337 research outputs found

    Backpages 25.3, A Provocative Cold Consideration: 3 Winters at the National Theatre in London

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    Search Party is the collaboration between live artists Jodie Hawkes and Pete Phillips. In 2007 we started making Search Party vs… - an interactive, durational performance exploring our reoccurring interest in sport. We’re fascinated by sport; in narratives of the sports event, the relationship between task and failure, fandom and the sporting gaze, and how these ideas can be used as strategies for creating, framing and performing live art events. We make performances for theatres and public spaces and our sports related practice has existed in both contexts. Search Party vs… takes place in public and is predominantly concerned with a desire to engage with the inhabitants of public places, creating performative contexts which generate shared endeavor. Existing somewhere between mass public spectacle and intimate 1-on-1 performance, Search Party vs... borrows the notion of team from sport to examine connections between the personal and the geographic, exploring ideas of community, place and belonging

    Dreifache Hormonblockade als Therapiealternative bei lokalem oder lokal fortgeschrittenem Prostatakarzinom : Studienergebnisse im Langzeit-Follow-Up

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    Die häufigste maligne Tumorerkrankung des Mannes ist das Prostatakarzinom. Bei lokalem bzw. lokal begrenztem Prostatakarzinom wird nach aktueller Leitlinie als Primärtherapie mit kurativer Intention die Durchführung einer radikalen operativen Therapie oder einer Radiatio empfohlen. Des Weiteren kann Patienten mit einem Niedrig-Risiko auch die Option der „Active Surveillance“ angeboten werden. Eine hormonablative Medikation als alleinige Therapie ist aktuell nur in der Rezidiv oder primär metastasierten Situation empfohlen und verfolgt keinen kurativen Therapieansatz. 2001 veröffentlichte Dr. Robert Leibowitz, ein amerikanischer Onkologe, erstmals seine Daten zur Dreifachen Hormonblockade (DHB) bei 111 Patienten als Primärtherapie für das lokale bzw. lokal begrenzte Prostatakarzinom. In der vorliegenden retrospektiv durchgeführten Fragebogenstudie wurden erstmalig 143 Patienten erfasst, welche sich für eine DHB als primäre Therapie bei lokalem bzw. lokal begrenztem Prostatakarzinom entschieden. Für die Diskussion der Primärergebnisse wird auf die entsprechende Dissertationsarbeit verwiesen. In der vorliegenden Dissertationsarbeit bestand der Schwerpunkt auf der Auswertung des Langzeit-Follow-Up hinsichtlich der progressionsfreien Überlebensdauer, der Reproduzierbarkeit der Langzeitergebnisse von Dr. Leibowitz, der Änderung der erektilen Funktion sowie des Vergleiches mit anderen primären Therapieverfahren. Sowohl Design als auch Ausführung im Rahmen der aktuellen Studie waren vergleichbar gut reproduzierbar. In der vorliegenden Studie zeigte sich ein signifikanter Therapievorteil für Patienten mit einem niedrigen bzw. intermediären Risikoprofil sowie für Patienten unter Erhaltungstherapie mit Finasterid. Ebenso wie bei Dr. Leibowitz konnte bei fast allen Patienten ein rasches Abfallen des PSA-Wertes nach Beginn der DHB-Therapie verzeichnet werden. Im Vergleich der Ergebnisse zeigt sich jedoch, dass in der aktuellen Studie deutlich mehr Patienten eine Anschlusstherapie benötigten als in der Originalarbeit und dies auch zu einem deutlich früheren Zeitpunkt (39,9% der Patienten in der