129 research outputs found

    How to effectively use interactivity with interactive data visualization on groups with different literacy levels

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceOpen data can be used as an empowering tool to society; however, it is not usually accessible to the general audience. This difficulty tends to increase as users lack data literacy. Interactive data visualization is a solution to provide clearer information, enhancing understanding and engagement. This study aims to develop interactive visualizations with open data to understand how to effectively communicate a message. The prototype was created with Microsoft Power BI and the database was developed by The World Bank. This work contributed with a methodology to evaluate literacy and to evaluate the prototype with quantitative and qualitative metrics. ANOVA single factor tests pointed statistically significant differences between groups regarding accuracy, complexity, and comprehension. This suggests that data literacy should be considered when creating visualizations, and projects as DATALIT are essential to enhance users’ literacy. Both groups agreed that the best visualizations were the bar, line and pie charts, and the choropleth map was well accepted. The least preferred visualization and the most complex was the bubble chart. Non-Experient users found the elements a little more complex. Both groups worked well with filters and slicers, and tooltips had a good acceptance. Groups considered animation the worst component. When the interaction was not described in the text, the Non-Experient group had more difficult in discovering it. Participants showed average good results in all measures, thus Microsoft Power BI is a useful tool to create effective interactive visualizations for different groups. The results from this work will allow organizations to understand how to adapt their visualizations to different audiences and the importance of data literacy skills

    Correlação entre Movimentos de Massa e Pluviosidade para o Município de Florianópolis, SC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Civil.A área urbana do município de Florianópolis/SC é atingida frequentemente por desastres socioambientais, acarretando em danos econômicos e de vidas, em especial no caso da ocorrência de movimentos de massa. Diversos estudos comprovam que a pluviosidade da região está intimamente ligada com a deflagração dessa tipologia de desastre. Visando colaborar com a redução de riscos através de ações preventivas e manutenção de políticas públicas, neste trabalho foram mapeados os eventos de movimentos de massa no município de 2012 a 2018, baseando-se nos registros da Defesa Civil Municipal, e realizadas análises espaciais e temporais dos eventos, além da elaboração de mapas temáticos buscando descrever as caraterísticas físicas e socioeconômicas das áreas mais afetadas. Em seguida, baseando-se no trabalho de Tatizana et al. (1987), a região foi dividida em 5 subáreas e os dados foram relacionados com as séries históricas de cada subárea, resultando na correlação numérica entre a precipitação acumulada no dia do evento e em 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h, 120h e 30 dias anteriores ao dia do evento. A maior parte dos eventos estudados ocorrem em regiões com infraestrutura precária, presença de fluxo superficial de água, declividades entre 20 a 45%, ocupadas por moradores de baixa renda e tendem a ocorrer em solo Podzólicos vermelho-amarelo de substrato granito e Cambissolo de depósito de encostas. As correlações de 96h, 120h e 30 dias foram as que se mostraram mais coerentes para cada subárea. Para a escolha da correlação a ser utilizada deve-se levar em consideração a finalidade da mesma e a quantidade e qualidade da amostra, lembrando-se sempre de que as correlações devem ser atualizadas e empregadas com cautela

    Extraintestinal Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequent and may occur before or after IBD diagnosis. EIM may impact the quality of life for patients with IBD significantly requiring specific treatment depending on the affected organ(s). They most frequently affect joints, skin, or eyes, but can also less frequently involve other organs such as liver, lungs, or pancreas. Certain EIM, such as peripheral arthritis, oral aphthous ulcers, episcleritis, or erythema nodosum, are frequently associated with active intestinal inflammation and usually improve by treatment of the intestinal activity. Other EIM, such as uveitis or ankylosing spondylitis, usually occur independent of intestinal inflammatory activity. For other not so rare EIM, such as pyoderma gangrenosum and primary sclerosing cholangitis, the association with the activity of the underlying IBD is unclear. Successful therapy of EIM is essential for improving quality of life of patients with IBD. Besides other options, tumor necrosis factor antibody therapy is an important therapy for EIM in patients with IBD

    Trieste antica e moderna ossia Descrizione ed origine dei nomi delle sue vie, androne e piazze

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    Università degli Studi di Triest