804 research outputs found

    Modelling of the moving deformed triple contact line: influence of the fluid inertia

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    For partial wetting, motion of the triple liquid-gas-solid contact line is influenced by heterogeneities of the solid surface. This influence can be strong in the case of inertial (e.g. oscillation) flows where the line can be pinned or move intermittently. A model that takes into account both surface defects and fluid inertia is proposed. The viscous dissipation in the bulk of the fluid is assumed to be negligible as compared to the dissipation in the vicinity of the contact line. The equations of motion and the boundary condition at the contact line are derived from Hamilton's principle. The rapid capillary rise along a vertical inhomogeneous wall is treated as an example.Comment: 19 pages and 3 figure

    Oxidation and fragmentation of plastics in a changing environment; from UV-radiation to biological degradation

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    Understanding the fate of plastics in the environment is of critical importance for the quantitative assessment of the biological impacts of plastic waste. Specially, there is a need to analyze in more detail the reputed longevity of plastics in the context of plastic degradation through oxidation and fragmentation reactions. Photo-oxidation of plastic debris by solar UV radiation (UVR) makes material prone to subsequent fragmentation. The fragments generated following oxidation and subsequent exposure to mechanical stresses include secondary micro- or nanoparticles, an emerging class of pollutants. The paper discusses the UV-driven photo-oxidation process, identifying relevant knowledge gaps and uncertainties. Serious gaps in knowledge exist concerning the wavelength sensitivity and the dose-response of the photo-fragmentation process. Given the heterogeneity of natural UV irradiance varying from no exposure in sediments to full UV exposure of floating, beach litter or air-borne plastics, it is argued that the rates of UV-driven degradation/fragmentation will also vary dramatically between different locations and environmental niches. Biological phenomena such as biofouling will further modulate the exposure of plastics to UV radiation, while potentially also contributing to degradation and/or fragmentation of plastics independent of solar UVR. Reductions in solar UVR in many regions, consequent to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments for protecting stratospheric ozone, will have consequences for global UV-driven plastic degradation in a heterogeneous manner across different geographic and environmental zones. The interacting effects of global warming, stratospheric ozone and UV radiation are projected to increase UV irradiance at the surface in localized areas, mainly because of decreased cloud cover. Given the complexity and uncertainty of future environmental conditions, this currently precludes reliable quantitative predictions of plastic persistence on a global scale

    Effects of graft pretensioning in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Purpose Graft pretensioning is used in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction to prevent secondary slackening. Its effects on collagen fibrillar ultrastructure are not known. In this study, we hypothesized that graft pretensioning in ACL reconstruction creates ultrastructural changes detectable in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods A prospective comparative study was carried out on 38 ACL reconstructions using a 4-strand semitendinosus graft. Samples were harvested intra-operatively before and after pretensioning for 30 s, 2 or 5 min. The images produced in SEM were analyzed using an original semi-quantitative «CIP» score taking into account collagen cohesion, integrity, and parallelism. Intra- and inter-tester reliability for the CIP score were tested. Results The CIP scores decreased by 3.5 (1.6) points after pretensioning (P < 0.05). Significant differences were found in the 5, 2 min and 30 s subgroups for the global CIP score. Relative decrease (Delta CIP) was significantly higher in the 2 and 5 min subgroups after pretensioning in comparison with the 30 s subgroups. Intra- and inter-tester reliability for the CIP score were 0.85 and 0.92 (P < 0.05). Conclusion Pretensioning ACL grafts resulted in alteration of the collagen fibrillar ultrastructure, detectable using SEM. These results confirm the existence of collagen ultrastructural changes after pretensioning that may be related to its duration. Level of evidence Prospective comparative study, Level II

    Interaction of Cutibacterium (formerly Propionibacterium) acnes with bone cells: a step toward understanding bone and joint infection development

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    Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acnes) is recognized as a pathogen in foreign-body infections (arthroplasty or spinal instrumentation). To date, the direct impact of C. acnes on bone cells has never been explored. The clade of 11 C. acnes clinical isolates was determined by MLST. Human osteoblasts and osteoclasts were infected by live C. acnes. The whole genome sequence of six isolates of this collection was analyzed. CC36 C. acnes strains were significantly less internalized by osteoblasts and osteoclasts than CC18 and CC28 C. acnes strains (p ≤ 0.05). The CC18 C. acnes ATCC6919 isolate could survive intracellularly for at least 96 hours. C. acnes significantly decreased the resorption ability of osteoclasts with a major impact by the CC36 strain (p ≤ 0.05). Genome analysis revealed 27 genes possibly linked to these phenotypic behaviors. We showed a direct impact of C. acnes on bone cells, providing new explanations about the development of C. acnes foreign-body infections

    Quels produits aux algues pour demain ? Produits imaginés par les consommateurs. Programme IDEALG Phase 3. Les publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°38

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    Le Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST s’intéresse plus particulièrement au marché des algues alimentaires françaises. La consommation des algues alimentaires est un phénomène émergeant en France et en Europe, notamment grâce à la démocratisation de la restauration japonaise et de la consommation de sushis. Cependant, le fait d’avoir très peu d’informations sur la consommation d’algues au niveau national est un frein pour les industriels de la filière des algues alimentaires. La problématique d’étude traitée au sein d’AGROCAMPUS OUEST est la suivante : «Comment développer le marché des algues alimentaires ?

    Management of the thrombotic risk associated with COVID-19:guidance for the hemostasis laboratory

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with extreme inflammatory response, disordered hemostasis and high thrombotic risk. A high incidence of thromboembolic events has been reported despite thromboprophylaxis, raising the question of a more effective anticoagulation. First-line hemostasis tests such as activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, fibrinogen and D-dimers are proposed for assessing thrombotic risk and monitoring hemostasis, but are vulnerable to many drawbacks affecting their reliability and clinical relevance. Specialized hemostasis-related tests (soluble fibrin complexes, tests assessing fibrinolytic capacity, viscoelastic tests, thrombin generation) may have an interest to assess the thrombotic risk associated with COVID-19. Another challenge for the hemostasis laboratory is the monitoring of heparin treatment, especially unfractionated heparin in the setting of an extreme inflammatory response. This review aimed at evaluating the role of hemostasis tests in the management of COVID-19 and discussing their main limitations

    Initial Mainstream Cultural Orientations Predict Early Social Participation In The Mainstream Cultural Group

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    This work adopts a perspective that construes acculturation as a dynamic intergroup process and social contact with members of the new community as a key mechanism underlying cultural adaptation. We argue that migrants' initial self-reported mainstream cultural orientation constitutes an important antecedent of early social participation in the new community. Results from two longitudinal studies of newly arrived international students (N=98 and N=60) show that more positive initial mainstream cultural orientations prospectively predict higher social participation specifically in the mainstream group over the following months. This relation held after controlling for important alternative predictors, namely extraversion/shyness, mainstream language proficiency, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a physiological index of social engagement capacity. These studies focus on the very initial stages of the temporal dynamics of acculturation, contribute to bridging research on acculturation and on intergroup relations, and establish a link between cultural orientations, a subjective attitudinal construct, and concrete social engagement behaviors