54 research outputs found

    Arte para todos. Diez ensayos sobre equidad e inclusión en el medio artístico

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    Es importante señalar que los artículos seleccionados para esta publicación, responden a una convocatoria lanzada desde el cuerpo académico consolidado UAZ-115 “Guitarra, arte y disciplina en el siglo XXI” que tiene como sus líneas de generación y aplicación del conocimiento (LAGCs) las de Educación artística y currículo, Consumos culturales y Desarrollo artístico. Consideramos que las temáticas abordadas en este libro impactan en las tres LAGCs de nuestro cuerpo académico. En la convocatoria antes mencionada se abrió el espectro a las diferentes especialidades disciplinares de nuestra universidad, así como al público en general; priorizando el trabajo colegiado que incluyera investigadores consolidados en colaboración con estudiantes de nuestra institución y de otras instituciones del país; es así que entre los textos seleccionados se encuentran algunos correspondientes a docentes-investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, en colaboración con estudiantes también de nuestra institución, pero también podemos encontrar algunos otros provenientes de instituciones como la UNAM, la UdeG o de entidades como Oaxaca. Es pues, a partir de este marco común que los diversos autores de los artículos presentados en este libro, nos van señalando puntualmente caminos posibles que se abren a partir de la práctica pedagógica, de la experiencia estética y de la integración de todo ello en el terreno de lo social. Son los propios artistas los que nos arrojan luces y veredas por las cuales transitar, teniendo como plataforma su propia experiencia, o la de otros actores a los que interpelan, o desde la reflexión académica o incluso desde el propio lenguaje artístico literario

    Interior architecture of the cathedral of Zacatecas, dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption. Some keystones to the Passion of Christ

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    An iconographic and iconological reading of some keystones pieces of the cathedral of Zacatecas, linking faith, iconography and art history, since each image that is described is a work of art that represents an episode of the history of Christianity. These works sculpted from Zacatecan pink quarry complement the iconography understanding of this great stone book that is the cathedral. Keystones are characterized by achieving that the carved figures adapt to a small space without losing the distinctive qualities, such as the iconography and symbology of the characters. The present analysis allows to expand and value more the artist and craftsman who had to design these pieces with great care and erudition in the subject. This keystones – architectural heritage – of the interior of the most representative building in Zacatecas, the cathedral – also an icon in Mexico, an inherited cultural asset, a symbol of our identity – show the religiosity of the colonial era, which subsists to the present. Through the History of Art an arduous observation was made, a deductive and inductive analysis and a reflection of the own experience, taking several photographs, details and several visits to the cathedral. The main interest is that these sculptural works of sacred art are known, which have not been published in as much detail as this study presents them to understand and value the mestizo art of the interior of the cathedral. The main contribution of this study is the description for the first time the pre-Hispanic elements in some keystones. After carrying out a broad reflection on the description of the keystones pieces, emphasis was placed on a part of the history of the cathedral, where the different sculptings in the creativity of the two hands of the sculptors stand out: the European and the mestizo; These keystones pieces have their own plastic language where Biblical passages are combined with traditions and legends. The authors of this article aim for Zacatecan sacred art to be identified and appropriated from its local history, grab this part of its inherited architectural heritage that, although it is not monumental, is original as a historical document, so rich in various ways. This research gives a glimpse of the environment described for the first time with more details and new findings that we have highlighting in different articles. We address few keystones, since there are eighty-seven in total, none of which are repeated except for three of the windows. For all the above mentioned this research is relevant to the History of Art.El trabajo desarrolla una lectura iconográfica e iconológica de algunas piezas clave de la catedral de Zacatecas, enlazando la fe, la iconografía y la historia del arte, ya que cada imagen que se describe es una obra de arte que representa un episodio de la historia del cristianismo. Estas obras esculpidas en cantera rosada zacatecana complementan la lectura iconográfica de este gran libro de piedra que es la catedral. Las dovelas se caracterizan por lograr que las figuras talladas se adapten a un espacio pequeño sin que se pierdan las cualidades distintivas, como son la iconografía y la simbología de los personajes. El presente análisis permite ampliar y valorar más al artista y artesano que debió diseñar estas piezas con sumo cuidado y erudición en el tema. Las dovelas -patrimonio arquitectónico- del interior del edificio más representativo de Zacatecas, la catedral -también un ícono en México, un bien cultural heredado, símbolo de nuestra identidad-, muestran la religiosidad de la época colonial, misma que subsiste al presente. A través de la Historia del Arte se realizó una observación ardua, un análisis deductivo e inductivo y una reflexión de la experiencia propia en nuestro trabajo de campo, de observación directa, toma de varias fotografías, detalles y varias visitas a la catedral zacatecana y otras catedrales cercanas. El interés principal es que se conozcan estas obras escultóricas de arte sacro, que no se han publicado tan detalladamente como lo presenta este estudio para comprender y valorar el arte mestizo del interior de la catedral. La principal aportación de este trabajo es la descripción de los elementos prehispánicos en algunas de sus dovelas, mismas que son un importante patrimonio arquitectónico de formato pequeño. Después de realizar una amplia reflexión de la descripción de las piezas claves, se puso énfasis en una parte de la historia de la catedral, donde resaltan los diferentes esculpidos en la creatividad de las dos manos de los escultores: el europeo y el mestizo; estas piezas claves tienen un lenguaje plástico propio donde se conjugan los pasajes bíblicos aunados a las tradiciones y leyendas. Los autores de este artículo apuntan a que el arte sacro zacatecano se identifique y apropie de su historia local, de esta parte de su patrimonio arquitectónico heredado que, si bien no es monumental, es original como documento histórico, tan rico en varios sentidos, deja entrever el ambiente descrito por primera ocasión con más detalles y nuevos hallazgos que estamos resaltando en diferentes artículos. Abordamos pocas claves, ya que en total son ochenta y siete las dovelas, ninguna repetida a excepción de tres de las ventanas. Por todo lo anterior mencionado, esta investigación es relevante para la Historia del Arte

