28 research outputs found

    Формування соціальної компетентності особистості в період дошкільного дитинства

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    Updating the content of preschool education in the conditions of democratization and spiritual revival of Ukrainian society actualizes the need to provide favorable conditions for social development and self-improvement of the individual, from preschool age. Socialization of the modern preschooler takes place in the conditions of dynamic social transformations, as a result of which the children have learned the social experience, which positively influences their social competences and the success of social interaction in the following age periods. Therefore, an important scientific problem in modern science has been the study of psychological and pedagogical factors that can ensure the development of a harmonious personality and the development of social competence of the individual during the preschool childhood.The results of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches allow to determine the directions of socialization of a child of preschool age a leading place, among which are: 1) ensuring the adaptation of the child to the social environment, the introduction of the child into the world of human relationships, the forming of openness to society in children; 2) to promote the dynamics and development of self-awareness, which will allow the child to change the self-image and attitude to himself in the process of life, forming a readiness for the perception of social information, education of social behavior skills; 3) forming of life position in the child, assistance in self-realization in society. First and foremost, it concerns the cultivation of a conscious attitude to oneself as a free self and to one's duties, which is determined by relationships with others, the desire to know people, to do good deeds.Оновлення змісту дошкільної освіти в умовах демократизації та духовного відро-дження українського суспільства актуалізує необхідність забезпечення сприятливих умов для соціального розвитку та самовдосконалення особистості, починаючи з дошкільного віку. Результати аналізу психолого-педагогічних досліджень дозволяють визначити напря¬ми соціалізації дитини дошкільного віку провідне місце, серед яких належить: 1) забез¬печенню адаптації дитини до соціального середовища, введення дитини в світ людських взаємин, формування у дітей відкритості до суспільства; 2) сприянню динаміці і розвитку самоусвідомлення, що дозволить дитині змінювати уявлення про себе і ставлення до себе у процесі життєдіяльності, формування готовності до сприймання соціальної інформації, виховання навичок соціальної поведінки; 3) формуванню в дитини життєвої позиції, допомога у самореалізації в суспільстві. Передусім це стосується виховання усвідомленого ставлення до себе як вільної самостійної особистості та до своїх обов’язків, що визначається зв’язками з іншими людьми, бажання пізнавати людей, робити добрі вчинки

    Biology and conservation of freshwater bivalves : past, present and future perspectives

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    Freshwater bivalves have been highly threatened by human activities, and recently their global decline has been causing conservational and social concern. In this paper, we review the most important research events in freshwater bivalve biology calling attention to the main scientific achievements. A great bias exists in the research effort, with much more information available for bivalve species belonging to the Unionida in comparison to other groups. The same is true for the origin of these studies, since the publishing pattern does not always correspond to the hotspots of biodiversity but is concentrated in the northern hemisphere mainly in North America, Europe and Russia, with regions such as Africa and Southeast Asia being quite understudied. We also summarize information about past, present and future perspectives concerning the most important research topics that include taxonomy, systematics, anatomy, physiology, ecology and conservation of freshwater bivalves. Finally, we introduce the articles published in this Hydrobiologia special issue related with the International Meeting on Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves held in 2012 in Braganc¸a, Portugal.We would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors and institutions, especially to the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca for all the logistic support. We acknowledge all keynote speakers, authors, session chairpersons and especially to all attendees whose contributions were fundamental for the success of this meeting. We would also like to thank all referees of this special issue and to Koen Martens, Editor-in-Chief of Hydrobiologia, for all the valuable comments and suggestions. The chronogram was built with the help of the expert opinion of fellow colleagues Rafael Araujo, Arthur Bogan, Kevin Cummings, Dan Graf, Wendell Haag, Karl-Otto Nagel and David Strayer to whom we are very grateful. The authors acknowledge the support provided by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and COMPETE funds-projects CONBI (Contract: PTDC/AAC-AMB/117688/2010) and ECO-IAS (Contract: PTDC/AAC-AMB/116685/2010), and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE, under the project "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011"

