8,548 research outputs found

    Surfaces and Interfaces for Renewable Energy

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    Energy is a growing need in today’s world. Citizens and governments are increasingly aware of the sustainable use that must be made of natural resources and the great negative impact on the environment produced by conventional energies. Therefore, developments in energy systems based on renewable energies must be carried out in the very near future. To ensure their sustainability, they must be made of durable materials, and for this, the study of coatings is extremely important. This is also vital in systems based on solar energy, where the optical properties of the materials must be preserved as long as possible, and to this must be added the fact that they tend to be installed in very aggressive environments from the point of view of corrosion. Therefore, this special issue aims to contribute to the development of this challenge

    Debates—Stochastic subsurface hydrology from theory to practice: why stochastic modeling has not yet permeated into practitioners?

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Sanchez-Vila, X., and D. Fernàndez-Garcia (2016), Debates—Stochastic subsurface hydrology from theory to practice: Why stochastic modeling has not yet permeated into practitioners?, Water Resour. Res., 52, 9246–9258, doi:10.1002/2016WR019302], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016WR019302/abstract. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingWe address modern topics of stochastic hydrogeology from their potential relevance to real modeling efforts at the field scale. While the topics of stochastic hydrogeology and numerical modeling have become routine in hydrogeological studies, nondeterministic models have not yet permeated into practitioners. We point out a number of limitations of stochastic modeling when applied to real applications and comment on the reasons why stochastic models fail to become an attractive alternative for practitioners. We specifically separate issues corresponding to flow, conservative transport, and reactive transport. The different topics addressed are emphasis on process modeling, need for upscaling parameters and governing equations, relevance of properly accounting for detailed geological architecture in hydrogeological modeling, and specific challenges of reactive transport. We end up by concluding that the main responsible for nondeterministic models having not yet permeated in industry can be fully attributed to researchers in stochastic hydrogeology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bases para la gestión de una situación de multilingüismo derivada de la inmigración

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    El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre el papel que ha adquirido el fenómeno migratorio en la sociedad actual y plantea la relevancia que, para su adecuada gestión, poseen los factores lingüísticos. En este sentido, se señala una doble necesidad: la de fundamentar nítidamente los objetivos que se pretenden alcanzar, por un lado, y la de obtener un profundo conocimiento de la realidad sobre la que se desea actuar, por otro. En cuanto a la primera cuestión, se analizan factores como el concepto de integración que se maneja, la obtención de datos para optimizar la enseñanza de la lengua de destino, las actitudes lingüísticas de los inmigrados, los rasgos de las situaciones diglósicas que se plantean y aspectos de política lingüística. En cuanto a la segunda cuestión, se presenta un proyecto de investigación, actualmente en curso, que analiza los rasgos lingüísticos del fenómeno migratorio en la ciudad de Jaén.The present study ponders the role that the phenomenon of migration has acquired in present day society and analyses the relevance that linguistic factors possess in the satisfactory running of this society. In order to analyse these issues, this article highlights a two-fold necessity: on the one hand, that of having to clearly explain the main objectives endeavoured to be reached, and on the other hand, that of having to obtain a deep knowledge of the reality upon which one endeavours to act. As regards the first aspect, this study analyses factors such as the concept we have of integration, the obtaining of data in order to optimise the teaching of the target language, linguistic attitudes of immigrants, features of diglossic situations that may arise, and aspects of linguistic policies. As regards the second aspect, a current research project is presented which analyses the linguistic features of the migratory phenomenon in the city of Jaén

    Impoliteness, pseudo-politeness, strategic politeness? On the nature of communicative behaviour in electoral debates

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    This article analyses communicative behaviour in electoral debates, particularly with regard to the presence of elements of politeness or impoliteness. From both these questions, we develop two independent, albeit connected, lines of argument with the ultimate aim of discerning whether the features characterising politeness or impoliteness in debates are analogous to or, on the contrary, substantially different from those found in casual conversations. Our study has been conducted on the basis of our previous research and new data, and through a critical evaluation of the literature generated over the past few decades concerning both research into (im)politeness and into speaker behaviour in electoral debates. From this analysis, we conclude that both politeness and impolitenesss are genuine elements in debates, that is to say, debates are not radically unlike casual conversations, even if they do constitute a genre displaying a number of peculiarities arising from their public nature

