer region, the direct interaction with the bilayer, and the aqueous external environment. Due to the difficulty in obtaining reliable experimental structures, accurate computational prediction of membrane proteins is of paramount importance. An optimization model has been developed to predict the interhelical interactions in α-helical membrane proteins. A database of α-helical membrane proteins of known structure and limited sequence identity can be constructed to develop interaction probabilities. By then maximizing the occurrence of highly probable pairwise or three-residue interactions, realistic contacts can be predicted by imposing a number of geometrical constraints. The development of these low distance contacts can provide additional distance restraints for first principles-based approaches to the tertiary structure prediction problem. The proposed approach is shown to successfully predict interhelical contacts in several membrane protein systems, including bovine rhodopsin and the recently released human β2 adrenergic receptor protein structure

    Hydrogen-Bonding and Packing Features of Membrane Proteins: Functional Implications

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    The recent structural elucidation of about one dozen channels (in which we include transporters) has provided further evidence that these membrane proteins typically undergo large movements during their function. However, it is still not well understood how these proteins achieve the necessary trade-off between stability and mobility. To identify specific structural properties of channels, we compared the helix-packing and hydrogen-bonding patterns of channels with those of membrane coils; the latter is a class of membrane proteins whose structures are expected to be more rigid. We describe in detail how in channels, helix pairs are usually arranged in packing motifs with large crossing angles (|τ| ≈ 40°), where the (small) side chains point away from the packing core and the backbones of the two helices are in close contact. We found that this contributes to a significant enrichment of Cα–H···O bonds and to a packing geometry where right-handed parallel (τ = −40° ± 10°) and antiparallel (τ = +140° ± 25°) arrangements are equally preferred. By sharp contrast, the interdigitation and hydrogen bonding of side chains in helix pairs of membrane coils results in narrowly distributed left-handed antiparallel arrangements with crossing angles τ = −160° ± 10° (|τ| ≈ 20°). In addition, we show that these different helix-packing modes of the two types of membrane proteins correspond to specific hydrogen-bonding patterns. In particular, in channels, three times as many of the hydrogen-bonded helix pairs are found in parallel right-handed motifs than are non-hydrogen-bonded helix pairs. Finally, we discuss how the presence of weak hydrogen bonds, water-containing cavities, and right-handed crossing angles may facilitate the required conformational flexibility between helix pairs of channels while maintaining sufficient structural stability

    Driving Forces for Transmembrane α-Helix Oligomerization

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    We present what we believe to be a novel statistical contact potential based on solved structures of transmembrane (TM) α-helical bundles, and we use this contact potential to investigate the amino acid likelihood of stabilizing helix-helix interfaces. To increase statistical significance, we have reduced the full contact energy matrix to a four-flavor alphabet of amino acids, automatically determined by our methodology, in which we find that polarity is a more dominant factor of group identity than is size, with charged or polar groups most often occupying the same face, whereas polar/apolar residue pairs tend to occupy opposite faces. We found that the most polar residues strongly influence interhelical contact formation, although they occur rarely in TM helical bundles. Two-body contact energies in the reduced letter code are capable of determining native structure from a large decoy set for a majority of test TM proteins, at the same time illustrating that certain higher-order sequence correlations are necessary for more accurate structure predictions

    Interpretation of 2H-NMR Experiments on the Orientation of the Transmembrane Helix WALP23 by Computer Simulations

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    Orientation, dynamics, and packing of transmembrane helical peptides are important determinants of membrane protein structure, dynamics, and function. Because it is difficult to investigate these aspects by studying real membrane proteins, model transmembrane helical peptides are widely used. NMR experiments provide information on both orientation and dynamics of peptides, but they require that motional models be interpreted. Different motional models yield different interpretations of quadrupolar splittings (QS) in terms of helix orientation and dynamics. Here, we use coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the behavior of a well-known model transmembrane peptide, WALP23, under different hydrophobic matching/mismatching conditions. We compare experimental 2H-NMR QS (directly measured in experiments), as well as helix tilt angle and azimuthal rotation (not directly measured), with CG MD simulation results. For QS, the agreement is significantly better than previously obtained with atomistic simulations, indicating that equilibrium sampling is more important than atomistic details for reproducing experimental QS. Calculations of helix orientation confirm that the interpretation of QS depends on the motional model used. Our simulations suggest that WALP23 can form dimers, which are more stable in an antiparallel arrangement. The origin of the preference for the antiparallel orientation lies not only in electrostatic interactions but also in better surface complementarity. In most cases, a mixture of monomers and antiparallel dimers provides better agreement with NMR data compared to the monomer and the parallel dimer. CG MD simulations allow predictions of helix orientation and dynamics and interpretation of QS data without requiring any assumption about the motional model