1,294 research outputs found

    CGC/saturation approach: Impact-parameter dependent model in next-to-leading order and combined HERA data

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    In this paper we confront the next-to-leading order (NLO) CGC/saturation approach of Ref. [1] with the experimental combined HERA data and obtain its parameters. The model includes two features that are in accordance with our theoretical knowledge of deep inelastic scattering. These consist of: ii) the use of analytical solution for the non-linear Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) evolution equation and iiii) the exponential behavior of the saturation momentum on the impact parameter bb-dependence, characterized by QsQ_s exp(mb)\propto\exp( -m b ) which reproduce the correct behaviour of the scattering amplitude at large bb in accord with Froissart theorem. The model results are then compared to data at small-x for the structure function of the proton F2F_{2}, the longitudinal structure function FLF_{L}, the charm structure function F2ccˉF_2^{c\bar{c}}, the exclusive vector meson (J/ψ,ϕ,ρJ/\psi,\phi,\rho) production and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS). We obtain a good agreement for the processes in a wide kinematic range of Q2Q^2 at small xx. Our results provide a strong guide for finding an approach, based on Color Glass Condensate/saturation effective theory for high energy QCD, to make reliable predictions from first principles as well as for forthcoming experiments like the Electron-Ion Collider and the LHeC.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Identification and validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR normalization in wheat meiosis

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    Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division occurring in sexually reproducing organisms to generate haploid cells known as gametes. In flowering plants, male gametes are produced in anthers, being encased in pollen grains. Understanding the genetic regulation of meiosis key events such as chromosome recognition and pairing, synapsis and recombination, is needed to manipulate chromosome associations for breeding purposes, particularly in important cereal crops like wheat. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is widely used to analyse gene expression and to validate the results obtained by other transcriptomic analyses, like RNA-seq. Selection and validation of appropriate reference genes for RT-qPCR normalization is essential to obtain reproducible and accurate expression data. In this work, twelve candidate reference genes were evaluated using the mainstream algorithms geNorm, Normfinder, BestKeeper and ΔCt, then ranked from most to least suitable for normalization with RefFinder. Different sets of reference genes were recommended to normalize gene expression data in anther meiosis of bread and durum wheat, their corresponding genotypes in the absence of the Ph1 locus and for comparative studies among wheat genotypes. Comparisons between meiotic (anthers) and somatic (leaves and roots) wheat tissues were also carried out. To the best of our knowledge, our study provides the first comprehensive list of reference genes for robust RT-qPCR normalization to study differentially expressed genes during male meiosis in wheat in a breeding framework

    Internacionalizar como opção estratégica no mercado das TIC: um caso de estudo

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    O presente estudo de caso é um trabalho sobre a empresa CIL – Centro de Informática SA, constituída em 1978, a qual tem vindo a desenvolver a sua actividade no sector das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicações, exclusivamente no mercado doméstico. Num contexto macroeconómico desfavorável em Portugal e na Europa, e assistindo-se a uma desaceleração da indústria a nível global, na qual Portugal não ficou indiferente, a empresa deu inicio ao seu processo de internacionalização no passado mês de Março. Este movimento internacional da empresa, assenta na comercialização de uma solução de software desenvolvida internamente, “segmento que consideram estratégico para o futuro, tendo em conta as novas tendências de mercado a nível global, designadamente, dos serviços de Cloud Computing”. O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar qualitativamente o referido processo, identificando possíveis factores críticos de sucesso que promovam o crescimento e o aumento da competitividade da empresa nos diversos mercados. A revisão da literatura procurou sistematizar algumas das principais teorias, no âmbito da internacionalização de empresas, colocando o foco em temas como a importância do conhecimento, da gestão de relacionamentos, das parcerias estratégicas e da automatização dos fluxos de informação. Os referidos assuntos são elementos críticos para a aprendizagem e para o aumento dos recursos e competências internas das organizações, nomeadamente, das PME’s, como forma de apresentar valor agregado partilhado, ou promoverem uma vantagem competitiva sustentável nos seus mercados. O estudo qualitativo foi efectuado através da análise ao plano de internacionalização da empresa e da recolha de informação através de entrevistas exploratórias ao Engº José Veiga, Administrador Executivo da empresa e líder deste projecto. As entrevistas foram organizadas com base na revisão de literatura e metodologia apresentadas, sendo consideradas como dimensões para a análise, as motivações deste processo, a importância das parcerias estratégicas para a criação de valor, a aprendizagem e os impactos na organização e na tecnologia, assim como, o modo de entrada e a abordagem comercial, visando o crescimento e a criação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis para a empresa nos países de destino.This case study is a work on the company CIL – Centro de Informática SA, founded in 1978, which has been developing its activity in the Information/Communication Technology market exclusively in Portugal. In an unfavourable economic environment in Portugal and Europe, and responding to a slowdown of industry globally, the company began its own process of internationalization last March. This international business move, featuring a software solution developed internally, which is “a strategic future market segment, taking into account the global market trends of Cloud Computing”. The objective of this paper is to analyze qualitatively the said process, identifying critical factors that promote growth and increase market competitiveness. The purpose of the literature review is to organize some of the main applicable theories on the internationalization of enterprises, focusing on issues such as the importance of knowledge, relationship management, partnerships and automization of information flows. Focusing on subjects is critical for learning and for increasing resources and internal skills of organizations, particularly SME's, as a way to provide shared value, or to promote a sustainable competitive advantage in their markets. The qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the company's internationalization plan and gathering information through exploratory interviews with Engineer José Veiga, Executive Director of the company and leader of this project. The interviews were based on the literature review and methodology presented, considering dimensions for analyzing the motivations of this process, the importance of strategic partnerships for value creation, learning and impact on the organization and technology, as well as input mode and commercial approach, aiming its growth to create a sustainable competitive advantage in international markets

