308 research outputs found

    The Compact Structure of Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars

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    We present the results of EVN+MERLIN VLBI polarization observations of 8 Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasars at 1.6 GHz, including 4 LoBALs and 4 HiBALs with either steep or flat spectra on VLA scales. Only one steep-spectrum source, J1122+3124, shows two-sided structure on the scale of 2 kpc. The other four steep-spectrum sources and three flat-spectrum sources display either an unresolved image or a core-jet structure on scales of less than three hundred parsecs. In all cases the marginally resolved core is the dominant radio component. Linear polarization in the cores has been detected in the range of a few to 10 percent. Polarization, together with high brightness temperatures (from 2*10^9-5*10^10 K), suggest a synchrotron origin for the radio emission. There is no apparent difference in the radio orphologies or polarization between low-ionization and high-ionization BAL QSOs nor between flat- and steep-spectrum sources. We discuss the orientation of BAL QSOs with both flat and steep spectra, and consider a possible evolutionary scenario for BAL QSOs. In this scenario, BAL QSOs are probably the young population of radio sources, which are Compact Steep Spectrum or GHz peaked radio source analog at the low end of radio power.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    IRAS observations of active galaxies

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    The IRAS survey gives an unbiased view of the infrared properties of the active galaxies. Seyfert galaxies occupy much the same area in color-color plots as to normal infrared bright galaxies, but extend the range towards flatter 60 to 25 mm slopes. Statistically the Seyfert 1 galaxies can be distinguished from the Seyfert 2 galaxies, lying predominantly closer to the area with constant slopes between 25 and 200 mm. The infrared measurements of the Seyfert galaxies cannot distinguish between the emission mechanisms in these objects although they agree with the currently popular ideas; they do provide a measure of the total luminosity of the Seyferts. The quasar's position in the color-color diagrams continue the trend of the Seyferts. The quasar 3C48 is shown to be exceptional among the radio loud quasars in that it has a high infrared luminosity which dominates the power output of the quasar and is most likely associated with the underlying host galaxy

    The Black Hole Mass - Galaxy Bulge Relationship for QSOs in the SDSS DR3

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    We investigate the relationship between black hole mass and host galaxy velocity dispersion for QSOs in Data Release 3 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We derive black hole mass from the broad Hbeta line width and continuum luminosity, and the bulge stellar velocity dispersion from the [OIII] narrow line width. At higher redshifts, we use MgII and [OII] in place of Hbeta and [OIII]. For redshifts z < 0.5, our results agree with the black hole mass - bulge velocity dispersion relationship for nearby galaxies. For 0.5 < z < 1.2, this relationship appears to show evolution with redshift in the sense that the bulges are too small for their black holes. However, we find that part of this apparent trend can be attributed to observational biases, including a Malmquist bias involving the QSO luminosity. Accounting for these biases, we find ~0.2 dex evolution in the black hole mass-bulge velocity dispersion relationship between now and redshift z ~ 1.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 15 pages, 9 figure

    On-axis spectroscopy of the z=0.144 radio-loud quasar HE 1434-1600: an elliptical host with a highly ionized ISM

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    VLT on-axis optical spectroscopy of the z=0.144 radio-loud quasar HE 1434-1600 is presented. The spatially resolved spectra of the host galaxy are deconvolved and separated from those of the central quasar in order to study the dynamics of the stars and gas as well as the physical conditions of the ISM. We find that the host of HE 1434-1600 is an elliptical galaxy that resides in a group of at least 5 member galaxies, and that most likely experienced a recent collision with its nearest companion. Compared with other quasar host galaxies, HE 1434-1600 has a highly ionized ISM. The ionization state corresponds to that of typical Seyferts, but the ionized regions are not distributed in a homogeneous way around the QSO, and are located preferentially several kiloparsecs away from it. While the stellar absorption lines do not show any significant velocity field, the gas emission lines do. The observed gas velocity field is hard to reconcile with dynamical models involving rotating disk, modified Hubble laws or power laws, that all require extreme central masses (M > 10^9 M_sun) to provide only poor fit to the data. Power law models, which best fit the data, provide a total mass of M(< 10 kpc)=9.2 10^10 M_sun. We conclude that the recent interaction between HE 1434-1600 and its closest companion has strongly affected the gas velocity and ionization state, from the center of the galaxy to its most external parts.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Low-mass X-ray binaries and globular clusters streamers and ARCS in NGC 4278

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    We report significant inhomogeneities in the projected two-dimensional spatial distributions of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) and globular clusters (GCs) of the intermediate mass elliptical galaxy NGC 4278. In the inner region of NGC 4278, a significant arc-like excess of LMXBs extending south of the center at ∼50″ in the western side of the galaxy can be associated with a similar overdensity of the spatial distribution of red GCs from Brassington et al. Using a recent catalog of GCs produced by Usher et al. and covering the whole field of the NGC 4278 galaxy, we have discovered two other significant density structures outside the D 25 isophote to the W and E of the center of NGC 4278, associated with an overdensity and an underdensity, respectively. We discuss the nature of these structures in the context of the similar spatial inhomogeneities discovered in the LMXBs and GCs populations of NGC 4649 and NGC 4261, respectively. These features suggest streamers from disrupted and accreted dwarf companions.Peer reviewe

