6,254 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Arttherapy as a treatment device for peoplediagnosedwithschizophreniahasbroughtseveralbenefitstopatients, sincethetherapeuticpowerofartis in theintegrationbetweendoingand feeling, making peopleappropriatetheircontent, promotingnotonlytheknowledgeoftheirsuffering, butmainlyoftheirpossibilitiesofrecovery.Objective:Toidentifythebenefitsofarttherapy in thecareprocess for peoplediagnosedwithschizophrenia. MaterialsandMethods: The constructionofthisstudyconsistedofanintegrativeliterature review where 10 articleswereresearched, whosemethodswerearttherapy as a palliativetreatment in patientswithschizophrenia. ResultsandDiscussion: It wasfoundthatarttherapyhashelped a lot in thetreatmentofpatientswithschizophrenia diagnoses, obtaining a positive response in theirpsychiatriccondition. Conclusion:Thisart came tobring a new concept, wherethe professional breaks theparadigm in whichheseesthepatient as a problem in society, and starts tounderstandhimand helps himtoperceiveandrespondpositivelytotheexpectedgoalsIntrodução:Arte-terapia como dispositivo de tratamento para pessoa com diagnóstico de esquizofreniatem levado diversos benefícios aos pacientes, pois o poder terapêutico da arte está na integração entre o fazer e o sentir, levando a pessoa apropriar de seus conteúdos, promovendo não só o conhecimento do seu sofrimento, mas principalmente das suas possibilidades de recuperação. Objetivo: Identificar os benefícios da arte terapia no processo de cuidado a pessoa com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Materiais e Métodos: A construção deste estudo se constituiu através de uma revisão integrativa de literatura onde foram pesquisados 10 artigos cujo os métodos abordados eram a arteterapia como tratamento paliativo em pacientes com esquizofrenia.Resultados e Discussão: Constatou-se que a arteterapia tem ajudado bastante no tratamento de pacientes com diagnósticos de esquizofrenia obtendo uma resposta positiva no seu quadro psiquico.Conclusão: Essa arte veio para trazer uma nova concepção, onde o profissional quebra o paradigma em que ele vê o paciente como um problema da sociedade, e passa a entende-lo e ajuda-lo a se perceber e responder de forma positiva aos objetivos esperados. &nbsp

    A new approach to the humandevelopment index

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Risk Analysis and ManagementMuch critique has been made towards the Human Development Index (HDI) in the current development debate. The composite Index is widely used as the standard measure to evaluate human development and progress across countries by comprising income, health, and education measures. However, it has been proved that other welfare measures, such as governance, personal safety and environment and its sustainability, are of importance to human well-being and, therefore, should be included. This study seeks to contribute to the debate on how the human development of a country should be measured by proposing a composite Index that builds on new aggregation formulas and incorporates several essential aspects of life. Specifically, the indicator widens the scope of the HDI and attempts to find which is the most developed country in the world based on the analysed measures. In this research, three alternative aggregation methods are performed on seven aspects of human well-being, an addition of security, lifestyle, governance, and environmental sustainability dimensions, which translates into three distinctive Indices. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed on one of the Indices. The second and third Indices are computed by weighting and aggregating the data, where equal weights are assigned to all variables and dimensions, respectively. The resulting values of these Indices and country rankings are analysed and compared against the HDI. These results suggest that the worldview may be seriously distorted as problems of governance and sustainability are not considered when accessing human well-being

    Study on the viability of a 4x2 HEB mixer array at super-THz based on a Fourier phase grating LO for space applications

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    Various astronomical telescopes including Herschel, ALMA, STO and SOFIA-GREAT have successfully exploited THz radiation in order to explore the cosmos from the birth of the Universe to the life cycle of individual stars. The THz region, however, still remains relatively poorly observed due to poor transmission of THz light through Earth’s atmosphere as a result of past technological constraints. One such example is the observation of neutral oxygen [OI] at 4.7 THz which is only now opening up as a possibility for astronomical study. In this thesis we report on technology development aimed at implementing an advanced 4.7 THz astronomical receiver array for a proposed future NASA balloon mission called GUSTO. Several aspects of the receiver are studied in detail: HEB characterization and selection; Impact of lens size on device sensitivity; LO multiplexing at 1.4 THz using a 4x2 Fourier phase grating as a stepping stone to a 4.7 THz Fourier grating, including a demonstration of a 2x2 pixel array receiver using the central four beams of the grating output beam pattern. Conclusions are presented on the findings that will have direct input to the GUSTO mission

