378 research outputs found

    Ices in Star-Forming Regions: First Results from VLT-ISAAC

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    The first results from a VLT-ISAAC program on L- and M-band infrared spectroscopy of deeply-embedded young stellar objects are presented. The advent of 8-m class telescopes allows high S/N spectra of low-luminosity sources to be obtained. In our first observing run, low- and medium-resolution spectra have been measured toward a dozen objects, mostly in the Vela and Chamaeleon molecular clouds. The spectra show strong absorption of H2O and CO ice, as well as weak features at `3.47' and 4.62 mu. No significant solid CH3OH feature at 3.54 mu is found, indicating that the CH3OH/H2O ice abundance is lower than toward some massive protostars. Various evolutionary diagnostics are investigated for a set of sources in Vela.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in The Origins of Stars and Planets: the VLT View, eds. J. Alves, M. McCaughrean (Springer Verlag

    Search for solid HDO in low-mass protostars

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    We present ground-based 2.1 to 4.2 microns observations of four low-mass protostars. We searched for the 4.1 microns OD stretch band, characteristic of solid HDO in grain mantles. We did not detect solid HDO in any of the four sources, but we derive 3-sigma upper limits from 0.5% to 2% for the HDO/H2O ratio depending on the source. These ratios provide strong constraints to solid-state deuteration models when compared to deuterium fractionation values observed in the gas phase. We discuss various scenarios that could lead to such a low water deuteration compared to the high formaldehyde and methanol deuteration observed in the gas phase.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures Accepted for publication in A&

    The circumstellar environment of T Tau S at high spatial and spectral resolution

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    We have obtained the first high spatial (0.05'') and spectral (R~35000) resolution 2 micron spectrum of the T Tau S tight binary system using adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope. We have also obtained the first 3.8 and 4.7 micron images that resolve the three components of the T Tau multiple system, as well as new 1.6 and 2.2 micron images. Together with its very red near-infrared colors, the spectrum of T Tau Sb shows that this T Tauri star is extincted by a roughly constant extinction of Av~15 mag, which is probably the 0.7''x0.5'' circumbinary structure recently observed in absorption in the ultraviolet. T Tau Sa, which is also observed through this screen and is actively accreting, further possesses a small edge-on disk that is evidenced by warm (390 K), narrow overtone CO rovibrational absorption features in our spectrum. We find that T Tau Sa is most likely an intermediate-mass star surrounded by a semi-transparent 2-3 AU-radius disk whose asymmetries and short Keplerian rotation explain the large photometric variability of the source on relatively short timescales. We also show that molecular hydrogen emission exclusively arises from the gas that surrounds T Tau S and that its spatial and kinematic structure, while providing suggestive evidence for a jet-like structure, is highly complex.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; 41 pages, 10 figure

    Desorption of CO and O2 interstellar ice analogs

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    Solid O2 has been proposed as a possible reservoir for oxygen in dense clouds through freeze-out processes. The aim of this work is to characterize quantitatively the physical processes that are involved in the desorption kinetics of CO-O2 ices by interpreting laboratory temperature programmed desorption (TPD) data. This information is used to simulate the behavior of CO-O2 ices under astrophysical conditions. The TPD spectra have been recorded under ultra high vacuum conditions for pure, layered and mixed morphologies for different thicknesses, temperatures and mixing ratios. An empirical kinetic model is used to interpret the results and to provide input parameters for astrophysical models. Binding energies are determined for different ice morphologies. Independent of the ice morphology, the desorption of O2 is found to follow 0th-order kinetics. Binding energies and temperature-dependent sticking probabilities for CO-CO, O2-O2 and CO-O2 are determined. O2 is slightly less volatile than CO, with binding energies of 912+-15 versus 858+-15 K for pure ices. In mixed and layered ices, CO does not co-desorb with O2 but its binding energies are slightly increased compared with pure ice whereas those for O2 are slightly decreased. Lower limits to the sticking probabilities of CO and O2 are 0.9 and 0.85, respectively, at temperatures below 20K. The balance between accretion and desorption is studied for O2 and CO in astrophysically relevant scenarios. Only minor differences are found between the two species, i.e., both desorb between 16 and 18K in typical environments around young stars. Thus, clouds with significant abundances of gaseous CO are unlikely to have large amounts of solid O2.Comment: 8 pages + 2 pages online material, 8 figures (1 online), accepted by A&