aktuellen Studie nach durchschnittlich 52 Monaten Beobachtungszeit vs. 23,6 % der Leibowitz-Patienten nach durchschnittlich 94 Monaten Beobachtungszeit). Die mediane progressionsfreie Überlebensdauer in der aktuellen Studie belief sich auf 4,59 Jahre. Die von Dr. Leibowitz propagierten erfreulichen Langzeitergebnisse konnten nicht reproduziert werden. Die geringe Rate an erektiler Dysfunktion, die Dr. Leibowitz in seiner Originalstudie beschreibt, konnte in der aktuellen Studie ebenfalls nicht reproduziert werden bzw. es zeigte sich sogar eine signifikante Verschlechterung der erektilen Funktion. Insgesamt lässt sich aus den vorliegenden Daten schlussfolgern, dass die DHB als alleinige Therapieoption nur für Patienten mit einem niedrigen bis intermediären Risikoprofil interessant ist. Aufgrund des mittlerweile besseren Verständnisses des Prostatakarzinoms als meist klinisch lange inapparentes Karzinom erscheint die Therapieoption der „Active Surveillance“ zum heutigen Zeitpunkt für dieses Patientenkollektiv geeigneter.Triple hormone blockade for local or locally advanced prostate cancer: study results of a long-term follow-up Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men. Regarding curative treatment of local or locally advanced prostate cancer, radical operative therapy, radiation therapy or „active surveillance“ are well-known therapeutic options. Until now, sole hormonal ablative therapy with curative intention is not recommended. In 2001 the american oncologist Dr. Robert Leibowitz published his data analyzing triple hormone blockade in 111 patients as primary therapy for local or locally advanced prostate cancer. The current doctoral thesis is based on 143 patients, who chose triple hormone blockade as initial therapy for local or locally advanced prostate cancer. The study was performed retrospetively, data was collected via standardized questionnaires. The main focus of this doctoral thesis was the evaluation of long-term follow-up data. Thematic priorities were set on progression-free survival, on the reproducibility of Dr. Leibowitz‘ long-term follow-up data, on changes of erectile function as well as on the comparability to other therpeutic strategies. Both design and execution of the study were comparably well reproducible. A significant therapeutic benefit was shown for patients with low- or intermediate-risk constellation as well as for patients undergoing maintenance therapy with Finasterid. Alike to Dr. Leibowitz‘ results, there was a rapid drop of PSA-levels in almost all patients shortly after starting triple hormone blockade. However, unlike to Dr. Leibowitz‘ data clearly more patients needed additional therapy at an earlier date (current study: 39,9% of patients after a mean of 52 months of observation vs. Dr. Leibowitz: 23,6% of patients after a mean of 94 months). Median progression-free survival was 4,59 years. Dr. Leibowitz‘ encouraging long-term data could not be reproduced. The same applies to Dr. Leibowitz‘ data concerning a low rate of erectile dysfunction. In contrast, a significant decline in erectile performance was found. In conclusion, the results of the current study reveal the triple hormone blockade as sole primary therapy only to be of interest for patients with low- or intermediate-risk constellations. Nevertheless, as a consequence of a far better understanding of prostate cancer as a long-time inapperent carcinoma, the therapeutic strategy of „active surveillance“ seems more favourable for this patient population