    Casa do Impacto : an internship at the leading portuguese social impact hub

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    Mestrado Bolonha em ManagementThis internship report provides a summary of the activities performed during a four-month period in Casa do Impacto, a Portuguese social impact hub, part of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa. Initial chapters present a brief reflection on the concepts of Social Impact, Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Impact Investment and Social Impact Assessment. Comprehension of the word social and its influence on the terms guide the reflection. Compared to the traditional views on innovation, entrepreneurship and investment, the ones motivated by the ideals of social impact emphasize the positive change in the welfare of beneficiaries their endeavours bring. Profits, when available, are reinvested in the project to create more impact, which also affects the profile of investor that seeks to help social economy organizations. A short overview of the Social Economy Framework Law, studies by INE (CSES and Social Economy Sector Survey) and a report by the European Commission are used to describe the social economy sector in Portugal. Despite the tradition the sector has in the country, legislation does not acknowledge the existence of social enterprises, although organizations, such as the OECD and the EU, doing so. Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa is a crucial member of the Portuguese social economy, through its work in social care, health, education, and culture. The organization’s Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Economy and its commercial brand, Casa do Impacto, provide programs to help foster the Portuguese impact ecosystem. Casa do Impacto, a hub for social and environmental solutions, entrepreneurs, and investors, has over three years of proven results. The SDGs define the orienting values of Casa do Impacto, which drew a sustainability focused Masters in Management student to do this internship. It allowed knowledge gained during the program’s courses to be applied in the several settings Casa do Impacto operates in.O presente relatório de estágio sumariza as atividades realizadas durante um período de quatro meses na Casa do Impacto, um hub de impacto social, pertencente à Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa. Os capítulos iniciais apresentam uma breve reflexão sobre os conceitos de Impacto Social, Inovação Social, Empreendedorismo Social, Investimento para o Impacto e Avaliação de Impacto Social. A reflexão parte da compreensão da palavra social e a da sua influência nos termos. Comparativamente às visões tradicionais de inovação, empreendedorismo e investimento, aquelas que são motivadas por impacto social priorizam a mudança positiva em bem-estar dos beneficiários. Lucros, quando disponíveis, são reinvestidos no projeto, para criar ainda mais impacto, o que afeta o perfil de investidor que procura ajudar organizações da economia social. A economia social portuguesa é brevemente estudada, através da Lei de Bases da Economia Social, estudos do INE (CSES e o Inquérito do Setor da Economia Social) e um relatório da Comissão Europeia. Apesar da existência histórica do setor no país, legislação ainda não reconhece a existência de empresas sociais, ignorando as orientações de organizações como a OCDE e a UE. A Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa é um membro crucial da economia social portuguesa, através do seu trabalho em ação social, saúde, educação e cultura. O seu Departamento de Empreendedorismo e Economia Social e a sua marca, Casa do Impacto, disponibilizam programas que estimulam o ecossistema português de impacto. A Casa do Impacto, um hub de soluções, empreendedores e investidores sociais e ambientais, tem três anos de provas dadas. Os ODS determinam os valores orientadores da Casa do Impacto, facto que motivou um estudante do Masters in Management a efetuar um estágio curricular. Este permitiu que o conhecimento adquirido nas unidades curriculares fosse aplicado nos vários contextos onde a Casa do Impacto se insereinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Airport Accessibility and Mobility: Infrastructures, Services and Perception of Passengers with Reduced Mobility

