136 research outputs found

    Analysis of the social perception of LGBTI+ people: knowledge, negative attitudes and variables involved

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    Los avances sociales y legislativos en pro de la igualdad de las personas LGBTI+ han conducido a una normalización de la convivencia y la reducción de la desigualdad a la que se enfrentan. Sin embargo, las manifestaciones sutiles y explícitas de actitudes negativas persisten en nuestros días, provocando nefastas consecuencias individuales y sociales. Por ello, el presente estudio aporta conocimiento acerca de estas actitudes, así como de los factores que pueden contribuir a su atenuación o amplificación a través de tres objetivos: (i) explorar el conocimiento acerca de las personas trans, por ser un término menos presente en el imaginario colectivo; (ii) determinar el nivel de actitudes negativas hacia las personas trans y personas con diversidad afectivo-sexual y establecer la relación entre ambos constructos; (iii) estudiar diferencias en las actitudes atendiendo a variables ideológicas como la orientación política y la orientación a la dominancia social, el contacto intergrupal, la formación, el género y edad. En el estudio, con un diseño mixto cualitativo-cuantitativo, participaron 97 personas de Andalucía Occidental, Medad = 31.1, Dt = 11. Los resultados mostraron que hay un conocimiento general sobre la transexualidad, y que el nivel de actitudes negativas hacia las personas trans y con diversidad afectivo-sexual no es elevado. Se encuentra, sin embargo, que las actitudes más negativas se producen en participantes con ideología de derecha, mayor orientación a la dominancia social y menor contacto intergrupal. Los hombres, en comparación con las mujeres, mostraron mayor prejuicio en todas las dimensiones evaluadas. Ni la edad, ni haber recibido formación relacionada, produjeron diferencias en el nivel de actitudes negativas. En conjunto, los resultados contribuyen a conocer la percepción acerca de la transexualidad, y los factores que podrían producir un aumento o disminución del prejuicio hacia las personas LGBTI+.Social and legislative advances in favor of the equality of LGBTI+ people have led to a normalization of coexistence and to a reduction of the inequality. However, the subtle and explicit manifestations of negative attitudes persist today, causing individual and social consequences. For this reason, the present study provides knowledge about these attitudes, as well as about the factors that can contribute to their attenuation or amplification through three objectives: (i) to explore the knowledge about transsexuality, as it is a less present term in the collective imaginary; (ii) to determine the level of negative attitudes towards trans people and diverse sexual orientation people, and establish the relationship between both constructs; (iii) to study differences in attitudes based on ideological variables such as political orientation and orientation towards social dominance, intergroup contact, education, gender and age. In the study, with a mixed qualitative-quantitative design, 97 people from Western Andalusia participated, Mage = 31.1, Sd = 11. The results showed that there is a general knowledge about transsexuality, being the level of negative attitudes towards gender and sexual minorities not high. It is found, however, that the highest negative attitudes occur in those with right-wing ideology, greater orientation towards social dominance and less intergroup contact. Men, compared to women, showed greater prejudice in all the dimensions evaluated. Neither age nor having received related training produced differences in the level of negative attitudes. As a whole, the results contribute to knowing the perception about trans people, as well as the factors that could produce an increase or decrease in prejudice towards LGBTI+ people

    Sexual and gender-based violence in migration context: Needs, gaps and good practices