    Enhanced Star Formation in Narrow Line Seyfert 1 AGN revealed by Spitzer

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    We present new low resolution Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopy of a sample of 20 ROSAT selected local Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). We detect strong AGN continuum in all and clear PAH emission in 70% of the sources. The 6.2 micron PAH luminosity spans three orders of magnitudes, from ~10^(39) erg/s to ~10^(42) erg/s providing strong evidence for intense ongoing star formation in the circumnuclear regions of these sources. Using the IRS/Spitzer archive we gather a large number of additional NLS1s and their broad line counterparts (BLS1s) and constructed NLS1 and BLS1 sub-samples to compare them in various ways. The comparison shows a clear separation according to FWHM(H_beta) such that objects with narrower broad H_beta lines are the strongest PAH emitters. We test this division in various ways trying to remove biases due to luminosity and aperture size. Specifically, we find that star formation activity around NLS1 AGN is larger than around BLS1 of the same AGN luminosity. The above result seems to hold over the entire range of distance and luminosity. Moreover the star formation rate is higher in low black hole mass and high L/L_Edd systems indicating that black hole growth and star formation are occurring simultaneously.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Now accepted in MNRA

    The Intrinsic Absorber in QSO 2359-1241: Keck and HST Observations

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    We present detailed analyses of the absorption spectrum seen in QSO 2359-1241 (NVSS J235953-124148). Keck HIRES data reveal absorption from twenty transitions arising from: He I, Mg I, Mg II, Ca II, and Fe II. HST data show broad absorption lines (BALs) from Al III 1857, C IV 1549, Si IV 1397, and N V 1240. Absorption from excited Fe II states constrains the temperature of the absorber to 2000K < T < 10,000K and puts a lower limit of 10^5 cm^{-3} on the electron number density. Saturation diagnostics show that the real column densities of He I and Fe II can be determined, allowing to derive meaningful constraints on the ionization equilibrium and abundances in the flow. The ionization parameter is constrained by the iron, helium and magnesium data to -3.0 < log(U) < -2.5 and the observed column densities can be reproduced without assuming departure from solar abundances. From comparison of the He I and Fe II absorption features we infer that the outflow seen in QSO 2359-1241 is not shielded by a hydrogen ionization front and therefore that the existence of low-ionization species in the outflow (e.g., Mg II, Al III, Fe II) does not necessitate the existence of such a front. We find that the velocity width of the absorption systematically increases as a function of ionization and to a lesser extent with abundance. Complementary analyses of the radio and polarization properties of the object are discussed in a companion paper (Brotherton et al. 2000).Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, in press with the Ap

    Identification of an Extended Accretion Disk Corona in the Hercules X-1 Low State: Moderate Optical Depth, Precise Density Determination, and Verification of CNO Abundances

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    We identify an accretion disk atmosphere and corona from the high resolution X-ray spectrum of Hercules X-1, and we determine its detailed physical properties. More than two dozen recombination emission lines (from Fe XXVI at 1.78 A to N VI at 29.08 A) and Fe K-alpha, K-beta fluorescence lines were detected in a 50 ks observation with the Chandra High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS). They allow us to measure the density, temperature, spatial distribution, elemental composition, and kinematics of the plasma. We exclude HZ Her as the source of the recombination emission. We compare accretion disk model atmospheres with the observed spectrum in order to constrain the stratification of density and ionization, disk atmosphere area, elemental composition, and energetics. The atmospheric spectrum observed during the low state is photoionized by the main-on X-ray continuum, indicating that the disk is observed edge-on during the low state. We infer the mean number of scatterings N of Ly-alpha and Ly-beta line photons from H-like ions. We derive N < 69 for O VIII Ly_alpha_1, which rules out the presence of a mechanism modeled by Sako (2003) to enhance N VII emission via a line overlap with O VIII. The line optical depth diagnostics are consistent with a flattened atmosphere. Our spectral analysis, the disk atmosphere model, and the presence of intense N VII and N VI lines (plus N V in the UV), confirm the over-abundance of nitrogen relative to other metals, which was shown to be indicative of CNO cycle processing in a massive progenitor.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Modelling the orbital modulation of ultraviolet resonance lines in high-mass X-ray binaries

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    The stellar-wind structure in high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) is investigated through modelling of their ultraviolet (UV) resonance lines. For the OB supergiants in two systems, Vela X-1 and 4U1700-37, high-resolution UV spectra are available; for Cyg X-1, SMC X-1, and LMC X-4 low-resolution spectra are used. In order to account for the non-monotonic velocity structure of the stellar wind, a modified version of the Sobolev Exact Integration (SEI) method by Lamers et al. (1987) is applied. The orbital modulation of the UV resonance lines provides information on the size of the Stroemgren zone surrounding the X-ray source. The amplitude of the observed orbital modulation (known as the Hatchett-McCray effect), however, also depends on the density- and velocity structure of the ambient wind. Model profiles are presented that illustrate the effect on the appearance of the HM effect by varying stellar-wind parameters. The q parameter of Hatchett & McCray (1977), as well as other parameters describing the supergiant's wind structure, are derived for the 5 systems. The X-ray luminosity needed to create the observed size of the Stroemgren zone is consistent with the observed X-ray flux. The derived wind parameters are compared to those determined in single OB supergiants of similar spectral type. Our models naturally explain the observed absence of the HM effect in 4U1700-37. The orbital modulation in Vela X-1 indicates that besides the Stroemgren zone other structures are present in the stellar wind (such as a photo-ionization wake). The ratio of the wind velocity and the escape velocity is found to be lower in OB supergiants in HMXBs than in single OB supergiants of the same effective temperature.Comment: 29 pages, good quality figures 11, 12, 13, A2 & B1 available upon request from JvL. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic