129 research outputs found

    Aplicació de la palinologia a l'arqueologia

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    14C dating of the last Croscat volcano eruption (Garrotxa Region, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    In this shortnote, we present the results of a geochronological study of the last eruption in the volcanic region of the Garrotxa (NE Iberian Peninsula). Four 14C analysis of organic matter contained in palaeosols located under volcanic pyroclastic fall deposits of the Croscat volcano were made. The samples gave ages between 13160 and 15710 years cal BP, and are in accord with our palynological analysis and climate reconstruction at that time. The ages that we report are the youngest obtained for volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula

    Poblamiento, explotación y entorno natural de los estadios alpinos y subalpinos del Pirineo central durante la primera mitad del Holoceno

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    Se presentan los resultados del estudio interdisciplinar realizado en Cova del Sardo y Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I, ambos yacimientos en el entorno del Parque Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. Estos se enmarcan en un amplio proyecto de prospección y excavación arqueológica entre las cabeceras de los valles de la Noguera Pallaresa y la Noguera Ribagorçana, en el Pirineo Central. Los estudios cubren la primera mitad del Holoceno y permiten documentar un impacto ambiental a nivel local durante la primera fase de ocupación neolítica, coincidente con el último Óptimo Climático. La presencia de cereales en el registro plantea la posibilidad de una agricultura local, no confirmada por los estudios polínicos. La ganadera fue probablemente la actividad principal. En las fases sucesivas se observa la recuperación del bosque cerrado, a la vez que se produce un deterioro climático y el patrón de ocupación y gestión del territorio cambia hacia una explotación de los pastos de alta montaña y los lagos, y bases de circos de las cabeceras de las cuencas secundarias. El estudio paleoecológico de contextos arqueológicos ha resultado de gran ayuda para la comprensión de fenómenos locales de impacto sobre el entorno como resultado de actividades económicasThis paper presents the results of the studies undergo at the Cova del Sardo and Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I, two archaeological sites placed in the National Park of Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici. Both sites have been object of multiproxy analyses inside a long-term research program in archaeology that promotes surface surveys and excavations in the head of Noguera Pallaresa and Noguera Ribagorçana basins, in the Central Southern Pyrenees. The studies shown different variables that suggest an anthropogenic impact on the vegetation during the first half of the Neolithic occupation at Cova del Sardo, that took place during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. The presence of cereals seeds in two Neolithic phases suggests the possibility of some kind of local agriculture, although this hasn't been confirmed by pollen studies. Probably livestock it was the main economic activity in this site. In latter Neolithic phases at Cova del Sardo a recovery of a closed forest can be seen, while there is a climatic deterioration. Paradoxically, at this moment the occupation and exploitation pattern turns to a major emphasis towards the alpine pastures, with little camps around the lakes and glacial cirques just at the beginning of secondary basins. The palaeoecological study of archaeological contexts is very helpful to understand the local phenomena of environmental impact because of economic activitie

    La Cova de Dalt del Tossal de la Font (Vilafamés, Castellón): conclusiones preliminares de las intervenciones arqueológicas (1982-1987 / 2004-2012)

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    Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento de la Cova de Dalt del Tossal de la Font en la década de 1980 pusieron al descubierto un importante relleno kárstico del Pleistoceno Superior. Entre el registro recuperado destacan, además de diversas especies de herbívoros y carnívoros, así como de un reducido conjunto litotécnico, tres fósiles humanos adscritos en términos generales al grupo de los neandertales. Entre 2004 y 2012, en el marco de un convenio entre la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (UJI), el Servei d¿Investigacions Arqueològiques i Prehistòriques (SIAP) de la Diputació de Castelló y el Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), se ha desarrollado una segunda época de intervenciones en el yacimiento. En este artículo ofrecemos un estado de la cuestión de la información disponible hasta la fecha sobre el yacimiento, especialmente en lo que se refiere a los aspectos tafonómicos y a la formación del depósito

    Iberian Neanderthals in forests and savannahs

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    This article aims to delve into the reality of glacial refuges of forests and tree species (including conifers, mesothermophilous angiosperms and xerothermic scrub) during the cold dry phases of the Iberian Pleistocene in which there is evidence of occupation of Middle Palaeolithic people. The research framework focuses on the eastern sector of the Iberian Peninsula due to the physiographic, palaeobotanical and archaeological peculiarities, substantiated by recent studies. We contend that some Neanderthal occupations developed in the context of high geobiological complexity, high biological diversity and highly structured forest ecosystems. We highlight the importance of glacial refuges as local anomalies that, however, would be contingent on vegetational development, and on the survival of Palaeolithic groups in areas with a broad diversity of natural resources.The development of this work was supported by Projects CGL2015‐69160‐R, CGL‐BOS2015‐68604‐P, funded by FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation – Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Project (PID2019‐1049449GB‐I00), funded by FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation – Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fundación Séneca (grant no. 20788/PI/18). A.B.M.A.'s work has been partially funded by the Spanish Science Ministry (HAR2017‐84997‐P) and the ERC‐CoG project (SUBSILIENCE Ref 818299

    Iberian Neanderthals in forests and savannahs

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    This article aims to delve into the reality of glacial refuges of forests and tree species (including conifers, mesothermophilous angiosperms and xerothermic scrub) during the cold dry phases of the Iberian Pleistocene in which there is evidence of occupation of Middle Palaeolithic people. The research framework focuses on the eastern sector of the Iberian Peninsula due to the physiographic, palaeobotanical and archaeological peculiarities, substantiated by recent studies. We contend that some Neanderthal occupations developed in the context of high geobiological complexity, high biological diversity and highly structured forest ecosystems. We highlight the importance of glacial refuges as local anomalies that, however, would be contingent on vegetational development, and on the survival of Palaeolithic groups in areas with a broad diversity of natural resources.Peer reviewe

    Prehistoric palaeodemographics and regional land cover change in eastern Iberia

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    Much attention has been placed on the drivers of vegetation change on the Iberian Peninsula. While climate plays a key role in determining the species pools within different regions and exerts a strong influence on broad vegetation patterning, the role of humans, particularly during prehistory, is less clear. The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of prehistoric population change on shaping vegetation patterns in eastern Iberia and the Balearic Islands between the start of the Neolithic and the late Bronze Age. In all, 3385 radiocarbon dates have been compiled across the study area to provide a palaeodemographic proxy (radiocarbon summed probability distributions (SPDs)). Modelled trends in palaeodemographics are compared with regional-scale vegetation patterns deduced from analysis of 30 fossil pollen sequences. The pollen sequences have been standardised with count data aggregated into contiguous 200-year time windows from 11,000 cal. yr BP to the present. Samples have been classified using cluster analysis to determine the predominant regional land cover types through the Holocene. Regional human impact indices and diversity metrics have been derived for north-east and south-east Spain and the Balearic Islands. The SPDs show characteristic boom-and-bust cycles of population growth and collapse, but there is no clear synchronism between north-east and south-east Spain other than the rise of Neolithic farming. In north-east Iberia, patterns of demographic change are strongly linked to changes in vegetation diversity and human impact indicator groups. In the south-east, increases in population throughout the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age result in more open landscapes and increased vegetation diversity. The demographic maximum occurred early in the 3rd millennium cal. BP on the Balearic Islands and is associated with the highest levels of human impact indicator groups. The results demonstrate the importance of population change in shaping the abundance and diversity of taxa within broad climatically determined biomes