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    The aviation industry has changed considerably since the 70s to the present. With the liberalization of the airspace, first in the United States and then in Europe, there was the opportunity for the entry of new airlines with new types of offer. However, the quality of services provided to passengers with reduced mobility has not improved as much as the quality of services provided to passengers without disabilities. The right to accessibility is something that should assist all citizens. Transportation systems, in particular air transport, present some obstacles to passengers with reduced mobility, although there is legislation requiring the adaptation of airport infrastructures and aircraft for the safe and comfortable transportation of these passengers. A demographic analysis focusing on the average life expectancy allowed to establish that due to the increase of the world population and to the aging process, the percentage of people with reduced mobility is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, becoming this a significant target-population that demands and justifies the investment in the air transport accessibility. Although there already are some changes in services and airport facilities, this tendency should be expanded to all the airports. The present study aimed to explore the service needs of passengers with reduced mobility and identify factors that inhibit them to travel in this type of transport. Therefore, an analysis of various documents regarding these passengers' experience within the airport, since the airport entrance accesses to all the inside facilities, was developed to identify the main obstacles that compromise their rights. It was found that the terminals and their points of boarding and deplaning of the aircraft are the major obstacles in the land-air interface, as well as the use of services at the airport, which are always dependent on the help of a third person, compromising the passenger right to autonomy. In summary, this work is trying to improve air transport accessibility, through an analysis of the current situation.A indústria da aviação sofreu grandes transformações desde os anos 70 até aos dias de hoje. Com a liberalização do espaço aéreo, primeiro nos Estados Unidos e depois no continente Europeu, surgiu oportunidade para a entrada de novas companhias aéreas com novos tipos de oferta. Contudo, a qualidade dos serviços prestados aos passageiros com mobilidade reduzida não evoluiu tanto como a qualidade dos serviços prestados aos passageiros sem mobilidade reduzida. O direito à acessibilidade e à não exclusão social é algo que deve assistir a todos os cidadãos. Os sistemas de transporte, nomeadamente, o transporte aéreo apresenta alguns obstáculos aos passageiros com mobilidade reduzida, embora exista legislação que exige a adaptação de infraestruturas aeroportuárias e aeronaves para o transporte confortável e em segurança destes passageiros. Neste trabalho foi feito um levantamento das normas atuais referentes às infraestruturas aeroportuárias e como estas devem estar preparadas para funcionar de modo a respeitar o conceito de acessibilidade, permitindo que os passageiros, cuja capacidade de se relacionarem com o meio e de o utilizar é limitada, se possam movimentar com segurança e autonomia. Uma análise demográfica com enfoque na esperança média de vida permitiu constatar que devido ao aumento da população mundial, e ao processo de envelhecimento, a percentagem de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida é expectável de um aumento significativo nos próximos anos, tornando-se este um público-alvo de peso que exige e justifica o investimento na acessibilidade ao transporte aéreo, por ambas as partes ar e terra. Verificou-se também que os terminais e respetivos pontos de embarque e desembarque de aeronaves são os grandes obstáculos na interface terra-ar, bem como a utilização dos serviços no aeroporto que se revelam sempre dependentes do auxílio de uma terceira pessoa, violando o direito de autonomia do passageiro. Este estudo pretendeu explorar as necessidades de serviços dos passageiros com mobilidade reduzida e identificar os fatores que os inibem a viajar neste meio de transporte, assim como encontrar soluções para os problemas existentes. Apesar de já existirem algumas mudanças nos serviços e instalações aeroportuárias, esta tendência deve ser ampliada e requer uma atenção constante a nível internacional. Em síntese, esta dissertação tem como finalidade analisar a acessibilidade existente no transporte aéreo para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida

    Terahertz superconducting hot electron bolometer heterodyne array receivers for NASA's GUSTO balloon observatory

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    The electromagnetic spectrum between 1 and 6 Terahertz contains unique information to understand important astrophysical phenomena such as the lifecycle of the interstellar medium (ISM). The latter is the material floating in between stars. The ISM lifecycle is crucial in studying the process of planet, star and galaxy’s formation, and can be traced by the radiation of fine structure lines using heterodyne receivers, a type of spectrometers that combine a high sensitivity with a high spectral resolution, operated from stratospheric balloons or space. GUSTO, the first balloon mission within NASA’s explorer program, is a THz observatory expected to launch in 2023 and will map fine structure lines of nitrogen [NII], carbon [CII], and oxygen [OI] along the Milky Way. This PhD thesis describes the development of the three 8-pixel detector arrays and the multi-beam local oscil-lator (LO) at 4.7 THz for GUSTO. Two chapters address the optimization of the optical beams of the detectors to obtain both uniform and parallel beams within an array. One chapter introduces the array architecture and discusses the performance characterization of the three arrays, demonstrating the highest pixel count monolithic detector array at THz with state of the art performance. The thesis ends with the design of the 4.7 THz LO, which is used to operate the respective array. This PhD research results in not only the key technologies that will be flown on NASA’s GUSTO, but also a scalable solution for the next generation of heterodyne detector arrays


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    Selama ini penentuan kelas hambatan samping jalan dan kapasitas ruas jalan hanya didasarkan pada frekuensi kendaraan masuk/keluar sehingga nilai derajat kejenuhan yang diperoleh tidak dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan dampaknya terhadap gangguan perjalanan. Studi ini difokuskan pada penilaian dampak manuver belok kanan terhadap kelancaran dan keselamatan perjalanan sehingga penilaian kinerja didasarkan pada derajat kejenuhan, tundaan dan risiko kecelakaan. Risiko adalah fungsi dari peluang terjadinya kecelakaan dan konsekuensi yang dapat ditimbulkannya. Peluang tersebut diukur melalui nilai faktor keselamatan dan konsekuensinya ditentukan berdasarkan prakiraan kecepatan kendaraan saat benturan antara kendaraan arus mayor dan masuk/keluar SPBU. Ditemukan bahwa walaupun rasio arus belok kanan akibat manuver kendaraan masuk/keluar SPBU relatif rendah, namun 1) berdampak pada tundaan perjalanan yang cukup tinggi 2) peluang kecelakaan cukup tinggi karena sejumlah pengendara melaju dengan kecepatan di atas 50 km/jam 3) celah penyeberangan kritis rerata adalah sekitar 20 m sehingga dengan pilihan kecepatan tersebut potensi kecelakaan fatal mendekati 80%

