4 research outputs found
Amines and Imines
- Author
- Baldwin
- Barcello and Bellanato
- Barnes
- Barrow
- Bell
- Bellamy and Williams
- Bryson
- Buswell
- Califano and Moccia
- Califano and Moccia
- Cleaves and Plyler
- Co
- Costa
- Duval
- Ellis
- Fuson and Josien
- Giguere and Liu
- Gordy
- Hathway and Flett
- Heacock and Marion
- Hill and Rosenberg
- Idem
- Jones and Moritz
- Josien and Fuson
- Josien and Fuson
- Kreuger
- Leonard and Gash
- Lieber
- Marion
- Mason
- Mathis
- Mathis Baccar, Kateka Bon
- Mecke and Mecke
- Mirone and Fabbri
- Mirone and Vampiri
- Moritz
- Rasmussen and Brattain
- Richtering
- Salimov and Tatevskii
- Shull
- Stammer and Taurin
- Stewart
- Thompson
- Vampiri
- Whetsel
- Williams
- Witkop and Patrick
- Witkop and Patrick
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study
Sustained improvement in vancomycin dosing and monitoring post-implementation of guidelines: Results of a three-year follow-up after a multifaceted intervention in an Australian teaching hospital
- Author
- Antibiotic Expert Group
- Avent
- Avorn
- Cabana
- Cameron J. Phillips
- Cockcroft
- Curth
- Davey
- David L. Gordon
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Flodgren
- Forsetlund
- Francke
- Giguere
- Giuliano
- Graham
- Greenhalgh
- Grimshaw
- Grol
- Grudniewicz
- Hamilton
- Liu
- Matsumoto
- Moise
- Mol
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
- O'Brien
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Qaseem
- Richard J. Woodman
- Ross A. McKinnon
- Rybak
- Rybak
- Rybak
- Rybak
- Shimamoto
- Tongsai
- Van Hal
- Ye
- Ye
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The impact of domestic violence exposure on South Asian children in the United States: Perspectives of domestic violence agency staff
- Author
- Abraham
- Ahmad
- Ahmad
- Anderson
- Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
- Bair-Merritt
- Bair-Merritt
- Bent-Goodley
- Borrego
- Braun
- Breiding
- Burman
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Chamberlain
- Chandra
- Dasgupta
- Dedoose 7.5.16
- Galano
- Garcia-Moreno
- Gewirtz
- Giguere
- Gilbert
- Goel
- Guest
- Herrenkohl
- Holt
- Jordan
- Kallivayalil
- Kamimura
- Kapur
- Kia-Keating
- Kreuter
- Liu
- MacMillan
- Maya I. Ragavan
- Megan Bair-Merritt
- Mitra
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Patton
- Puri
- Ragavan
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Robertson
- Saeed
- Schwartz
- Serrata
- Shonkoff
- Sirikantraporn
- Sokoloff
- South Asian Americans Leading Together
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Tsion Fikre
- Uma Millner
- Waters
- Yoshioka
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Decoding Alzheimer's disease from perturbed cerebral glucose metabolism: Implications for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
- Author
- Aisen
- Aisen
- Akiyama
- Albin
- Alvarez
- Alzheimer's Association
- Alzheimer's Disease International
- Apelt
- Arab
- Arvanitakis
- Asai
- Askansas
- Baloyannis
- Barnum
- Baskin
- Baum
- Beal
- Beier
- Bekris
- Benedict
- Berchtold
- Berent
- Berti
- Bertilsson
- Biessels
- Biessels
- Bishop
- Blalock
- Blass
- Bomfim
- Bonda
- Bonilla
- Bosco
- Bouzier-Sore
- Bove
- Braak
- Brodbeck
- Brown
- Bubber
- Butterworth
- Butterworth
- Cai
- Calingasan
- Calingasan
- Cardoso
- Carro
- Castellani
- Castellani
- Chan
- Chan
- Cho