    Integration and Linguistic Attitudes of the African Population Living in Jaén

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    From the point of view of the sociology of language, and taking into consideration both the native languages and the host language, this article analyses in which sense the linguistic situation of immigrants in the host environment can be an obstacle to their social integration. It also explores the role represented by the linguistic attitudes of the immigrant in the integration process - and how these result, for example, in a greater or lesser tendency to use either the native or the host language.Desde el punto de vista de la sociología del lenguaje y teniendo en consideración la lengua madre y la lengua del país de recepción, este artículo analiza in qué sentido la situación lingüística de los inmigrantes en el entorno del país de recepción puede convertirse en un obstáculo para su integración social. También se explora el papel que juegan las actitudes lingüísticas de los inmigrantes en el proceso de integración y cómo estas afectan, por ejemplo, a la tendencia mayor o menor de utilizar bien sus lenguas madres bien la lengua del país receptor

    If You Read the Programme and Are Unable to Understand It, We Have a Problem. Functional Strategies for Impolite Attacks in Face-to-Face Debates

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    En el marco de las investigaciones pragmático-discursivas, este trabajo se adentra en el análisis de la descortesía en el debate electoral cara a cara a partir del debate que enfrentó a A. Pérez Rubalcaba y M. Rajoy en noviembre de 2011. Como parte de un proyecto investigador de mayor envergadura, presenta los tres puntos de referencia en torno a los que se estructura la investigación (estrategias funcionales de descortesía, mecanismos empleados en su ejecución y repercusiones sociales de los actos descorteses), deteniéndose especialmente en el primero de ellos. Además, profundiza en la primera de las cuatro macroestrategias de descortesía aisladas en el corpus y analiza en detalle el funcionamiento de dos de las cuatro estrategias en que dicha macroestrategia toma cuerpo. Este análisis, que constituye el núcleo del trabajo, se centra en la caracterización funcional de los ataques, pero sin perder de vista, de forma complementaria, los otros dos ángulos del análisis, el de los mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos empleados en su ejecución y el de la naturaleza de los ataques desde la perspectiva teórica de la descortesía lingüística.In the framework of discursive-pragmatic research, this paper delves into the analysis of impoliteness in face to face electoral debates, having the debate between A. Pérez Rubalcaba and M. Rajoy in November, 2011 as a reference corpus. As a part of a larger research project, it presents the three points of reference around which the research is structured (functional strategies of impoliteness, mechanisms used in their implementation and social consequences of impolite acts), with special attention to the first one. In addition, it explores the first of the four impoliteness macrostrategies founded in the corpus and examines in detail the operation of two of the four strategies in which macrostrategy develops. This last analysis, which constitutes the core of the paper, focuses on the functional characterization of the attacks, but without forgetting, in a complementary way, the other two angles of the analysis, the linguistic-discursive mechanisms used in its implementation and the nature of the attacks from the theoretical perspective of linguistic impoliteness

    Turdetania y turdetanos en la literatura grecolatina : nacimiento, desarrollo y trasformación de la imagen paradigmática de una región de occidente

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es revisar la imagen proyectada por la\ud literatura grecolatina sobre la Turdetania y su antecesora histórica, la región\ud tartésica. Partimos de la base de que esta imagen, dinámica, no depende únicamente\ud de la evolución intema de la región y sus pobladores, sino sobre\ud todo del contexto histórico, político, ideológico, etc. en el que se inserta cada\ud autor y su correspondiente obra. Para ello analizaremos de forma diacrónica\ud los principales testimonios, incidiendo en el periodo en el que la Turdetania\ud entra a formar parte plenamente de la tradición clásica como resultado de un\ud largo proceso de integración geo-política e histórica.The aim of this paper is to review the image extracted from the Greco-\ud Latin literature about Turdetania and its antecessor, the Tartesian region.\ud This image depends not only on the evolution of that area and their inhabitants,\ud but also on historical, political and ideological atmosphere of each\ud classical autor that it deals with. We analyse, in a diachronical way, the main\ud ancient sources emphasizing the very moment in which turdetania way, the\ud main ancient sources emphasizing the very moment in which Turdetania\ud came into Classical Tradition as a result of a long process of geopolitical and\ud historical integration