    Equinocultura e Desenvolvimento em Cerro Largo, Uruguai: um vetor de desenvolvimento diferenciado

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    The objective of this article is to try, through a panoptic view of the equine phenomenon, to visualize whether this set of equestrian activities, endowed with organicity, can become a vector of the multidimensional development of the region. Everything, without losing sight of the special characteristics of "our" vector and that we are in a territory "where it is necessary to understand cultural identity as a complex element and in constant metamorphosis and that each context comprises a phase of the individual's cultural world" (Márques Ribeiro, 2009, p. 137). The methodological design that we have used in the field work, to collect the data, has been based fundamentally on interviews with relevant actors related to the equestrian activities of Cerro Largo and observation of events, recording details related to the denomination, the character and the essential practice of each unit "equestrian activity", components of the typological profile that we have defined to characterize it.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, a través de una mirada panóptica del fenómeno equino, si el conjunto de actividades ecuestres, dotadas de organicidad, pueden convertirse en vector de desarrollo multidimensional de la región. El diseño metodológico que hemos utilizado en el trabajo de campo, para recopilar los datos, se ha basado fundamentalmente en entrevistas a actores relevantes relacionados con las actividades ecuestres de Cerro Largo (Uruguay) y observación de eventos, registrando detalles relacionados con la denominación, el carácter y la práctica esencial de cada “actividad ecuestre”, componentes del perfil tipológico que hemos definido para caracterizarla. Transcurrido el proceso de investigación - en fases alternadas de análisis y de síntesis, observando detalles y mirando el conjunto, en un viaje permanente de ida y vuelta entre los datos empíricos y la teoría, entendemos que la pregunta inicial acerca de las posibilidades del equino para transformarse en un vector de desarrollo, tiene una respuesta positiva.  Sin embargo, es una respuesta provisoria que para transformarse en una posibilidad real, deberá trabajarse para transformar las potenciales barreras en elementos dinamizadores de los procesos de desarrollo planteados.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, através de uma visão panóptica do fenômeno eqüino, se o conjunto de atividades equestres, dotadas de organicidade, pode se tornar um vetor de desenvolvimento multidimensional da região. O desenho metodológico que usamos no trabalho de campo, para coletar os dados, baseou-se fundamentalmente em entrevistas com atores relevantes relacionados às atividades equestres de Cerro Largo (Uruguai) e observação de eventos, registrando detalhes relacionados à denominação, ao caráter e prática essencial de cada “atividade equestre”, componentes do perfil tipológico que definimos para caracterizá-la. Decorrido o processo de pesquisa - em fases alternadas de análise e síntese, observando detalhes e olhando para o todo, numa permanente viagem de ida e volta entre dados empíricos e teoria, entendemos que a questão inicial sobre as possibilidades do equino se tornar vetor de desenvolvimento, tem uma resposta positiva. No entanto, é uma resposta provisória que, para se tornar uma possibilidade real, deve-se trabalhar para transformar potenciais barreiras em elementos dinâmicos dos processos de desenvolvimento propostos

    Matrix M Adjuvanted H5N1 Vaccine Elicits Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies and Neuraminidase Inhibiting Antibodies in Humans That Correlate With In Vivo Protection

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    The highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses constantly evolve and give rise to novel variants that have caused widespread zoonotic outbreaks and sporadic human infections. Therefore, vaccines capable of eliciting broadly protective antibody responses are desired and under development. We here investigated the magnitude, kinetics and protective efficacy of the multi-faceted humoral immunity induced by vaccination in healthy adult volunteers with a Matrix M adjuvanted virosomal H5N1 vaccine. Vaccinees were given escalating doses of adjuvanted vaccine (1.5μg, 7.5μg, or 30μg), or a non-adjuvanted vaccine (30μg). An evaluation of sera from vaccinees against pseudotyped viruses covering all (sub)clades isolated from human H5N1 infections demonstrated that the adjuvanted vaccines (7.5μg and 30μg) could elicit rapid and robust increases of broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies against all clades. In addition, the adjuvanted vaccines also induced multifaceted antibody responses including hemagglutinin stalk domain specific, neuraminidase inhibiting, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity inducing antibodies. The lower adjuvanted dose (1.5µg) showed delayed kinetics, whilst the non-adjuvanted vaccine induced overall lower levels of antibody responses. Importantly, we demonstrate that human sera post vaccination with the adjuvanted (30μg) vaccine provided full protection against a lethal homologous virus challenge in mice. Of note, when combining our data from mice and humans we identified the neutralizing and neuraminidase inhibiting antibody titers as correlates of in vivo protection.publishedVersio

    Probabilistic-based approach for fast impairments-aware RWA in all-optical networks

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    We devised a probabilistic model to compute the number of used wavelengths in every link of a transparent optical network. Based on this model, a novel approach for impairments-aware RWA algorithm is proposed and evaluated.Postprint (published version