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    The first goal of the present work was to identity needs and gaps in interventions for migrant and refugee victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Spain. The second goal was to develop a guide for itineraries, resources and good practices to address the gaps detected. To produce data pertaining to the first purpose, we used a qualitative approach and focus groups (FGs) with institutional operators and representatives of the Third Sector. In total, six FGs were conducted with 35 key informants. The results of the study showed that existing services and resources are, in general, sufficient to cover the needs of the target group. However, some issues, such as excessive bureaucracy, re-victimization, difficulties regarding legal regularization, cultural barriers and the scant presence of cultural mediators were revealed. Regarding the second goal, a guide was created on the legal framework, itineraries and resources for migrant and refugee victims of SGBV, to ensure good practices and incorporate cultural mediation as an essential element to guarantee optimal use of services.El primer objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar las necesidades y lagunas en la intervención con migrantes y refugiadas víctimas de violencia sexual y de género (VSG) en España. El segundo objetivo fue desarrollar una guía sobre los itinerarios, recursos y buenas prácticas que permitan solventar las brechas detectadas. Para la producción de datos del primer propósito nos servimos del enfoque cualitativo y la herramienta de los grupos focales con representantes institucionales y operadores del Tercer Sector. Se organizaron seis grupos focales con 35 informantes clave. Los resultados mostraron que los recursos existentes dan cobertura en gran medida a las necesidades del grupo destinatario. Sin embargo, se señalaron algunas limitaciones como la burocracia excesiva, la revictimización, las dificultades en los procesos de regularización, las barreras culturales o la escasa presencia de mediadores/as culturales. Para la consecución del segundo objetivo se partió de un análisis documental y de los datos de los grupos focales. El resultado fue una guía que aúna el marco legal, los itinerarios y los recursos destinados a personas migrantes y refugiadas víctimas de VSG; proporcionando un espacio clave para las buenas prácticas y la incorporación de la mediación cultural para garantizar el mejor aprovechamiento de los servicios

    Pozzolanic materials to reduce CO2 emissions: local solutions for a global issue.

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    Abstract de una keynote invitada.In recent decades, the cement sector has been looking for solutions to reduce the carbon footprint, being one of the most promising strategies, the replacement of clinker with supplementary cementitious materials, SCMs. However, the main limitation of this approach is the availability of suitable SCMs. This work presents the study of three families of pozzolanic materials, Spanish calcined clays (CC), Natural Pozzolans (NP) and fly ashes (FA). The characterization of each family will be presented, with emphasis on the kaolinite content of the original clays and the amorphous contents of the natural pozzolans and fly ashes. The results of the pozzolanic prediction tests will be compared: strength activity index, SAI, and R3 test according to ASTM C1897-20. The SAI test has two important limitations: i) it gives false positives at 28 days, as does the addition of quartz (Qz) and ii) a minimum of 28 days is required to obtain the pozzolanic activity results. In addition, the R3 test has proved to be useful in ruling out inert additions, such as quartz. Moreover, it presents a very good correlation between the heat emitted and the combined water at 7 days and the amount of kaolinite in clays or amorphous in ashes. However, the absolute values of heat and combined water cannot be compared between different families. That is, in the calcined clay family, it can be inferred that if the kaolinite content is higher than 50 wt%, the heat released should be between 500-700 J/g, whereas a fly ash with an amorphous content of around 70 wt% will release between 200-250 J/g.PID2020-114650RB-I00 grant from Spanish government, Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH (Germany) and Buzzi Unicem SpA (Italy) are thanked for the funding. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio preliminar del efecto de los cannabinoides sobre un adenocarcinoma mamario murino: diseño y metodologías del proyecto de investigación en curso

