30 research outputs found

    The TOMMY trial: a comparison of TOMosynthesis with digital MammographY in the UK NHS Breast Screening Programme--a multicentre retrospective reading study comparing the diagnostic performance of digital breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography with digital mammography alone.

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    BACKGROUND: Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is a three-dimensional mammography technique with the potential to improve accuracy by improving differentiation between malignant and non-malignant lesions. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to compare the diagnostic accuracy of DBT in conjunction with two-dimensional (2D) mammography or synthetic 2D mammography, against standard 2D mammography and to determine if DBT improves the accuracy of detection of different types of lesions. STUDY POPULATION: Women (aged 47-73 years) recalled for further assessment after routine breast screening and women (aged 40-49 years) with moderate/high of risk of developing breast cancer attending annual mammography screening were recruited after giving written informed consent. INTERVENTION: All participants underwent a two-view 2D mammography of both breasts and two-view DBT imaging. Image-processing software generated a synthetic 2D mammogram from the DBT data sets. RETROSPECTIVE READING STUDY: In an independent blinded retrospective study, readers reviewed (1) 2D or (2) 2D + DBT or (3) synthetic 2D + DBT images for each case without access to original screening mammograms or prior examinations. Sensitivities and specificities were calculated for each reading arm and by subgroup analyses. RESULTS: Data were available for 7060 subjects comprising 6020 (1158 cancers) assessment cases and 1040 (two cancers) family history screening cases. Overall sensitivity was 87% [95% confidence interval (CI) 85% to 89%] for 2D only, 89% (95% CI 87% to 91%) for 2D + DBT and 88% (95% CI 86% to 90%) for synthetic 2D + DBT. The difference in sensitivity between 2D and 2D + DBT was of borderline significance (p = 0.07) and for synthetic 2D + DBT there was no significant difference (p = 0.6). Specificity was 58% (95% CI 56% to 60%) for 2D, 69% (95% CI 67% to 71%) for 2D + DBT and 71% (95% CI 69% to 73%) for synthetic 2D + DBT. Specificity was significantly higher in both DBT reading arms for all subgroups of age, density and dominant radiological feature (p < 0.001 all cases). In all reading arms, specificity tended to be lower for microcalcifications and higher for distortion/asymmetry. Comparing 2D + DBT to 2D alone, sensitivity was significantly higher: 93% versus 86% (p < 0.001) for invasive tumours of size 11-20 mm. Similarly, for breast density 50% or more, sensitivities were 93% versus 86% (p = 0.03); for grade 2 invasive tumours, sensitivities were 91% versus 87% (p = 0.01); where the dominant radiological feature was a mass, sensitivities were 92% and 89% (p = 0.04) For synthetic 2D + DBT, there was significantly (p = 0.006) higher sensitivity than 2D alone in invasive cancers of size 11-20 mm, with a sensitivity of 91%. CONCLUSIONS: The specificity of DBT and 2D was better than 2D alone but there was only marginal improvement in sensitivity. The performance of synthetic 2D appeared to be comparable to standard 2D. If these results were observed with screening cases, DBT and 2D mammography could benefit to the screening programme by reducing the number of women recalled unnecessarily, especially if a synthetic 2D mammogram were used to minimise radiation exposure. Further research is required into the feasibility of implementing DBT in a screening setting, prognostic modelling on outcomes and mortality, and comparison of 2D and synthetic 2D for different lesion types. STUDY REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN73467396. FUNDING: This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 19, No. 4. See the HTA programme website for further project information.This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 19, No. 4. See the HTA programme website for further project information.Gilbert FJ, Tucker L, Gillan MGC, Willsher P, Cooke J, Duncan KA, et al. The TOMMY trial: a comparison of TOMosynthesis with digital MammographY in the UK NHS Breast Screening Programme – a multicentre retrospective reading study comparing the diagnostic performance of digital breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography with digital mammography alone. Health Technol Assess 2015;19(4). © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2015. This work was produced by Gilbert et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK

    Application and Experiences of Support Measures forStudents with Specific Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia : - From the Perspective of Students and Special Educators

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att belysa och öka kunskapen om elever med specifika lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter/dyslexi, hur de upplever stödet i skolan och vad de önskar mer av. Studien belyser Àven den specialpedagogiska aspekten i frÄga om ansvar, behov och synen pÄ stödet till denna mÄlgrupp av elever. Studien Àr av kvalitativ karaktÀr med en sociokulturell utgÄngspunkt. För att samla in data har intervjuer gjorts med tre elever med dyslexidiagnos och fyra verksamma specialpedagoger. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts och tvÄ intervjuguider har utformats, en anpassad för eleverna och en anpassad för specialpedagogerna  Resultatet av studien visar att eleverna tycker det Àr bÄde bra och dÄligt med en diagnos. Det mest positiva Àr att lÀrarna kÀnner till deras problem, att det fÄr dem att kÀnna sig sÀkrare. Eleverna Àr ganska nöjda med det stöd de fÄr i skolan, men de skulle gÀrna vilja ha Ànnu mer stöd. De framhÄller betydelsen av goda relationer med bÄde lÀrare och kamrater. Det som eleverna önskar mest av allt Àr mer lugn och ro i skolan, mindre undervisningsgrupper och fler pedagoger. Specialpedagogerna pekar ocksÄ pÄ vikten av ett positivt arbetsklimat sÄ att eleverna kÀnner sig trygga i skolan. De menar att de har god tillgÄng till material som de försöker anpassa till varje elev men de skulle gÀrna ha mer kollegialt samarbete. Elevernas svÄrigheter se olika ut och pedagogerna önskar att de kunde Àgna mer tid Ät varje enskild elev för att kunna hitta de rÀtta individuella anpassningarna

