56 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Tobii EyeX Eye tracking controller and Matlab toolkit for research

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    The Tobii Eyex Controller is a new low-cost binocular eye tracker marketed for integration in gaming and consumer applications. The manufacturers claim that the system was conceived for natural eye gaze interaction, does not require continuous recalibration, and allows moderate head movements. The Controller is provided with a SDK to foster the development of new eye tracking applications. We review the characteristics of the device for its possible use in scientific research. We develop and evaluate an open source Matlab Toolkit that can be employed to interface with the EyeX device for gaze recording in behavioral experiments. The Toolkit provides calibration procedures tailored to both binocular and monocular experiments, as well as procedures to evaluate other eye tracking devices. The observed performance of the EyeX (i.e. accuracy < 0.6°, precision < 0.25°, latency < 50 ms and sampling frequency ≈55 Hz), is sufficient for some classes of research application. The device can be successfully employed to measure fixation parameters, saccadic, smooth pursuit and vergence eye movements. However, the relatively low sampling rate and moderate precision limit the suitability of the EyeX for monitoring micro-saccadic eye movements or for real-time gaze-contingent stimulus control. For these applications, research grade, high-cost eye tracking technology may still be necessary. Therefore, despite its limitations with respect to high-end devices, the EyeX has the potential to further the dissemination of eye tracking technology to a broad audience, and could be a valuable asset in consumer and gaming applications as well as a subset of basic and clinical research settings

    Learning bio-inspired head-centric representations of 3D shapes in an active fixation setting

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    When exploring the surrounding environment with the eyes, humans and primates need to interpret three-dimensional (3D) shapes in a fast and invariant way, exploiting a highly variant and gaze-dependent visual information. Since they have front-facing eyes, binocular disparity is a prominent cue for depth perception. Specifically, it serves as computational substrate for two ground mechanisms of binocular active vision: stereopsis and binocular coordination. To this aim, disparity information, which is expressed in a retinotopic reference frame, is combined along the visual cortical pathways with gaze information and transformed in a head-centric reference frame. Despite the importance of this mechanism, the underlying neural substrates still remain widely unknown. In this work, we investigate the capabilities of the human visual system to interpret the 3D scene exploiting disparity and gaze information. In a psychophysical experiment, human subjects were asked to judge the depth orientation of a planar surface either while fixating a target point or while freely exploring the surface. Moreover, we used the same stimuli to train a recurrent neural network to exploit the responses of a modelled population of cortical (V1) cells to interpret the 3D scene layout. The results for both human performance and from the model network show that integrating disparity information across gaze directions is crucial for a reliable and invariant interpretation of the 3D geometry of the scene

    Modelling Short-Latency Disparity-Vergence Eye Movements Under Dichoptic Unbalanced Stimulation

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    Vergence eye movements align the optical axes of our two eyes onto an object of interest, thus facilitating the binocular summation of the images projected onto the left and the right retinae into a single percept. Both the computational substrate and the functional behaviour of binocular vergence eye movements have been the topic of in depth investigation. Here, we attempt to bring together what is known about computation and function of vergence mechanism. To this aim, we evaluated of a biologically inspired model of horizontal and vertical vergence control, based on a network of V1 simple and complex cells. The model performances were compared to that of human observers, with dichoptic stimuli characterized by a varying amounts of interocular correlation, interocular contrast, and vertical disparity. The model provides a qualitative explanation of psychophysiological data. Nevertheless, human vergence response to interocular contrast differs from model’s behavior, suggesting that the proposed disparity-vergence model may be improved to account for human behavior. More than this, this observation also highlights how dichoptic unbalanced stimulation can be used to investigate the significant but neglected role of sensory processing in motor planning of eye movements in depth

    A hierarchical system for a distributed representation of the peripersonal space of a humanoid robot

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    Reaching a target object in an unknown and unstructured environment is easily performed by human beings. However, designing a humanoid robot that executes the same task requires the implementation of complex abilities, such as identifying the target in the visual field, estimating its spatial location, and precisely driving the motors of the arm to reach it. While research usually tackles the development of such abilities singularly, in this work we integrate a number of computational models into a unified framework, and demonstrate in a humanoid torso the feasibility of an integrated working representation of its peripersonal space. To achieve this goal, we propose a cognitive architecture that connects several models inspired by neural circuits of the visual, frontal and posterior parietal cortices of the brain. The outcome of the integration process is a system that allows the robot to create its internal model and its representation of the surrounding space by interacting with the environment directly, through a mutual adaptation of perception and action. The robot is eventually capable of executing a set of tasks, such as recognizing, gazing and reaching target objects, which can work separately or cooperate for supporting more structured and effective behaviors

    Vector Disparity Sensor with Vergence Control for Active Vision Systems

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    This paper presents an architecture for computing vector disparity for active vision systems as used on robotics applications. The control of the vergence angle of a binocular system allows us to efficiently explore dynamic environments, but requires a generalization of the disparity computation with respect to a static camera setup, where the disparity is strictly 1-D after the image rectification. The interaction between vision and motor control allows us to develop an active sensor that achieves high accuracy of the disparity computation around the fixation point, and fast reaction time for the vergence control. In this contribution, we address the development of a real-time architecture for vector disparity computation using an FPGA device. We implement the disparity unit and the control module for vergence, version, and tilt to determine the fixation point. In addition, two on-chip different alternatives for the vector disparity engines are discussed based on the luminance (gradient-based) and phase information of the binocular images. The multiscale versions of these engines are able to estimate the vector disparity up to 32 fps on VGA resolution images with very good accuracy as shown using benchmark sequences with known ground-truth. The performances in terms of frame-rate, resource utilization, and accuracy of the presented approaches are discussed. On the basis of these results, our study indicates that the gradient-based approach leads to the best trade-off choice for the integration with the active vision system

    EMIP: The eye movements in programming dataset

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    A large dataset that contains the eye movements of N=216 programmers of different experience levels captured during two code comprehension tasks is presented. Data are grouped in terms of programming expertise (from none to high) and other demographic descriptors. Data were collected through an international collaborative effort that involved eleven research teams across eight countries on four continents. The same eye tracking apparatus and software was used for the data collection. The Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP) dataset is freely available for download. The varied metadata in the EMIP dataset provides fertile ground for the analysis of gaze behavior and may be used to make novel insights about code comprehension