    Amber imitation? Two unusual cases of Pinus resin-coated beads in Iberian Late Prehistory (3rd and 2nd millennia BC)

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    A group of beads from the artificial cave of La Molina (Lora de Estepa, Sevilla) and Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona) were made from a biogenic raw material and intentionally covered by a layer of resin. This is the first time this type of treatment has been documented on elements of adornment in the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula. The composition and nature of the coatings are analysed and the symbolic role of such alterations and imitations of prehistoric adornments is discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2012- 34620, HAR2017-83474-

    Converging Underwater and FSO Ground Communication Links

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    We propose a new combined underwater-atmospheric optical communication link for providing a high speed optical connectivity between onshore and sumerge systems. New average BER expressions are derived when assuming amplify-and-forward (AF) relay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Los peces continentales de la provincia de Cádiz

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    La ictiofauna continental de la provincia de Cádiz está constituida por 18 especies, de las que 12 son autóctonas y cinco autóctonas estrictamente de agua dulce. Esto significa que más del 50% de las especies de peces estrictamente dulceacuícolas que habitan la provincia son introducidas. Ello contrasta con que de las cinco autóctonas tres son prácticamente endémicas de las cuencas gaditanas (cachuelo, colmilleja y fartet serán descritas en un futuro próximo como nuevas especies para la ciencia). Es decir, la ictiofauna gaditana posee un elevado grado de endemicidad y por tanto un valor de conservación igualmente alto. Esto contrasta con la delicada situación que atraviesan estas mismas especies. Considerados en conjunto, los cursos de agua que surcan la provincia de Cádiz poseen el mayor valor de conservación, basado en los peces, de todos los de la mitad meridional de España. De entre todos ellos destaca el Hozgarganta, que está considerado como el río mejor conservado de toda España, en cuanto al valor de su ictiofauna se refiere. La ictiofauna típica de un río gaditano estaría formada por tres especies: barbo, boga y cachuelo. Estas especies se distribuyen de manera muy desigual a lo largo del curso de los ríos y dentro de tramos específicos tienden a agruparse configurando distribuciones también heterogéneas. Las razones de esta desigual distribución no son bien conocidas, si bien al menos parcialmente, pudieran estar relacionadas con la degradación de los ríos por las actividades humanas. Entre los peces gaditanos más amenazados se encuentra el fartet. Esta especie posee unos requerimientos ecológicos muy estrictos que le obligan a ocupar ambientes muy precisos y escasos. En apariencia esta especie, que necesita de medios acuáticos permanentes, no tolera bien la presencia de otros peces por lo que está obligada a ocupar ambientes extremos donde no puede sobrevivir ninguna otra especie. La conservación de los fartets ha de hacerse a la luz de esta circunstancia. La ictiofauna que habitó en la antigua laguna de La Janda es hoy casi un enigma. Sin embargo, estudios recientes han puesto de manifiesto que en el bajo Barbate aún existe una comunidad diversa y muy productiva que apunta a que en La Janda podría haber existido una comunidad más rica aún y al menos igualmente productiva. También los pequeños cursos de agua del entorno de Tarifa poseen una ictiofauna peculiar, si bien muy amenazada por la fragilidad de estos pequeños ecosistemas

    Fundamentos del fútbol para mejorar coordinación motora en estudiantes del nivel secundario

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    El trabajo de investigación “Fundamentos del fútbol para mejorar coordinación motora en estudiantes del nivel secundario”. La cual se centra en los fundamentos técnicos. Este trabajo nace del propósito de Identificar de qué manera los fundamentos técnicos del fútbol mejora la coordinación motora en estudiantes del nivel secundario. Para ello, se ha realizado una monografía de compilación, y se ha utilizado un método descriptivo y se recopilado la información a través de la observación y práctica pedagógica y a través de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas. Finalmente se concluye que estos dos componentes, tiene un vínculo interdependiente y que se debe conocer sus dimesiones para que pueda actuar de forma eficiente en el desempeño de los estudiantes del nivel secundario

    Sobre la volatilidad de la curva de rendimientos del mercado de deuda pública colombiano

