1,544 research outputs found

    e-WASTE: Everything an ICT Scientist and Developer Should Know

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    [EN] Every dazzling announcement of a new smart phone or trendy digital device is the prelude to more tons of electronic waste (e-waste) being produced. This e-waste, or electronic scrap, is often improperly added to common garbage, rather than being separated into suitable containers that facilitate the recovery of toxic materials and valuable metals. We are beginning to become aware of the problems that e-waste can generate to our health and the environment. However, most of us are still not motivated enough to take an active part in reversing the situation. The aim of this article is to contribute to increase this motivation by pointing out the significant problem that e-waste represents and its social and environmental implications. We have chosen this forum in which multidisciplinary researchers in ICT from all countries access on regularly to explain the serious problems we are exposed to when we do not make a responsible and correct use of technology. In this paper, we also survey the composition of contemporary electronic devices and the possibilities and difficulties of recycling the elements they contain. As researchers, our contributions in science enable us to find solutions to current problems and to design more and more powerful intelligent devices. But responsible researchers must be aware of the negative effects that this industry causes us and, consequently, assume their commitment with more sustainable designs and developments. Therefore, the knowledge of e-waste issues is crucial also in the scientific world. Researchers should consider this problem and contribute to minimize it or find new solutions to manage it. These must be the additional challenges in our projects.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2013-43913-R.Pont Sanjuan, A.; Robles Martínez, A.; Gil, JA. (2019). e-WASTE: Everything an ICT Scientist and Developer Should Know. IEEE Access. 7:169614-169635. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2955008S169614169635

    Uso de nuevos medios de apoyo a las exposiciones en el aula

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad poner de manifiesto la experiencia en la aplicación de nuevas herramientas de desarrollo de presentaciones como soporte y las explicaciones de aula. El ámbito temático de la estructura de computadores constituye, por sus singularidades, un terreno propicio para introducir estas nuevas herramientas. Mediante dos ejemplos se trata de ilustrar su empleo como soporte a las exposiciones teóricas, así como a la resolución de problemas

    La l?dica como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la psicomotricidad de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel preescolar del Colegio ?ngelo Giuseppe Roncalli de la ciudad de Ibagu?.

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    92 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo es llevado a cabo en el Colegio Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli con los ni?os del nivel preescolar, en los cuales se observ? que estos menores se caracterizan por ser din?micos, participativos y expresivos frente a lo que les gusta y les disgusta; gozan de una buena disposici?n en el momento de realizar tareas, dentro y fuera del aula. Sin embargo, en ciertas oportunidades algunos ni?os se les dificultan la realizaci?n de trabajos, debido a que poseen problemas relacionados con su psicomotricidad. Por lo mencionado anteriormente se construye un proyecto implementando la investigaci?n formativa, a trav?s de la metodolog?a cualitativa con un enfoque etnogr?fico; para este proceso se utiliz? t?cnicas e instrumentos que permitieron la recolecci?n de informaci?n como: fichas de observaci?n, entrevista informal, y diarios de campo. De igual manera se tienen en cuenta los diferentes estamentos legales nacionales, locales e institucionales. Adem?s, se crea e implementa un proyecto pedag?gico de aula El tren l?dico como instrumento facilitador en la estimulaci?n del proceso psicomotriz de los ni?os del nivel preescolar, de manera que se fortalezca su aprendizaje y desenvolvimiento en su contexto escolar; permiti?ndole a los docentes dise?ar actividades l?dico-pedag?gicas y cambiar la visi?n que tienen sobre la educaci?n f?sica como asignatura importante en el desarrollo integral de los ni?os. Por ?ltimo, el desarrollo de este proceso investigativo la comunidad educativa identifico la incidencia que tiene la psicomotricidad en el desarrollo integral de los ni?os. Palabras claves: psicomotricidad, desarrollo integral, estrategias, estimulaci?n, investigaci?n.The present work is carried out in the school Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli with the children of the preschool level, in which it was observed that these minors are characterized by being dynamic, participative and expressive in front of what they like and dislike them; Have a good disposition when performing tasks, inside and outside the classroom. However, in some cases, some children find it difficult to carry out work, because they have problems related to their psychomotor skills. For the aforementioned, a project is being implemented implementing the formative research, through the qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach; For this process techniques and instruments were used that allowed the collection of information as: observation tokens, informal interview, and field diaries. Likewise, different national, local and institutional legal systems are taken into account. In addition, a pedagogical project of classroom "The ludic train" is created and implemented as a facilitating instrument in the stimulation of the psychomotor process of the children of the pre-school level, so as to strengthen their learning and development in their school context; Allowing teachers to design ludic-pedagogical activities and change the vision they have on physical education as an important subject in the integral development of children. Finally, the development of this research process, the educational community identifies the incidence of psychomotricity in the integral development of children. Keywords: psychomotricity, integral development, strategies, stimulation, research

