15 research outputs found

    Moving towards global satellite based products for monitoring of inland and coastal waters. Regional examples from Europe and South America

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    Surface waters are a fundamental resource. They fulfil key function in global biogeochemical cycles and are core to our water, food and energy security. The rapidly increasing rate of data collection from different Earth observation (EO) missions suitable for observing water bodies has promoted satellite remote sensing (RS) as a more widely recognised source of information on a number of indicators of water quality and ecosystem condition at local and global scales. In parallel, advances in optical sensors support new and more detailed characterisation of the Earth surface and could lead to innovative EO-based products. Nonetheless, RS of water colour of inland and coastal systems, especially in larger scales and over long-term time series, faces unique challenges. This study provides an overview of the challenges and solutions of developing a global observation platform, including the diverse and complex optical properties of inland waters and guided algorithm selection procedure required to deliver reliable data. The development and validation of a global satellite data processing chain (Calimnos) has been supported by access to an extensive in situ data from more than thirty partners around the world that are now held in the LIMNADES community-owned database. This approach has resulted in a step-change in our ability to produce regional and global water quality products for optically complex waters. Local examples of the data outputs will be explored and the opportunities in how these data can be embedded within local and national monitoring schemes to facilitate better management of water will be discussed

    The Relevance of Marine Chemical Ecology to Plankton and Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field

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    Marine chemical ecology comprises the study of the production and interaction of bioactive molecules affecting organism behavior and function. Here we focus on bioactive compounds and interactions associated with phytoplankton, particularly bloom-forming diatoms, prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates. Planktonic bioactive metabolites are structurally and functionally diverse and some may have multiple simultaneous functions including roles in chemical defense (antipredator, allelopathic and antibacterial compounds), and/or cell-to-cell signaling (e.g., polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) of diatoms). Among inducible chemical defenses in response to grazing, there is high species-specific variability in the effects on grazers, ranging from severe physical incapacitation and/or death to no apparent physiological response, depending on predator susceptibility and detoxification capability. Most bioactive compounds are present in very low concentrations, in both the producing organism and the surrounding aqueous medium. Furthermore, bioactivity may be subject to synergistic interactions with other natural and anthropogenic environmental toxicants. Most, if not all phycotoxins are classic secondary metabolites, but many other bioactive metabolites are simple molecules derived from primary metabolism (e.g., PUAs in diatoms, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in prymnesiophytes). Producing cells do not seem to suffer physiological impact due to their synthesis. Functional genome sequence data and gene expression analysis will provide insights into regulatory and metabolic pathways in producer organisms, as well as identification of mechanisms of action in target organisms. Understanding chemical ecological responses to environmental triggers and chemically-mediated species interactions will help define crucial chemical and molecular processes that help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functionality

    Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services

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    Human activities have differentially altered biogeochemical cycling at local, regional and global scales. We propose that a stoichiometric approach, examining the fluxes of multiple elements and the ratio between them, may be a useful tool for better understanding human effects on ecosystem processes and services. The different scale of impacts of the elements carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and the different nature of their biogeochemical cycles, imply a large variation of their stoichiometric ratios in space and time and thus divergent impacts on biota. In this paper, we examine the effects of anthropogenic perturbations on nutrient ratios in ecosystems in two examples and one case study. Altered stoichiometry in agricultural systems (example 1) can affect not only crop yield and quality but also the interactions between plants and their pollinators, pests and pathogens. Human activities have also altered stoichiometry in coastal ecosystems (example 2). Increased N loading has especially lead to increased N:P and reduced Si:N ratios, with detri Coupled with altered stoichiometric nutrient inputs are the inherent differences in variation and sensitivity of different ecosystems to anthropogenic disturbance. Furthermore, the connections among the components of a watershed may result in downstream cascades of disrupted functioning. Applying a multiple element perspective to understanding and addressing societal needs is a new direction for both ecological stoichiometry and sustainability.