    Effects of Gestational Intermittent Hypoxia on Placental Morphology and Fetal Development in a Murine Model of Sleep Apnea

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during pregnancy is characterized by episodes of intermittent hypoxia (IH) during sleep, resulting in adverse health outcomes for mother and offspring. Despite a prevalence of 8-20% in pregnant women, this disorder is often underdiagnosed.We have developed a murine model of gestational OSA to study IH effects on pregnant mothers, placentas, fetuses, and offspring. One group of pregnant rats was exposed to IH during the last 2 weeks of gestation (GIH). One day before the delivery date, a cesarean section was performed. Other group of pregnant rats was allowed to give birth at term to study offspring's evolution.Preliminary results showed no significant weight differences in mothers and fetuses. However, the weight of GIH male offspring was significantly lower than the controls at 14 days (p < 0.01). The morphological study of the placentas showed an increase in fetal capillary branching, expansion of maternal blood spaces, and number of cells of the external trophectoderm in the tissues from GIH-exposed mothers. Additionally, the placentas from the experimental males were enlarged (p < 0.05). Further studies are needed to follow the long-term evolution of these changes to relate the histological findings of the placentas with functional development of the offspring in adulthood.Ayudas para la realización de proyectos de investigación UVa 2021 (PROYEMER 57-E.O.

    Relationship between renal function and renal volume in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: cross-sectional study

