208 research outputs found

    RF CMOS Transmitter Front-end with Output Power Combiner

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    In this thesis strategies to achieve a high efficiency RF front-end are studied and presented. A high efficiency Power Amplifier is also proposed and simulated. The applications for this type of designs are vast, but the main ones are in mobile transmission devices where the only power supply source available is a battery. In order to perform this thesis several topologies of power amplifiers were studied, and the decision fell to those based on a switching behavior. The reason for this decision was the need for high efficiency (it’s one of the main objectives). The Class-D power amplifier with its ideal potential efficiency of 100% has proven the most promising for implementation. The objectives for this thesis in terms of implementation were an efficiency of 20% and an output power of 0dBm. Finally, a power-combining technique was used to explore the potential of achieving high output power without affecting the efficiency

    Química das águas minero-medicinais

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    Aplicação da teoria moderna do portfólio à selecção de canais de marketing digital

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    O intuito desta dissertação é investigar em que medida a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio pode ser aplicada à selecção de um portfólio de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital, de modo a obter o melhor compromisso entre o retorno esperado do investimento e o respectivo risco. Anteriores aplicações da teoria do portfólio ao Marketing, enquanto meio de racionalizar a selecção do portfólio, concentraram-se no uso deste modelo em decisões relacionadas com portfólios de produtos, de clientes e segmentos de clientes, de formatos de retalho e de promoções de preço. Não se encontraram evidências de que a abordagem proposta neste texto tenha já sido tentada. A evolução tecnológica nas últimas duas décadas trouxe a adopção generalizada de smartphones e tablets e também a revolução da internet, originando a proliferação do e-mail, dos blogs e dos sites de redes sociais. Devido à infinidade de meios para chegar aos consumidores, os marketers enfrentam actualmente grandes desafios no planeamento e na definição das suas estratégias de Marketing. Em resposta, consultoras detêm ferramentas para a análise de portfólios de canais de Marketing que permitem às empresas e aos marketers, em particular, melhorar o desempenho da sua actividade e maximizar o rendimento da sua despesa de Marketing. Contudo, além de dispendiosas e estritamente analíticas, estas ferramentas são muito sofisticadas, baseando-se em algoritmos e raciocínios complexos que nem sempre são evidentes para os marketers, o que dificulta a sua compreensão e consequentemente a sua adopção. Sem uma ferramenta de análise, é frequente os marketers fundamentarem as suas decisões nos resultados das campanhas online anteriores, registados pelas Web Analytics, e na sua experiência profissional. Assim, crê-se que a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, baseando-se em conceitos estatísticos simples, possa representar para os marketers uma ferramenta útil no apoio à selecção do conjunto de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital que melhor se adequa aos interesses e aos objectivos estratégicos das organizações. A Teoria Moderna do Portfólio tem como principais vantagens a análise e selecção de portfólios com base na sua combinação de retorno esperado e risco de investimento (retorno ajustado ao risco), por oposição a considerar exclusivamente o retorno esperado, e a simplicidade estatística do modelo, por oposição aos softwares das consultoras. O presente estudo fundamentou-se na literatura existente acerca da Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, concebida em 1952 por Harry Markowitz, bem como no conceito de Sharpe Ratio, por William Sharpe, tendo-se revisto também conceitos genéricos de Marketing e Marketing Digital. Dado que a medição do retorno financeiro do investimento em Marketing – central ao estudo – não é tão linear quanto a medição dos retornos de activos financeiros, revelou-se necessário introduzir algumas alterações à teoria do portfólio original. Estas alterações tomaram em consideração as principais conclusões dos estudos anteriores sobre a aplicação do modelo a outras áreas. Para desenvolver o modelo proposto, utilizou-se o Microsoft Excel. Seguidamente, procedeu-se à sua prova de conceito através de uma abordagem empírica, utilizando dados de uma empresa portuguesa de Marketing Digital. Concluiu-se que é possível aplicar a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio à selecção de canais ou tácticas de Marketing Digital de uma empresa, com as devidas adaptações, para determinar as parcelas do orçamento de comunicação de uma organização a alocar a cada tipo de canal ou táctica

    Metalloids in origin and evolution of life

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    Metalloids in origin and evolution of life. Metalloids have characteristics between metals and non-metals which give them, in some cases, specific properties. At least two of this chemical elements, boron and silicon, are essential to a significant number of living organisms and since some years ago it has been observed that the same metalloids may be involved in the synthesis and stabilization of some molecules relevant to the origin of life

    Trends in properties of para-substituted 3-(phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-diones