    Application and Experiences of Support Measures forStudents with Specific Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia : - From the Perspective of Students and Special Educators

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att belysa och öka kunskapen om elever med specifika lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter/dyslexi, hur de upplever stödet i skolan och vad de önskar mer av. Studien belyser Àven den specialpedagogiska aspekten i frÄga om ansvar, behov och synen pÄ stödet till denna mÄlgrupp av elever. Studien Àr av kvalitativ karaktÀr med en sociokulturell utgÄngspunkt. För att samla in data har intervjuer gjorts med tre elever med dyslexidiagnos och fyra verksamma specialpedagoger. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts och tvÄ intervjuguider har utformats, en anpassad för eleverna och en anpassad för specialpedagogerna  Resultatet av studien visar att eleverna tycker det Àr bÄde bra och dÄligt med en diagnos. Det mest positiva Àr att lÀrarna kÀnner till deras problem, att det fÄr dem att kÀnna sig sÀkrare. Eleverna Àr ganska nöjda med det stöd de fÄr i skolan, men de skulle gÀrna vilja ha Ànnu mer stöd. De framhÄller betydelsen av goda relationer med bÄde lÀrare och kamrater. Det som eleverna önskar mest av allt Àr mer lugn och ro i skolan, mindre undervisningsgrupper och fler pedagoger. Specialpedagogerna pekar ocksÄ pÄ vikten av ett positivt arbetsklimat sÄ att eleverna kÀnner sig trygga i skolan. De menar att de har god tillgÄng till material som de försöker anpassa till varje elev men de skulle gÀrna ha mer kollegialt samarbete. Elevernas svÄrigheter se olika ut och pedagogerna önskar att de kunde Àgna mer tid Ät varje enskild elev för att kunna hitta de rÀtta individuella anpassningarna

    Att stÀrka elevers sjÀlvkÀnsla : - En studie om hur lÀrare kan arbeta för att stÀrka elevers sjÀlvkÀnsla, sÄ att alla elever kÀnner att de duger som de Àr.

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    VÄr studie Àr ett utvecklingsarbete i form av aktionsforskning. Studien bygger pÄ ett kvalitativt synsÀtt dÀr vi bland annat har anvÀnt oss av observationer, logg och diskussioner. Estetik har varit en stor del i vÄrt utförande med eleverna. Syftet med vÄrt utvecklingsarbete Àr att belysa hur lÀrare kan arbeta och förhÄlla sig för att frÀmja elevers sjÀlvkÀnsla. I studien framkommer det hur lÀrare genom dialoger, ett demokratiskt förhÄllningssÀtt och olika former av interaktioner pÄ ett positivt sÀtt kan stÀrka elevers sjÀlvkÀnsla. Vi ser Àven de estetiska uttrycksformerna som gynnsamma i arbete med att stÀrka eleverna. DÄ elevers sjÀlvkÀnsla stÄr nÀra kopplat till kÀnslor, inredialog/ inre prat och sitt inre jag/Jaget. Resultatet av studien visar till viss del att eleverna upplever att de övningar de gjort tillsammans har varit givande. VÄr slutsats Àr att det vi gjort estetiskt och framförallt de dramapedagogiska övningar som vi tillÀmpat varit gynnsamma. Vi kan Àven se hur viktigt det Àr med inre- och yttredialoger, diskussioner och framförallt av interaktionens betydelse för vÄr sociala samvaro och utveckling. SjÀlvkÀnslan utvecklas successivt genom interaktion med omgivningen. Och det Àr Àven i liknande samsyn med Vygotskij som beskriver hur barns förhÄllande till sig sjÀlv och Àven hur den sociala kompetensen utvecklas i interaktion med andra mÀnniskor

    The characteristics of malignant breast tumors imaged using a prototype mechanical imaging system as an adjunct to mammography

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    Breast cancer is diagnosed by a combination of modalities. Measuring the elasto-mechanical properties of suspicious lesions, by e.g. ultrasound elastography, can help differentiate malignant from benign findings. Using a prototype Mechanical Imaging (MI) system as an adjunct to mammography, the aim of this study was to characterize tumors using MI and compare the readings to those from the contralateral breast. Thirteen bilateral MI sets from women with malignant breast lesions were included in this study, drawn from a larger set of 155 women recalled from screening. The results showed that mean lesion pressure was significantly greater than the mean pressure of the corresponding breast, 7.5 ± 7.0 kPa compared to 2.5 ± 1.6 kPa (P = 0.01). There was no evidence for a difference in mean pressure or standard deviation of the MI image between symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic breasts (P = 0.24 and 0.68). The results support that it is possible to use MI to distinguish malignant cancers from normal breast tissue. Still, further investigations of the characteristics of benign lesions are necessary to ascertain the usefulness of the system

    The diagnostic accuracy of dual-view digital mammography, single-view breast tomosynthesis and a dual-view combination of breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography in a free-response observer performance study

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    The purpose of the present study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of dual-view digital mammography (DM), single-view breast tomosynthesis (BT) and BT combined with the opposite DM view. Patients with subtle lesions were selected to undergo BT examinations. Two radiologists who are non-participants in the study and have experience in using DM and BT determined the locations and extents of lesions in the images. Five expert mammographers interpreted the cases using the free-response paradigm. The task was to mark and rate clinically reportable findings suspicious for malignancy and clinically relevant benign findings. The marks were scored with reference to the outlined regions into lesion localization or non-lesion localization, and analysed by the jackknife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristic method. The analysis yielded statistically significant differences between the combined modality and dual-view DM (p < 0.05). No differences were found between single-view BT and dual-view DM or between single-view BT and the combined modality