    Evolutionary origins of invasive populations

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    What factors shape the evolution of invasive populations? Recent theoretical and empirical studies suggest that an evolutionary history of disturbance might be an important factor. This perspective presents hypotheses regarding the impact of disturbance on the evolution of invasive populations, based on a synthesis of the existing literature. Disturbance might select for life-history traits that are favorable for colonizing novel habitats, such as rapid population growth and persistence. Theoretical results suggest that disturbance in the form of fluctuating environments might select for organismal flexibility, or alternatively, the evolution of evolvability. Rapidly fluctuating environments might favor organismal flexibility, such as broad tolerance or plasticity. Alternatively, longer fluctuations or environmental stress might lead to the evolution of evolvability by acting on features of the mutation matrix. Once genetic variance is generated via mutations, temporally fluctuating selection across generations might promote the accumulation and maintenance of genetic variation. Deeper insights into how disturbance in native habitats affects evolutionary and physiological responses of populations would give us greater capacity to predict the populations that are most likely to tolerate or adapt to novel environments during habitat invasions. Moreover, we would gain fundamental insights into the evolutionary origins of invasive populations


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    The article reveals the phenomenology of adolescent age, from the point of view of ambivalence, psychological intensity and complexity of the marked period, as well as unquestionable significance in the personal formation of a young person.The present time dictates new rules, requirements for a strategy of life, which in turn require lability, speed of psychic response, and the realization of human potential, including, without exception, all spheres of being. Undoubtedly, ambitious goals, the desire to find and realize their own way, declare themselves, succeed, “build" their lives, cause the corresponding psychophysiological and social responses of the body of a young person.The purpose of the message is to update the issues of personal self-determination and becoming a youthful age, since it is the age-old age we consider to be the key to person`s self-realizing. From the point of view of qualitatively new accents, potential prospects and possibilities of their realization in the dimension of human life.The determining social task of adolescence is the choice of profession, social and personal self-determination. It is about the formation (a certain level of formation) of a complex of properties, abilities, needs, goals, orientation of the individual in general, which would allow the young man to fully self-realization in work, public life, future family. In this context, it is important to develop viability, the need and ability to communicate, and the development of reflection, which provides a conscious and critical attitude to itself [134; with. 105], [56; with. 92].It is sometimes difficult for a young person to balance the needs, desires, motives and goals, aspirations and beliefs, on the one hand, and social models, requirements and specifications on the other. The feeling of external pressure causes the inclusion of protective mechanisms of the psyche, often causing the reaction of resistance. Numerous cultural, political, ideological patterns, fashion, so-called modernity can cause a variety of psychophysiological reactions of the body (stress, depression, psychosomatic disorders, etc.).Trying to gain stability and security in extreme life conditions, a person, relying on internal and external resources, finds out an individual way of effective life balancing. At certain periods of life, it may be more effective to take patiently all the difficulties and difficulties, or to maximize mobilization and activity. Under the condition of the formation of these qualities, the development of skills in the constructive construction of interpersonal relationships, the young man has the necessary psychological basis for self-determination – the central tumor of the young age. Its basis is the need to take on the internal position of an adult, to realize himself a member of society (a sense of necessity), to know and understand oneself, their possibilities, their place and purpose in life. A high level of self-awareness stimulates interest in one’s own personality, in the forms of its organization and self-regulation.The main psychological achievement of youth is its own inner world, the crystallization of ideas about himself- the integrative processes of the development of the I-concept; the formation of the general emotional orientation of the individual, that is, the consolidation of the hierarchy of their own values, certain experiences.Thus, the expansion of the self-I, changes in the perception of the “I” of another person, as a result of the person goes to a qualitatively new level of reflection of reality and adaptation to it, serving as a gain and already a mechanism for constructing the perspective of the picture of life and Himself in it. It is impossible to overestimate the psychological significance of adolescence in the personal formation of a person. After all, here, apparently, all, without exception, types of human activity are present, an opportunity not only to feel qualitative psycho-physiological, social changes, but also to realize them, to operate them, to use, to apply, etc. Become an architect and author of your life, with an extraordinary “taste" of the future, prospects, chances and potential opportunities, freedom of choice.Prospects for further research we see in the search for regulatory mechanisms for the implementation of the personality potential during the youth, which, of course, include hardiness, the vitality of the individual in a variety of manifestations of the concept. We consider it expedient on this basis to develop and verify the system of individual and group training on the development of key regulatory mechanisms for self-determination, self-expression and realization of its own resources in all spheres of life of a young person.Key words: youth, youth age, personal self-determination, life stability, socialization, role conflict, interpersonal conflict, empathy.</p

