154 research outputs found

    Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience

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    ERO is a 3D Monte-Carlo impurity transport and plasma-surface interaction code. In 2011 it was applied for the ITER first wall (FW) life time predictions [1] (critical blanket module BM11). After that the same code was significantly improved during its application to existing fusion-relevant plasma devices: the tokamak JET equipped with an ITER-like wall and linear plasma device PISCES-B. This has allowed testing the sputtering data for beryllium (Be) and showing that the “ERO-min” fit based on the large (50%) deuterium (D) surface content is well suitable for plasma-wetted areas (D plasma). The improved procedure for calculating of the effective sputtering yields for each location along the plasma-facing surface using the recently developed semi-analytical sheath approach was validated. The re-evaluation of the effective yields for BM11 following the similar revisit of the JET data has indicated significant increase of erosion and motivated the current re-visit of ERO simulations.EURATOM 63305

    Characterisation of the fast-ion edge resonant transport layer induced by 3D perturbative fields in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak through full orbit simulations

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    In recent experiments at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak the existence of an Edge Resonant Transport Layer (ERTL) was revealed as the main transport mechanism responsible for the measured fast-ion losses in the presence of externally applied 3D fields. The Monte Carlo orbit-following code ASCOT was used to study the fast-ion transport including the plasma response calculated with MARS-F, reproducing a strong correlation of fast-ion losses with the poloidal mode spectra of the 3D fields. In this work, a description of the physics underlying the ERTL is presented by means of numerical simulations together with an analytical model and experimental measurements to validate the results. The degradation of fast-ion confinement is calculated in terms of the variation of the toroidal canonical momentum (δPϕ). This analysis reveals resonant patterns at the plasma edge activated by 3D perturbations and emphasizes the relevance of nonlinear resonances. The impact of collisions and the radial electric field on the ERTL is analysed.EUROfusion Consortium 633053French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-11-IDEX-0001-0

    A fast feedback controlled magnetic drive for the ASDEX Upgrade fast-ion loss detectors

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    A magnetically driven fast-ion loss detector system for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak has been designed and will be presented here. The device is feedback controlled to adapt the detector head position to the heat load and physics requirements. Dynamic simulations have been performed taking into account effects such as friction, coil self-induction, and eddy currents. A real time positioning control algorithm to maximize the detector operational window has been developed. This algorithm considers dynamical behavior and mechanical resistance as well as measured and predicted thermal loads. The mechanical design and real time predictive algorithm presented here may be used for other reciprocating systems.EURATOM 63305

    Design and simulation of an imaging neutral particle analyzer for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

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    An Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer (INPA) diagnostic has been designed for the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak. The AUG INPA diagnostic will measure fast neutrals escaping the plasma after charge exchange reactions. The neutrals will be ionized by a 20 nm carbon foil and deflected toward a scintillator by the local magnetic field. The use of a neutral beam injector (NBI) as an active source of neutrals will provide radially resolved measurements, while the use of a scintillator as an active component will allow us to cover the whole plasma along the NBI line with unprecedented phase-space resolution (<12 keV and 8 cm) and a fast temporal response (up to 1 kHz with the high resolution acquisition system and above 100 kHz with the low resolution one), making it suitable to study localized fast-ion redistributions in phase space.European Union’s Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement No. 805162)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant No. FPU19/02486

    Collective Thomson scattering measurements of fast-ion transport due to sawtooth crashes in ASDEX Upgrade

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    Sawtooth instabilities can modify heating and current-drive profiles and potentially increase fast-ion losses. Understanding how sawteeth redistribute fast ions as a function of sawtooth parameters and of fast-ion energy and pitch is hence a subject of particular interest for future fusion devices. Here we present the first collective Thomson scattering (CTS) measurements of sawtooth-induced redistribution of fast ions at ASDEX Upgrade. These also represent the first localized fast-ion measurements on the high-field side of this device. The results indicate fast-ion losses in the phase-space measurement volume of about 50% across sawtooth crashes, in good agreement with values predicted with the Kadomtsev sawtooth model implemented in TRANSP and with the sawtooth model in the EBdyna_go code. In contrast to the case of sawteeth, we observe no fast-ion redistribution in the presence of fishbone modes. We highlight how CTS measurements can discriminate between different sawtooth models, in particular when aided by multi-diagnostic velocity-space tomography, and briefly discuss our results in light of existing measurements from other fast-ion diagnostics

    Health care and societal costs of the management of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spain: a descriptive analysis.

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    Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition in childhood (5.3% to 7.1% worldwide prevalence), with substantial overall financial burden to children/adolescents, their families, and society. The aims of this study were to describe the clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with ADHD in Spain, estimate the associated direct/indirect costs of the disorder, and assess whether the characteristics and financial costs differed between children/adolescents adequately responding to currently available pharmacotherapies compared with children/adolescents for whom pharmacotherapies failed. Methods: This was a multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive analysis conducted in 15 health units representative of the overall Spanish population. Data on demographic characteristics, socio-occupational status, social relationships, clinical variables of the disease, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments received were collected in 321 children and adolescents with ADHD. Direct and indirect costs were estimated over one year from both a health care system and a societal perspective. Results: The estimated average cost of ADHD per year per child/adolescent was ¿5733 in 2012 prices; direct costs accounted for 60.2% of the total costs (¿3450). Support from a psychologist/educational psychologist represented 45.2% of direct costs and 27.2% of total costs. Pharmacotherapy accounted for 25.8% of direct costs and 15.5% of total costs. Among indirect costs (¿2283), 65.2% was due to caregiver expenses. The total annual costs were significantly higher for children/adolescents who responded poorly to pharmacological treatment (¿7654 versus ¿5517; P = 0.024), the difference being mainly due to significantly higher direct costs, particularly with larger expenses for non-pharmacological treatment (P = 0.012). Conclusions: ADHD has a significant personal, familial, and financial impact on the Spanish health system and society. Successful pharmacological intervention was associated with lower overall expenses in the management of the disorder