    Uterine Leiomyosarcoma

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    Uterine leiomyosarcoma (uLMS) is a rare entity among malignant gynecologic tumors with a very unfavorable prognosis and the highest prevalence in the pre- and peri-menopause. Only early-stage tumors have an acceptable prognosis, provided the patient has been treated without injuring the uterus. uLMS is often diagnosed accidentally and the correct diagnosis ishampered by equivocal features similar to the far more frequent benign uterine fibroids. Surgery is the basis of therapy, and it should be done in order to remove the uterus intact. As vaginal, abdominal, and endoscopic surgery – possibly including morcellation – are the methods of choice for the treatment of uterine fibroids, pre-operatively undiagnosed leiomyosarcoma detected by pathologic examination will have a worsened prognosis. Systemic treatment and radiotherapy are of no proven value in the adjuvant setting. Thus, there is strong need for a reliable pre-operative risk score for leiomyosarcoma in order to justify diagnostic means beyond clinical routine and to choose the correct surgical pathway. The clinical problems in the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma and treatment are exemplified by a case report of a 30-year-old childless patient. Diagnostic tools as well as treatment options in adjuvant and palliative situations are reviewed

    Implementation of flexible manufacturing systems in Africa: multiple case studies in the Gambia and Ghana

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    Abstract In comparison to Europe, Asia, and America, the African manufacturing sector performs poorly. This is largely attributable in part to inadequate use of advanced manufacturing concepts and technologies, as well as the insufficiently skilled workforce. African manufacturing companies must adopt and implement advanced manufacturing technologies and concepts such as flexible manufacturing systems in order to boost growth and accelerate development in the sector. In this study, we conducted multi-case studies on the implementation of flexible manufacturing systems in the manufacturing sectors of two West African countries (The Gambia and Ghana). Six manufacturing companies from The Gambia and eight from Ghana were chosen. Many of the companies involved in the study are small businesses that specialize in mechanical parts/system production, welding, and fabrication. The findings revealed that the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and concepts, as well as the adoption of flexible manufacturing systems, is extremely low. The results also show that the major obstacles to the adoption and implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies are, cost and, lack of qualified personnel. Companies have agreed to adopt and implement advanced manufacturing technologies and concepts if the opportunity arises. They also require more information on some cutting-edge technologies before deciding whether to adopt and implement them. Some of the other major challenges faced by African manufacturing companies include, high energy costs and unstable power supply, poor transportation network, and, lack of adequate finance

    Transient genome-wide interactions of the master transcription factor NLP7 initiate a rapid nitrogen-response cascade

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    Dynamic reprogramming of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) enables organisms to rapidly respond to environmental perturbation. However, the underlying transient interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and genome-wide targets typically elude biochemical detection. Here, we capture both stable and transient TF-target interactions genome-wide within minutes after controlled TF nuclear import using time-series chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) and/or DNA adenine methyltransferase identification (DamID-seq). The transient TF-target interactions captured uncover the early mode-of-action of NIN-LIKE PROTEIN 7 (NLP7), a master regulator of the nitrogen signaling pathway in plants. These transient NLP7 targets captured in root cells using temporal TF perturbation account for 50% of NLP7-regulated genes not detectably bound by NLP7 in planta. Rapid and transient NLP7 binding activates early nitrogen response TFs, which we validate to amplify the NLP7-initiated transcriptional cascade. Our approaches to capture transient TF-target interactions genome-wide can be applied to validate dynamic GRN models for any pathway or organism of interest. Conventional methods cannot reveal transient transcription factors (TFs) and targets interactions. Here, Alvarez et al. capture both stable and transient TF-target interactions by time-series ChIP-seq and/or DamID-seq in a cell-based TF perturbation system and show NLP7 as a master TF to initiate a rapid nitrogen-response cascade


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    A teoria da reparação integral, calcada na responsabilidadeobjetiva dos prejuízos causados ao meio ambiente,é um assunto bastante discutido na doutrina e jurisprudêncianacionais. Partindo desta teoria, verifica-se queo dano ambiental deve ser reparado tanto na esfera material(formada pelos elementos físicos da natureza) quantona esfera moral (constituída pelos valores primordiais dacoletividade, como o bem-estar, o direito à vida, à saúde, àdignidade, etc). Todavia, quanto ao segundo ponto, surgeuma grande dúvida: esses valores, quando agredidos pormeio de um dano ambiental, poderão produzir abalos moraisque merecem reparação e proteção jurídica? O presenteartigo tem por finalidade avaliar a compatibilidade do danomoral ambiental no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro