348 research outputs found

    Temperatures of Fragment Kinetic Energy Spectra

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    Multifragmentation reactions without large compression in the initial state (proton-induced reactions, reverse-kinematics, projectile fragmentation) are examined, and it is verified quantitatively that the high temperatures obtained from fragment kinetic energy spectra and lower temperatures obtained from observables such as level population or isotope ratios can be understood in a common framework.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 2 figures available from autho

    Nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient in relativistic and nonrelativistic microscopic models

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    We systematically analyze the recent claim that nonrelativistic and relativistic mean field (RMF) based random phase approximation (RPA) calculations for the centroid energy E_0 of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance yield for the nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient, K_{nm}, values which differ by about 20%. For an appropriate comparison with the RMF based RPA calculations, we obtain the parameters for the Skyrme force used in the nonrelativistic model by adopting the same procedure as employed in the determination of the NL3 parameter set of an effective Lagrangian used in the RMF model. Our investigation suggest that the discrepancy between the values of K_{nm} predicted by the relativistic and nonrelativistic models is significantly less than 20%.Comment: Revtex file (13 pages), appearing in PRC-Rapid Com

    Proton Differential Elliptic Flow and the Isospin-Dependence of the Nuclear Equation of State

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    Within an isospin-dependent transport model for nuclear reactions involving neutron-rich nuclei, we study the first-order direct transverse flow of protons and their second-order differential elliptic flow as a function of transverse momentum. It is found that the differential elliptic flow of mid-rapidity protons, especially at high transverse momenta, is much more sensitive to the isospin dependence of the nuclear equation of state than the direct flow. Origins of these different sensitivities and their implications to the experimental determination of the isospin dependence of the nuclear equation of state by using neutron-rich heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Phys. Rev. C (2001) in pres

    Insights into the expanding phenotypic spectrum of inherited disorders of biogenic amines

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    Inherited disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism are rare neurodevelopmental diseases presenting with movement disorders and global developmental delay. This study presents the results of the first standardized deep phenotyping approach and describes the clinical and biochemical presentation at disease onset as well as diagnostic approaches of 275 patients from the registry of the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter related Disorders. The results reveal an increased rate of prematurity, a high risk for being small for gestational age and for congenital microcephaly in some disorders. Age at diagnosis and the diagnostic delay are influenced by the diagnostic methods applied and by disease-specific symptoms. The timepoint of investigation was also a significant factor: delay to diagnosis has decreased in recent years, possibly due to novel diagnostic approaches or raised awareness. Although each disorder has a specific biochemical pattern, we observed confounding exceptions to the rule. The data provide comprehensive insights into the phenotypic spectrum of neurotransmitter disorders

    Dark Energy and Gravity

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    I review the problem of dark energy focusing on the cosmological constant as the candidate and discuss its implications for the nature of gravity. Part 1 briefly overviews the currently popular `concordance cosmology' and summarises the evidence for dark energy. It also provides the observational and theoretical arguments in favour of the cosmological constant as the candidate and emphasises why no other approach really solves the conceptual problems usually attributed to the cosmological constant. Part 2 describes some of the approaches to understand the nature of the cosmological constant and attempts to extract the key ingredients which must be present in any viable solution. I argue that (i)the cosmological constant problem cannot be satisfactorily solved until gravitational action is made invariant under the shift of the matter lagrangian by a constant and (ii) this cannot happen if the metric is the dynamical variable. Hence the cosmological constant problem essentially has to do with our (mis)understanding of the nature of gravity. Part 3 discusses an alternative perspective on gravity in which the action is explicitly invariant under the above transformation. Extremizing this action leads to an equation determining the background geometry which gives Einstein's theory at the lowest order with Lanczos-Lovelock type corrections. (Condensed abstract).Comment: Invited Review for a special Gen.Rel.Grav. issue on Dark Energy, edited by G.F.R.Ellis, R.Maartens and H.Nicolai; revtex; 22 pages; 2 figure

    Exposure to bioaerosols at open dumpsites: A case study of bioaerosols exposure from activities at Olusosun open dumpsite, Lagos Nigeria

