469 research outputs found

    Caracterización morfológica, fisicoquímica y de sanidad de una selección de clones multipatrón de guanábana (Annona muricata L.)

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue caracterizar e identificar injertos clonales multipatrón con características morfológicas, fisicoquímicas y de sanidad para obtener buenos rendimientos y calidad de pulpa del fruto en poblaciones de guanábana. Se utilizó la lista de descriptores, recomendado por CORPOICA para caracterizar el fruto y pulpa de las plantas clonales. Para la caracterización morfológica cuantitativa y cualitativa de la fruta se utilizó el software estadístico InfoStat, y para determinas las características más sobresalientes de la pulpa se usó el software SPSS Ver. 24. El análisis químico de la pulpa fue mediante las técnicas no paramétricas de Kruskal Wallis. En la caracterización cualitativa de la pulpa el 43,1% mostraron color blanco y blanco nieve, el 42,1% tuvo sabor ácido, el 57,9% tuvo textura media y el 44,7 % presento aroma medio y 36,8% aroma alto, el 50% mostro ser semi jugoso. El pH encontrado oscilo entre 4,70 y 2,92, con respecto a los sólidos solubles totales expresados en ºBrix tuvo en promedio 17,10. Se concluye que existe variabilidad genética en caracteres cualitativo y cuantitativo del fruto y pulpa en clones injertados y se encontraron diferencias en el análisis químico de la pulpa de plantas clonales

    Habitat Hydrology and Geomorphology Control the Distribution of Malaria Vector Larvae in Rural Africa

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    Larval source management is a promising component of integrated malaria control and elimination. This requires development of a framework to target productive locations through process-based understanding of habitat hydrology and geomorphology. We conducted the first catchment scale study of fine resolution spatial and temporal variation in Anopheles habitat and productivity in relation to rainfall, hydrology and geomorphology for a high malaria transmission area of Tanzania. Monthly aggregates of rainfall, river stage and water table were not significantly related to the abundance of vector larvae. However, these metrics showed strong explanatory power to predict mosquito larval abundances after stratification by water body type, with a clear seasonal trend for each, defined on the basis of its geomorphological setting and origin. Hydrological and geomorphological processes governing the availability and productivity of Anopheles breeding habitat need to be understood at the local scale for which larval source management is implemented in order to effectively target larval source interventions. Mapping and monitoring these processes is a well-established practice providing a tractable way forward for developing important malaria management tools

    Renal vasculitis in Colombia

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    A retrospective review of publications about primary vasculitis cases was performed from the Colombian medical literature, the clinical and pathological features are described.The Renal vasculitis occurred in 33.9% of cases of primary vasculitis reviewed and was more frequent in women. The main clinical, hematological, immunological variables and nephropathology and immunosuppressive treatments used findings are described

    Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. Our current exposure reaches nearly 40,000 km2^2 str and provides us with an unprecedented quality data set. The performance and stability of the detectors and their enhancements are described. Data analyses have led to a number of major breakthroughs. Among these we discuss the energy spectrum and the searches for large-scale anisotropies. We present analyses of our Xmax_{max} data and show how it can be interpreted in terms of mass composition. We also describe some new analyses that extract mass sensitive parameters from the 100% duty cycle SD data. A coherent interpretation of all these recent results opens new directions. The consequences regarding the cosmic ray composition and the properties of UHECR sources are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, talk given at the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro 201

    The Pierre Auger Observatory III: Other Astrophysical Observations

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    Astrophysical observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryComment: Contributions to the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China, August 201

    Operations of and Future Plans for the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Technical reports on operations and features of the Pierre Auger Observatory, including ongoing and planned enhancements and the status of the future northern hemisphere portion of the Observatory. Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009.Comment: Contributions to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland, July 200

    Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers above 10^18 eV

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    We describe the measurement of the depth of maximum, Xmax, of the longitudinal development of air showers induced by cosmic rays. Almost four thousand events above 10^18 eV observed by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with at least one surface detector station are selected for the analysis. The average shower maximum was found to evolve with energy at a rate of (106 +35/-21) g/cm^2/decade below 10^(18.24 +/- 0.05) eV and (24 +/- 3) g/cm^2/decade above this energy. The measured shower-to-shower fluctuations decrease from about 55 to 26 g/cm^2. The interpretation of these results in terms of the cosmic ray mass composition is briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication by PR