315 research outputs found

    Photometric redshift accuracy in AKARI Deep Surveys

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    We investigate the photometric redshift accuracy achievable with the AKARI infrared data in deep multi-band surveys, such as in the North Ecliptic Pole field. We demonstrate that the passage of redshifted policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and silicate features into the mid-infrared wavelength window covered by AKARI is a valuable means to recover the redshifts of starburst galaxies. To this end we have collected a sample of ~60 galaxies drawn from the GOODS-North Field with spectroscopic redshift 0.5<~z_spec<~1.5 and photometry from 3.6 to 24 micron, provided by the Spitzer, ISO and AKARI satellites. The infrared spectra are fitted using synthetic galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions which account for starburst and active nuclei emission. For ~90% of the sources in our sample the redshift is recovered with an accuracy |z_phot-z_spec|/(1+z_spec)<~10%. A similar analysis performed on different sets of simulated spectra shows that the AKARI infrared data alone can provide photometric redshifts accurate to |z_phot-z_spec|/(1+z_spec)<~10% (1-sigma) at z<~2. At higher redshifts the PAH features are shifted outside the wavelength range covered by AKARI and the photo-z estimates rely on the less prominent 1.6 micron stellar bump; the accuracy achievable in this case on (1+z) is ~10-15%, provided that the AGN contribution to the infrared emission is subdominant. Our technique is no more prone to redshift aliasing than optical-uv photo-z, and it may be possible to reduce this aliasing further with the addition of submillimetre and/or radio data.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Far-Infrared Properties of Spitzer-selected Luminous Starbursts

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    We present SHARC-2 350 micron data on 20 luminous z ~ 2 starbursts with S(1.2mm) > 2 mJy from the Spitzer-selected samples of Lonsdale et al. and Fiolet et al. All the sources were detected, with S(350um) > 25 mJy for 18 of them. With the data, we determine precise dust temperatures and luminosities for these galaxies using both single-temperature fits and models with power-law mass--temperature distributions. We derive appropriate formulae to use when optical depths are non-negligible. Our models provide an excellent fit to the 6um--2mm measurements of local starbursts. We find characteristic single-component temperatures T1 ~ 35.5+-2.2 K and integrated infrared (IR) luminosities around 10^(12.9+-0.1) Lsun for the SWIRE-selected sources. Molecular gas masses are estimated at 4 x 10^(10) Msun, assuming kappa(850um)=0.15 m^2/kg and a submillimeter-selected galaxy (SMG)-like gas-to-dust mass ratio. The best-fit models imply >~2 kpc emission scales. We also note a tight correlation between rest-frame 1.4 GHz radio and IR luminosities confirming star formation as the predominant power source. The far-IR properties of our sample are indistinguishable from the purely submillimeter-selected populations from current surveys. We therefore conclude that our original selection criteria, based on mid-IR colors and 24 um flux densities, provides an effective means for the study of SMGs at z ~ 1.5--2.5.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, edited to match published version in ApJ 717, 29-39 (2010

    The North Ecliptic Pole Wide survey of AKARI: a near- and mid-infrared source catalog

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    We present a photometric catalog of infrared (IR) sources based on the North Ecliptic PoleWide field (NEP-Wide) survey of AKARI, which is an infrared space telescope launched by Japan. The NEP-Wide survey covered 5.4 deg2 area, a nearly circular shape centered on the North Ecliptic Pole, using nine photometric filter-bands from 2 - 25 {\mu}m of the Infrared Camera (IRC). Extensive efforts were made to reduce possible false objects due to cosmic ray hits, multiplexer bleeding phenomena around bright sources, and other artifacts. The number of detected sources varied depending on the filter band: with about 109,000 sources being cataloged in the near-IR bands at 2 - 5 {\mu}m, about 20,000 sources in the shorter parts of the mid-IR bands between 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and about 16,000 sources in the longer parts of the mid-IR bands, with \sim 4,000 sources at 24 {\mu}m. The estimated 5? detection limits are approximately 21 magnitude (mag) in the 2 - 5 {\mu}m bands, 19.5 - 19 mag in the 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and 18.8 - 18.5 mag in the 15 - 24 {\mu}m bands in the AB magnitude scale. The completenesses for those bands were evaluated as a function of magnitude: the 50% completeness limits are about 19.8 mag at 3 {\mu}m, 18.6 mag at 9 {\mu}m, and 18 mag at 18 {\mu}m band, respectively. To construct a reliable source catalog, all of the detected sources were examined by matching them with those in other wavelength data, including optical and ground-based near-IR bands. The final band-merged catalog contains about 114,800 sources detected in the IRC filter bands. The properties of the sources are presented in terms of the distributions in various color-color diagrams.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 23 pages, 27 figure

