406 research outputs found

    Arboreal frogs, tank bromeliads and disturbed seasonal tropical forest

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    We investigated the relationship between arboreal frogs, tank bromeliads and landscape transformation in tropical forests of southeastern Campeche, Mexico. We surveyed frogs in six distinct habitats: slash and burn agriculture, seasonally flooded forest (bajo), aquatic habitats (lagoons and small ponds), second growth upland forest, primary forest and creek habitat using both systematic and non-systematic surveys. The highest species richness of frogs was documented in primary forest and small ponds. In contrast, no frogs were recorded in second growth forest. Similarly, tank bromeliads (Aechmea bracteata) were completely absent from early successional stages and were almost twice as abundant in seasonally flooded forest as in upland forest. The vertical distribution of A. bracteata differed between forest types, and they significantly more abundant in larger diameter trees. We examined 60 tank bromeliads during the peak of the dry season to test their use as refugia by frogs. Approximately 27% of tank bromeliads sampled had arboreal frogs belonging to three species, but 9 species have been recorded as occasional users of bromeliads in the region. There were significantly more frogs on large than on medium-sized bromeliads, and frogs were more abundant on bromeliads higher on host trees, particularly those above 3 m in height. Our results suggest that the loss of tank bromeliads from drier and less structurally complex habitats created by slash and burn agriculture and selective logging results in loss of refugia for arboreal frogs in this seasonal tropical forest. We suggest that Aechmea bracteata be a keystone species in seasonal tropical forest

    Nest architecture of Oxaea austera (Andrenidae, Oxaeinae) and its significance for the interpretation of Uruguayan fossil bee cells

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    Oxaea austera nests in hard, red lateritic soils with dense grass cover. Some characters of Oxaea austera nests conform to the known architecture of the oxaeine nests such as the long, vertical shaft and the radiating, horizontal tunnels connected to vertical cells. The presence of more than one cell per lateral, cells at different depths containing larvae at different stages, and discrete walls in the main and laterals are described for the first time for Oxaeinae. One cell was located at the end of each lateral with others (2–4) near them, in some cases arranged in a row just beneath the lateral. Cells are oriented vertically and consist of a chamber, a spiral closure and an antechamber connected with a lateral. The chamber and antechamber are surrounded by a thick discrete wall. Each nest was occupied by at least two active females indicating communal nesting. They also contained older cells, suggesting the reutilization of the nests by successive generations. Both behaviors may be a response to the difficulties of excavation in hard soils. Communal nesting may be also a defensive behavior against nest cleptoparasites. The shape, size, discrete walls of lateritic soil material, spiral closure, and antechamber of O. austera cells closely resemble the fossil bee cells included in the ichnogenus Palmiraichnus from the early Eocene Asencio Formation of Uruguay. This new evidence reinforces the proposal of extinct representatives of Oxaeinae as it constructor.Fil: Sarzetti, Laura Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Genise, Jorge Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Aspectos do direito fundamental à previdência social : entre a sustentabilidade operacional e a vedação do retrocesso. Análise da MP nº 676/2015 sob a ótica da Irreversibilidade