    The (cyclical) path towards impoliteness in electoral debates

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    This work proposes, first, an approach to the agonal character of electoral debates, and then analyses the nature of the acts of (im)politeness that appear in them. From there, it presents a triangular theoretical-methodological framework, based on the analysis of functional impoliteness strategies, linguistic-discursive mechanisms for their implementation and social repercussions of impolite acts. Within the first of these three axes, a dynamic quantitative analysis is carried out. this analysis demonstrates the growing appearance of impoliteness in electoral debates, as well as the cyclical nature of this growth -which is increasingly accelerated- in successive sections of these speech events. This quantitative analysis is based on the face-to-face debate between Mariano rajoy and alfredo Pérez rubalcaba days before the spanish general elections in November 2011

    Stochastic estimation of hydraulic transmissivity fields using flow connectivity indicator data

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Freixas, G., D. Fernàndez-Garcia, and X. Sanchez-Vila (2017), Stochastic estimation of hydraulic transmissivity fields using flow connectivity indicator data, Water Resour. Res., 53, 602–618, doi:10.1002/2015WR018507], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015WR018507/abstract. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Most methods for hydraulic test interpretation rely on a number of simplified assumptions regarding the homogeneity and isotropy of the underlying porous media. This way, the actual heterogeneity of any natural parameter, such as transmissivity ( math formula), is transferred to the corresponding estimates in a way heavily dependent on the interpretation method used. An example is a long-term pumping test interpreted by means of the Cooper-Jacob method, which implicitly assumes a homogeneous isotropic confined aquifer. The estimates obtained from this method are not local values, but still have a clear physical meaning; the estimated math formula represents a regional-scale effective value, while the log-ratio of the normalized estimated storage coefficient, indicated by math formula, is an indicator of flow connectivity, representative of the scale given by the distance between the pumping and the observation wells. In this work we propose a methodology to use math formula, together with sampled local measurements of transmissivity at selected points, to map the expected value of local math formula values using a technique based on cokriging. Since the interpolation involves two variables measured at different support scales, a critical point is the estimation of the covariance and crosscovariance matrices. The method is applied to a synthetic field displaying statistical anisotropy, showing that the inclusion of connectivity indicators in the estimation method provide maps that effectively display preferential flow pathways, with direct consequences in solute transport.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Si lee el programa y no lo entiende, tenemos un problema. Estrategias funcionales para el ataque descortés en el debate cara a cara

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    Resumen: En el marco de las investigaciones pragmático-discursivas, este trabajo se adentra en el análisis de la descortesía en el debate electoral cara a cara a partir del debate que enfrentó a A. Pérez Rubalcaba y M. Rajoy en noviembre de 2011. Como parte de un proyecto investigador de mayor envergadura, presenta los tres puntos de referencia en torno a los que se estructura la investigación (estrategias funcionales de descortesía, mecanismos empleados en su ejecución y repercusiones sociales de los actos descorteses), deteniéndose  especialmente en el primero de ellos. Además, profundiza en la primera de las cuatro macroestrategias de descortesía aisladas en el corpus y analiza en detalle el funcionamiento de dos de las cuatro estrategias en que dicha macroestrategia toma cuerpo. Este análisis, que constituye el núcleo del trabajo, se centra en la caracterización funcional de los ataques, pero sin perder de vista, de forma complementaria, los otros dos ángulos del análisis, el de los mecanismos lingüístico-discursivos empleados en su ejecución y el de la naturaleza de los ataques desde la perspectiva teórica de la descortesía lingüística._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Abstract: In the framework of discursive-pragmatic research, this paper delves into the analysis of impoliteness in face to face electoral debates, having the debate between A. Pérez Rubalcaba and M. Rajoy in November, 2011 as a reference corpus. As a partof a larger research project, it presents the three points of reference around which the research is structured (functional strategies of impoliteness, mechanisms used in their implementation and social consequences of impolite acts), with special attention to the first one. In addition, it explores the first of the four impoliteness macrostrategies founded in the corpus and examines in detail the operation of two of the four strategies in which macrostrategy develops. This last analysis, which constitutes the core of the paper, focuses on the functional characterization of the attacks, but without forgetting, in a complementary way, the other two angles of the analysis, the linguistic-discursive mechanisms used in its implementation and the nature of the attacks from the theoretical perspective of linguistic impoliteness