    Remarkable Disk and Off-nuclear Starburst Activity in the "Tadpole Galaxy" as revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present ground-based optical and Spitzer infrared imaging observations of the interacting galaxy UGC 10214, the "Tadpole Galaxy" (z = 0.0310), focusing on the star formation activity in the nuclear, disk, spiral arms and tidal tail regions. The major findings of this study are that the Tadpole is actively forming stars in the main disk outside of the nucleus and in the tidal plume, with an estimated mean star formation rate of ~2 to 4 M_sun/yr. The most prominent sites of mid-infrared emission define a "ring" morphology that, combined with the overall morphology of the system, suggest the interaction may belong to the rare class of off-center collisional ring systems that form both shock-induced rings of star formation and tidal plumes. The nuclear emission is solely powered by older stars, with little evidence for ongoing star formation at the center of the Tadpole. Extra-nuclear star formation accounts for >50% of the total star formation in the disk and spiral arms, featuring infrared-bright 'hot spots' that exhibit strong PAH emission, whose band strength is comparable to that of late-type star-forming disk galaxies. The tidal tail, which extends 2 arcmin (~75 kpc) into the intergalactic medium, is populated by super massive star clusters likely triggered by the galaxy-galaxy interaction that has distorted UGC 10214 into its current "tadpole" shape.Comment: to appear in the January 2006 (vol 131) issue of the Astronomical Journal; high quality graphics are located here: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett/tadpole.htm

    Spitzer Observations of 3C Quasars and Radio Galaxies: Mid-Infrared Properties of Powerful Radio Sources

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    We have measured mid-infrared radiation from an orientation-unbiased sample of 3CRR galaxies and quasars at redshifts 0.4 < z < 1.2 with the IRS and MIPS instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Powerful emission (L_24micron > 10^22.4 W/Hz/sr) was detected from all but one of the sources. We fit the Spitzer data as well as other measurements from the literature with synchrotron and dust components. The IRS data provide powerful constraints on the fits. At 15 microns, quasars are typically four times brighter than radio galaxies with the same isotropic radio power. Based on our fits, half of this difference can be attributed to the presence of non-thermal emission in the quasars but not the radio galaxies. The other half is consistent with dust absorption in the radio galaxies but not the quasars. Fitted optical depths are anti-correlated with core dominance, from which we infer an equatorial distribution of dust around the central engine. The median optical depth at 9.7 microns for objects with core-dominance factor R > 10^-2 is approximately 0.4; for objects with R < 10^-2, it is 1.1. We have thus addressed a long-standing question in the unification of FR II quasars and galaxies: quasars are more luminous in the mid-infrared than galaxies because of a combination of Doppler-boosted synchrotron emission in quasars and extinction in galaxies, both orientation-dependent effects.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures plus two landscape tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Eight-Dimensional Mid-Infrared/Optical Bayesian Quasar Selection

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    We explore the multidimensional, multiwavelength selection of quasars from mid-IR (MIR) plus optical data, specifically from Spitzer-IRAC and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We apply modern statistical techniques to combined Spitzer MIR and SDSS optical data, allowing up to 8-D color selection of quasars. Using a Bayesian selection method, we catalog 5546 quasar candidates to an 8.0 um depth of 56 uJy over an area of ~24 sq. deg; ~70% of these candidates are not identified by applying the same Bayesian algorithm to 4-color SDSS optical data alone. Our selection recovers 97.7% of known type 1 quasars in this area and greatly improves the effectiveness of identifying 3.5<z<5 quasars. Even using only the two shortest wavelength IRAC bandpasses, it is possible to use our Bayesian techniques to select quasars with 97% completeness and as little as 10% contamination. This sample has a photometric redshift accuracy of 93.6% (Delta Z +/-0.3), remaining roughly constant when the two reddest MIR bands are excluded. While our methods are designed to find type 1 (unobscured) quasars, as many as 1200 of the objects are type 2 (obscured) quasar candidates. Coupling deep optical imaging data with deep mid-IR data could enable selection of quasars in significant numbers past the peak of the quasar luminosity function (QLF) to at least z~4. Such a sample would constrain the shape of the QLF and enable quasar clustering studies over the largest range of redshift and luminosity to date, yielding significant gains in our understanding of quasars and the evolution of galaxies.Comment: 49 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables. AJ, accepte