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    Objetivo Determinar en pacientes con poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante la relación entre el volumen renal total (suma de ambos riñones, VRT) medido con resonancia magnética y la función renal; y su comportamiento según el sexo y la presencia de hipertensión arterial, hipercolesterolemia e hiperuricemia. Método Estudio transversal en el que se incluyen pacientes con poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante que realizan revisiones periódicas en las consultas externas de Nefrología del Hospital Virgen de las Nieves de Granada, a quienes entre enero de 2008 y marzo de 2011 se les realizó una resonancia magnética para estimar el volumen renal. Resultados Se evaluaron 67 pacientes (59,7% mujeres, edad media 48 ± 14,4 años). Encontramos asociación positiva significativa entre VRT y creatinina sérica o urea, que resultó inversa frente al filtrado glomerular estimado por MDRD-4 y Cockcroft-Gault. Las mujeres mostraron un nivel medio de creatinina sérica y VRT inferior respecto al varón de forma significativa. Los subgrupos afectos de hipertensión arterial e hiperuricemia mostraron valores medios de creatinina sérica, urea y VRT más altos y filtrados glomerulares estimados inferiores. El subgrupo con hipercolesterolemia mostró valores medios de urea más altos y filtrados glomerulares estimados inferiores sin detectarse diferencias significativas respecto al VRT. Conclusión El volumen de los riñones poliquísticos medido por resonancia magnética se asocia con la función renal, y puede ser útil como estudio complementario para monitorizar la progresión de la enfermedad. La presencia de hipertensión arterial, hiperuricemia o hipercolesterolemia están asociados a una peor función renal.Objective: To determine in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease the relationship between total renal volume (the sum of both kidneys, TRV) as measured by magnetic resonance and renal function; and its behaviour according to sex and the presence of arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and hyperglycemia. Method: Cross-sectional study including patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease who underwent periodic reviews at Nephrology external consultations at Hospital de las Nieves de Granada, and who underwent an magnetic resonance to estimate renal volume between January 2008 and March 2011. Results: We evaluated 67 patients (59.7% women, average age of 48±14.4 years) and found a significant positive association between TRV and serum creatinine or urea, which was reversed compared with estimated glomerular filtration by MDRD-4 and Cockcroft-Gault. Women showed an average serum creatinine level and a significantly lower TRV level compared with males. Subgroups affected by arterial hypertension and hyperuricemia presented average values for serum creatinine and urea, higher for TRV and lower for estimated glomerular filtration. The hypercholesterolaemia subgroup showed higher average values for urea and lower for estimated glomerular filtration, without detecting significant differences compared with TRV. Conclusion: The volume of polycystic kidneys measured by magnetic resonance is associated with renal function, and can be useful as a complementary study to monitor disease progression. The presence of arterial hypertension, hyperuricemia or hypercholesterolaemia is associated with a poorer renal function

    Challenges in the development of psychological interventions and care practice in mental health

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    Aunque hemos avanzado notablemente en el desarrollo de recursos preventivos y especialmente, en la eficacia de los tratamientos psicológicos que intentan paliar los trastornos mentales, estamos aún lejos de la situación óptima. Este trabajo se centra en dos grandes cuestiones que consideramos retos y necesidades fundamentales en este ámbito: (a) la necesidad de mejorar y extender la prevención, la intervención temprana y la promoción de la salud mental y (b) la necesidad de una mayor divulgación de los tratamientos psicológicos eficaces, el desarrollo de nuevas intervenciones y la mayor comprensión de los mecanismos de acción de los tratamientos psicológicos. El objetivo es promover la discusión entre los agentes implicados y reflexionar sobre las líneas de trabajo que creemos prioritariasAlthough we have made significant progress in the development of preventive tools and especially in the efficacy of the psychological treatments, we are still far from an optimal situation. This paper focuses on two major issues which we consider fundamental challenges and urges in this area: (a) the need for improving and spreading prevention, early intervention, and the promotion of mental health and (b) the need for greater dissemination of effective psychological treatments, the development of new interventions and greater understanding of the mechanisms of action of psychological treatments. The aim is to promote discussion among all stakeholders and debate on those lines we think as priorityEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), a través de la Red de Excelencia PROMOSAM financiada por el MINECO (PSI2014-56303-REDT

    Saturated fatty acid-enriched small extracellular vesicles mediate a crosstalk inducing liver inflammation and hepatocyte insulin resistance