    Transcripción revisada del informe de Pedro de Ayala de 1498 sobre las expediciones inglesas de descubrimiento

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    The report sent by Pedro de Ayala to the Catholic Monarchs from London in 1498 is one of the main sources on the earliest English expeditions to North America. The history of its deciphering, interpretation and translation is presented and, as none of the transcriptions carried out up to now is found to be entirely satisfactory, a new one is proposed based on a literal deciphering of the document, along with translations into French and English. Furthermore, some particularly difficult parts of the text are discussed in detail that, having been misunderstood in earlier editions of the report, led to probably erroneous conclusions about the biography of John Cabot, the itinerary of his voyage of 1497, and the name of the monk who went with him on his expedition of 1498.El informe enviado por Pedro de Ayala a los Reyes Católicos desde Londres en 1498 es una de las fuentes fundamentales sobre las primeras expediciones inglesas a Norteamérica. En este estudio se presenta la historia de su descifrado, interpretación y traducción y, constatando que ninguna de las transcripciones realizadas hasta ahora es completamente exacta, se propone una nueva basada en un descifrado literal del documento, acompañada de traducciones al francés y al inglés. Se discuten asimismo en detalle algunas frases particularmente difíciles del texto que, debido a su malinterpretación en ediciones anteriores, condujeron a conclusiones probablemente erróneas sobre la biografía de Juan Caboto, el itinerario de su viaje de 1497 y el nombre del religioso que fue con él en su expedición de 1498

    Compositional Variations in Apatite and Petrogenetic Significance: Examples from Peraluminous Granites and Related Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Veins from the Central Iberian Zone (Spain and Portugal)

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    Apatite can be used as an archive of processes occurring during the evolution of granitic magmas and as a pegmatite exploration tool. With this aim, a detailed compositional study of apatite was performed on different Variscan granites, pegmatites and quartz veins from the Central Iberian Zone. Manganese in granitic apatite increases with increasing evolution degree. Such Mn increase would not be related to changes in the fO(2) during evolution but rather to a higher proportion of Mn in residual melts, joined to an increase in SiO2 content and peraluminosity. In the case of pegmatitic apatite, the fO(2) and the polymerization degree of the melts seem not to have influenced the Mn and Fe contents but the higher availability of these transition elements and/or the lack of minerals competing for them. The subrounded Fe-Mn phosphate nodules, where apatite often occurs in P-rich pegmatites and P-rich quartz dykes, probably crystallized from a P-rich melt exsolved from the pegmatitic melt and where Fe, Mn and Cl would partition. The low Mn and Fe contents in the apatite from the quartz veins may be attributed either to the low availability of these elements in the late hydrothermal fluids derived from the granitic and pegmatitic melts, or to a high fO(2). The Rare Earth Elements, Sr and Y are the main trace elements of the studied apatites. The REE contents of apatite decrease with the evolution of their hosting rocks. The REE patterns show in general strong tetrad effects that are probably not related to the fluids' activity in the system. On the contrary, the fluids likely drive the non-CHARAC behavior of apatite from the most evolved granitic and pegmatitic units. Low fO(2) conditions seem to be related to strong Eu anomalies observed for most of the apatites associated with different granitic units, barren and P-rich pegmatites. The positive Eu anomalies in some apatites from leucogranites and Li-rich pegmatites could reflect their early character, prior to the crystallization of feldspars. The increase in the Sr content in apatite from Li-rich pegmatites and B-P +/- F-rich leucogranites could be related to problems in accommodating this element in the albite structure, favoring its incorporation into apatite. The triangular plots sigma REE-Sr-Y and U-Th-Pb of apatites, as well as the Eu anomaly versus the TE1,3 diagram, seem to be potentially good as petrogenetic indicators, mainly for pegmatites and, to a lesser extent, for granites from the CIZ