    Spectral Energy Distributions of Hard X-ray selected AGNs in the XMDS Survey

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    We present the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a hard X-ray selected sample. The sample contains 136 sources with F(2-10 keV)>10^-14 erg/cm^2/s and 132 are AGNs. The sources are detected in a 1 square degree area of the XMM-Newton-Medium Deep Survey where optical data from the VVDS, CFHTLS surveys, and infrared data from the SWIRE survey are available. Based on a SED fitting technique we derive photometric redshifts with sigma(1+z)=0.11 and 6% of outliers and identify AGN signatures in 83% of the objects. This fraction is higher than derived when a spectroscopic classification is available. The remaining 17+9-6% of AGNs shows star-forming galaxy SEDs (SF class). The sources with AGN signatures are divided in two classes, AGN1 (33+6-1%) and AGN2 (50+6-11). The AGN1 and AGN2 classes include sources whose SEDs are fitted by type 1 and type 2 AGN templates, respectively. On average, AGN1s show soft X-ray spectra, consistent with being unabsorbed, while AGN2s and SFs show hard X-ray spectra, consistent with being absorbed. The analysis of the average SEDs as a function of X-ray luminosity shows a reddening of the IR SEDs, consistent with a decreasing contribution from the host galaxy at higher luminosities. The AGNs in the SF classes are likely obscured in the mid-infrared, as suggested by their low L(3-20micron)/Lcorr(0.5-10 keV) ratios. We confirm the previously found correlation for AGNs between the radio luminosity and the X-ray and the mid-infrared luminosities. The X-ray-radio correlation can be used to identify heavily absorbed AGNs. However, the estimated radio fluxes for the missing AGN population responsible for the bulk of the background at E>10 keV are too faint to be detected even in the deepest current radio surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Slicing the Torus: Obscuring Structures in Quasars

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    Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are often obscured by dust and gas. It is normally assumed that the obscuration occurs in an oblate "obscuring torus", that begins at the radius at which the most refractive dust can remain solid. The most famous form of this torus is a donut-shaped region of molecular gas with a large scale-height. While this model is elegant and accounts for many phenomena at once, it does not hold up to detailed tests. Instead the obscuration in AGNs must occur on a wide range of scales and be due to a minimum of three physically distinct absorbers. Slicing the "torus" into these three regions will allow interesting physics of the AGN to be extracted.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the conference "The central kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei:Astronomy at High Angular Resolution 2011", open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), published by IOP Publishin

    The Far-Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray-selected Active Galaxies

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    [Abridged] We present ISO far-infrared (IR) observations of 21 hard X-ray selected AGN from the HEAO-1 A2 sample. We compare the far-IR to X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of this sample with various radio and optically selected AGN samples. The hard-X-ray selected sample shows a wider range of optical/UV shapes extending to redder near-IR colors. The bluer objects are Seyfert 1s, while the redder AGN are mostly intermediate or type 2 Seyferts. This is consistent with a modified unification model in which the amount of obscuring material increases with viewing angle and may be clumpy. Such a scenario, already suggested by differing optical/near-IR spectroscopic and X-ray AGN classifications, allows for different amounts of obscuration of the continuum emission in different wavebands and of the broad emission line region which results in a mixture of behaviors for AGN with similar optical emission line classifications. The resulting limits on the column density of obscuring material through which we are viewing the redder AGN are 100 times lower than for the standard optically thick torus models. The resulting decrease in optical depth of the obscuring material allows the AGN to heat more dust at larger radial distances. We show that an AGN-heated, flared, dusty disk with mass 10^9 solar and size of few hundred pc is able to generate optical-far-IR SEDs which reproduce the wide range of SEDs present in our sample with no need for an additional starburst component to generate the long-wavelength, cooler part of the IR continuum.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, V. 590, June 10, 200

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): PCA-based automatic cleaning and reconstruction of survey spectra

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    Identifying spurious reduction artefacts in galaxy spectra is a challenge for large surveys. We present an algorithm for identifying and repairing residual spurious features in sky-subtracted galaxy spectra with application to the VIPERS survey. The algorithm uses principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the galaxy spectra in the observed frame to identify sky line residuals imprinted at characteristic wavelengths. We further model the galaxy spectra in the rest-frame using PCA to estimate the most probable continuum in the corrupted spectral regions, which are then repaired. We apply the method to 90,000 spectra from the VIPERS survey and compare the results with a subset where careful editing was performed by hand. We find that the automatic technique does an extremely good job in reproducing the time-consuming manual cleaning and does it in a uniform and objective manner across a large data sample. The mask data products produced in this work are released together with the VIPERS second public data release (PDR-2).Comment: Find the VIPERS data release at http://vipers.inaf.i