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    Trends between the Hammett's sigma(p) and related normal sigma(n)(p), inductive sigma(I), resonance sigma(R), negative sigma(-)(p) and positive sigma(+)(p) polar conjugation and Taft's sigma(o)(p) substituent constants and the N-H center dot center dot center dot O distance, delta(N-H) NMR chemical shift, oxidation potential (E-p/2(ox), measured in this study by cyclic voltammetry (CV)) and thermodynamic parameters (pK, Delta G(0), Delta H-0 and Delta S-0) of the dissociation process of unsubstituted 3-(phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-dione (HL1) and its para-substituted chloro (HL2), carboxy (HL3), fluoro (HL4) and nitro (HL5) derivatives were recognized. The best fits were found for sigma(p) and/or sigma(-)(p) in the cases of d(N center dot center dot center dot O), delta(N-H) and E-p/2(ox), showing the importance of resonance and conjugation effects in such properties, whereas for the above thermodynamic properties the inductive effects (sigma(I)) are dominant. HL2 exists in the hydrazo form in DMSO solution and in the solid state and contains an intramolecular H-bond with the N center dot center dot center dot O distance of 2.588(3)angstrom. It was also established that the dissociation process of HL1-5 is non-spontaneous, endothermic and entropically unfavourable, and that the increase in the inductive effect (sigma(I)) of para-substitutents (-H < -Cl < -COOH < -F < -NO2) leads to the corresponding growth of the N center dot center dot center dot O distance and decrease of the pK and of the changes of Gibbs free energy, of enthalpy and of entropy for the HL1-5 acid dissociation process. The electrochemical behaviour of HL1-5 was interpreted using theoretical calculations at the DFT/HF hybrid level, namely in terms of HOMO and LUMO compositions, and of reactivities induced by anodic and cathodic electron-transfers. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Severe zinc depletion of escherichia coli: roles for high affinity zinc binding by ZinT, zinc transport and zinc-independent proteins

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    Zinc ions play indispensable roles in biological chemistry. However, bacteria have an impressive ability to acquire Zn2+ from the environment, making it exceptionally difficult to achieve Zn2+ deficiency, and so a comprehensive understanding of the importance of Zn2+ has not been attained. Reduction of the Zn2+ content of Escherichia coli growth medium to 60 nM or less is reported here for the first time, without recourse to chelators of poor specificity. Cells grown in Zn2+-deficient medium had a reduced growth rate and contained up to five times less cellular Zn2+. To understand global responses to Zn2+ deficiency, microarray analysis was conducted of cells grown under Zn2+-replete and Zn2+-depleted conditions in chemostat cultures. Nine genes were up-regulated more than 2-fold (p<0.05) in cells from Zn2+-deficient chemostats, including zinT (yodA). zinT is shown to be regulated by Zur ( zinc uptake regulator). A mutant lacking zinT displayed a growth defect and a 3-fold lowered cellular Zn2+ level under Zn2+ limitation. The purified ZinT protein possessed a single, high affinity metal-binding site that can accommodate Zn2+ or Cd2+. A further up-regulated gene, ykgM, is believed to encode a non-Zn2+ finger-containing paralogue of the Zn2+ finger ribosomal protein L31. The gene encoding the periplasmic Zn2+- binding protein znuA showed increased expression. During both batch and chemostat growth, cells "found" more Zn2+ than was originally added to the culture, presumably because of leaching from the culture vessel. Zn2+ elimination is shown to be a more precise method of depleting Zn2+ than by using the chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine

    Bootstrapping the energy flow in the beginning of life.

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    This paper suggests that the energy flow on which all living structures depend only started up slowly, the low-energy, initial phase starting up a second, slightly more energetic phase, and so on. In this way, the build up of the energy flow follows a bootstrapping process similar to that found in the development of computers, the first generation making possible the calculations necessary for constructing the second one, etc. In the biogenetic upstart of an energy flow, non-metals in the lower periods of the Periodic Table of Elements would have constituted the most primitive systems, their operation being enhanced and later supplanted by elements in the higher periods that demand more energy. This bootstrapping process would put the development of the metabolisms based on the second period elements carbon, nitrogen and oxygen at the end of the evolutionary process rather than at, or even before, the biogenetic even

    Two approaches to the study of the origin of life.

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    This paper compares two approaches that attempt to explain the origin of life, or biogenesis. The more established approach is one based on chemical principles, whereas a new, yet not widely known approach begins from a physical perspective. According to the first approach, life would have begun with - often organic - compounds. After having developed to a certain level of complexity and mutual dependence within a non-compartmentalised organic soup, they would have assembled into a functioning cell. In contrast, the second, physical type of approach has life developing within tiny compartments from the beginning. It emphasises the importance of redox reactions between inorganic elements and compounds found on two sides of a compartmental boundary. Without this boundary, ¿life¿ would not have begun, nor have been maintained; this boundary - and the complex cell membrane that evolved from it - forms the essence of life