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    [Background & Aims]: Lipotoxicity triggers non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression owing to the accumulation of toxic lipids in hepatocytes including saturated fatty acids (SFAs), which activate pro-inflammatory pathways. We investigated the impact of hepatocyte- or circulating-derived small extracellular vesicles (sEV) secreted under NAFLD conditions on liver inflammation and hepatocyte insulin signalling. [Methods]: sEV released by primary mouse hepatocytes, characterised and analysed by lipidomics, were added to mouse macrophages/Kupffer cells (KC) to monitor internalisation and inflammatory responses. Insulin signalling was analysed in hepatocytes exposed to conditioned media from sEV-loaded macrophages/KC. Mice were i.v. injected sEV to study liver inflammation and insulin signalling. Circulating sEV from mice and humans with NAFLD were used to evaluate macrophage–hepatocyte crosstalk. [Results]: Numbers of sEV released by hepatocytes increased under NAFLD conditions. Lipotoxic sEV were internalised by macrophages through the endosomal pathway and induced pro-inflammatory responses that were ameliorated by pharmacological inhibition or deletion of Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4). Hepatocyte insulin signalling was impaired upon treatment with conditioned media from macrophages/KC loaded with lipotoxic sEV. Both hepatocyte-released lipotoxic sEV and the recipient macrophages/KC were enriched in palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) SFAs, well-known TLR4 activators. Upon injection, lipotoxic sEV rapidly reached KC, triggering a pro-inflammatory response in the liver monitored by Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylation, NF-κB nuclear translocation, pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, and infiltration of immune cells into the liver parenchyma. sEV-mediated liver inflammation was attenuated by pharmacological inhibition or deletion of TLR4 in myeloid cells. Macrophage inflammation and subsequent hepatocyte insulin resistance were also induced by circulating sEV from mice and humans with NAFLD. [Conclusions]: We identified hepatocyte-derived sEV as SFA transporters targeting macrophages/KC and activating a TLR4-mediated pro-inflammatory response enough to induce hepatocyte insulin resistance.This work was supported by grants PID2021-122766OB-I00 (AMV), PID2019-105989RB-I00 (JB), PID2020-113238RB-I00 (LB), PID2019-106581RB-I00 (MAM), PID2020-114148RB-I00 (MI), PID2019-107036RB-I00 (RF), and RD21/0006/0001 (ISCIII) (IL) funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF ‘A way of making Europe’ by the European Union (MICINN/AEI/FEDER, EU), grant EFSD/Boehringer Ingelheim European Research Programme on ‘Multi-System Challenges in Diabetes’ from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (AMV), P2022/BMD-7227 (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain) (AMV), Fundación Ramón Areces (Spain) (AMV), CIBERdem (AMV and JB), CIBERhed (RF), and CIBERcv (LB) (ISCIII, Spain). LB and AMV belong to the Spanish National Research Council’s (CSIC’s) Cancer Hub. We also acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) postdoctoral contract IJCI-2015-24758 to IGM and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) FPU17/02786 grant to RA

    Facilitated Anion Transport Induces Hyperpolarization of the Cell Membrane That Triggers Differentiation and Cell Death in Cancer Stem Cells

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    Facilitated anion transport potentially represents a powerful tool to modulate various cellular functions. However, research into the biological effects of small molecule anionophores is still at an early stage. Here we have used two potent anionophore molecules inspired in the structure of marine metabolites tambjamines to gain insight into the effect induced by these compounds at the cellular level. We show how active anionophores, capable of facilitating the transmembrane transport of chloride and bicarbonate in model phospholipid liposomes, induce acidification of the cytosol and hyperpolarization of plasma cell membranes. We demonstrate how this combined effect can be used against cancer stem cells (CSCs). Hyperpolarization of cell membrane induces cell differentiation and loss of stemness of CSCs leading to effective elimination of this cancer cell subpopulation.panishgovernment and the EU (FIS PI13/00089, FIS PI12/02838,FIS PI12/00956 and RD12/0036/0025), a grant from LaMaratóde TV3 Foundation (20132730), a grant from SEPAR(17/2014), Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla yLeón (Project BU340U13), Ministerio de Economíaycompetitividad/Instituto de Salud Carlos III (SAF2014-55700-P), and ICREA Academia-201

    Machine Learning Improves Risk Stratification in Myelofibrosis: An Analysis of the Spanish Registry of Myelofibrosis