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    Activities associated with the open dumping of municipal solid waste has the potential for greater impact on the environment and public health compared to other forms of waste-to-land treatment of such wastes. However, there is a lack of quantitative data on the exposure to bioaerosols from open dumpsites, hence impeding the development of effective interventions that would reduce the risk of respiratory symptoms among scavengers and waste workers at such dumpsites. This study investigated exposure to bioaerosols at Olusosun open dumpsite, Lagos Nigeria using three methodologies; (1) Conducting a cross-sectional survey on the respiratory health of the population on the dumpsite, (2) Measuring bioaerosol concentrations in the ambient air by measuring four bioaerosols indicator groups (total bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatus and total fungi) using a Anderson six stage impactor sampler, (3) Measuring activity related exposures to bioaerosols using an SKC button personal sampler. After a cross sectional health survey of 149 participants (waste workers, scavengers, middlemen, food vendors and business owners), smokers reported higher symptoms of chronic cough (21%) and chronic phlegm (15%) compared to non-smokers (chronic cough 15%, chronic phlegm 13%). Years of work > 5 years showed no statistically significant association with chronic phlegm (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.4–3.4; p > 0.05) or asthma (OR 1.8, 95% CI 0.6–5.2; p > 0.05). At the 95th percentile, the concentration of total bacteria was the highest (2189 CFU/m3), then gram negative bacteria (2188 CFU/m3), total fungi (843 CFU/m3) and Aspergillus fumigatus (441 CFU/m3) after ambient air sampling. A comparison of the data showed that the activity-based sampling (undertaken using body worn personal sampler) had higher bioaerosols concentrations (104 –106 CFU/m3), i.e. 2–3 logs higher than those recorded from static ambient air sampling. Bioaerosol exposure was highest during scavenging activities compared to waste sorting and site supervision. Particle size distributions showed that 41%, 46%, 76% and 63% of total bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatus and total fungi respectively were of respirable sizes and would therefore be capable of penetrating deep into the respiratory system, posing a greater human health risk. This study has shown that exposure to bioaerosols can be associated with activities undertaken at open dumpsites and may contribute to the high prevalence of the chronic respiratory symptoms among the workers in such environments

    Obstrução intestinal em bovinos associada ao consumo de Stylosanthes sp. (Fabaceae Papilionoideae)

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever, em três propriedades rurais no Estado de Mato Grosso, a epidemiologia, o quadro clínico e o patológico da obstrução intestinal por fitobezoares em bovinos que pastoreavam em piquetes com predomínio de Stylosanthes sp. pelo menos 60 dias. A morbidade variou de 3,3% a 15% e a mortalidade foi de 100%. O quadro clínico foi de cólica abdominal caracterizado por apatia, anorexia, inquietação, desconforto, sudorese e vocalização, seguido por episódios de diarreia ou diminuição da produção fecal, desidratação, hipomotilidade gastrintestinal, aumento do volume abdominal, decúbito esternal ou lateral com a cabeça voltada para o flanco e morte. O curso clínico foi de 2-7 dias. A principal alteração notada durante a necropsia dos bovinos foi a obstrução intestinal por fitobezoar ovoide de 2-5 cm de diâmetro, frequentemente no duodeno, próximo ao piloro, ocasionalmente em sua porção média. Na área de obstrução notou-se a necrose da parede intestinal que estava enegrecida e intensamente demarcada em relação a segmento adjacente normal, além de intenso espessamento associado a edema, congestão e hemorragia. O abomaso e os segmentos intestinais anteriores a obstrução apresentavam-se repletos de conteúdo alimentar líquido e posteriormente estava com ausência de conteúdo. O rúmen frequentemente tinha grande quantidade de conteúdo liquido a pastoso. Em todos os bovinos necropsiados múltiplas estruturas sólidas, arredondadas ou ovoides, esverdeadas (fitobezoares) foram observadas no abomaso. Estes achados indicam que pastagens com predomínio de Stylosanthes sp. predispõem a formação de fitobezoares, os quais podem levar à obstrução intestinal e morte em bovinos

    Planck early results V : The Low Frequency Instrument data processing

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