    Nature and evolution of the dominant carbonaceous matter in interplanetary dust particles: effects of irradiation and identification with a type of amorphous carbon

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    Aims.Interplanetary dust particle (IDP) matter probably evolved under irradiation in the interstellar medium (ISM) and the solar nebula. Currently IDPs are exposed to irradiation in the Solar System. Here the effects of UV and proton processing on IDP matter are studied experimentally. The structure and chemical composition of the bulk of carbon matter in IDPs is characterized. Methods: .Several IDPs were further irradiated in the laboratory using ultraviolet (UV) photons and protons in order to study the effects of such processing. By means of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, IDPs were also compared to different materials that serve as analogs of carbon grains in the dense and diffuse ISM. Results: .The carbonaceous fraction of IDPs is dehydrogenated by exposure to hard UV photons or 1 MeV protons. On the other hand, proton irradiation at lower energies (20 keV) leads to an efficient hydrogenation of the carbonaceous IDP matter. The dominant type of carbon in IDPs, observed with Raman and infrared spectroscopy, is found to be either a form of amorphous carbon (a-C) or hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H), depending on the IDP, consisting of aromatic units with an average domain size of 1.35 nm (5-6 rings in diameter), linked by aliphatic chains. Conclusions: .The D- and 15N-enrichments associated to an aliphatic component in some IDPs are probably the result of chemical reactions at cold temperatures. It is proposed that the amorphous carbon in IDPs was formed by energetic processing (UV photons and cosmic rays) of icy grains, maybe during the dense cloud stage, and more likely on the surface of the disk during the T Tauri phase of our Sun. This would explain the isotopic anomalies and morphology of IDPs. Partial annealing, 300-400°C, is required to convert an organic residue from ice photoprocessing into the amorphous carbon with low heteroatom content found in IDPs. Such annealing might have occurred as the particles approached the Sun and/or during atmospheric entry heating

    Spectrally-resolved UV photodesorption of CH4 in pure and layered ices

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    Context. Methane is among the main components of the ice mantles of insterstellar dust grains, where it is at the start of a rich solid-phase chemical network. Quantification of the photon-induced desorption yield of these frozen molecules and understanding of the underlying processes is necessary to accurately model the observations and the chemical evolution of various regions of the interstellar medium. Aims. This study aims at experimentally determining absolute photodesorption yields for the CH4 molecule as a function of photon energy. The influence of the ice composition is also investigated. By studying the methane desorption from layered CH4:CO ice, indirect desorption processes triggered by the excitation of the CO molecules is monitored and quantified. Methods. Tunable monochromatic VUV light from the DESIRS beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron is used in the 7 - 13.6 eV (177 - 91 nm) range to irradiate pure CH4 or layers of CH4 deposited on top of CO ice samples. The release of species in the gas phase is monitored by quadrupole mass spectrometry and absolute photodesorption yields of intact CH4 are deduced. Results. CH4 photodesorbs for photon energies higher than ~9.1 eV (~136 nm). The photodesorption spectrum follows the absorption spectrum of CH4, which confirms a desorption mechanism mediated by electronic transitions in the ice. When it is deposited on top of CO, CH4 desorbs between 8 and 9 eV with a pattern characteristic of CO absorption, indicating desorption induced by energy transfer from CO molecules. Conclusions. The photodesorption of CH4 from the pure ice in various interstellar environments is around 2.0 x 10^-3 molecules per incident photon. Results on CO-induced indirect desorption of CH4 provide useful insights for the generalization of this process to other molecules co-existing with CO in ice mantles