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2015.Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o direito fundamental de previdência social, com a tentativa de delimitação de seu âmbito de proteção conforme dispositivos constitucionais, bem como apresentar alguns dos desafios que circundam a sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário; cotejando as necessidades de reformas e, portanto, de restrições à disponibilização do direito de previdência, com o princípio da vedação ao retrocesso, aqui considerado como verdadeiro balizador para o limite dos limites desse direito fundamental social. O princípio da vedação ao retrocesso ou princípio da irreversibilidade dos direitos fundamentais foi entendido como extensível a todos os direitos fundamentais e não apenas aos direitos sociais, visto não haver hierarquização entre eles; e considerado de forma relativa, admitindo assim restrições, desde que não afetas ao núcleo essencial desses direitos, sob pena de reconhecimento de retrocesso, servindo de indicativo de inconstitucionalidades. Demonstra-se que o Supremo Tribunal Federal é conservador quanto à consideração de retrocesso em medidas restritivas ao direito de previdência social, quando decorrentes de reformas no sistema previdenciário, protegendo essencialmente o direito adquirido e o ato jurídico perfeito. Por fim, analisa-se a medida provisória n° 676/2015 sob a ótica da irreversibilidade do direito de previdência, a fim de conferir se a progressividade do fator 85/95 em alternativa ao fator previdenciário, quando da concessão do benefício de aposentadoria por tempo de contribuição, implica em retrocesso, ofendendo o princípio que lhe veda. _____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper aims to analyze the fundamental right to social security, with trying to delimitation of their scope of protection as constitutional provisions, as well as presenting some of the challenges surrounding the sustainability of the pension system; comparing reforms needs and therefore restrictions on the availability of the right to security, with the ratchet effect, here considered as a true beacon to limit the boundaries of that fundamental social right. The ratchet effect or principle of irreversibility of fundamental rights was understood to extend to all fundamental rights and not only social rights, as there is no hierarchy between them; and considered in a relative manner, thus permitting restrictions, provided they do not afetas the essential core of these rights, on pain of kicking recognition as an indicative of unconstitutionality. It is shown that the Supreme Court is conservative as the backdown consideration for restrictive measures the right to social security, when resulting from reforms in the pension system, essentially protecting vested rights and the perfect legal act. Finally, we analyze the Provisional Measure nº 676/2015 from the perspective of the irreversibility of the right to security in order to check whether the progressivity factor 85/95 as an alternative to social security factor, when granting the retirement benefit by contribution, implies backward, violating the principle that seals it

    “Para no poner en peligro la santa pobreza”. Economía material en el Colegio de misiones de Chillán, 1756-1817*

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    Este artículo analiza la economía material del colegio franciscano de propaganda fide de San Ildefonso de Chillán durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y los inicios del XIX, haciendo hincapié en las condiciones económicas desde una perspectiva monetaria como material, relacionado con el sustento corporal y espiritual del religioso y misionero. Nuestro objetivo es observar el concepto de pobreza que los frailes misioneros de Chillán practicaban en una época de cambios en materia económica en el Reino de Chile. Para ello hemos contado con una documentación existente en los archivos de Propaganda Fide de Roma, General de Indias, Histórico Nacional de España, Santiago de Compostela y Franciscano de Chile, la cual permitió conocer la realidad material del Colegio de Misiones de Chillán en el tránsito del siglo XVIII al XIX. Metodológicamente, contrastamos el ideal de pobreza establecido en su Regla y Estatutos, el cual conminaba a los frailes a vivir con rigurosidad dicho voto, y la realidad cotidiana de los religiosos expresada en sus cartas e informes. La documentación no sólo daba cuenta de sus positivas condiciones materiales de vida, sino que también de los cuestionamientos que los frailes seráficos hacían respecto a la pobreza, generando en más de alguno cargo de conciencia. Las disputas por terrenos, dineros y bienes en general, existieron, olvidando lo dispuesto en su Regla y Estatutos

    El impacto de la prensa en el marketing de destino: el anuncio del Bienio Santo

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    Since its initial outbreak in 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked unprecedented havoc around the world. The prospects for Holy Year 21, one of the main events in the Camino de Santiago calendar, were cast into serious doubt by government restrictions on travel and gatherings. Following months of debate between government administrations and the Roman Catholic church, the Vatican agreed to grant Santiago’s request to extend the jubilee by an additional twelve months. This article uses a quantitative survey method to analyse the media impact of the announcement of the extension of the Holy Year, which, against all odds, became headline news in the Spanish press.El virus Covid-19 puso en jaque al mundo durante 2019, 2020 y 2021. El Año Santo 21, uno de los grandes eventos del destino turístico Camino de Santiago, se vio gravemente amenazado por la imposibilidad de viajar y las restricciones a la capacidad de reunión de los ciudadanos. La Iglesia y las administraciones públicas debían buscar una solución para salvar la celebración de uno de los mayores peregrinajes en el mundo. Así, tras unos meses de debate, el Papa Francisco autorizaba la extensión del jubileo doce meses más. En esta investigación se analiza el caso y se realiza una prospección cuantitativa del impacto en prensa del anuncio de la prórroga del Año Santo que, contra todo pronóstico, logra a partir de una simple decisión una enorme repercusión: ser la protagonista de última hora en la prensa española