    Accounting Notebooks No.1. Teaching production

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    Los Cuadernos de Contaduría constituyen un esfuerzo de la Facultad de Contaduría Pública de la UNAB para proyectar su labor investigativa a la comunidad académica en los campos del saber relacionados con la disciplina contable y con el ejercicio profesional de la Contaduría. De acuerdo con nuestro Proyecto Educativo Institucional la investigación formativa es la que genera un clima intelectual que alimenta el proceso académico mediante la actualización y adaptación del conocimiento y del enriquecimiento de la práctica docente. Permite la organización de semilleros de investigación, la producción intelectual de profesores y estudiantes que se deriva del desarrollo de los núcleos integradores y de proyectos articulados a líneas institucionales de investigación. Este propósito se ha logrado, incentivando la presentación de artículos por parte de la comunidad académica, asumiendo que la meta del proceso investigativo no consiste solamente en producir nuevos conocimientos sino también en posibilitar la aplicación de los hallazgos en la solución de problemas específicos en las organizaciones. Con esta publicación la Facultad pretende crear un espacio de desarrollo intelectual, que le permita a los docentes y estudiantes del Programa, plasmar sus intereses académicos y profesionales en concordancia con el ejercicio profesional y las últimas tendencias en investigación contable y cumplir así, con la tarea de someternos a la crítica de pares para que por medio de los comentarios, sugerencias y aportes avancemos en hacer de la investigación un componente académico que redunde en beneficio social.Presentación 7 Globalización Económica: 9 nuevos modelos de producción frente a la Sociedad de la Información Implementación y difusión de 19 las Normas Internacionales ; de Contabilidad y del Estándar XBRL {mediante plataforma de E-learning Centros de Excelencia de E-learning para Contaduría en Colombia 35 Impuestos y Tecnología de la Información XBRL 51 Un modelo de acreditación que mejore la confianza pública en la presentación de servicios contables 65 Núcleos Integrados 75The Accounting Notebooks constitute an effort of the Faculty of Public Accounting of the UNAB to project its investigative work to the academic community in the fields of knowledge related to the accounting discipline and the professional practice of Accounting. According to our Institutional Educational Project, formative research is what generates an intellectual climate that feeds the academic process by updating and adapting knowledge and enriching teaching practice. It allows the organization of research seedbeds, the intellectual production of professors and students that derives from the development of integrating nuclei and projects articulated to institutional lines of research. This purpose has been achieved by encouraging the presentation of articles by the academic community, assuming that the goal of the research process is not only to produce new knowledge but also to enable the application of the findings in the solution of specific problems in organizations. . With this publication, the Faculty intends to create a space for intellectual development, which allows teachers and students of the Program to express their academic and professional interests in accordance with professional practice. and the latest trends in accounting research and thus fulfill the task of subjecting ourselves to peer criticism so that through comments, suggestions and contributions we advance in making research an academic component that results in social benefit

    The influence of binarity on dust obscuration events in the planetary nebula M 2-29 and its analogues

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    The central star of the planetary nebula (CSPN) M 2-29 shows an extraordinary R Coronae Borealis-like fading event in its optical lightcurve. The only other CSPN to show these events are CPD-568032 (Hen 3-1333) and V651 Mon (NGC 2346). Dust cloud formation in the line of sight appears responsible but the exact triggering mechanism is not well understood. Understanding how planetary nebulae (PNe) trigger dust obscuration events may help understand the same process in a wide range of objects including Population-I WC9 stars, symbiotic stars and perhaps Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars with long secondary periods (LSPs). A binary scenario involving an eccentric, wide companion that triggers dust formation via interaction at periastron is a potential explanation that has been suggested for LSP variables. Model fits to the lightcurves of CPD-568032 and M 2-29 show the dust forms in excess of 70 AU at the inner edge of a dust disk. In the case of CPD-568032 this radius is far too large to coincide with a binary companion trigger, although a binary may have been responsible for the formation of the dust disk. We find no direct evidence to support previous claims of binarity in M 2-29 either from the OGLE lightcurve or deep medium-resolution VLT FLAMES spectroscopy of the CSPN. We classify the CSPN as Of(H) with T_eff=50+-10 kK and log g=4.0+-0.3. We find a mean distance of 7.4+-1.8 kpc to M 2-29 at which the M_V=-0.9 mag CSPN could potentially hide a subgiant luminosity or fainter companion. A companion would help explain the multiple similarities with D'-type symbiotic stars whose outer nebulae are thought to be bona-fide PNe. The 7.4 kpc distance, oxygen abundance of 8.3 dex and Galactic coordinates (l=4.0, b=-3.0) prove that M 2-29 is a Galactic Bulge PN and not a Halo PN as commonly misconceived.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in A\&