14 research outputs found

    Diversity in the structures and ligand binding sites of nematode fatty acid and retinol binding proteins revealed by Na-FAR-1 from Necator americanus

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    Fatty acid and retinol binding proteins (FARs) comprise a family of unusual α-helix rich lipid binding proteins found exclusively in nematodes. They are secreted into host tissues by parasites of plants, animals and humans. The structure of a FAR protein from the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is available, but this protein (Ce-FAR-7) is from a subfamily of FARs that does not appear to be important at the host-parasite interface. We have therefore examined Na-FAR-1 from the blood-feeding intestinal parasite of humans, Necator americanus . The three dimensional structure of Na-FAR-1 in its ligand-free and ligand-bound forms, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and X-ray crystallography, respectively, reveals an a-helical fold similar to Ce-FAR-7, but Na-FAR-1 possesses a larger and more complex internal ligand binding cavity and an additional C-terminal a-helix. Titration of apo -Na-FAR-1 with oleic acid, analysed by NMR chemical shift perturbation, reveals that at least four distinct protein:ligand complexes can be formed. Na-FAR-1, and possibly other FARs, may have a wider repertoire for hydrophobic ligand binding, as confirmed here by our finding that a range of neutral and polar lipids co-purify with the bacterial recombinant protein. Finally, we show by immunohistochemistry that Na-FAR-1 is present in adult worms with a tissue distribution indicative of possible roles in nutrient acquisition by the parasite and in reproduction in the male

    Structure and ligand binding of As-p18, an extracellular fatty acid binding protein from the eggs of a parasitic nematode

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    Intracellular lipid-binding proteins (iLBPs) of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) family of animals transport, mainly fatty acids or retinoids, are confined to the cytosol and have highly similar 3D structures. In contrast, nematodes possess fatty acid-binding proteins (nemFABPs) that are secreted into the perivitelline fluid surrounding their developing embryos. We report structures of As-p18, a nemFABP of the large intestinal roundworm Ascaris suum, with ligand bound, determined using X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In common with other FABPs, As-p18 comprises a ten β-strand barrel capped by two short α-helices, with the carboxylate head group of oleate tethered in the interior of the protein. However, As-p18 exhibits two distinctive longer loops amongst β-strands not previously seen in a FABP. One of these is adjacent to the presumed ligand entry portal, so it may help to target the protein for efficient loading or unloading of ligand. The second, larger loop is at the opposite end of the molecule and has no equivalent in any iLBP structure yet determined. As-p18 preferentially binds a single 18-carbon fatty acid ligand in its central cavity but in an orientation that differs from iLBPs. The unusual structural features of nemFABPs may relate to resourcing of developing embryos of nematodes

    Useable diffraction data from a multiple microdomain-containing crystal of Ascaris suum As-p18 fatty-acid-binding protein using a microfocus beamline

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    As-p18 is a fatty-acid-binding protein from the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum. Although it exhibits sequence similarity to mammalian intracellular fatty-acid-binding proteins, it contains features that are unique to nematodes. Crystals were obtained, but initial diffraction data analysis revealed that they were composed of a number of microdomains. Interpretable data could only be collected using a microfocus beamline with a beam size of 12 8 m.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas de La Plat

    Diversity in the structures and ligand-binding sites of nematode fatty acid and retinol-binding proteins revealed by Na-FAR-1 from Necator americanus

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    Fatty acid and retinol-binding proteins (FARs) comprise a family of unusual a-helix rich lipid-binding proteins found exclusively in nematodes. They are secreted into host tissues by parasites of plants, animals and humans. The structure of a FAR protein from the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is available, but this protein [C. elegans FAR-7 (Ce-FAR-7)] is from a subfamily of FARs that does not appear to be important at the host/parasite interface. We have therefore examined [Necator americanus FAR-1 (Na-FAR-1)] from the blood-feeding intestinal parasite of humans, N. americanus. The 3D structure of Na-FAR-1 in its ligand-free and ligand-bound forms, determined byNMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography respectively, reveals an a-helical fold similar to Ce-FAR-7, but Na-FAR-1 possesses a larger and more complex internal ligandbinding cavity and an additional C-terminal a-helix. Titration of apo-Na-FAR-1 with oleic acid, analysed by NMR chemical shift perturbation, reveals that at least four distinct protein-ligand complexes can be formed. Na-FAR-1 and possibly other FARs may have a wider repertoire for hydrophobic ligand binding, as confirmed in the present study by our finding that a range of neutral and polar lipids co-purify with the bacterially expressed recombinant protein. Finally, we show by immunohistochemistry that Na-FAR-1 is present in adult worms with a tissue distribution indicative of possible roles in nutrient acquisition by the parasite and in reproduction in the male.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Antikke samfunn i krig og fred

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    Festskrift til Johan Henrik SchreinerDenne boken er er festskrift ril professor Johan Henrik Schreiner i forbindelse med hans 70-årsdag. Den består av en samling artikler 0111 krig, konflikt og fredsslurninger i antikken. Krigen er alle tings mor, kunne det hete da, og mens verdenslitteraturen ofte fører sin stamtavle tilbake ril Homer og hans beskrivelse av Trojanerkrigen, fører hisroriefaget sin tilbake til Herodots og Thukydides' verker om perserkrigene og Peloponneserkrigen. Fascinasjonen for greske bystaters borger- og krigerkollekriv og store generaler som Alexander og Caesar har dessuten holdt seg godt i to tusen år. Denne boken vil forhåpentligvis bidra til videre interesse. Her vil man finne belyst mange sider ved antikke samfunns forhold til krig - både svært omdiskuterte og nye, lite omtalte. Bidragene strekker seg fra Assyrerriker ved jernalderens begynnelse til det seinantikke Romerriket. Artiklene er ført i pennen av antikkhistorikere, arkeologer og klassiskfilologer ved norske og danske universitet. De er skrevet også med tanke på et alminnelig inreressert publikum og bør kunne interessere både leg og lærd

    Antikke samfunn i krig og fred

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    Denne boken er er festskrift ril professor Johan Henrik Schreiner i forbindelse med hans 70-årsdag. Den består av en samling artikler 0111 krig, konflikt og fredsslurninger i antikken. Krigen er alle tings mor, kunne det hete da, og mens verdenslitteraturen ofte fører sin stamtavle tilbake ril Homer og hans beskrivelse av Trojanerkrigen, fører hisroriefaget sin tilbake til Herodots og Thukydides' verker om perserkrigene og Peloponneserkrigen. Fascinasjonen for greske bystaters borger- og krigerkollekriv og store generaler som Alexander og Caesar har dessuten holdt seg godt i to tusen år. Denne boken vil forhåpentligvis bidra til videre interesse. Her vil man finne belyst mange sider ved antikke samfunns forhold til krig - både svært omdiskuterte og nye, lite omtalte. Bidragene strekker seg fra Assyrerriker ved jernalderens begynnelse til det seinantikke Romerriket. Artiklene er ført i pennen av antikkhistorikere, arkeologer og klassiskfilologer ved norske og danske universitet. De er skrevet også med tanke på et alminnelig inreressert publikum og bør kunne interessere både leg og lærd