556 research outputs found

    Raman and nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of alkali metal vapor interaction with alkene-based anti-relaxation coating

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    The use of anti-relaxation coatings in alkali vapor cells yields substantial performance improvements by reducing the probability of spin relaxation in wall collisions by several orders of magnitude. Some of the most effective anti-relaxation coating materials are alpha-olefins, which (as in the case of more traditional paraffin coatings) must undergo a curing period after cell manufacturing in order to achieve the desired behavior. Until now, however, it has been unclear what physicochemical processes occur during cell curing, and how they may affect relevant cell properties. We present the results of nondestructive Raman-spectroscopy and magnetic-resonance investigations of the influence of alkali metal vapor (Cs or K) on an alpha-olefin, 1-nonadecene coating the inner surface of a glass cell. It was found that during the curing process, the alkali metal catalyzes migration of the carbon-carbon double bond, yielding a mixture of cis- and trans-2-nonadecene.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    An in-situ synchrotron XAS methodology for surface analysis under high temperature, pressure and shear

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    The complex tribochemical nature of lubricated tribological contacts is inaccessible in real time without altering their initial state. To overcome this issue, a new design of a pin-on-disc tribological apparatus was developed and combined with synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Using the designed apparatus, it is possible to study in situ the transient decomposition reactions of various oil additives on different surfaces under a wide range of realistic operating conditions of contact pressure (1.0–3.0 GPa), temperature (25–120 °C), and sliding speed (30–3000 rpm or 0.15–15 m/s). To test the apparatus, several tribological tests were performed at different shearing times ranging from 2.5 to 60 min. These tests were carried out under helium atmosphere at a temperature of 80  °C, contact pressure of 2.2 GPa, and sliding speed of 50 rpm. The XAS experiments indicate that the zinc dialkyldithiophosphate antiwear additive decomposes in the oil to form a tribofilm on the iron surface at different reaction kinetics from the ones of the thermal film. The tribofilm composition evolves much faster than the one of the thermal film, which confirms that the formation of the tribofilm is a thermally activated process similar to the one of the thermal film but accelerated by shear. Furthermore, the results indicate that the sulfur of the formed film, whether a tribofilm or a thermal film, appears initially in the form of sulfate, with some sulfide, which under heat or shear is reduced into mainly sulfide

    Factores determinantes de la morosidad en la financiera Edyficar en el distrito de Sorochuco - Cajamarca: una propuesta de políticas y mecanismos para disimularla

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    El presente trabajo elabora un análisis de la morosidad existente en los créditos que otorga EDYFICAR, para lo cual se ha investigado cuáles son los factores determinantes que conllevan al atraso de cumplimiento de pagos, interrumpiendo que la meta trazada por la entidad financiera no sea la esperada. El objetivo general de este trabajo es determinar los factores económicos, sociales y culturales que ocasionan la morosidad en el sector financiero, ya que cada vez es mayor el crecimiento moroso en los prestamistas. Al mismo tiempo, el crecimiento de créditos, la inexperiencia de los asesores de negocios, la falta de ética laboral, la rotación de personal, son variables que influyen negativamente, lo cual ha ocasionado que la morosidad se suscite en forma creciente en la institución, tema muy preocupante en la misma, porque al aumentar la morosidad el nivel de riesgo crediticio aumenta, trayendo grandes problemas para la institución y para el sector financiero, petjudicando incluso las utilidades y el crecimiento de la misma, ya que la idea de la colocación de un crédito es su recuperación inmediata o en el tiempo establecido por la entidad prestamista.Tesi

    Local Radiative Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Optically Thick Media

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    We examine the local conditions for radiative damping and driving of short wavelength, propagating hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in static, optically thick, stratified equilibria. We show that so-called strange modes in stellar oscillation theory and magnetic photon bubbles are intimately related and are both fundamentally driven by the background radiation flux acting on compressible waves. We identify the necessary criteria for unstable driving of these waves, and show that this driving can exist in both gas and radiation pressure dominated media, as well as pure Thomson scattering media in the MHD case. The equilibrium flux acting on opacity fluctuations can drive both hydrodynamic acoustic waves and magnetosonic waves unstable. In addition, magnetosonic waves can be driven unstable by a combination of the equilibrium flux acting on density fluctuations and changes in the background radiation pressure along fluid displacements. We briefly describe the conditions under which these instabilities might be manifested in both main sequence stellar envelopes and accretion disks.Comment: 55 pages, revised version accepted for publication by ApJ. New appendix added justifying WKB analysi

    Precision Astrometry with the Very Long Baseline Array: Parallaxes and Proper Motions for 14 Pulsars