    Reputación digital, distorsión y ruido: el caso PromoSalento

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    Social networks based on user recommendations are one of the most common sources of searching before a purchase decision. In the case of Hotel and Restaurant industry, TripAdvisor or Yelp have become habitual ways of valuing the experience of other customers. The great economic impact of these social media has resulted in a professionalization of the monitoring of comments by businesses and a large number of attempts to falsify the recommendations, reaching a separate point with the PromoSalento case in 2018.; Las redes sociales basadas en las recomendaciones de los usuarios son una de las fuentes de consulta más habituales antes de una decisión de compra. En el caso de la hostelería, TripAdvisor o Yelp se han convertido en medios habituales de valoración de la experiencia de otros clientes en restaurantes. El gran impacto económico de estos medios sociales ha dado como resultado una profesionalización tanto de la monitorización de los comentarios por parte de los negocios, como una gran cantidad de intentos de falsear las recomendaciones, llegando a un punto y aparte con el caso PromoSalento en 2018

    Characterisation of High Temperature Oxidation Phenomena during AISI 430 Stainless Steel Manufacturing under a Controlled H-2 Atmosphere for Bright Annealing

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    Localised-in-the-edge oxidation of four AISI 430 alloys was investigated after an industrial bright annealing process. The oxidised surface of each specimen was characterised by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman-spectroscopy and SEM. The results showed that the selective oxidation of Cr and Mn took place at the coil edges of AISI 430. This led to the formation of an oxide scale based on Cr2O3 and MnCr2O4. On the other hand, the formation of Cr(OH)(3) and MnOOH in the outer part of the oxide scale was related to the effect of the H-2-N-2 environment on the annealing furnace. The results concluded that the composition of Cr and Mn in the alloy determined the composition of the oxidation products. However, the effect of annealing time was minor in this oxidation mechanism, which slightly contributed to an increase in the cation diffusion from the steel to the oxide. Finally, the results obtained indicate that the colouration of the coil edges displayed in each studied material varies according to the alloy chemical composition and annealing time.This research was funded by the "Proyectos de I+D Individuales" programme, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad from the Spanish Government-project "FERRINOP"

    Utilización de hábitat por reptiles en estados sucesionales de selvas tropicales de Campeche, México

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    This study documents patterns of habitat use by reptiles in low and medium height tropical forest in three successional stages: less than 10 years old, between 10 and 25 years old, and mature (>30 years old) forests. The investigation took place between April 1997 and January 1998 in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. Sampling took place throughout one year period to include the three predominant seasons in the region: dry, wet and nortes. To avoid sampling biases, we used complementary methods: direct search in transects and outside transects, and trapping. We used multivariate and ordination techniques to identify trends in habitat use. Once that patterns of habitat use were identified, we used analysis of variance to test differences in abundance. We identified 10 species with high abundance, inhabiting at least in five of the six treatments, which were used to compare differences between preserved and disturbed sites.Este estudio documenta la utilización de hábitat por reptiles en selvas mediana y baja, con tres estados sucesionales: menor de 10 años, entre 10 y 25 años y selvas maduras (> 30 años). La investigación se llevó a cabo entre abril de 1997 y enero de 1998 en la Reserva de la Biosfera Calakmul, Campeche, México. Los muestreos se realizaron a lo largo de un año para incluir las tres estaciones climáticas predominantes en la región: nortes, secas y lluvias. Utilizamos métodos complementarios de muestreo: búsqueda directa en transectos y fuera de ellos, y muestreo con trampas, para evitar sesgos. La información recabada se analizó mediante técnicas multivariadas y de ordenación, para identificar tendencias o afinidades de las especies hacia cierto estado de la vegetación. Se encontraron 10 especies en mayor abundancia y representación en al menos 5 de los 6 tratamientos, que fueron utilizadas para comparar las diferencias entre los sitios conservados de los perturbados

    Asthma and Pregnancy – Comorbid and Coexisting

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    Asthma is considered the most common serious medical problem that could complicate pregnancy. During pregnancy the severity of asthma often changes, hence the patients need close follow up and monitoring exacerbations