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    En este trabajo se estima la volatilidad de la estructura temporal de las tasas de interés (ETTI) del mercado de deuda pública colombiano y se explica su relación con los fundamentales macroeconómicos -- A partir del modelo paramétrico propuesto por Nelson y Siegel (1987) se estima ETTI con el fin de capturar el componente de volatilidad condicional, con modelos de heterocedasticidad condicional autorregresiva (ARCH, por sus siglas en inglés Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) -- A continuación su relación con variables macroeconómicas como el producto interno bruto (), el nivel general de precios (), la tasa de interés de política monetaria () y el riesgo país (), se evalúa a través de las funciones impulso-respuesta de los modelos de vectores autorregresivos estructurales (SVAR, por sus siglas en inglés Strcutural Vector Autoregressive) y de las pruebas de causalidad de Granger -- Los resultados muestran que la volatilidad de la ETTI del mercado de deuda pública colombiano tiene características exponenciales y que hay relaciones causales en ambos sentidos con algunas de las variables macroeconómicas; sin embargo, cuando se presentan choques entre ellas solo existen respuestas significativas unidireccionales desde la macroeconomía hacia la volatilidad de la ETTI, y no en el sentido contrarioThis paper estimates the volatility of the Temporary Structure of Interest Rates (ETTI) of the Colombian public debt market and explains its relationship with macroeconomics fundamentals -- Starting from the parametric model proposed by Nelson and Siegel (1987), the ETTI is estimated in order to capture the conditional volatility component with the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models (ARCH) -- Subsequently the relationship with the macroeconomic variables such as the gross domestic product (), the general price level (), the monetary policy interest rate () and the risk country () is evaluated through impulse-response function of the Structural Vector Autoregressive models (SVAR) and the Granger causality tests -- The results show that the volatility of the ETTI of the Colombian public debt market has an exponential characteristic and there are causal relationships in both directions with some of the macroeconomic variables -- However, when there are shocks among them, there are only significant unidirectional responses from macroeconomics to ETTI volatility and not in the opposite directio

    Comunicación de malas noticias en el ámbito prehospitalario

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    Introduction: Patients increasingly demand more information. Giving information in the prehospital setting has additional difficulties. The effective communication of bad news offers patients and families the possibility of improving coping with difficult situations. Objective: Analyze the available scientific evidence on the communication of bad news in the prehospital setting and determine how it influences patients and families. Methodology: A bibliographic review was performed where 8 articles were found, which met the inclusion criteria previously established. Databases consulted: Pubmed, Cuiden Plus, Dialnet Plus and Lilacs. Results: The communication of bad news in a correct way allows patients and relatives to minimize pain. Health professionals in the prehospital setting demand specific training and training for these situations. Conclusions: The communication of bad news in the prehospital setting is necessary and important for both patients and relatives. The personnel of the emergency services must acquire and train the necessary knowledge to deal with the communication of bad news from a new perspective since they perform their daily tasks outside the health centers and in special situations.Introducción: Los pacientes cada vez demandan más información. Dar información en el ámbito prehospitalario tiene dificultades añadidas. La comunicación eficaz de malas noticias ofrece a pacientes y familiares la posibilidad de mejorar el afrontamiento de situaciones difíciles. Objetivos: Analizar la evidencia científica disponible sobre la comunicación de malas noticias en el ámbito prehospitalario y determinar cómo influye en pacientes y familiares. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica donde se encontraron 8 artículos, los cuales cumplían los criterios de inclusión establecidos. Bases de datos consultadas: Pubmed, Cuiden Plus, Dialnet Plus y Lilacs. Resultados: La comunicación de malas noticias de una manera correcta permite a pacientes y familiares minimizar el dolor. Los profesionales sanitarios del ámbito prehospitalario demandan una formación y entrenamiento específico para estas situaciones. Conclusiones: La comunicación de malas noticias en el ámbito prehospitalario es necesaria e importante, tanto para pacientes como para familiares. El personal de los servicios de emergencia debe adquirir y entrenar los conocimientos necesarios para abordar la comunicación de malas noticias desde una nueva perspectiva ya que realizan su tarea diaria fuera de los centros sanitarios y en situaciones especiales

    Determinants of the Propensity for Innovation among Entrepreneurs in the Tourism Industry

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    Tourism's increasing share of Gross Domestic Product throughout the world, its impact on employment and its continuous growth justifies the interest it raises amongst entrepreneurs and public authorities. However, this growth coexists with intense competition; as a result of which, tourism companies must continuously innovate in order to survive and grow. This is evident in the diversification of tourism products and destinations, the improvement of business processes and the incorporation of new technologies for intermediation, amongst other examples. This paper expounds on the factors that explain the propensity for innovation amongst tourism entrepreneurs and it may help governments to promote innovation that is based on those determining factors. The hypotheses are tested using a logistic regression on 699 international tourism entrepreneurs, taken from the 2014 Global Adult Population Survey of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project. The propensity for innovation amongst tourism entrepreneurs has a statistically significant relationship to gender, age, level of education and informal investments in previous businesses