    Emulsion PCR derived Haplotype Sequences

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    Haplotypes derived by single molecule sequencing using emulsion PCR. Samples are from populations of E. affinis, either collected from Racine Harbor (R) in Lake Michigan or from Saint-Jean Port Joli (J) in Quebec. Numbers after the letter indicate sample number within the laboratory. Samples with only a single letter/number combination are single individuals. Samples with multiple letter/number combinations are mixtures of individuals. Samples derived from traditional, non-emulsion PCR and sequencing are indicated (NE). Samples derived from emulsion PCR and sequencing are numbered to indicate independent amplifications. All samples were sequenced in both directions

    Data from: Testing for beneficial reversal of dominance during salinity shifts in the invasive copepod Eurytemora affinis, and implications for the maintenance of genetic variation

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    Maintenance of genetic variation at loci under selection has profound implications for adaptation under environmental change. In temporally and spatially varying habitats, non-neutral polymorphism could be maintained by heterozygote advantage across environments (marginal overdominance), which could be greatly increased by beneficial reversal of dominance across conditions. We tested for reversal of dominance and marginal overdominance in salinity tolerance in the salt-to-freshwater invading copepod Eurytemora affinis. We compared survival of F1 offspring generated by crossing saline and freshwater inbred lines (between-salinity F1 crosses) relative to within-salinity F1 crosses, across three salinities. We found evidence for both beneficial reversal of dominance and marginal overdominance in salinity tolerance. In support of reversal of dominance, survival of between-salinity F1 crosses was not different from that of freshwater F1 crosses under freshwater conditions and saltwater F1 crosses under saltwater conditions. In support of marginal overdominance, between-salinity F1 crosses exhibited significantly higher survival across salinities relative to both freshwater and saltwater F1 crosses. Our study provides a rare empirical example of complete beneficial reversal of dominance associated with environmental change. This mechanism might be crucial for maintaining genetic variation in salinity tolerance in E. affinis populations, allowing rapid adaptation to salinity changes during habitat invasions

    Data from: Direct sequencing of haplotypes from diploid individuals through a modified emulsion PCR-based single-molecule sequencing approach

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    While standard DNA sequencing approaches readily yield genotypic sequence data, haplotype information is often of greater utility for population genetic analyses. However, obtaining individual haplotype sequences can be costly and time consuming, and sometimes requires statistical reconstruction approaches that are subject to bias and error. Advancements have recently been made in determining individual chromosomal sequences in large-scale genomic studies, yet few options exist for obtaining this information from large numbers of highly polymorphic individuals in a cost effective manner. As a solution, we developed a simple PCR-based method for obtaining sequence information from individual DNA strands using standard laboratory equipment. The method employs a water-in-oil emulsion to separate the PCR mixture into thousands of individual microreactors. PCR within these small vesicles results in amplification from only a single starting DNA template molecule, and thus a single haplotype. We improved upon previous approaches by including SYBR Green I and a melted agarose solution in the PCR reaction, allowing easy identification and separation of individually amplified DNA molecules. We demonstrate the use of this method on a highly polymorphic estuarine population of the copepod Eurytemora affinis for which current molecular and computational methods for haplotype determination have been inadequate