    Wireless Underwater Broadband and Long Range Communications using Underwater Drones as Data Mules

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    The underwater communications are essential for the operation and collect large amounts of data (video and images) obtained by Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and remotely controlled underwater vehicles (ROVs) in inspection and monitoring missions at sea. Acoustic waves, despite the high range, allow only narrowband communications, which prevents quick and effective transfer of data. On the other hand, aquatic environment, in particular salt water, severely limits the scope of networks based on electromagnetic waves, having such a range of radius of a few meters. This thesis aims to study and evaluate the use of small vehicles (underwater drones - date mules) capable of transporting data across networks with tolerance to delay (Delay-Tolerant Networks - DTN) between a transmitter and an underwater receiver, taking advantage of high transfer rates at close range. The student must implement a file transfer application that can tolerate high delays in the delivery of information packages. The application will be tested in the underwater environment using the large tank available at INESC TEC and tight cylinder, and compared with simulation results for this scenario. 163/5000 This thesis also presupposes the elaboration of a scientific article for publication in a conference or magazine to disseminate the relevant results of the work.As comunicações subaquáticas são essenciais para a operação e recolha de grandes quantidades de dados (vídeo e imagens) obtidas por Veículos Autónomos Subaquáticos (AUVs) e por veículos subaquáticos controlados remotamente (ROVs) em missões de inspeção e monitorização no mar. As ondas acústicas, apesar do elevado alcance, permitem apenas comunicações de banda estreita, o que inviabiliza a transferência desses dados de forma rápida e eficiente. Por outro lado, o meio aquático, em especial a água salgada, limita severamente o alcance das redes baseadas em ondas eletromagnéticas, tendo estas um raio de alcance de apenas alguns metros. Nesta tese pretende-se estudar e avaliar a utilização de pequenos veículos (drones subaquáticos - data mules) capazes de transportar dados através de redes tolerantes ao atraso (Delay-Tolerant Networks - DTN) entre um emissor e um recetor subaquático, tirando partido das elevadas taxas de transferência a curto alcance. O estudante deverá implementar uma aplicação de transferência de ficheiros capaz de tolerar elevados atrasos na entrega de pacotes de informação. A aplicação será testada em ambiente subaquático recorrendo ao tanque de grandes dimensões disponível no INESC TEC e a cilindros estanques, e comparada com resultados de simulação para esse cenário. Esta tese pressupõe também a elaboração de um artigo científico para publicação em conferência ou revista para disseminação dos resultados relevantes do trabalho

    The assessment of patients with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: where are we now?

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    The antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS), a chronic autoimmune thrombophilia with an increased mortality and morbidity, has been recognized for more than three decades. Unlike other autoimmune rheumatic conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus, myositis and Sjögren’s syndrome, relatively few attempts have been made to develop activity, damage or disease-specific quality of life indices for APS. In this review of the literature, we consider those attempts that have been made to develop assessment tools for patients with APS, but also reflect upon the nature of the condition, to discuss, in particular, whether an activity index is appropriate for this disease

    Politopo de Birkhoff acíclico

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    Doutoramento em MatemáticaNeste trabalho estabelece-se uma interpreta c~ao geom etrica, em termos da teoria dos grafos, para v ertices, arestas e faces de uma qualquer dimens~ao do politopo de Birkho ac clico, Tn = n(T), onde T e uma arvore com n v ertices. Generaliza-se o resultado obtido por G. Dahl, [18], para o c alculo do di^ametro do grafo G( t n), onde t n e o politopo das matrizes tridiagonais duplamente estoc asticas. Adicionalmente, para q = 0; 1; 2; 3 s~ao obtidas f ormulas expl citas para a contagem do n umero de qfaces do politopo de Birkho tridiagonal, t n, e e feito o estudo da natureza geom etrica dessas mesmas faces. S~ao, tamb em, apresentados algoritmos para efectuar contagens do n umero de faces de dimens~ao inferior a de uma dada face do politopo de Birkho ac clico.In this work using graph theory, we give a geometrical interpretation of vertices, edges, and faces of any dimension of the acyclic Birkho polytope, Tn = n(T), were T is a tree with n vertices. We generalize a proposition from G. Dahl, [18], that allows the calculation of the diameter of the graph G( t n), where t n denotes the polytope of tridiagonal doubly stochastic matrices. Furthermore, for q = 0; 1; 2; 3 we obtain some explicit formulae for counting the number of qfaces of the tridiagonal Birkho polytope, t n, and the study of its geometrical nature is done. For a given p-face of t n we determine the number of faces of lower dimension that are contained in it and we discuss its nature. Some algorithms allowing an exhaustive account on the number of edges and faces of the acyclic Birkho polytope are presented