45 research outputs found

    Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae: geographic and anthropogenic variability

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    Proyectos ANILE (CTM2009-08396 and CTM2010-08804-E) del Plan Nacional de I+D+i y RADIALES del Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). I.G.V. recibió un contrato FPI del Ministerio de Economía y CompetividadGrowing human population add to the natural nitrogen loads to coastal waters. As the excess nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass anthropogenic and natural nitrogen sources may be traced by the measurement of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N). In this study δ15N was determined in two species of macroalgae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), and in nitrate and ammonium to determine the relative importance of anthropogenic versus natural sources of nitrogen along the coast of NW Spain. Both algal species and nitrogen sources showed similar isotopic enrichment for a given site, but algal δ15N was not related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or δ15N in the water samples. The latter suggests that inorganic nitrogen inputs are variable and do not always leave an isotopic trace in macroalgae. However, a significant linear decrease in macroalgal δ15N along the coast is consistent with the differential effect of upwelling. Besides this geographic variability, the influence of anthropogenic nitrogen sources is evidenced by higher δ15N in macroalgae from rias and estuaries compared to those from open coastal areas and in areas with more than 15x103 inhabitants in the watershed. These results indicate that, in contrast with other studies, macroalgal δ15Nis not simply related to either inorganic nitrogen concentrations or human population size but depends on other factors as the upwelling or the efficiency of local waste treatment systems.Plan nacional I+D+i, IEOPreprint3,258

    Temperature dependence of plankton community metabolism in the subtropical and tropical oceans

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    Here we assess the temperature dependence of the metabolic rates (gross primary production (GPP), community respiration (CR), and the ratio GPP/CR) of oceanic plankton communities. We compile data from 133 stations of the Malaspina 2010 Expedition, distributed among the subtropical and tropical Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. We used the in vitro technique to measured metabolic rates during 24 h incubations at three different sampled depths: surface, 20%, and 1% of the photosynthetically active radiation measured at surface. We also measured the % of ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) penetrating at surface waters. GPP and CR rates increased with warming, albeit different responses were observed for each sampled depth. The overall GPP/CR ratio declined with warming. Higher activation energies (Ea) were derived for both processes (GPPChla = 0.97; CRChla = 1.26; CRHPA = 0.95 eV) compared to those previously reported. The Indian Ocean showed the highest Ea (GPPChla = 1.70; CRChla = 1.48; CRHPA = 0.57 eV), while the Atlantic Ocean showed the lowest (GPPChla = 0.86; CRChla = 0.77; CRHPA = 0.13 eV). We believe that the difference between previous assessments and the ones presented here can be explained by the overrepresentation of Atlantic communities in the previous data sets. We found that UVB radiation also affects the temperature dependence of surface GPP, which decreased rather than increased under high levels of UVB. Ocean warming, which causes stratification and oligotrophication of the subtropical and tropical oceans, may lead to reduced surface GPP as a result of increased penetration of UVB radiation.En prens

    Some environmental factors influencing phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean around South Georgia

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    Data on phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, and physical and chemical variables, are combined with a published multivariate description of diatom species composition to interpret variation within an area around South Georgia surveyed during an austral summer. Large-scale species distributions could be equated to the different water masses which reflected the interaction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with the island and the Scotia Ridge. Small-scale factors were found to act at an interstation scale and imposed local variation on the biogeographic pattern. Nutrient depletion could be related to phytoplankton biomass but no single inorganic nutrient of those measured (NO 3 −N, PO 4 −P and silica) could be identified as important. The ratio Si:P appeared to be more important as an ecological factor. The impact of grazing by krill and other zooplankton could only be resolved as differences in phytoplankton biomass and phaeopigment content. Diatom species composition showed a relation to local krill abundance very different from that suggested by published studies, but could be explained as the effect of earlier grazing outside the study area. The effects of vertical mixing could not account for interstation differences as pycnocline depth was uniformly greater than euphotic depth, and vertical stability very low. Some comparison was made with data collected in 1926–31 by the Discovery Investigations. Significant differences in the distribution of certain taxa such as Chaetoceros criophilum and C. socialis were traced to major differences in hydrology.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46983/1/300_2004_Article_BF00443379.pd

    Seasonal patterns of urea regeneration by size-fractionated microheterotrophs in well-mixed temperate coastal waters

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    Urea regeneration by size-fractionated plankton was measured over an annual cycle at a coastal station in the permanently well-mixed waters of the western English Channel. Rates of urea regeneration in the < 200 mu m fraction varied from 0.6 to 20.6 nmol N L-1 h(-1). Regeneration rates were lowest in winter and highest in summer. The ratio of the rates of regeneration to uptake of urea was close to 1 on all time (seasonal and nycthemeral), and space (vertical) scales indicating that regeneration by microheterotrophs supplied the totality of urea used by phytoplankton. On an annual basis, urea regenerated by the microheterotrophs (0.98 mol N m(-2) year(-1)) was equivalent to similar to 33% of the total regenerated N (urea + ammonium). The major part of urea regeneration was due to the nanoplankton (51%) and microplankton fractions (36%). Regeneration of urea in the picoplankton was detectable only from April to October and represented, on an average, 25% of the total urea regenerated during this period. Urea regeneration in micro- and nanoplankton fractions was mainly associated with ciliates and in the picoplancton fraction with bacteria