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    En la primera parte de la obra se aborda el tema de medios y las elecciones de 2009; en la segunda, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y en la tercera parte los medios de comunicación y el periodismo. Al final se presentan sembalnzas de Rigo Mora, Álvaro González de Mendoza y David “el Negro” Guerrero, quienes desde el cine y la radiodifusión, dejaron momentos memorables a la comunidad tapatía.ITESO, A.C

    A novel BRCA1 mutation in a patient with breast and ovarian cancer: A case report

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    Germline mutations in the human breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for a substantial proportion of familial, early-onset breast and ovarian cancers. The present study reports a novel disease-causing BRCA1 mutation, nucleotide 3020insCT/c.2901insCT, in a 55-year-old Spanish female with breast and ovarian cancer. This frameshift mutation creates a premature stop codon at amino acid 1000, leading to a truncated BRCA1 protein. To the best of our knowledge, this mutation has not been previously described in the Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) database or the published literatur

    Serum micrornas as tool to predict early response to benralizumab in severe eosinophilic asthma

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    Severe eosinophilic asthma poses a serious health and economic problem, so new therapy approaches have been developed to control it, including biological drugs such as benralizumab, which is a monoclonal antibody that binds to IL-5 receptor alpha subunit and depletes peripheral blood eosinophils rapidly. Biomarkers that predict the response to this drug are needed so that microRNAs (miRNAs) can be useful tools. This study was performed with fifteen severe eosinophilic asthmatic patients treated with benralizumab, and serum miRNAs were evaluated before and after treatment by semi-quantitative PCR (qPCR). Patients showed a clinical improvement after benralizumab administration. Additionally, deregulation of miR-1246, miR-5100 and miR-338-3p was observed in severe asthmatic patients after eight weeks of therapy, and a correlation was found between miR-1246 and eosinophil counts, including a number of exacerbations per year in these severe asthmatics. In silico pathway analysis revealed that these three miRNAs are regulators of the MAPK signaling pathway, regulating target genes implicated in asthma such as NFKB2, NFATC3, DUSP1, DUSP2, DUSP5 and DUSP16. In this study, we observed an altered expression of miR-1246, miR-5100 and miR-338-3p after eight weeks of benralizumab administration, which could be used as early response markers.This manuscript was funded by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria–FIS and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) [PI15/00803, PI18/00044, and FI16/00036], CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), Merck Health Foundation funds, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTC-2017-6501-1

    “It ain’t (just) what you do, it’s (also) the way that you do it”: The role of Procedural Justice in the Implementation of Anti-social Behaviour Interventions with Young People

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    This paper provides an analysis of the introduction and implementation of hybrid powers to regulate anti-social behaviour, during a period of regulatory ‘hyperactivity’ in the UK. It explores the role of procedural justice by drawing on findings from a study conducted in England which investigated the implementation practices and experiences of young people and parents. These are considered against seven characteristics of procedural justice: voice; voluntariness; respectful treatment; parsimony; accuracy of information; fairness; and neutrality. The paper analyses the manner in which principles of voluntary cooperation can be corrupted by threats of punitive sanctions. It questions the extent to which the use of such hybrid orders fosters perceptions of legitimacy and supports the capacity of young people to avoid criminalisation