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) with heterogeneous clinical course. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation remains the only curative therapy, but its morbidity and mortality require careful candidate selection. Therefore, accurate disease risk prognostication is critical for treatment decision-making. We obtained registry data from patients diagnosed with MF in 60 Spanish institutions (N = 1386). These were randomly divided into a training set (80%) and a test set (20%). A machine learning (ML) technique (random forest) was used to model overall survival (OS) and leukemia-free survival (LFS) in the training set, and the results were validated in the test set. We derived the AIPSS-MF (Artificial Intelligence Prognostic Scoring System for Myelofibrosis) model, which was based on 8 clinical variables at diagnosis and achieved high accuracy in predicting OS (training set c-index, 0.750; test set c-index, 0.744) and LFS (training set c-index, 0.697; test set c-index, 0.703). No improvement was obtained with the inclusion of MPN driver mutations in the model. We were unable to adequately assess the potential benefit of including adverse cytogenetics or high-risk mutations due to the lack of these data in many patients. AIPSS-MF was superior to the IPSS regardless of MF subtype and age range and outperformed the MYSEC-PM in patients with secondary MF. In conclusion, we have developed a prediction model based exclusively on clinical variables that provides individualized prognostic estimates in patients with primary and secondary MF. The use of AIPSS-MF in combination with predictive models that incorporate genetic information may improve disease risk stratification

    Combining targeted panel-based resequencing and copy-number variation analysis for the diagnosis of inherited syndromic retinopathies and associated ciliopathies

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    Inherited syndromic retinopathies are a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that involve retinal anomalies and systemic manifestations. They include retinal ciliopathies, other well-defined clinical syndromes presenting with retinal alterations and cases of non-specific multisystemic diseases. The heterogeneity of these conditions makes molecular and clinical characterization of patients challenging in daily clinical practice. We explored the capacity of targeted resequencing and copy-number variation analysis to improve diagnosis of a heterogeneous cohort of 47 patients mainly comprising atypical cases that did not clearly fit a specific clinical diagnosis. Thirty-three likely pathogenic variants were identified in 18 genes (ABCC6, ALMS1, BBS1, BBS2, BBS12, CEP41, CEP290, IFT172, IFT27, MKKS, MYO7A, OTX2, PDZD7, PEX1, RPGRIP1, USH2A, VPS13B, and WDPCP). Molecular findings and additional clinical reassessments made it possible to accurately characterize 14 probands (30% of the total). Notably, clinical refinement of complex phenotypes was achieved in 4 cases, including 2 de novo OTX2-related syndromes, a novel phenotypic association for the ciliary CEP41 gene, and the co-existence of biallelic USH2A variants and a Koolen-de-Vries syndrome–related 17q21.31 microdeletion. We demonstrate that combining next-generation sequencing and CNV analysis is a comprehensive and useful approach to unravel the extensive phenotypic and genotypic complexity of inherited syndromic retinopathiesFEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) | Ref. PI016/00425Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PT13/0010/001

    Use of ICT for autonomous learning in Food Science and Technology and Veterinary degrees in the University of Cordoba pilot plan

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    Con la finalidad de dotar a los estudiantes de los últimos cursos de los grados de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Veterinaria de las herramientas necesarias para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo en instalaciones como la Planta Piloto de la Universidad de Córdoba (PPTA) se programaron diferentes actividades encaminadas a la recopilación de información sobre las instalaciones y equipos, realización de experimentos y desarrollo de trabajo fin de grado, de forma que se integrara en una página web propia, con información suficiente para que los estudiantes puedan formarse autónomamente mediante la consulta y el manejo de documentación generada a partir del uso de diferentes equipos o de las diferentes líneas de procesado, integrando materiales preparados a partir de la experiencia propia en la misma instalación tales como manuales, videos, fotografía de maquinaria y protocolos de experimentos.With the purpose of equipping the students of the last courses of Food Science and Technology and Veterinary degrees with the necessary tools to promote autonomous learning in facilities such as the Pilot Plant of the University of Córdoba, different activities were planned aimed at the collection of information on facilities and equipment, conducting experiments and developing end-of-degree work, so that it can be integrated into a web page of its own, with sufficient information so that students can be formed autonomously through consultation and documentation management generated from the use of different equipment or different processing lines, integrating materials prepared from their own experience in the same installation such as manuals, videos, machinery photography and experimental protocols