103 research outputs found

    Valuación de la rentabilidad de las distintas unidades de negocio de un centro de diagnóstico por imágenes

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    CAPITULO 1: PRESENTACIÓN DEL PROYECTO -1.1 CONTEXTO - 1.2 ORGANIZACIÓN DEL TRABAJO -Trada de aplicar un sistema de contabilidad de costos que permita determinar cuánto le cuesta a la empresa (centro de diagnóstico por imágenes) cada tipo de prestación, que hasta el momento se desconoce, y obtener en definitiva la rentabilidad de cada división por separado. Por otra parte, al analizar el contexto en el cual se encuentra inmersa la empresa, veremos que existen en el mercado nuevos competidores que amenazan con absorber parte del market share , principalmente por ofrecer un servicio más económico. Ésta situación genera la necesidad de replantear un modelo de negocio acorde a las necesidades de cada cliente y gestionar los recursos propios con el objeto de ser más eficientes y mejorar los resultados. En este caso, la oportunidad apunta a sugerir acciones a implementar que pudiesen mejorar la rentabilidad del negocio.Fil: Fravega, Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    L'abitare migrante

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    Migrant dwellin


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    Airoldi (1930, 1932) described twenty-three fossil Corallinales (Rhodophyta) from the Oligocene of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy), including thirteen new species. In this paper Mesophyllum fructiferum Airoldi 1932 and Mesophyllum obsitum Airoldi 1932 are re-documented and re-described. The presence of cell fusions, multiporate conceptacles and a ventral core of cell filaments passing from coaxial to non-coaxial confirm that both species belong to the genus Mesophyllum.   SHORT NOTES &nbsp


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    Airoldi (1930, 1932) described twenty-three fossil Corallinales (Rhodophyta) from the Oligocene of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy), containing thirteen new species. In this paper Archaeolithothamnium praeerithraeum Airoldi 1932 and Archaeolithothamnium statiellense Airoldi 1932 are re-documented and re-described. The features observable in the sporangial compartments allowed to attribute both species to the genus Sporolithon.&nbsp

    Ataque placentero y choque festivo : conclusiones joco-serias, que en aplauso del Angelico Doctor ha de sustentar su escuela de S. Pablo de Burgos en los dias siete, y ocho de marzo de 1765

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: ¶4, A-C

    Kalendario sacro-poetico-lirico : vidas de Santos en verso

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: A-Z8, 2A

    Poema epico-lyrico : planta del nuevo, Real magnifico Monasterio de la Visitacion (vulgo las Salesas) ...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2010-2011Sign.: A4, *7, [ ]

    Factores psico-socio-ambientales asociados al estrés laboral en profesores chilenos del ámbito rural y urbano

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions that teachers in urban and rural schools have of the psycho-social-environmental factors that trigger teacher work stress. Considering a phenomenological qualitative approach, with exploratory scope, a case study design is used with teachers from the locality of Collipulli, southern Chile, with a Discussion Group technique to collect data and content analysis, from which it can be inferred that teachers tend to perceive that environmental factors such as deficient leaderships, undetermined teaching roles, work overload, overcrowded classrooms, unmotivated students, and disconnection of parents from their educational role, would be the main threats to their mental health. The psychological resources, coping styles and context perception presented by the teachers in the study are discussed.El objetivo de este estudio fue indagar acerca de las percepciones que tienen los profesores de colegios urbanos y rurales sobre los factores psico-socio-ambientales desencadenantes del estrés laboral docente. Considerando un enfoque cualitativo fenomenológico, con alcance exploratorio, se utiliza un diseño de estudio de casos con docentes de la localidad de Collipulli, sur de Chile, con técnica de Grupo de Discusión para recabar datos, y análisis de contenido de los mismos, del que se desprende que los profesores tienden a percibir que factores ambientales tales como liderazgos deficientes, roles docentes desconfigurados, agobio laboral, sumado a aulas sobrepobladas,  alumnos desmotivados, y desvinculación de los padres de su rol educativo, serían las principales amenazas para su salud mental. Se discute sobre los recursos psicológicos, estilos de afrontamiento y percepción del contexto que presentan los profesores del estudio


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    The  terrigenous and carbonate sediments of the transgressive Oligocene cycle of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin outcropping in the area of Valzemola(Savona, western Liguria, Northwest Italy) and which are referable to the Molare Formation are analysed. The terrigenous sequence, represented by breccias, conglomerates and sandstones, overlies with an angular unconformity dolomitic or calcareous-dolomitic lithologies referable to the San Pietro dei Monti Dolomite Formation. These sequences are locally characterized by rich associations of coralline algae and corals, which by providing a stable substrate allowed the development of a true reef build up. Subsequently the bioherm was suffocated by fluvial sandstone and conglomerate. This may be associated with an intensification in the amount of terrigenous material being brought into the basin. A progressive shallowing continues until the introduction of conditions suitable for calcareous deposition in an intertidal or supratidal environment. The analysis of this reef deposit was carried out by examining seven stratigraphic sections. The paleoecological study of the coral fauna and the algal assemblage, the latter characterized by the significant presence either of the genus Lithophyllum, or of Lithothamnion, allowed some hypothesis on the environmental conditions which characterized this sector during the Late Oligocene. Nine different facies could be shown, from those seven directly connected to the reef and two to nearshore environments proving a regressive phase. Facies I: conglomeratic-sandstone representing a stage of colonization in a dominantly terrigenous environment. Facies II: coral framestone, representing a stage of diversification ("an inner reef front" near to the "reef crest"). Facies III: coral bafflestone representing a colonization stage in an "inner reef slope". Facies IV: coral bindstone representing a stage of domination in a "reef crest" environment. Facies V: coral bindstone alternating with floatstone, gives evidence of a colonization stage in a carbonate environment. Facies VI: coral and algae floatstone, representing a facies of accumulated reef debris. Facies VII: coral rudstone, representing an accumulation facies comparable with that of the "rubble & pavement zone" of the back reef. Facies VIII: conglomerates and sands of a shallow marine environment, represent a regressive sequence. Facies IX: massive limestones with undulated-zoned structures, rhizoliths, calcite veins and pisoliths, evidence of an intertidal or supratidal environment

    Coralline Algae in a Changing Mediterranean Sea: How Can We Predict Their Future, if We Do Not Know Their Present?

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    In this review we assess the state of knowledge for the coralline algae of the Mediterranean Sea, a group of calcareous seaweeds imperfectly known and considered highly vulnerable to long-term climate change. Corallines have occurred in the Mediterranean area for ∼140 My and are well-represented in the subsequent fossil record; for some species currently common the fossil documentation dates back to the Oligocene, with a major role in the sedimentary record of some areas. Some Mediterranean corallines are key ecosystem engineers that produce or consolidate biogenic habitats (e.g., coralligenous concretions, Lithophyllum byssoides rims, rims of articulated corallines, maerl/rhodolith beds). Although bioconstructions built by corallines exist virtually in every sea, in the Mediterranean they reach a particularly high spatial and bathymetric extent (coralligenous concretions alone are estimated to exceed 2,700 km2 in surface). Overall, composition, dynamics and responses to human disturbances of coralline-dominated communities have been well-studied; except for a few species, however, the biology of Mediterranean corallines is poorly known. In terms of diversity, 60 species of corallines are currently reported from the Mediterranean. This number, however, is based on morphological assessments and recent studies incorporating molecular data suggest that the correct estimate is probably much higher. The responses of Mediterranean corallines to climate change have been the subject of several recent studies that documented their tolerance/sensitivity to elevated temperatures and pCO2. These investigations have focused on a few species and should be extended to a wider taxonomic set