- Choeiri
- Chong
- Chua
- Chunjiu Zhong
- Chételat
- Clark
- Comery
- Cooper
- Correia
- Cottrell
- Craft
- Craft
- Crapper McLachlan
- Cullen
- Cunnane
- De Felice
- de Jong
- de la Monte
- de la Monte
- de la Monte
- de Leon
- De Strooper
- DeCarli
- Detel
- Devanand
- Devi
- Dhamoon
- Dhuria
- Djupesland
- Dorr
- Driscoll
- Du
- Duarte
- Duelli
- Engelhart
- Erol
- Euser
- Farris
- Fawcett
- Ferreira
- Fine
- Foster
- Fox
- Francis
- Frankiewicz
- Frautschy
- Frautschy
- Friedland
- Garcia-Lara
- Gasparini
- Gasser
- Gengler
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Giguere
- Gilman
- Glasø
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gozes
- Gravitz
- Grundke-Iqbal
- Hamano
- Hamilton
- Hanson
- Hanson
- Hara
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harr
- Hatashita
- Havrankova
- Hazell
- Henderson
- Henneman
- Herholz
- Herholz
- Heroux
- Herrmann
- Hirai
- Hoffman
- Holmes
- Hooper
- Hooper
- Hoshi
- Hynd
- Ihara
- Jack
- Jack
- Jack
- Jaeger
- Janson
- Jauhiainen
- Jhala
- Jomova
- Jonsson
- Kaneko
- Kann
- Karuppagounder
- Karuppagounder
- Kauffman
- Kaushik Shah
- Kim
- Kimura
- Klunk
- Ko
- Komatsu
- Krug
- Kuhl
- Kuwabara
- Kuzuya
- Lafay-Chebassier
- Landau
- Leibson
- Lester-Coll
- Li
- Li
- Li
- Liu
- Liu
- Liu
- Lloret
- Lonsdale
- Lovestone
- Lucas
- Lukienko
- Lukiw
- Lunemann
- Luong
- Lustbader
- Ma
- Manczak
- Martina
- Masashi
- Masters
- Mastrogiacoma
- Mastrogiacoma
- Mathis
- Matsuzaki
- McGeer
- McKenna
- McKhann
- McKhann
- McNay
- McNay
- Meador
- Medina
- Melov
- Mimori
- Minoshima
- Mizushima
- Moley
- Molofsky
- Moloney
- Mooradian
- Moreira
- Moreira
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mosconi
- Mossello
- Munch
- Murakami
- Münch
- Nakazato
- Nichols
- Nikolaus
- Niswender
- Noble
- Noel-Storr
- Nolan
- Oliver
- Ollat
- Orgogozo
- O’Keeffe
- Palmer
- Palmert
- Pan
- Pan
- Paoletti
- Paoletti
- Paoletti
- Pappata
- Parachikova
- Paresce
- Parker
- Parker
- Patrick
- Pei
- Pellerin
- Perry
- Petersen
- Phelps
- Phelps
- Phiel
- Pickford
- Piroli
- Porsteinsson
- Prehn
- Price
- Pritchard
- Qu
- Radhakrishnan
- Raji
- Reger
- Reger
- Reger
- Reichmann
- Reijmer
- Reiman
- Rindi
- Ringman
- Rinne
- Risner
- Rivera
- Roberts
- Rosenmann
- Russell
- S. Roriz-Filho
- Salminen
- Salvador
- Sano
- Sardi
- Sasaki
- Schaeffer
- Schaller
- Schapira
- Scharf
- Scheltens
- Schenk
- Schenk
- Schioth
- Schrijvers
- Schroeder
- Selkoe
- Shangari
- Shangari
- Shangari
- Shankland
- Shemesh
- Shetty
- Sheu
- Sheu
- Sheu
- Shoffner
- Shulman
- Silverman
- Silverman
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Sims
- Sims-Robinson
- Small
- Sobow
- Sokoloff
- Sorbi
- Spuch
- Steen
- Stowers
- Subramanian
- Sun
- Swartz
- Takashima
- Takeuchi
- Talbot
- Tallaksen
- Tan
- Tesseur
- The Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute of the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute on Aging Working Group
- Tolstykh
- Tombaccini
- Tominaga-Yoshino
- Tung
- Tuszynski
- Tylicki
- van der Heide
- Velliquette
- Vigo-Pelfrey
- Vitek
- Wang
- Wang
- Wang
- Wang
- Wang
- Watson
- Watson
- Webb
- Whitmer
- Wilkinson
- Wyss-Coray
- Yan
- Yang
- Yao
- Yener
- Yu
- Yue
- Zandi
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhao
- Zhichun Chen
- Zhong
- Zilka
- Ziyadeh
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study