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    Los cannabinoides, compuestos químicos del grupo de los terpenofenoles, ejercen su acción a partir de su asociación con receptores de membrana específicos de tipo GPCRs (CB1 y CB2, otros GPCRs). Se los clasifica en tres grupos: a) los fitocannabinoides (cannabinoides naturales de origen vegetal, provenientes de la planta C.sativa); b) cannabinoides sintéticos y c) cannabinoides endógenos (endocannabinoides) sintetizados en organismos animales incluido el hombre: AEA y 2-AG. Los dos fitocannabinoides más abundantes son el delta-9-tetrahidrocannabinol (Δ9THC, ó THC) y el Cannabidiol (CBD). El THC es el principal agente psicoactivo del cannabis y posee además propiedades analgésicas, anti-inflamatorias, antieméticas y estimulantes del apetito. El CBD modula los efectos psicotrópicos del THC, posee efectos antipsicóticos, neuroprotectivos, inmunomoduladores, antiinflamatorios y antitumorales, entre otros. El potencial terapéutico de los cannabinoides no se restringe a los efectos paliativos de la terapia antitumoral, claramente demostrados. Numerosos estudios han mostrado evidencias que el THC y otros cannabinoides exhiben efectos antitumorales en diferentes tipos de cáncer. Sin embargo, muchos de los aspectos relacionados con la acción de los cannabinoides, así como las vías de administración, sus combinaciones, dosis y tiempos de metabolización asociados, restan aun dilucidarse. Objetivos: en base a lo planteado, nuestro objetivo se focaliza en el análisis del efecto de extractos de cannabis seleccionados, con diferentes concentraciones de THC y CBD, en dosis y esquemas de administración variables. Se evaluará la evolución del tumor y parámetros de proliferación y muerte celular (apoptosis), como así también aquellos aspectos vinculados al desarrollo vascular propio del crecimiento tumoral. Además, se analizará la expresión de los receptores CB1 y CB2 (CBr) a través de qRT-PCR y su relación con el efecto de los cannabinoides administrados.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    El uso del diccionario: creación de materiales didácticos multimedia

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    Este proyecto está destinado al desarrollo autónomo del uso del diccionario como instrumento de aprendizaje y enseñanza de la lengua en un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje a través de la creación de materiales didácticos multimedia

    Phase II randomized trial of capecitabine with bevacizumab and external beam radiation therapy as preoperative treatment for patients with resectable locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma: long term results

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    Background: Preoperative chemoradiotherapy with capecitabine is considered as a standard of care for locally advanced rectal cancer. The “Tratamiento de Tumores Digestivos” group (TTD) previously reported in a randomized Ph II study that the addition of Bevacizumab to capecitabine-RT conferred no differences in the pre-defined efficacy endpoint (pathological complete response). We present the follow-up results of progression-free survival, distant relapse-free survival, and overall survival data at 3 and 5 years. Methods: Patients (pts) were randomized to receive 5 weeks of radiotherapy (45 Gy/25 fractions) with concurrent Capecitabine 825 mg/m2 twice daily, 5 days per week with (arm A) or without (arm b) bevacizumab (5 mg/kg once every 2 weeks). Results: In our study, the addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine and radiotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting shows no differences in pathological complete response (15.9% vs 10.9%), distant relapse-free survival (81.0 vs 80.4 and 76.2% vs 78.2% at 3 and 5 years respectively), disease-free survival (75% vs 71.7 and 68.1% vs 69.57% at 3 and 5 years respectively) nor overall survival at 5-years of follow-up (81.8% vs 86.9%). Conclusions: the addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine plus radiotherapy does not confer statistically significant advantages neither in distant relapse-free survival nor in disease-free survival nor in Overall Survival in the short or long term

    Los estudios de caso en psicoterapia: desafíos y posibilidades

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    Todo caso clínico es un reto. ¿Cómo debe ser abordado por el psicoterapeuta? Este libro abre las puertas del consultorio para examinar lo que ocurre en su interior, al tiempo que pone en el centro del análisis al psicoterapeuta y su ejercicio profesional. Fundamentales para comprender las peculiaridades y vicisitudes de la práctica psicoterapéutica, los casos clínicos son el eje principal de varias de las investigaciones que conforman este volumen, en el que los autores muestran las problemáticas y formas de intervención del psicoterapeuta en su interacción con el consultante. En el estudio de casos particulares, se describen una serie de nociones teóricas y epistémicas, así como la diversidad de formas para llevar a cabo y sistematizar el ejercicio profesional. El mosaico de temáticas, problemas y alternativas de intervención que se propone en estas páginas, facilitan la comprensión del perfil del psicoterapeuta y su papel en la práctica clínica, además de ampliar el conocimiento de esta disciplina tanto entre los profesionales como en aquellos lectores interesados en incursionar en las particularidades de esta especialidad

    A randomised phase 2 study comparing different dose approaches of induction treatment of regorafenib in previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients (REARRANGE trial)