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    Astrometry can bring powerful constraints to bear on a variety of scientific questions about neutron stars, including their origins, astrophysics, evolution, and environments. Using phase-referenced observations at the VLBA, in conjunction with pulsar gating and in-beam calibration, we have measured the parallaxes and proper motions for 14 pulsars. The smallest measured parallax in our sample is 0.13+-0.02 mas for PSR B1541+09, which has a most probable distance of 7.2+1.3-1.1 kpc. We detail our methods, including initial VLA surveys to select candidates and find in-beam calibrators, VLBA phase-referencing, pulsar gating, calibration, and data reduction. The use of the bootstrap method to estimate astrometric uncertainties in the presence of unmodeled systematic errors is also described. Based on our new model-independent estimates for distance and transverse velocity, we investigate the kinematics and birth sites of the pulsars and revisit models of the Galactic electron density distribution. We find that young pulsars are moving away from the Galactic plane, as expected, and that age estimates from kinematics and pulsar spindown are generally in agreement, with certain notable exceptions. Given its present trajectory, the pulsar B2045-16 was plausibly born in the open cluster NGC 6604. For several high-latitude pulsars, the NE2001 electron density model underestimates the parallax distances by a factor of two, while in others the estimates agree with or are larger than the parallax distances, suggesting that the interstellar medium is irregular on relevant length scales. The VLBA astrometric results for the recycled pulsar J1713+0747 are consistent with two independent estimates from pulse timing, enabling a consistency check between the different reference frames.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; results unchanged; revised version accepted by Ap

    The 3D Structure of N132D in the LMC: A Late-Stage Young Supernova Remnant

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    We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory to map the [O III] 5007{\AA} dynamics of the young oxygen-rich supernova remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud. From the resultant data cube, we have been able to reconstruct the full 3D structure of the system of [O III] filaments. The majority of the ejecta form a ring of ~12pc in diameter inclined at an angle of 25 degrees to the line of sight. We conclude that SNR N132D is approaching the end of the reverse shock phase before entering the fully thermalized Sedov phase of evolution. We speculate that the ring of oxygen-rich material comes from ejecta in the equatorial plane of a bipolar explosion, and that the overall shape of the SNR is strongly influenced by the pre-supernova mass loss from the progenitor star. We find tantalizing evidence of a polar jet associated with a very fast oxygen-rich knot, and clear evidence that the central star has interacted with one or more dense clouds in the surrounding ISM.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, 18pp, 8 figure

    Development of novel molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fibers and their application for the determination of antibiotic drugs in biological samples by SPME-LC/MSn

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    Novel molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-coated fibers for solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibers were prepared by using linezolid as the template molecule. The characteristics and application of these fibers were investigated. The polypyrrole, polythiophene, and poly(3-methylthiophene) coatings were prepared in the electrochemical polymerization way. The molecularly imprinted SPME coatings display a high selectivity toward linezolid. Molecularly imprinted coatings showed a stable and reproducible response without any influence of interferents commonly existing in biological samples. High-performance liquid chromatography with spectroscopic UV and mass spectrometry (MS) detectors were used for the determination of selected antibiotic drugs (linezolid, daptomycin, amoxicillin). The isolation and preconcentration of selected antibiotic drugs from new types of biological samples (acellular and protein-free simulated body fluid) and human plasma samples were performed. The SPME MIP-coated fibers are suitable for the selective extraction of antibiotic drugs in biological samples

    The physical scale of the far-infrared emission in the most luminous submillimetre galaxies II: evidence for merger-driven star formation

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    We present high-resolution 345 GHz interferometric observations of two extreme luminous (L_{IR}>10^{13} L_sun), submillimetre-selected galaxies (SMGs) in the COSMOS field with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). Both targets were previously detected as unresolved point-sources by the SMA in its compact configuration, also at 345 GHz. These new data, which provide a factor of ~3 improvement in resolution, allow us to measure the physical scale of the far-infrared in the submillimetre directly. The visibility functions of both targets show significant evidence for structure on 0.5-1 arcsec scales, which at z=1.5 translates into a physical scale of 5-8 kpc. Our results are consistent with the angular and physical scales of two comparably luminous objects with high-resolution SMA followup, as well as radio continuum and CO sizes. These relatively compact sizes (<5-10 kpc) argue strongly for merger-driven starbursts, rather than extended gas-rich disks, as the preferred channel for forming SMGs. For the most luminous objects, the derived sizes may also have important physical consequences; under a series of simplifying assumptions, we find that these two objects in particular are forming stars close to or at the Eddington limit for a starburst.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Figures, submitted to MNRA