    Infrared spectroscopy of HCOOH in interstellar ice analogues

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    Context: HCOOH is one of the more common species in interstellar ices with abundances of 1-5% with respect to solid H2O. Aims: This study aims at characterizing the HCOOH spectral features in astrophysically relevant ice mixtures in order to interpret astronomical data. Methods: The ices are grown under high vacuum conditions and spectra are recorded in transmission using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Pure HCOOH ices deposited at 15 K and 145 K are studied, as well as binary and tertiary mixtures containing H2O, CO, CO2 and CH3OH. The mixture concentrations are varied from 50:50% to ~10:90% for HCOOH:H2O. Binary mixtures of HCOOH:X and tertiary mixtures of HCOOH:H2O:X with X = CO, CO2, and CH3OH, are studied for concentrations of ~10:90% and ~7:67:26%, respectively. Results: Pure HCOOH ice spectra show broad bands which split around 120 K due to the conversion of a dimer to a chain-structure. Broad single component bands are found for mixtures with H2O. Additional spectral components are present in mixtures with CO, CO2 and CH3OH. The resulting peak position, full width at half maximum and band strength depend strongly on ice structure, temperature, matrix constituents and the HCOOH concentration. Comparison of the solid HCOOH 5.9, 7.2, and 8.1 micron features with astronomical data toward the low mass source HH 46 and high mass source W 33A shows that spectra of binary mixtures do not reproduce the observed ice features. However, our tertiary mixtures especially with CH3OH match the astronomical data very well. Thus interstellar HCOOH is most likely present in tertiary or more complex mixtures with H2O, CH3OH and potentially also CO or CO2, providing constraints on its formation.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    Testing grain surface chemistry : a survey of deuterated formaldehyde and methanol in low-mass Class 0 protostars

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    Context : Despite the low cosmic abundance of deuterium (D/H ~ 1e-5), large degrees of deuterium fractionation in molecules are observed in star forming regions with enhancements that can reach 13 orders of magnitude, which current models have difficulties to account for. Aims : Multi-isotopologue observations are a very powerful constraint for chemical models. The aim of our observations is to understand the processes forming the observed large abundances of methanol and formaldehyde in low-mass protostellar envelopes (gas-phase processes ? chemistry on the grain surfaces ?) and better constrain the chemical models. Methods : Using the IRAM 30m single-dish telescope, we observed deuterated formaldehyde (HDCO and D2CO) and methanol (CH2DOH, CH3OD, and CHD2OH) towards a sample of seven low-mass class 0 protostars. Using population diagrams, we then derive the fractionation ratios of these species (abundance ratio between the deuterated molecule and its main isotopologue) and compare them to the predictions of grain chemistry models. Results : These protostars show a similar level of deuteration as in IRAS16293-2422, where doubly-deuterated methanol -- and even triply-deuterated methanol -- were first detected. Our observations point to the formation of methanol on the grain surfaces, while formaldehyde formation cannot be fully pined down. While none of the scenarii can be excluded (gas-phase or grain chemistry formation), they both seem to require abstraction reactions to reproduce the observed fractionations.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&

    The gas temperature in flaring disks around pre-main sequence stars

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    A model is presented which calculates the gas temperature and chemistry in the surface layers of flaring circumstellar disks using a code developed for photon-dominated regions. Special attention is given to the influence of dust settling. It is found that the gas temperature exceeds the dust temperature by up to several hundreds of Kelvins in the part of the disk that is optically thin to ultraviolet radiation, indicating that the common assumption that Tgas=Tdust is not valid throughout the disk. In the optically thick part, gas and dust are strongly coupled and the gas temperature equals the dust temperature. Dust settling has little effect on the chemistry in the disk, but increases the amount of hot gas deeper in the disk. The effects of the higher gas temperature on several emission lines arising in the surface layer are examined. The higher gas temperatures increase the intensities of molecular and fine-structure lines by up to an order of magnitude, and can also have an important effect on the line shapes.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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