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the safety of two regorafenib dose-escalation approaches in refractory metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients.Patients and methods: Patients with mCRC and progression during or within 3 months following their last standard chemotherapy regimen were randomised to receive the approved dose of regorafenib of 160 mg QD (arm A) or 120 mg QD (arm B) administered as 3 weeks of treatment followed by 1 week off, or 160 mg QD 1 week on/1 week off (arm C). The primary end-point was the percentage of patients with G3/G4 treatment-related adverse events (AEs) in each arm.Results: There were 299 patients randomly assigned to arm A (n = 101), arm B (n = 99), or arm C (n = 99); 297 initiated treatments (arm A n = 100, arm B n = 98, arm C n = 99: pop-ulation for safety analyses). G3/4 treatment-related AEs occurred in 60%, 55%, and 54% of patients in arms A, B, and C, respectively. The most common G3/4 AEs were hypertension (19, 12, and 20 patients), fatigue (20, 14, and 15 patients), hypokalemia (11, 7, and 10 pa-tients), and hand-foot skin reaction (8, 7, and 3 patients). Median overall survival was 7.4 (IQR 4.0-13.7) months in arm A, 8.6 (IQR 3.8-13.4) in arm B, and 7.1 (IQR 4.4-12.4) in arm C.Conclusions: The alternative regorafenib dosing schedules were feasible and safe in patients with mCRC who had been previously treated with standard therapy. There was a higher nu-merical improvement on the most clinically relevant AEs in the intermittent dosing arm, particularly during the relevant first two cycles

    Decision making impairment: A shared vulnerability in obesity, gambling disorder and substance use disorders?

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    Introduction: Addictions are associated with decision making impairments. The present study explores decision making in Substance use disorder (SUD), Gambling disorder (GD) and Obesity (OB) when assessed by Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and compares them with healthy controls (HC). Methods: For the aims of this study, 591 participants (194 HC, 178 GD, 113 OB, 106 SUD) were assessed according to DSM criteria, completed a sociodemographic interview and conducted the IGT. Results: SUD, GD and OB present impaired decision making when compared to the HC in the overall task and task learning, however no differences are found for the overall performance in the IGT among the clinical groups. Results also reveal some specific learning across the task patterns within the clinical groups: OB maintains negative scores until the third set where learning starts but with a less extend to HC, SUD presents an early learning followed by a progressive although slow improvement and GD presents more random choices with no learning. Conclusions: Decision making impairments are present in the studied clinical samples and they display individual differences in the task learning. Results can help understanding the underlying mechanisms of OB and addiction behaviors as well as improve current clinical treatments

    Modelling the spatial risk of malaria through probability distribution of Anopheles maculipennis s.l. and imported cases

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    Malaria remains one of the most important infectious diseases globally due to its high incidence and mortality rates. The influx of infected cases from endemic to non-endemic malaria regions like Europe has resulted in a public health concern over sporadic local outbreaks. This is facilitated by the continued presence of competent Anopheles vectors in non-endemic countries. We modelled the potential distribution of the main malaria vector across Spain using the ensemble of eight modelling techniques based on environmental parameters and the Anopheles maculipennis s.l. presence/absence data collected from 2000 to 2020. We then combined this map with the number of imported malaria cases in each municipality to detect the geographic hot spots with a higher risk of local malaria transmission. The malaria vector occurred preferentially in irrigated lands characterized by warm climate conditions and moderate annual precipitation. Some areas surrounding irrigated lands in northern Spain (e.g. Zaragoza, Logroño), mainland areas (e.g. Madrid, Toledo) and in the South (e.g. Huelva), presented a significant likelihood of A. maculipennis s.l. occurrence, with a large overlap with the presence of imported cases of malaria. While the risk of malaria re-emergence in Spain is low, it is not evenly distributed throughout the country. The four recorded local cases of mosquito-borne transmission occurred in areas with a high overlap of imported cases and mosquito presence. Integrating mosquito distribution with human incidence cases provides an effective tool for the quantification of large-scale geographic variation in transmission risk and pinpointing priority areas for targeted surveillance and prevention